I'm getting very sick and tired of the constant attacks against Frost, a member of our community and someone who is TRYING to help. He made us an article that provides a list of all of the current corporations in the settings, both those run by players and those run by NPC's. This is something that we needed since we have had people ask in the past what kind of corporation's exist and where they are, this helps to answer that question.
So enough is enough. Wes asked for that stuff to be removed and Frost has done so, so STOP acting like it still exists when it doesn't. Focus on the article at hand, what is currently on it, not on personal attacks. Otherwise, if you can't make a post without resorting to personal attacks and character assassination then please do not post at all because you are doing nothing to contribute to this discussion or even helping to make this article better.
Regardless, please read this article relating to faction managers:
Faction Managers Take a VERY good look at Number 2, Section C-II, and then look at Letter D.
Number 2, Section C-II relates to businesses. Corporations fall under businesses, both NPC and PC, you know what that means? It means that FM's can decide for themselves whether a corporation is being properly roleplayed in the setting, and are also allowed to authorize whether they can be used by others.
Example: If someone were to take S.A.M. (the primary ship and weapons building arm of the Neshaten) and make a claim in roleplay by their character that they sold them arms and ships, I could raise a concern about that because - as the creator of that corporation, and the owner of the faction and the person who runs that corporation, I'd know for a fact that such a thing wouldn't happen, which means that - with the below being mentioned - I could have that declared as NON-CANON since it violates the established canon of the corporation and it's lore.
Number 2, Letter D relates to the unauthorized use of faction assets. Corporations, when created under a faction, are considered faction assets(if not, then anyone can use any ships and technology; which also includes the products they make (ships, technology, etc) that line right now means that if an FM feels that the assets are not being portrayed correctly or are being used in a malicious manner, they can request that the threads be made non-canon.
Example: Say a player in another faction (I'll use Yamatai as an example given how well known they are, but also, because I know Wes wouldn't let this happen) was to suddenly pull out a weapon used by the Neshaten and then fire it at an enemy, but that shouldn't be possible since weapons trading doesn't exist between the two factions (and using the excuse that it was found on a battlefield wouldn't work, as Neshaten weaponry are DNA locked and thus can't be used by anyone but the registered user and attempting to override that lock without the proper codes will result in a boom) if I were to see this I'd be able to tell Wes about it, and request that that be changed or made non-canon. Or, if it were to remain canon, I'd inform him that the unregistered user would lose their arm because the weapon would - in fact - EXPLODE when the trigger is pulled.
Example 2: If someone were to take the
Ke-V6-2A or the
GP-12 and roleplay them in a completely different faction *without* permission then that can be viewed as a violation of the faction rights Number 2, Letter D.
So, what am I getting at? In short, Frost didn't really need to put up any kind of rules and such, as that was already covered in the faction rights section of the Faction article under businesses.
Now that I've explained this, let's get back to trying to HELP
@FrostJaeger with making this article better and not attacking him for doing this forum and community a welcome service. Yes, I understand you have issues with him, but keep those bloody issues private and between yourselves and don't have it splash out onto the public forums, all it does is create drama and problems and both are not needed ESPECIALLY in this forum.