This talk of which nations the corporations are part of is fine, but what are the rights of the corporation's creators OOC? Are we still allowed to direct things to ensure consistency of what we've made?
If there's anything I can add, I'd like to state that the rights, specifically in this demand, should be monitored and looked at closely.
Analyzing history over this rule of "creator rights", we've seen it used as a wrecking ball in times just as much to protect things. A few players who are no longer here once said this rule was being used to hinder them when they tried to absorb a faction, so it seems that giving a corporation these rights is a dangerous slip-up.
However, as a content creator, I do want to re-emphasize that I understand the idea of creator rights. But the problem is that I feel (in the case specific to Origin) that it won't be used productively but to hinder the faction and its assets that have been an integral part to the setting. If you or Kai were to be active, then I could see the idea behind the creator's rights being good and allowing you to preserve the corporation.
However, I will advise to
@Wes that the situation with Origin and Creators be taken with a bit of salt and apart. Origin's situation is one more tedious than, say, Zen Armaments potentially losing its creator's rights. In no way do I think ill of Kai and would
absolutely love to see Kai come back to run it. But Origin has sat stagnant for a long time and trying to argue for rights on it when its leadership haven't been stepping up worries me that we're setting up a grenade for "creator's clause" to be applied to
multiple corporations. Setting the fuel for more potential drama fires is something that should be considered greatly, even in the face of content creators and corporate heads like myself potentially losing our ability to have entire creative control.
The idea that people will make a mockery of what
Kai and you, as well as the
many other RPers of Origin is a tad bit concerning to me as it seems to be under this idea that you're entitled to stagnate the growth and potential of the corporation for the greedy purpose of simply "it's mine".
Origin is a part of Star Army. Something a lot of members seem to forget is that the additions to this site are intended to be to bolster and add to Star Army. This site is
not for selfish keep-away. And as someone who, in the past, tried to work with the company I know that your intent could end up not matching this open-minded statement. It'd be a lot easier as an FM to trust Origin being in the good spirit of companies that have been springing up with how closed it has been if there was a guarantee that you would follow through and genuinely take an active role in aiding the corporation.
I definitely can't speak for Wes, but I do know that
@Kai and definitely you should at least be able to make the time to be active within the community. But you haven't tried and (since he dropped his last message), Kai has been seemingly too busy to drop by. I for one would love if Origin was active and didn't
need someone to step in and get it kicking, but there's very more I can do from hope than to support the idea that you two are advisors in favor of allowing the setting manager to step in and start breathing life into it.
The corporations (Origin included) do not deserve the lack of attention that can come from someone simply wanting to hold onto it for the sake of being its original creator. SARP has been stagnated in the past from leadership "freezing" a faction or site element. I would be against the idea of allowing it to continue further, even if it forfeits rights that I may one day need were I to ever pass on the mantle of FM of Nepleslia and have Ken-TEC in a similar position as Origin.
I suppose this is particularly relevant to me as my corps are truly independent, as they currently exist in one system which is independent as well....Thus begs the question: While other Corps already have some nominal oversight by some parent faction, as club pointed out, What about those not already bonded to a particular faction? I think the "license" direction that Wes proposed is a solid and valid solution to the "independent problem", though i don't think there was a problem to begin with.
And i don't wear a tin foil hat...
There definitely was a problem, actually. Particularly that we have a lot of corporations that have been abandoned before when they went independent or had factions die beneath them. That's why I pointed to Wes' idea being a solution, but also a problem in that it does hinder purely independent ideas. As an independent RPer and a small-corp manager, I definitely agree that it does caused problems for those unbonded/who wouldn't desire being bonded.
I imagine this would cause them to HAVE to be bonded... which definitely isn't very RP-flowing, but far from impossible. Both Nepleslia and USO would likely be able to license a business that's pretty rough-edged. Just a matter of which FM you feel would best look out for you at that point.