Star Army

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RP [Day 1] Getting Started

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Re: Getting Started

"It will not be necessary," Hanako said. "There are no backups of Uesu on our PANTHEON network."

Yui seemed please by this, but did not leave. Instead, she took a seat by Hanako. After all, Nepleslia's military leader was here as well as the Nepleslian senators.
Re: Getting Started

Aegis resisted her urge to spring up and intervene in Yui's advance, instead, she steadied her resolve and spoke firmly and clearly "Yui, the law was passed when your princess rushed the proposition past while there were still senators wondering what the law was meant to encompass. Your brute-force legality has been, is, and will be considered wrong.

I hereby would like to make senate proposal number eighty-two;

Lorath Senate Representative Aegis said:
To promote better peace between Yamatai and her neighbors, extradition policies will be put into effect which will allow for Yamataian citizens to be extradited to foreign powers for trial.

Policy one; Extradition will be granted only in cases involving crimes such as murder, genocide, rape, and other death-penalty worthy crimes.

Policy two; Each extradition request will be reviewed by three or more senators. Review will be conducted prior to the pursuit, arrest, detaining, and transfer of the suspect.

Policy three; Extradition will also apply to known ST copies, which the nation receiving the copies must keep intact for the duration of the trial of the suspect. ST copies may be utilized by the suspect's prosecutors and defense.

Policy four; Prior to extradition, defendants have the opportunity to surrender themselves in for questioning and trial.

Policy five; An independent investigation will be conducted regarding the suspects crime, and will be presented at the suspect's trial.

Policy six; Extradition rights will only be granted to nations with a policy of innocent until proven guilty, rights to expedient trial, and rules against cruel and unusual punishment.

Policy seven; The suspect has the right to appeal prior to extradition, and be granted an extradition appeal trial, where they will be allowed the opportunity to argue their innocence, and if it is determined by an unbiased court of law that the individual is innocent of the crime through factual evidence, the extradition request will be denied.

Policy eight; Each extradited suspect will have a legal representative assigned by the Yamatai Empire or where ever else the suspect requests. If this legal representative finds at any time that the suspect is being treated unfairly during trial, the extradition will be revoked. However, the representative must furnish evidence of mistreatment or prejudice.

Senators, what say you?"
Re: Getting Started

Maysaki looked toward Yui for a moment before just shaking her head. Maybe the Empress will get a new Taisho to take Yui's place... To power mad now.

"I personally..." She paused for a moment, seeming hesitant. Then she sighed. "Approve. Although this probably should be something for the Empress to decided instead of the senate..." Maysaki shrugged a bit.
Re: Getting Started

"I certainly think the proposal might merit further consideration," Melisson added to Maysaki's words. "But wouldn't it be sort of awkward to bring it up here? I'm not sure any of the other nations are really interested in seeing the inner workings of your government."
Re: Getting Started

"Of course they're not, but I personally feel that by establishing the proposition as law, we will be able to reach our goal of peace here, far more swiftly than if we were to conduct this affair in the manner of the Ketsurui." Aegis explained as she shot a glance in the direction of Yui and Hanako.
Re: Getting Started

"The proposal violates the basic rights of our people. You are a disgrace, Aegis! Tio, I ask that this senator be immediately stripped of her power for incompetence and complete disregard for the sanctity of people's souls," said Hanako.

"Misusing people's mind data violates the core of Yamataian law, the right for a citizen to have control over his own mind.

3. Basic Rights and Freedoms of Citizens

1. Every citizen and plebian has the right to their own thoughts, opinions, and mind (Proposal 3, Item 8).

It is illegal to clone (make physical copies of) or ST-clone (make mental copies of) any Star Army citizen/plebeian/soldier that you do not own without their consent (Proposal 39, Item 2).

Proposal #75 - Memory Backup Protection Act

1. Anyone who commits the following dishonorable acts:

a. Uses a mental backup (ST) machine to make a copy of someone who has not been confirmed as dead (or missing and presumed dead for over 2 months), with the exception of the military project below listed in Item 4,

b. Uses a mental backup (ST) machine to bring back ANY person's copy (citizen or not) for any malicious purpose to include mental, physical, or sexual abuse,

c. Attempts to steal someone's identity through soul-transferring themselves into an occupied body,

d. Tampers with stored mental data,

...shall be punished by being put to death and have all copies of their mental backups (if existing) erased.
Re: Getting Started

"Yamataians are so divisive and hyprocritical sometimes," Melisson chuckled. "Hanako, are you suggesting that Yui should be put under arrest as well? While you are threatening your fellow senators for considering acts you considered illegal... didn't she revive you without giving an honest effort to get the whereabouts of the previous you? It certainly did not take two months for her to bring you back to life."

The Mishhuvurthyar representative shook her head. "At this rate, you're probably lucky that your senators are leaving room for the law to be interpreted. Let your fellow lawmakers do their jobs, maybe?"
Re: Getting Started

Ayana looked at Tio imploringly. She felt that Yui was way out of line but she knew it wasn't her place to correct her. "Tio-sama?" she said very softly in an almost whisper. "She's right, we have no authority over her."

"I agree with Aegis's proposal in regards to extradition laws, there needs to be some accountability for our actions or the actions of our citizens on foreign soil. I would hope that, if someone commits a crime against Yamatai itself, that our allies would not give them safe harbor and give them over to us to try in a court of law.

There can be no peace without compromise or without changing the laws that seem to be sheltering the guilty more than the innocent."
Re: Getting Started

"Melisson, the two months law did not exist then," Hanako dismissed the Mishhu's comment. "I would support an extradition treaty if it made sense...for instance, mental data should be off-limits and Yamataians should only be extradited to countries we have a treaty with and only for crimes the committed in those countries."
Re: Getting Started

"Bullshit!" Eddy stood up. "You know that Nepleslia is still currently treaty-less with Yamatai, and was so during Uesu's SAINT attack on us! You're trying to use loopholes to evade justice, and that is NOT why we are here!"
Re: Getting Started

Aegis slammed her gloved hands down upon the table before her, raising herself from her seat as she then spun to face Hanako. The Lorath's amber gold eyes glared into the eyes of the Princess, before her gaze widened to include Yui as well.

"Godless harlot swine, your own former Emperor claimed himself that there was no soul, no God, no sanctity of life! Your own Taisa Rufus made that clear when he slaughtered the Occhestian representative taken aboard the YSS Sakura! You yourself made that clear when you plainly outright violated the wishes of Miles Allistar Gunn after he was assaulted by a NH-18 clone of you in our underground lab complex! You are a hypocritical pig that should have remained a slave seated at Yui's feet, oh wait, you still are. You were once a creature born from flesh and blood, so the Matriarchy has come to know. However, now, you are just the same as your failure of an Emperor, and your blood thirsty android mistress.

Contradiction is rampant in the Empire, from your laws against slavery, to your own concepts of what is sacred. You have no right to accuse me of being a disgrace, or violating the sanctity of the will of the Goddess! Face up to your own standards, heathen, and recognize that you judge me for bringing about a law, while you allow a man affiliated with genocide to walk free and without punishment, to be protected by these same laws which you try to apply to me.

Taste the taint of your own blood, before disdaining the blood of another."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson sighed and stood, grimfaced. "Alright, I've had about enough of this."

The Mishhuvurthyar representative narrowed her wine-red eyes as she continued: "I motion that we adjourn the conference until later today. This will allow the Yamataian government to straighten itself out and give some the time to cool their tempers. I also heartily recommend that when we return, each faction decide on one singular representative to speak for them and no bodyguards or attendants or anyone else. One for Yamatai, one for Nepleslia, one for the Kohanians, one for the Lorath, myself and our host, the Prince."

"Absent senators should be able to view the conference from their assigned quarters and be able to send text messages to represent their views or advice to the individuals involved... but frankly, I don't want to see anymore squabbling of officials from within Yamatai itself - I'd appreciate if you'd keep that for at home and showed an unified front."
Re: Getting Started

"Silience, Melisson. You have failed to even state the motivations of the SMX for attacking Yamatai," Yui said. "Until you do, I suggest you be quiet."

Hanako motioned for Aegis. "Step here and I will break your filthy mouth."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson hmphed and shrugged off her cloak to reattach it again around her neck before she turned and walked off for the conference room's exit, the heels of her leather boots the only thing breaking her silence.
Re: Getting Started

Eddy growled in his position.

"Will SOMEBODY get some security in here? This summit has degraded into a mockery," the Nepleslian senator stated loudly, waving an open palm towards Hanako and Aegis and their squabbling.

"I agree with Melisson; having anyone but the head of each nation here is a waste...the arguments and personal bias present from the Ketsurui is stagnating this peace conference, and we are debating in circles. This needs to stop"
Re: Getting Started

Maysaki looked over to Hanako and Yui and... Laughed a little. She than looked over to Melisson and nodded. "I agree to your proposal. I would rather not show our little patch of universe how disfunctional Yamatai is. But I suppose it happens when it was put together through military conquest and holds together primarily off war." She shrugged a little, gave Aegis a sympathic look and leaned back in her seat.

She dropped a treason bomb, maybe. Did she care? At this time, no. "I do so apologize for the representatives of those that are not of Nepleslia, Yamatai, or the Mishhu... You are forced through a headache."

She blinked a little as Melisson began her exit, and sighed.
Re: Getting Started

"Nepleslia is disheartened by the breakdown in communications," Davis said, casting a glance across the room. "We have a reputation for being blunt, but I hardly expected this degree of seething rage from the other factions.

We are DIPLOMATS first and foremost and, so help me, if I am to see a person strike another in cold fury while we attempt to negotiate a peace... I find this utterly appalling.

Miss Yui, Miss Hanako, Miss Aegis, as well as my Nepleslian brothers and everyone else, I sincerely recommend that you get your emotions under control.

What would your empress say if she saw you squabbling like this? At a time when nations hang in the balance?"

He stood up, calmly, as Melisson walked to the door, affording her a knowing look.

"Senators, if you'll excuse me, I need a breath of fresh air."

He followed after her.
Re: Getting Started

"The conference will re-convene tomorrow," Tio said. "I will decide who is allowed to return during the break."

(OOC: New thread tomorrow)
Re: Getting Started

Ayana looked frustrated. Her cheeks were flushed red as she made an imploring gesture to Aegis and Hanako, "Please stop this."

"It's a sad thing when I want to hug the woman I see as Devil Incarnate. Melisson is correct. We need to take a break and pull ourselves together, we are getting no where."
Re: Getting Started

"The Princess should be glad that the Fyunnen have been taught to recognize when a foe does not measure to be worthy of the effort to initiate engagement." The corner of Aegis' lips curled into a smirk before she strode to the exit, keeping her gaze fixed on Hanako... Despite her not being worthy, it is also taught never to turn your back on a mortal foe.

Aegis soon departed the room and quickly walked away to seek out the nearest means of communicating with the Matriarchy, which was fortunately parked right outside of the station.
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