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Re: Getting Started
"I did not say his transgressions were forgiven, Sky Marshall." Tio said, standing to meet the Nepleslian eye to eye. "I merely stated that at this time I do not see it feasible for us to pursue legal action against the former Emperor. He has left the Empire, has fled beyond our reach. Not to mention there is a lack of evidence save for a single conversation between yourself, my mother, and he."
Tio said, "Uesu lives outside of the influence of the Yamatai government, perhaps that in itself is just. The people of Yamatai know of the truth now, they also know that he provided them with leadership and did not do all harm to them. He has gone, and likely will not return. If he does I am sure our government will consider your request for a trial. It is not within our means to press this further. "
"I did not say his transgressions were forgiven, Sky Marshall." Tio said, standing to meet the Nepleslian eye to eye. "I merely stated that at this time I do not see it feasible for us to pursue legal action against the former Emperor. He has left the Empire, has fled beyond our reach. Not to mention there is a lack of evidence save for a single conversation between yourself, my mother, and he."
Tio said, "Uesu lives outside of the influence of the Yamatai government, perhaps that in itself is just. The people of Yamatai know of the truth now, they also know that he provided them with leadership and did not do all harm to them. He has gone, and likely will not return. If he does I am sure our government will consider your request for a trial. It is not within our means to press this further. "