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RP [Day 1] Getting Started

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Re: Getting Started

"I believe the question at hand is - did is spread beyond Yamatai? Did it actually infect the Nepleslian home-world and thus serve as true genocide." The Legate asked patiently.
Re: Getting Started

While the Legate and Eddy had their discourse, Calero simply stared at Hanako, his mouth hanging slightly open. "Excuse me, Princess Ketsurui," the Senator was seething with rage, "But since have we started praising 'weapons of war' for obliterating civilian populations? Are you telling me that I grew up without a mother so your adoptive father could sit in a palace growing rich and fucking without a care, and that's just fine because he was able to take office away from a 'Nepleslian Invader'?"

Civility seemed to have left Calero's mind at the massive insult the Ketsurui Princess had thrown at him. "Are you truly attempting to insult as many people as possible today, Ketsurui? Is it your goal to hurt international relations more than your family, Uesu, the largest mass-murderer to ever exist, already has? And damn it, stop contradicting yourself. One moment you say the Mishhuvurthyar were created by PNUgen, leading to its destruction, and the next you claim it was the Dark Ones. 'Getting the facts straight' indeed."

The Senator was shaking slightly now, his face hard and angry as he finished.

As Yui entered the room, Calero listened to her speak, and then looked back down to his datapad, incensed... until the Legate spoke. "Are you truly saying that 20 billion of our people dying isn't a genocide, Legate?"
Re: Getting Started

"Do the technicalities of the plague truly matter at this point? The point is that it killed lots of innocent people and was created by PNUgen. The end result was that the then Kitsurugi clan took control of the government from the Nepleslians. The blame from the plague was shifted to Elysia which launched into a series of wars that wrecked the Heavens, covering it with blood and forced Elysia from Geshrintall all together.

Now bringing us to the present give or take 8 years: the Mishhuvurthyr feel that they have been abused and have started a bloody war against who they feel are their oppressors. The Battle of Nepleslia inspired Nepleslia to succeed from Yamatai to avoid getting further involved in the war. The shift of power in the Nepleslian government causes their own civil war.

Here today we seek to resolve some of the more recent wounds inflicted upon Nepleslia at the hands of Uesu and SAINT. We can only do so much about the plague that happened 22 years ago- I honestly don't know how many of those involved with the plague directly are alive. BUT I do know how many people involved with the current incident are.

My dear Nepleslian gentlemen, I think we can agree that you want whatever parties you can tried for their crimes against you. I think arguing technicalities of the past will get us nowhere when the only thing we can agree on is that it hurt us all very badly- though some more than others," Ayana sounded exasperated as she tried not to lose her patience or her attention. There was a lot of issues at hand here and she hoped they could resolve a bulk of them without further yelling.
Re: Getting Started

Melisson mutedly applauded Ayana's statement. "Less blame shifting and more problem solving would be good."
Re: Getting Started

The Legate replied to Ayana's statement while pointedly ignoring Colero's which she considered to be based on facts whose accuracy was not proven and coming from the man who had wished for the deed to be repaid in blood, "It is as you say, the strict technicalities matter not after jurisdiction has already been settled. The 'ten' who knew of the plague will be found, interrogated and disposed and it is Elysia's wish that they will then either be reformed or disposed of. If necessary Elysia is willing to contribute some resources to this search, but the jurisdiction and thus the burden lies with Yamatai. If Yamatai would draw up a plan for such an investigation we are sure that this matter can be settled with a minimum of ill thought out aggression."
Re: Getting Started

"... Just... To empathize, the Princess's views are not the same as the other members of the senate. Or probably the population of the empire of Yamatai, but I have no exact word over that." Maysaki paused a moment and drummed her fingers on the table.

"On the note of trial... If it annoys you so we could just hold a trial in a function like this. It probably would be legal. If it isn't, then its not like the leaders of respective societies couldn't tweak it a little to allow it for this instance. Alone." Maysaki paused again and shrugged.

"The main reason for this function was the bit of peace, or at least a possibility of peace, between the Mishhu and the empire of Yamatai. While yes, the other topics of discussion should be discussed as well, and equally important in some cases, may I suggest we take care of our primary..." She paused for the word, "... Objective?"

"Mainly so we can finish it before we.. Ah, piss each other off." She couldn't help but smirk.
Re: Getting Started

"Must you make use of such a vulgar colloquialism?" The Legate looked disapprovingly at Maysaki momentarily, "Elysia will have no part in an assembly that 'tweaks' the laws of society, if this joint legal case is going to occur then first Nepleslia and Yamatai must remove any legal blockades by way of the legislature in order to ensure it - we can not condemn others for breaking the law while doing so ourselves."

The Senator paused for effect, "None the less your words have wisdom in it - it is the current war which risks to repeat events from the past and has already included acts that, under the Nepleslian definition, would be genocide. We should concentrate on the present before resolving the past."
Re: Getting Started

Aegis remained silent for the bulk of the argument. The deaths of Nepleslians meant little to her due to her people not even knowing of the Nepleslians for barely even a year. The words in relation to the SMX and the 'Dark Ones' meant nothing to her, because the Matriarchy had already suffered from both. What mattered to Aegis was the current Empress of the Empire, and the good standing for the Lorath Matriarchy.

"Excuse me if I'm being rude or 'jumping the gun' as the Nepleslians say..." Aegis took a breath to gather her words before she spoke. "Our agenda here has been upset by understandable emotional outburst. What is needed is to cut to the bone of the matter and to reach an understandable objective.

I feel that all of the parties here can be served well by carrying out the following; I suggest that all individuals affiliated with the research, release, and benefit directly gained from this 'PNUgen plague' be taken into custody by a neutral party, such as another prominent Yamataian clan other than the Ketsurui. From there, these individuals can be tried, and judged as guilty or innocent accordingly by all parties effected by the genocide which was carried out. If your former Emperor Useu is innocent, then he will be found as such and set free to go back to his little haven. If he is found guilty, then the Ketsurui should accept it and move on. The execution of a figurehead, is better than a hate between Empires.

As for the SMX and these 'Dark Ones', I feel that they are also accountable for their own actions. Corruption or not, there is always individual will, as Melisson has made apparent, and as the splinter faction which attacked the Heion made apparent. So, I would suggest that Melisson be considered accountable for her own actions. The Empire may ask for its own concessions, but I as a representative of the Lorath Matriarchy demand a concession for the unprovoked attack which was carried out against us at Lor.

Surrender and submission I figure would be out of the question for Yamatai, it is a matter of understandable pride, and military strength... they have no reason to surrender at this time, especially with the blow which a mere fraction of their fleet was able to conduct against the SMX as Useu left Yamatai. Thus, I suggest the two parties recognize their faults, acknowledge the faults in their ways, and simply cast aside their weapons. Move on from your misgivings and simply be, both your peoples are fundamentally the same, both cast from the same mold.

In regard to Nepleslia, they are their own people, and they should be respected as such. They have been wronged too many times to simply be wronged again and have their wants and needs ignored by those around them. I hope that all parties here recognize that the Nepleslians deserve their peace, prosperity, and their pursuit of a better life for their people. However, I do feel that Nepleslia must do the same for others as well, thus, Nepleslia should recognize that Yamatai has their own needs, and that they should not be so... 'big for their britches'... by posturing in such a manner.

Kohannans, Elysians, I know little of either of you, thus I shall not make any other statements than that I hope that you both can coexist with the others here better than what has transpired before.

Finally, on behalf of the Matriarchy, I convey want to simply have peace, and for those of us who are gathered here to prosper. Up until the conquest of Lor by the Yamataian Empire, we had no knowledge of any of you, and we prospered until then. We can not undo what has been done, but since we are now part of this interstellar community, all we can want for and do is try to bring peace and serve the Empress Katsuko and her Empire. If we are unable to find a peaceful solution to our problems, then we will continue to hold firm to the Empresses' agenda to keep the Yamatai Empire solidified and strong. However, we hope that we can do this without further conflict between any of us."

Aegis could not help but to feel vulnerable in this moment of straight forward disclosure, but she also knew that the situation needed some sort of wedge driven into it to prevent the absurdity which gripped the room from gaining a solid hold.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds, but I am not one for chasing points about. What we need to do is have peace, in a way which will ease the suffering of the people involved."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson stiffled an amused chuckle at the parts Aegis addressed on the topic of the Mishhuvurthyar, but had nothing to add.
Re: Getting Started

"Something is funny Melisson?" Aegis bluntly asked. "You are your own people, are you not? I do more for you than Yamatai by acknowledging you as such, instead of considering you as blood thirsty rapist biological machines. Recognize a concession when you get one. You can do better for your kind if you were to exercise humility, because that is what is needed for peace, even my pride ridden kind know this."
Re: Getting Started

"A fine speech, representative of the Matriarchy, however there are a few faults in your proposal that we shall try to shed light upon," The Legate said smoothly as she rose from her chair, "Your term 'benefited directly' is ill defined, indeed if we think of all of those who benefited from the Plague then the answer is all the citizens of Yamatai who did not die - they were propelled into more advanced bodies and set on a path of inter-stellar domination. The Plague was the catalyst for this - and yet you can hardly be suggesting that all of Yamatai is to be taken into custody. As we have pointed out before, benefiting from a crime does not make one a criminal, it provides a motive but that in itself can not be used to indicate guilt - it is necessary to prove that they knew about the events or aided them knowingly."

"Also the Plague is not within our jurisdiction or that of the Nepleslians, while we would wish to be present at the trial and to give our advice to the judge we would not dream of actually passing judgment - it is not our right. In addition it does not need to be a genocide to be a illegal, let us establish that now."

"We grant you that surrender is unlikely, given that Yamatai herself has used that as a gateway to domination - for example over my own people. No people who retain pride in their nation and the ability to fight on should be forced to have the shame of surrender placed upon them. Another course must be taken."
Re: Getting Started

"You are indeed right that Yamatai as a whole has benifited, however, they did so unknowingly if I understand the information correctly. Those who survived were those who were wanting to trancend past the coil of their humanity..."

Aegis scowled lightly as she spoke those words, she had to keep a leash upon her faith to the Goddess as she spoke, if she allowed her faith to show, the heathens would never listen.

"Since the bulk of the civilian populace had no knowledge of their benefit, they can not be held accountable. However, those who knew of the plague's origins and impact, should be held accountable due to their willingness to feed off of the repercussions of the event." Aegis elaborated in response to the Elysian's words.
Re: Getting Started

"So the truth behind your words is that you wish to find the ten which new of the plague, and to detain them in a non-partisan facility?" The Legate replied smoothly, "We consider that to be a fair idea, although we would suggest that we ensure that it was merely those ten - a full investigation we fear will be necessary."
Re: Getting Started

"I am in full agreement, the ten, and those others who knew and would not speak against PNUgen." Aegis said firmly, quite certain of her wording. However, despite how firmly she spoke on the matter, she could feel the repercussions on the move.
Re: Getting Started

"You're going to have a hard time finding Shinichiro," Melisson interjected, setting her elbows on her desk and then resting her chin in her hands. "His mind survives, but he has eluded me thus far."
Re: Getting Started

"You should forgive us, representative, but your speech style is deliberately vague and cryptic - we respect that you wish to appear enigmatic and to use what information you hold strategically, however if you could explain that point to us I am sure the entire room would be grateful - mere deduction from the crumbs which you feed us will only lead us so far", The Legate seemlessly and smoothly turned her attention onto Mellison.
Re: Getting Started

"That means that despite the demise of the body most would expect him to live in... he somehow found a way not only to survive, but also to slip through my fingers," The Mishhuvurthyar's representative replied caustically. "Soul Transfer technology makes achieving a measure of vengeance against that particular man somewhat difficult."
Re: Getting Started

Aegis frowned lightly, truly the situation at hand was something which was quite a troubling affair. "I unfortunately do not know enough of the PANTHEON system to suggest much other than that he be found by a third party group which would not permit his continued evasion, yet would deliver him to be properly judged."

Hrm... now what would Melisson want with a murderer like one of these ten? Quite worrisome.
Re: Getting Started

"So to be rather more specific - Shinichiro's body died but his association with the Pagoda no Uesureya Genetics Corporation and access to the stolen Soul Transfer technology means that he could be hiding in another body or indeed in a computer system to escape your, and now our, tender mercies?" The Legate replied, ignoring the caustic tone of Melisson's voice, "This is why we control our Soul Transfer technology so carefully, it is quite possible that their are dozens of Shinichiro's around in different bodies, in different computer systems - if he is particularly intelligent he could even have divided his consciousness. There is no reason to believe why the rest of the Ten would not have similar resources and have taken such measures."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson nodded her agreement to the Elysian Legate. "I can relate with how difficult unrestrained use of ST technology makes things; though I can find a more immediate examples of such abuse in regard to this. One instance sits in this room: Taisa Hanako Ketsurui was captured in the Second Battle of Urghlaflu, but was nonetheless revived from her last ST backup without any effort done to learn of the whereabouts of the second incarnation or to rescue her." She allowed herself a smile. "The Senator here would essentially be her copy."

"Given that sort of blatant misuse, yes, that particular man will be very difficult to find. The proverbial needle in the wheatstack?"
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