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RP [Day 1] Getting Started

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Re: Getting Started

Melisson turned her head toward Calero. "I am sorry, but Princess Hanako is not being untrue in saying that the Mishhuvurthyar were 'corrupted' from the perspective she seems to represent. I know firsthand: I had an hand in it. I'm really just surprised at how she twisted things to make it look better for the Empire."
Re: Getting Started

Maysaki shrugged lightly, "It's her job, a Princess and all." She spoke lightly before leaning back in her seat and straightening herself. And the only way she became part of the senate OR the military is because she slept with the right people, no doubt. Tch... But she kept that little thought to herself~.

"I would like to also put in the minds of the people on this senate that one simply doesn't disobey a Imperial order. I personally don't think we should trial the agents themselves. They were doing as trained to do... And, quite possibly, what they were born to do." The senator shrugged a little. "Now, Hanako... Please do not interrupt Melisson with vaguely hostile words and let her speak. Our view of the Mishhu as a whole is clouded by propaganda and just not knowing in general... Its a rare opportunity."
Re: Getting Started

Eddy Vanderhuge stood up slightly from his seat and leaned forward to look at his fellow senator.

"I am afraid I disagree, Calero. In case you have not been watching our news networks, the people already know about the Yamataian Plague. The new Empress made certain of that in her public address."

"Right now," Eddy turned to the rest of the participants of the summit. "I think justice is exactly what we need. Those responsible for this atrocity should be held accountable for their actions. Death will not bring those that Yamatai killed back, but it will prevent more death and chaos in the future. At this very moment, there are riots across Nepleslia; people are protesting in the streets against Yamatai and their hateful actions against us. Nepleslia citizens of Yamataian descent are being murdered in their homes, companies and businesses that deal with Yamatai are being razed and burned, and I know personally that two of the Yamatai Embassies on Delsauria were assaulted just last night."

"Our people are dieing at this very moment because of this. They want to see somebody punished for this...and to be honest? I want to see justice be served as well, and the responsible parties for the Yamataian Plague be tried by a Nepleslian court," Edward said, raising his voice to match the passion in his speech with each passing word. "I think that, if Yamatai wishes to make amends for these horrible crimes against us, they should be willing to relinquish those responsible to us. I know I speak for Delsauria when I say that this action of compliance would be, at the very best, a good start at mending the multiple acts against us from Yamatai."

"And all of this is just for the Plague. I cannot even begin to image what the public will think when they learn that Yamatai sent SAINT, controlling Mishhu ships, to attempt to force us into war. That, by itself, makes me sick to my stomach...I do not think the populace will be any kinder to it."
Re: Getting Started

The Legate watched this dispute with a certain degree of bemusement, albeit none of which showed on her features, however she stood up at this point and spoke calmly,

"The Senate wishes to know how many people on Nepleslia died. We know that Yamatai lost 20 Billion of their populace, and find it vaguely perverse that the Nepleslians seem to be treating this revelation that effects only them. Yamataian Senators, I realise that your position relative to the people is very different to that of our own, but none the less - as representatives of the people who were slaughtered by this virus should you not also be seeking justice?"
Re: Getting Started

Eddy looked over to the Legate at he addressed the Senate.

"Yamatai lost 20 billion soldiers, perhaps. The Yamataian Plague killed civilians, not soldiers. It slew men, women, children. An act of war is an act of war...but the Yamataian Plague wasn't made in war, it was engineered so that Yamatai could rise up and overtake us. This plague was a sickening atrocity. There is no comparing the two."
Re: Getting Started

"Of what do you speak? To our knowledge the Geshrintaall populace was ravaged just as your own - all who did not transfer into new bodies perished. Yes, Yamatai lost billions of civilians along with you - please, correct us if we are wrong." The Legate paused, her voice lacking any emotion.
Re: Getting Started

Hanako ignored Maysaki.

"Senator Calero," Hanako frowned in disgust, "is severely misinformed. The corruption of the Mishhuvurthyar was caused by the alien species referred to as the Dark Ones. It is the Dark Ones who twisted the Mishhuvurthyar from a neko form into the monsters they are today. Also, despite my specific example of the SMX attacking Nepleslia after it had already split Yamatai, you continue to state that their attacks stopped when Nepleslia left Yamatai. That is untrue."

She turned to Melisson. "The Dark Ones are pure evil. Yamatai has gone to great lengths, even immoral lengths, to defeat them. Before we can make progress, we must get the facts straight."

Hanako turned back to the Nepleslians. "PNUgen made the plague. The Ketsurui are not the ones who started the SMX war and they are not the ones who created the plague...which Nepleslia seems to forget only affected Geshrintall (Yamatai), not Nepleslia or Kennewes. I would appreciate it if you would stop insulting my family. I am only an adopted member, but such untruths are very upsetting. The only thing you can legitimately hold against Yamatai is the recent blockade, in which no one was hurt, and the attack on military forces Nepleslia prime."
Re: Getting Started

Ayana looked at Calero, looking a little bewildered, "I apologize, I misspoke, I meant to imply that the people of Nepleslia Prime should try the agents that attacked them and not a Yamataian court. We don't have laws governing following an unjust order and I feel that if we try them, your public will feel cheated. BUT I also feel that the jury that does try the SAINT agents that attacked them should also have some Yamataians present to make it more fair. Everyone is due a fair trial, even those you already feel are guilty.

I am uncertain about what to do in regards to former Emperor Uesu or the surviving members of PNUgen that were responsible for the plague. Can we really give them a fair trial when everyone is already out for blood? That isn't justice, that's leading them to a slaughter. If we could give them a chance to actually give them a chance at survival and a good trial, I'd be more satisfied that we are not merely taking revenge instead of granting justice.

I would not like the other members of the Ketsurui clan to be punished for actions that were not theirs- nor the whole of Yamatai for things that happened before many of our births," Ayana continued with a light blush on her cheeks. Misspeaking made her seem cruel and it wasn't her intention. She looked at Melisson oddly as she spoke about the "Second Hanako" in a way that implied the other version was perhaps, still alive. She decided to ignore this for a moment to actually address the more important matters of their relationship to Nepleslia and ending the violence against innocent civilians.

"I would also like to remind the gentlemen of Nepleslia that they were not the only ones effected by the plague, Yamataians also suffered as did Elysians. Many of us do not have a past or elder members of our families as a result. Just as this current generation of Yamataians may very well be orphaned by the currently stalled war amongst ourselves and the SMX. If we continue down the road of blood debts and revenge, there will be no one left to see what good can come out of the future."
Re: Getting Started

The Legate looked at Eddy with something of pity in her eyes, "A plague is released by a Yamataian company, kills billions of the citizens of Yamatai, leads to the slaughter of the majority of our people and yet your people have decided that all the injury is done to them. Your home planet was not attacked - both ours and Yamatai's was - the majority of the population of your race was safely on another planet - our people and those of Yamatai had to suffer the direct effects. Your attitude is perverse to me, your stance ignorant."
Re: Getting Started

Eddy gave the Legate a perplexed and slightly agitated look.

"You twist words, Legate. I am not saying only Nepleslia was affected by this...but why is it that we are the only ones who seek justice for this? What is your point? Yes, Yamataian citizens were also killed, because at the time we were one and the same. However, that is not what I am trying to put in front of this summit. I am saying that those responsible for this Yamataian Plague be brought to justice, by Nepleslia. You may think I sound selfish, wishing Nepleslia to handle the judgement...but you will have to excuse me if I seem a bit...apprehensive to let a government try its own former emperor. Things might have...lingered behind," Eddy said, casting a glance over at Hanako and Yui. His face contorted in anger after she had finished.

"PNUgen is a word! The Yamataian Plague was created by the hands of people. Scientists, Yamataian and Neko scientists, spurred on no doubt by their corrupt, power-hungry Emporer! Do not try and believe that just because PNUgen no longer exists that their sins are forgiven, or the sins of those who benefited from their actions."

"That you would dismiss the lives of those who died by the Yamataian Plague just because," Eddy made sure to emphasis, "...just because Geshrintall was only affected honestly beyond me. And, former princess Hanako...I do not insult your family, I accuse your former Emperor of murder. Of genocide! Your senate already believes that SAINT, spurred by Uesu, attacked Nepleslia Prime! Are you blind to this?"
Re: Getting Started

"I am saying that the people of Yamatai as those who were worst afflicted by the plague, or our people who were worst effected by the results should decide on the procedure - that is justice. I encourage Yamatai to have a thorough examination of its ranks to find those who were linked with the virus and to treat them under Yamataian law. It would be completely reasonable for representatives of our governments to oversee the investigation we think - but the crime was conducted on Yamataian soil, by Yamataian citizens and primarily afflicting Yamataian citizens. It is not within your jurisdiction. Your comrade spoke about being paid in blood, but Yamatai has already bled far more than you on this account." The Legate responded cooly, "As a proportion of the population, Elysia lost the most - if we are to engage in this rather ridiculous game."
Re: Getting Started

"As the plague took place in Yamatai; Nepleslians have no jurisdiction. Having Nepleslia hold a trial over the plague is selfish, nonsensical, and illegal," Hanako said to Eddy. "The plague was a weapon of war that did its job of expelling the Nepleslian invaders, who ruled Yamatai at the time, and the Elysians, who were our enemies at that time. I do not think it was the right thing to do, and I do not condone the fact, I lost my parents to the plague," Senator Hanako told the others. "Still, pinning the plague on Emperor Uesu or the nation of Yamatai is a shameless political move and a grave personal attack. We should be instead looking to his colleague, Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto, who created the plague."

After saying this, Hanako thought to herself: Unfortunately I cannot offer them PNUgen's records to prove this, as their computer was accidentally destroyed by one of my crew members on when Sakura raided PNUgen for information on Black Spiral.
Re: Getting Started

Eddy, again, looked perplexed at the Legate.

"I'm afraid you have been misinformed, Legate. The Yamataian Plague nearly wiped out the entire Nepleslian population. I do not use the term 'genocide' lightly. Nepleslia is, in all account, lucky to be standing here this very day. So do not think that Elysia and...Yamatai, have suffered more than us. I suggest those responsible be tried by Nepleslia because I suspect further corruption. You cannot truly find me at fault in believing this, after what we have been through."

"Oh, I'm sure some would love to believe that the former Emperor is innocent from all of this. You cannot deny that he stood to gain much from the plague Yamataia created. You cannot expect me to believe that it was coincidence. Yamataian royalty has already proven themselves to be corrupt, and you expect me to sit and stay my tongue when you say THEY will serve justice? I would not at all be surprised if every single guilty party left your jury a free man, albeit his pocketbook slightly less impressive." Eddy said bitterly. "If you are so sure that others were responsible for the plague, why are they not detained? Why are they still out there, growing fat off of their sins?"
Re: Getting Started

The Legate stood up again with a look of quiet sadness in her features, "How did it manage to wipe out nearly the entire Nepleslian species when it did not even afflict the planet where the majority of your species is based? I assure you that the majority of my people were slaughtered - all Elysians alive have lost relatives in the plague and the aftermath as our cities were sent falling to the ground. Furthermore merely because someone benefits from a situation does not mean that they had a hand in it - to work on that basis is to abandon logic."

"For what it is worth we do not hold the plague against Yamatai - it matters not that it was this administration. What we do perceive as a problem is that it was used as a casus belli to justify a war with our people which led to the slaughter of the majority of our population, our exile, the destruction of one of our planets and four wars which sent the majority of our population into terrible poverty. We cannot blame Yamatai as a people for that, but we request a full investigation with Elysian presence, into those responsible and them to be treated with severely. No men have ever held more miasma."

The Legate slowly shook her head as she reffered to the blood curse that all who conduct crimes carry, "However let us not forget that even in times of peace the Nepleslians raided towns on their own planet, we believe that the city called Hanya was particularly badly afflicted. Indeed we have heard that our own flesh is sought after, which disturbs us considerably. The sins of the past lie on everyone here, let us not over simplify the issue."
Re: Getting Started

"I do not know how plagues work on your world, Legate," Eddy replied sternly, "but we know a plague as something that is transmitted and carried through-out a population. It could, and was, quite easily transported through all of our population. I do not blame the people of Yamatai...I blame the select few who are responsible."

"And do not mistake us for holding all of the conviction here. I do not stand here to imply that our needs are more important than yours. I do, however, propose that we deal with problems one step at a time...and right now, we are on the topic of Nepleslia. We understand that Elysia has come under losses as well...but you need not over-complicate this meeting any more than it has already become."
Re: Getting Started

"Look at the bright side: no one has called you 'pure evil' yet and stated such a naive term as a fact," Melisson chuckled, reclining in her seat.
Re: Getting Started

The Legate returned Eddy's look with one that was as cold as ice, "We think in order to settle this particular issue once and for all we should appeal to Princess Hanako to tell us the range and scope of the plague - since currently every party here seems to be at some degree of disagreement." The Legate turned to Melisson briefly, "Worry not, your people are not considered to be 'evil' by us." What the legate did not add that the Elysians considered the Mishhu to be little more than animals, far from the image of God, lacking in souls and thus possessing no innate capacity for either good or evil.
Re: Getting Started

"I will ask Taisho Yui to come. Her experience with PNUgen was at higher level than mine. She would know best."

In a minute, Yui, having just arrived via the YSS Yamatai, entered the room.

* * *

Yui, after Hanako advised her of the question, said, "The PNUgen ACNOS Bioweapon was designed to spread by telekinesis. It actually jumped from person to person via eye contact and did not affect Geshrin. It was programmed to last up to five years before destroying itself harmlessly. If, however, during the five years, the infected received the 'kill' signal, they would die. The signal was transmitted in YE 08, killing 20 billion non-Geshrin on Yamatai. Only 10 people knew of the virus at the time."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson kept quiet to the revelation, but she kept her eyes on Yui from the moment the green-haired Taisho entered the room.
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