Star Army

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RP [Day 2] Down to Business

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Robert Davis took out his datapad to stop the incessant beeping that his device was making, but, as he was touching the screen, his eyes caught the text. The man paused before casting a hardened glance at Eddy.

"What you do is your own decision. I choose to move forward, despite what the former princess has done. The answers will come later."

The Sky Marshall then stood up. He looked to Tio and nodded politely.

"Thank you for hosting this summit, first and foremost," he began. "Nepleslia is beginning a large scale of expansion to the galactic north and northwest, with the intent of securing necessary resources to further her productive capabilities. The nation has just come out of its own conflict with Red forces and needs to focus the minds of the people on matters more constructive. In doing so, we hope that our citizens can put behind what troubles them and see that their efforts can be directed towards growth rather than destruction.

On the home front, Nepleslia is making powerful steps towards increasing the quality of life of her citizens by providing cheap, adequate healthcare, proper transportation facilities and virtuous employment. Illegal drug usage has decreased sharply with the introduction of safe, viable alternatives for... recreational physical stimulus.

The new government is coming out of a dark age in which a single man of power, coerced and corrupted by his surroundings, mislead the people to serve his wrong ideas of what best served his nation. We are now a democratic nation of the people, and it is to the people Eddy and I answer."

He paused to emphasize that last part.

"Nepleslia is not a bloodthirsty nation or a nation of barbarians, as some may think. We have a unique cultural identity that must be respected just as any other. We seek the same things out of this conference, peace and reconciliation, that Yamatai, and perhaps all nations do. We are willing to help in the facilitation of this goal.

But please understand that our people do not place their trust easily, because we are so often labeled the nation of aliens, mutants and freaks. Unfortunately, others have not given us much opportunity to place that trust, and we have been hardened. However, if given the opportunity to be trusted, and shown the respect and kindness that all people seek, I am certain that Nepleslia and her people will put their full trust into you. Thank you."

He sat back down. The Sky Marshall's mind was ablaze with thought, as to how to handle the recent event. Just laying it out on the table would be a disaster...
"Not my area, Davis," Eddy said simply, his face contorted slightly as he gazed at his own beeping datapad. The large ID-SOL ran a few fingers through his short blond mane, having nothing to add to Robert's statements. He, too, was deeply disturbed by this.

For a nation advocating for peace, Yamatai sure seemed to have a terrific tendency to fuck up every single attempt in the most extraordinary ways.

EDIT: Woops, the guards aren't in the room.
Ayana's ears perked at the change in the scowls on Eddy's face. "Tio, what just happened? Outside the conference? Can we get Mr. Marks to find out why the Nepleslian is looking at us with a different shade of irritation and disdain?" The senator telepathically sent to the Crown Prince, with a confused glance.

She pursed her lips together, nodding at what Davis was saying. She seemed pleased with the idea that Nepleslia too- was working on expanding their horizons. This would mean there should be an increased need for resources from both nations- this would be a good boon to trade relations if... they could manage a cease fire.
Melisson raised an eyebrow, looking over at the Nepleslian representatives. "What has Hanako done now?"
The lilac haired senator stared at Melisson as she directly asked about Hanako. She pursed her lips together and looked back at the Nepleslians. Han...Hanako did... something? To the Nepleslians.. Ayana looked troubled by the notion that Hanako had left the conference and then had possibly done something incredibly foolish.

She gripped her coffee mug more tightly in her hands, mindful that too much pressure would shatter it, as she waited to hear if the Nepleslians would reveal whatever it was troubling them.
Further down the concourse, Creighton was finishing an argument with one of the station's security personnel. Since his discovery, the Yamataian had found a way to release some of his frustrations by way of displacement. He considered it a much better option than more active physical exchange.

Sighing, he casually adjust the collar on his gray suit that he had just changed into. "Regardless of your excuses, you are away from your station and should be back up on the main hallway. If need be I can report this to yo-" Creighton started his reprimand with his arms crossed in front of him. But, before he could finish the datapad in his pocket began to vibrate and beep like it did when a message came in. Pausing mid-sentence, he looked at the neko in front of him before nodding his head down the corridor in a gesture of 'fine get out of here'. As the neko walked away quickly, Creighton retrieved the item from his pocket and pulled up the message.

"What the..." Creighton asked out loud as a video feed from the main corridor the conference was on. After a few seconds the feed indicated a group of uniformed men move in a large group and stand together rather blatantly. With a closer inspection Creighton made out the IPG symbol on their uniforms. "This is going to be interesting." Creighton tapped out a message to security personnel as he began walking, telling them to wait for him before doing anything.

Within a minute, Creighton was nearing the group of uniformed men. Clearly attempting to stand out from the crowd, he approached within a comfortable speech range with them. "Pardon me gentlemen. Is there something I can help you with?" He began and calmly held his hands in front of him.
Eddy heaved a great sigh, placing his hand on his face as he rubbed his temple. He waited for a moment to see if Davis would say something...but Eddy wasn't one to wait long for such things.

"What makes you so sure Hanako did something, Melisson?"
Melisson gestured toward the Premier. "He said former princess. I don't need to be a powerful telepath to figure out some things just by context and body language."
The Operator who was closest to Creighton glared at the Yamataian. "Under orders of Admiral Ryan Veles in response to hostile actions perpetrated against the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia we are to remain outside the conference to provide security for the central governing body of our nation. We are to remain until the conference ends."

The tall IPG officer wasn't dumb enough to reach for his weapon, but he did stand slightly straighter (if that was possible), his considerable 6'5" frame towering over the Yamataian. Behind him, several other Operators glanced over, also glowering.
Robert Davis stated, rather simply, the truth.

"There was a incident involving Hanako's ship and the destruction of one of our own vessels. I wish not to pursue the matter further until we reach a point where that subject is appropriate for discussion, for my own details are rather vague at the moment."

Bweep, bweep. He glanced at his datapad once more and sighed.

"Hmph, I suppose you all could read the information on SANDRA's networks. How that information was reported so quickly, I am uncertain, but 'Mysterious Lurker Slagged' is rather zealous of the media... I would be more than happy to keep the details of this information away from the public eye, if the former princess were to not so quickly take advantage of the currently unsigned state of our peace treaty. I assume that trying to get that document signed is part of our agenda today, after all.

I must state, however, that I do not want this issue to become a wedge between the SMX and Yamatai, or further diplomatic processes for today. Let us avoid pursing it any further than what I've stated for now."

Of course, by the time Davis had stopped speaking, he had already laid out what was needed for amendment of the situation. He inwardly smiled; it was good that the other parties had been baited by his words and brought up the issue for him.
Another bweep, bweep rang out from Eddy's own datapad, which he had left on the tabletop, expecting its ring.

Login?> Vanderhuge, F.
Enter_Pass?> *********
Login Accepted

Action?> Transmission Start
Transmission> Online
Transmission> Encrypt O20
Transmission> Encryption level O20 engaged
Recipients?> Vanderhuge, E
Recipients?> END

Mercir said:
IPG Malchick-class Stealth Warship (registry entry C/SMN-IPGND-SC-04) was fired upon and destroyed in Operational Sector 00347, 2 Lightyears Galactic North P1-10. Reports gathered indicate Yamataian Captain Hanako Ketsurui is responsible for the aggression. Vessel was entering planetary atmosphere when Ketsurui fired unprovoked and destroyed the vessel.

Two DD4-D destroyers (C/SMN-IPGND-D4-01/10) have been dispatched to the system to collect wreckage, and are under orders to not fire without authorization from CentCOM due to the sensitive diplomatic situation. There are currently 4 Yamataian vessels, and 1 civilian vessel (owned by Toshiro, Yuki), as well as our holdings. Vessels in system have been notified that attempted recovery of Nepleslian Military property will be met with immediate destruction.

Tell Davis.

Transmission> Deploy

Eddy quickly forwarded the transmission to the Premier at his right, his face still a complex set of concerned emotions. "It will need to be addressed, but it will come later," Eddy nodded in relation to Robert.
Tio had remained silent, even to Ayana for the time the disruption had taken those present. He stood up from the table, slowly as the station's AI activated a volumetric projection.

"I feel the need to interrupt our previous schedule, in the name of making real progress. I must apologize on behalf of Yamatai, the new government is in it's infancy and therefore we need time before we present any formal treaties aside from that already offered to Nepleslia." He motioned to the projection of the IAA Document.

Intergalactic Armistice Agreement of YE 30 (IAA) said:
Intergalactic Armistice Agreement of YE 30

The following draft is a proposal of the Yamatai Star Empire, in hopes that it will be found agreeable by the other nations in attendance of the International Relations Conference of YE 30 and is adapted as a temporary end to aggressions and war practices between those parties and the Empire.

1. Nations in agreement will not annex, claim or invade territories belonging to the Yamatai Star Empire, and the Yamatai Star Empire will agree to not annex, claim or invade territories belonging to the agreeing nation.

2. Nations who have claimed, or annexed territory through previous acts of war will maintain their current standing and boarders as they stand today, expanding in a way defined as non-aggressive towards the other agreeing nations.

3. Non-aggressive expansion is defined for the Yamatai Star Empire as continuing its expansion efforts towards the galactic southeast, southwest and east. Nepleslia and Elysia will maintain their current expansion directives, focusing towards the galactic northwest. The SMX will agree to expand towards the galactic south. Any disputes over expansion will be handled through diplomacy, not aggression.

4. This agreement does not mandate peace, but non-aggression for the period of one Yamatai Year, or until a more permanent agreement or treaty can be reached between those nations present.

5. The agreeing nations will agree to send a permanent diplomat to Pisces Station to ensure strong communication between the nations until another session can be scheduled. Another session of the International Relations Conference will be called in a reasonable amount of time.

He reached down, picking up his datapad. "I would appreciate it if the nation's present would present any modifications they wish to see in this document."
Ayana watched the projection as she set her coffee mug back on the table. She felt a deep sense of relief, Tio had made his proposal and she didn't have to come up with it herself. She wondered if she really had anything else to contribute to it as she looked at the faces of the other representatives present.
The Sky Marshall looked over the document.

"A couple of changes are necessary to this document in order for it to be acceptable. I, nor Elysia I'd wager, is too keen on letting Yamatai have so many venues of expansion while we have to squable with Elysia over one direction.

Therefore, I propose a change to article 3, guaranteeing each nation a cardinal direction. Nepleslia is granted the galactic North, Elysia the galactic West, the SMX the galactic South and Yamatai the galactic East. For the non-cardinal directions, we simply divide them equally, giving each sector a wide "V" shape. Given that there are four major space faring nations present at this meeting, the division goes down rather smoothly.

Of course, current settlements will remain the same, as disturbing those would cause a tremendous amount of difficulty for each nation involved.

Granted, this is a large division of known space, one which will obviously be impossible to complete by the end of the year, but I feel that if we at least abide by a general guiding principle, we will be able to stay off of each other's backs, so to speak.

That being said, although there is much anger in the streets of my home world, I am certain that we can diffuse their anger by easing their war weariness."

He just thought of something at the last moment.

"Oh yes, and I would like an exact definition of what constitutes aggressive action."
Tio said, "My only issue with that lies in the fact that the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet has traditionally kept their expansion efforts moving southeast, and have went to great lengths to continue in that direction. With the lonely expanse in the east, it leaves little prospects in that general direction, at least as far as we know." A chance to move for Jiyuu, the Prince was not about to pass it up.
"However, if you'll also notice," Davis said, pointing to a projection of the starmap he had brought up. "That Nepleslia as well has to deal with a large swath of unstable space to the galactic northwest, this 'blue rift expanse' as well as a rather large green nebula to the northeast. I suppose what I am saying is that we all have to make sacrifices. If we were to get technical about things, Elysia would be the winner out of these negotiations, since she has to deal with little."
Arriving at the security checkpoint less than a minute after the call went out, Isuzu moved to stand at attention with the other security personnel, several steps behind where Marks-chui was speaking with the Nepleslian soldiers that had formed up opposite them. She was a little curious about the large IPG presence, but not terribly worried. With two NH-28s, six NH-27s and four Daisies flanking the conference room doors, she was probably more in danger from friendly fire than she was from the enemy, if a fight broke out. She'd been on duty just down the hall, but she decided to check in anyway.

Kuroaki Isuzu said:
Ittô Hei Kuroaki Isuzu reporting in for Conference Area security detail. Ready and awaiting orders.
Creighton stood calm as the Nepleslians glared at him with a type of intensity reserved for certain people. He had to look up to the Operator who had spoken to him. Creighton's eyes revealed neither anxiety nor intensity, just neutrality. As the Operator finished speaking Creighton watched them for a few seconds to get a sense of their present attitudes.

After a moment of silence between the two groups Creighton responded to the Operator. "Very well then. I will make an effort to abide by your government's wishes. However please take note that firearms you clearly have on you are not going to make this situation any better." Creighton paused to see a reaction before continuing on. "I have not heard of what has caused your government to feel this is necessary, but I assure you that my goal is to preserve the peace and stability of this conference. Now then if this is all you gentlemen wish to say I will leave you be."

Creighton stopped speaking and continued to hold his calm and neutral posture. He looked behind for a moment to see the security gathering at the entrance to the conference room. Without a change in his posture, he looked back to the IPG Operators and awaited any response.

Ittô Hei Kurosaki? Yes well, please inform two of the Daisies to step down and move to the outskirts of the concourse. I do not wish to provoke these men with a show of force. Creighton sent telepathically to the security officer. And when your team fully arrives we will make our next move. Now is not the time to rush this situation.
Tio made some edits, and the document on the projection changed, He said to Davis. "Yamatai would agree to such modifications."

*Understood.* Acknowledging her orders with nod, Isuzu patched into the closed conference area channel and relayed Marks-chui's orders to the outermost Daisies flanking the door. As the two armored Nekos moved away and out of sight of the IPG operators, Isuzu checked the day's duty roster to see who she would be working with.
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