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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Just bringing this up to the current page.

I just got home from my Christmas trip.
[faint cough]

She's not in uniform yet, Kyle. She's just re-reported on-board. :V This was noted in an earlier post.

Just figured I'd clear up possible, future confusion.

That's what I get for forgetting what others have said in earlier posts, I'll change that
Yeah, you got to pay attention to those pesky details, like the fact that Sune had mentioned Shizu's rank 3 posts before Ramiro. :lol:
Wow :shock:

I guess being high on paint fumes really does kill brain cells (was painting yesterday and kind of made a stupid blunder of not having a window open...)
Figure it would probably be smart to give ol' Harris-Hei some time to react to recent events, so I'm holding off for the moment.'

Edit: I'm done holding off, but of course, movement still depends on Harris-hei, methinks.
Okay, I got rid of him since he was killing the plot.

Let's keep it moving, people. I'm ready to start mission 9 after the round ends.
Turns out I have far more free time deployed then I do in garrison, lol. Isn't there an option to get informed every time a post is made? Haven't messed around with these type of forums in a long time.
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Wes, did you want me to add Takeyu to one of the crew cabins? Or did ya want him to contact Hanako about it?
Go ahead and grab one. Try to contact your roommate if possible.
Just for the record, I was not under the impression that we were on the Eucharis, Figured we were still on the Dock just as Hanako was. But obviously that is not the case.
I assumed the Eucharis, since that is where we were in the previous thread.
No the previous thread we were on the Ikoi aka 2nd Dock while the Eucharis was being repaired.
I guess after all the posting I completely forgot where the crew actually WERE.
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