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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Sorry about moving on without permission. I did ask before if we were waiting for you(kai) then got the response above in the OOC so I figured we were moving on. My mistake.
I was waiting on the three whom hadn't posted before I made my own post. It seems because of CadetNewb's post, some of you guys thought a new round of posting had started, and that's what we're dealing with now- it's nothing big, but it's the perfect opportunity for us to make sure you guys all understand how combat posting works and what we expect from you, as well as what you should expect from us.
In order to reduce confusion, it might be helpful to add a header to each RP post. In the Eucharis we do this for the location, but it might be useful for you (CadetNewb) to put some notes on the turn [number] if you're doing turn-based combat.
Sorry for slowing everything down everyone, was out doing some hobbying this last weekend and not only strained myself too far but also ended up with some nice burns for my stubborn behavior. I ended up just getting home yesterday, taking some painkillers and burying myself until morning.

Kai, I just read these last few pages of OOC talk after I got my post up, if you need me to change anything because of the current rotation problems let me know when we talk in IRC.

And remember folks, hot metal is hot and stays hot a long time, even when it isn't glowing like a cherry anymore.
Ah, my apologies if I did something wrong.

I am ready to admit that I thought that Newb's post constituted a new "turn", though obviously you cleared up the confusion before I had an opportunity to post again.
So just to be clear, what are we doing now? Are we waiting for Kai to finish up this "turn" or are we(those of us who haven't yet) still posting?
We're waiting on me now. I have to sort out some things with my mountain bike while it's still light out but I should be able to post before Tuesday happens.
Thanks for the idea Wes - I thought of just having a header detailing it as a GM post proper or a minor post, but I think I'll just announce it here when I post instead. This round around, it's a GM post proper with enemy action, so new combat round!
Question so I don't add things that aren't there.

Could you describe where Damien is? Is he in the middle of the ravine or close to the rock? The reason I ask is, I'm guessing that the order to Anzu came over the squad channel and Damien would have heard it or at least be aware of the incoming fire. I just don't want him to run into the area where Anzu will be shooting at get blown up is all. Assuming what's around him will likely decide where I decide to have him go.
He's probably around the bottom of the little ravine right now, the outcropping (which you invented) is about halfway up the other side. He'll probably get peppered with debris, but he'll be fine in his armor. the people shooting at him however are a bit more pressing than possible incoming fire.
There I posted. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up. Aslong as you don't blown him up, Damien won't care. Although he missed the part where you were telling him about the incoming fire, he's far too busy trying to not die. I'm guessing that this whole exchange only takes a few seconds before things start exploding.
I see it too, and I'm not especially happy with it. I think I'll be picking up the pace, posting twice a week regardless of everyone else posting. If you miss posting for two rounds, your character will probably find themselves 'injured'. If you keep blowing off posting, then your character might find themselves waking up in a tube on a ship.
That's the way you got to do it. As a GM you got to set the pace, otherwise it'll only go at the rate of the slowest poster (meanwhile, everyone else's energy is drained by the slowness) or you might end up waiting on someone that is not going to post at all. We want to get everyone in each RP group on the same page as far as what is too fast, too slow, and what's just right, and also we want everyone to know what the group expectations are. That's where your posting guidelines come in. But they only mean something if you enforce them.
It's alright if you're not able to post, but this is also about GM and Co-GM responsibility - we got a job to do, and I honestly find it hard to skip over players. Still, Wes has a point, and I'll be taking Kai's stance from here on as well.

So unless you guys want Sif kicking you all about like a soccer ball, move!

(You don't punt Mini - the Mini punts you!)