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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Alright! If you have anything, go ahead and post now! Kai will be posting shortly after my own and move us directly into combat after this I believe. So if you wish to have any last words, say them now!
As Cadette predicted, I have posted. and now we are in combat! Enjoy! i'll be getting more into the actual combat-y part in a day or so, if posts are forthcoming.
I'm guessing we are waiting on "orders" from Kai even though Cadet has given us direction. The next move seems pretty straight forward. Of course, this is still the military and I suppose I will have my character wait on someone "higher up" to give him direction. Unless that of course is not what is intended... Forgive me I'm still new here :P
Considering Sif is the squad's Executive officer, what she says, goes, unless you're told otherwise by Kai. Same thing with the next down the bracket, April. if she tells you guys to do something, you do it, unless Sif or Kai tells you otherwise.
That was the most passive order ever is what I am saying. :lol: Likewise your characters haven't posted yet so I'm not sure what they are doing. Is everyone on line firing now? Because it would suck to attempt the flanking maneuver and not have some cover :P Again, reading the post it doesn't appear as if Sif is on the line with us(since shes out of sight) just wanted to be clear is all.
Well, Kai and April are at the wreckage already, if I hadn't made that clear (which I probably didn't, that post was made under a bit of a time crunch) having jumped off the APC and moved forward as Kai ordered everyone out of the APC.

As for Sif, Cadette will explain soon.

I'm open to communication, so if any of you have problems, let me know and I'll do what I can to rectify them.
Well, where Sif is at the moment is irrelevant - she's deliberately not participating, for whatever reasons she has. The same goes with the very loose 'orders' that she's given. So just give it your best shot for now and hope for the best! :P


She's lounging on top of the APC - I hope this clears everything up.
For reference, I'm just waiting for someone to make the heroic decision to start maneuvering against the enemy; for now Aya's just going to focus on trying to suppress them (and my next post will obviously say as such, just in a more wordy and descriptive fashion :P ).
I'm starting to wonder if everyone is waiting to see who else other than themselves makes the move. Seriously though guys? IC, be intimidated by either the Mishhu or Sif or both, but OOC, don't sweat it - we're just taking it easy and testing the waters. XD
I was seeing if the other three we hadn't posted yet would post before I made the move but I suuppose ill go ahead and take the intiative.
I'm starting to wonder if everyone is waiting to see who else other than themselves makes the move. Seriously though guys? IC, be intimidated by either the Mishhu or Sif or both, but OOC, don't sweat it - we're just taking it easy and testing the waters. XD

Yeah, I know. I just wanted to let you guys know I wasn't being a lazy bum.
I should have realized this sooner, so I'll try to be clear here about post cycles/turns. I'm sure you're all already aware of how that goes, and with one GM, but not a GM and a Co-Gm.

When posting, I'll usually just be adding more detail to what's going on. Besides that, I'll also be posting with Sif as though she were a player character, or actually moving us along combat turns from time to time. Or all three. The key way to determine if I'm moving us along from one combat turn to another though, is to see if I controlled the badguys and had them take an action.

In the last post, I didn't make a new turn by moving the badguys/acting with them - it was just more detail to the setting and some words from Sif. See, though the enemy fired, it's an automatic response rather than an active one. Sorry for any confusion!
It seems like some of you guys took Cadet's post as a new 'turn' in the combat cycle, and have posted again, which is the main problem here. I will admit it's probably our fault for not making it clearer.

For combat, please keep to one post per turn, so that it's easier to keep track of everything. Unless otherwise specified, I will be in charge of starting each new turn, and any posts Cadet makes is additional fluff and/or his own character actions.

On another note- in the future, do not include structures, items, or elements that your character does not have in their possession, or that Cadet or I do not specify as being present. As the GM, it's my job to tell you everything that's around, so if I don't say something is there, then it probably isn't.