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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

I'm sorry about holding things up on my side everyone. Spent the weekend and the last few days nursing my ailing dog to see if he could bounce back from having a serious seizure. It has been rather stressful over at my house because of this and I have been taking to early bedtimes as a result.

Not thirty minutes ago I just drove him to the Vets with my family and we had him euthanized, so I cannot promise a post tonight but I'll certainly see to one tomorrow.
Geez, Gwathdraug. That's awful, man. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. That's one of the hardest things to do. I've been there before and it's not a good feeling. Hopefully SARP can provide something to keep your mind off it.
Definitely know that feeling. Hopefully your friend is in Doggy heaven chasing those deer away or something.
I wonder if it would be possible to set up some sort of energy blade for the Daisy? The Mindy's seems to be powered by the suit's aether generator, but I wonder what you could do with the Daisy's fusion power. Failing that, perhaps a mono-edge chainsaw...?
Yeah, they're as close as you can get since having an Aether tap type power source is more or less a must in order to have any other aether weapons on a Power Armor. I've worked on those for a little bit, but had to put them down. Thankfully, they've been brought up again. If you can, do look them over and make comments and suggestions here to help me along with finishing those babies.

Also, the page has been updated, but it's best we also note it here; GM posts are scheduled at Wednesday and Saturday, with me following that as well, but also filling in any gaps needed. Another thing to note is that we'll borrow a page from Fred's book and refer to our energy shields as "Barrier" or "Barriers" and the metal shield on the forearm as "Elliptoid Shield" to help distinguish between the two for you guys.
That always seemed like a misnomer to be because the Daisy shield has never been shown to be ellipse-shaped like the old transparent Zesuaium ones on the old M1s. The artwork has always shown it as more of a rectangle with a little window.

Side note: I am considering getting new power armor art as we're working on upgrades to the now-aging designs.
Spacial awareness question. Correct me if I am wrong but are Damien and Aya in the middle of the trench, closer to the shorter right side? Considering that the right side is the shorter side and we came in the front where the breach is it would make sense. They would in a sense be fighting back to back in the middle of the entry point correct?

Now the question comes in on Sif's part. It says she made entry to the left of our entry, which means she would be on the left, longer side correct? Does that mean Sif ran up the side of the ridge and entered on that side?? OR was it supposed to read that Sif came in on the right of us, between the bunker door and where we were fighting? Since I'm guessing that going to the right side of the trench would be a shorter run to get to the edge.

In either case, did Sif kill the Autocannon gunner crews on her side of the trench or do they still remain? Also where is the rest of the squad? Outside the breach coming towards us or on one of the ends of the trench?
CadetNewb said:
Yeah, they're as close as you can get since having an Aether tap type power source is more or less a must in order to have any other aether weapons on a Power Armor. I've worked on those for a little bit, but had to put them down. Thankfully, they've been brought up again. If you can, do look them over and make comments and suggestions here to help me along with finishing those babies.

They seem fine to me, pretty in depth. The plasma blade would be great, but even the Coaxial Wristblade would be an improvement. What could we do to get them approved for use?
Craps! Didn't see today's posts from Kai and Caddington, let me edit that real quick. IGNORE THE POST BEHIND THE CURTAIN.

Edit done.

No one saw that.
Warriorx1 said:
Spacial awareness question. Correct me if I am wrong but are Damien and Aya in the middle of the trench, closer to the shorter right side? Considering that the right side is the shorter side and we came in the front where the breach is it would make sense. They would in a sense be fighting back to back in the middle of the entry point correct?

Now the question comes in on Sif's part. It says she made entry to the left of our entry, which means she would be on the left, longer side correct? Does that mean Sif ran up the side of the ridge and entered on that side?? OR was it supposed to read that Sif came in on the right of us, between the bunker door and where we were fighting? Since I'm guessing that going to the right side of the trench would be a shorter run to get to the edge.

In either case, did Sif kill the Autocannon gunner crews on her side of the trench or do they still remain? Also where is the rest of the squad? Outside the breach coming towards us or on one of the ends of the trench?

Damn, I don't know how I missed your question!

Yes, Damien and Aya both entered roughly in the center - maybe a little off to the 'left' or 'right' but that doesn't matter too much. As you noted, the two are fighting back to back - as with Sif? She's at the far, far left end of the trench, working her way inwards towards your characters. The gunner? Dumb luck that she sent a corpse flying from her far end, right to the center where you two are at. Right now, both Damien and Aya are fighting alone, but have fire support from Fieke as she's standing over the lip of the trench without leaping in.

Zozo, though moving forward, is still with April and Kai who are outside the trench - now that we moved in, they'll join the fray.


And no biggie Gwath - that happened to me before.

Also, Kai will be out during the weekend, so I'll cover for him for the time being and move Kai and April accordingly. Hope that covers everything!
Awesome thanks, I was trying to figure out which side we should move towards. I would imagine since the auto canon is behind the bodies they can't exactly see us? Or are they above us? I mean I know its autocannon and when it fires it probably will crew through the thralls anyway, but still.

Also, we have hand-grenades right?
New map coming in:


as for grenades- I forget. I think the SAoY does but i'm not sure if we do specifically. Also, use your forearm weapons for this kind of fighting- less likely to hurt allies.
In a bit of a hurry, but the map is slightly off from what I understand - Gwath's character, Fieke, is somewhere in between Aya/Damien and Sif, not where the dot is currently at. She'll still have to go through several people to get to the autocannon gunners I believe.

Also, these are the grenades in SAoY inventory, but at the moment, you're all equipped with the bare minimum. This will change however as the plot goes on and more equipment becomes available.
Alright, well since everyone seems to be in the way now, I won't be lobbing high explosives around haha. Reading the post, Anzu came in the trench line further up than Fieke(who is still outside I believe). That puts Anzu between Sif and Damien. At least that's how I read it so I will do my reply that way.
Thanks for clearing things up; I've got at least a decent chunk of my post already drafted, so I should be able to squeak this in before the GMs' next posts.
Just letting you guys know- I might not be able to post today, but will definitely post by the end of Thursday.