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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

I have posted. I mostly focused on Anzu and Damien, with some general information of what's going on- Cadet will handle Fieke and Aya since they're closer to Sif anyway.

As for Zozo- Where'd you go, Phoon? we need some post lovin'! or else unfortunate things might happen to our friendly neighborhood Moronic medic.
Yeah, I was really enjoying Phoon's posts (not that anyone else's weren't great, just that I was especially entertained by Phoondelmar's posts).


I might not be able to get a post done before monday, sorry.
Aw damn, this is embarrassing - I intended to post in the weekend to keep things moving regardless of how many of you all posted, but I ended up swamped with things IRL and then pooped. I'll post on Monday however, that's a certainty.

And I do have to agree, everyone's posts have been superb, but I am entertained by Zozo in particular since I am very much looking forward to him interacting with Sif as we go along. Classically, they're enemies after all, and naturally, the dynamic between the two will be influenced by that as our warmup thread showed.
Shameless double post here:

I've made a post in the thread to wrap things up here and keep us moving - the trench combat got a little monotonous (as is the nature of sweeping a spaghetti straight trench with a boomstick), so we'll be moving onto something more engaging and dynamic shortly after this. The post wasn't the best quality I admit, but go ahead and use this time to relax just a bit.

On another note however, how is Sif coming off to you all so far? Is she entertaining to observe? What are your thoughts?
It's fine!

At least for me, I think Sif is an interesting character; she provides a nice contrast to the other more senior members of the squad, and she's certainly not afraid to make her thoughts known. The fact that she doesn't appear to tolerate failure (or even mediocrity) provides a nice incentive for us newbies to push ourselves harder.
Sorry about not posting this week, I've been busy. Also, I will be gone and internetless all weekend again- I'm going to Gaslight Gathering in San Diego to help my friend's family run their vendor booth again.

I will try to get back to posting on a regular schedule by Monday, and expect the second chapter to start on or near May 11th.
That's perfectly alright Gwath, you're not the only one having net troubles it seems. For the time being guys, just keep on playing - I know enough of the playbook to keep us moving for some time, so things should be peachy until Kai's return. And thanks for the feedback Brett.

Hope you guys are having fun so far!
I know I am. And no problem - feedback is always one of the primary ways to refine an experience, so I'm happy to help.

BTW, I may not be able to post until Monday or Tuesday since I'm handling a test (among other things). Sorry!
I was the last one to post before that, so I was trying to wait for someone else. Threw something up, though. Things are kinda boring at the moment, though, so not much to say.
Sorry about that. I've been incredibly busy lately, but this week should be slow enough for some posting to happen. My promise of Monday obviously didn't come true but I'll be trying to get us moving again by or before Wednesday.
Chapter two is up! Next post will come Saturday at the latest, hopefully sooner if I get enough posts!
What happened to all the posting? Just so everyone knows, Phoondelmar has officially dropped the plot, so don't wait on him. I need posts from Brett, Gwathdraug, and Warrior ASAP, please.
Yeah, Unfortunately. Although the rest of you may feel free to request chibi art for you characters. Wes sort of decided to do Kai and Zozo of his own accord.