Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Honeybear don't care

Bottom of Elevator Shaft

Blackwolf stacked up behind Egorova and she activated her active barriers. She moved like a freight train down the hall, not worrying about the enemy fire from behind her shield. The team's nodal support bits were controlled by Iomai. They hovered like a halo around the shield, using it as protection like a school of fish around a rock, ducking in and out and taking shots at the three armors down the hall. Egorova was flanked by Shoko and Takei a step behind and on either side of her their rifles firing at whatever targets came into sight. Sacre, Makoto, Ven, and Svendsdatter were behind the spearhead, ready to spread out from behind them when they entered the room. But that didn't stop them from launching a small flurry of shield piercing mini-missiles followed by armor piercing ones for good measure. Iomai took the rear and Aten used the corrupted sensor data to try and spot anything that the rest of the team missed.
Bottom of Elevator Shaft
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge

It almost felt hopeless.

Nevertheless, Sassa pushed herself back to her feet in the wake of the explosions which had depleted more than half of her shields. However, the cyan and magenta-haired Nekovalkyrja was at the very back of the team now, having taken slightly longer than most to get her bearings back. Otherwise, she had no particular specialization beyond shooting things and thus far, that hadn’t worked.

Or so, she believed.

The long hallway had all the hallmarks of a trap, but the team seemed to have no other options beyond pushing it and accepting whatever casualties the defense would inflict on them.

Even so, that didn’t mean she’d have to cross 40 meters in the traditional way.

//Do you think we can teleport behind the barrier?// Sassa transmitted to the rest of the task force, as she leveled her forearm plasma guns down the corridor to offer cover fire for those advancing.
Bottom of Elevator Shaft
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge

The fusillade of projectiles and missiles thundered down the hallway and impacted the shimmering energy field causing it to flicker and coalesce for a moment. Not only the field, but the image of the makeshift barricade and the three armored troops behind it flickered and disappeared.

The volumetric projector behind it was smoking and partially melted from the energy overload. The missiles trailing behind eliminated it completely. Left standing at the actual end of the hallway was the now infuriating image of the Fairy, examining her neon translucent nail while seated on top of what could only be improvised explosively formed penetrators. The four copper plates were roughly eighteen inches across, explosives filled about the same area as a fifteen gallon propane tank behind each plate.


The four explosives' each had bags of fluid packed around them, channeling all of the explosive force into the copper plates, turning them into molten copper spikes and hurling them down the hallway towards the advancing members of the task force.


F is for fire that burns down the whole town,
U is for Uranium ..... BOMBS
Bottom of Elevator Shaft
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge

A whine sounded out as Sassa willed her Molly’s capacitors to life.

Once more, the Nekovalkyrja pushed her digital mind to its limits, taking manual control over her power armor’s defensive systems as explosions rocked the far end of the hallway. She immediately considered unleashing a graviton pulse to repel the incoming projectiles, but that idea was quickly dismissed. Since she was at the very back of the team’s formation, such a pulse would risk hitting her allies.

Any defensive action she took would have to be precise and calculated.

As time slowed to a crawl within her perception, Sassa first pointed the aether plasma gun on her left forearm towards the projectile which appeared to be on a course to inflict the most damage on the team. She immediately willed the weapon to fire a single beam, intending to disintegrate the projectile before it could do any harm. From there, Sassa fired on the remaining projectiles based on their trajectory and potential for damage, prioritizing the ones that seemed the most lethal.

And yet, as fast as her digital mind was, she could only hope that her efforts were productive.
Bottom of Elevator Shaft
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge

Things had just stepped up a notch. His rage burned towards this fairy at an all-time high. He was going to find out just how tasty fairy was should he get his hands on her. Make a nice roasted fairy and potato soup he thought to himself. Without thinking Miko grabbed his drones and dug them in. Better them than his crew he thought to himself. He hoped at least a few of the crew would be saved from being turned into skewers. For added measure he also fired towards the projectiles. His gunblade barked out aether down range towards the incoming shots.
Mikos drone managed to intercept another of the molten projectiles, the resulting impact sent the drone crashing to the ground, a thin layer of rapidly cooling copper coating it as sparks kicked off and small columns of smoke rose from the decimated casing.

The final projectile managed to worm its way through most of the team before impacting on the Torso of a Mindy. The shields fluttered briefly before the molten copper punched though. The Mindys armor plating prevented any penetration, but the energy of the blow was another story. The molten copper splatter across the torso, as the Mindy pilot grabbed their torso.

Waves of pain and nausea rolled over their consciousness, their knees buckled and gave out.

Nara fell to the floor of the passage way.
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge


Nara's life flashed before her eyes as the last projectile came barreling straight toward her. With the sensors askew there was no way to know for sure to tell what it was, its impact force, or its components. In an instinct to protect her battle buddy, she shoved Itami out of the way and sent off a rushed communication to the Tsenlan officials. While what may happen to her would not be of import, they might care about those nine niranium daggers she carried. If she got back to them within a reasonable amount of time there should not be anything to worry about. Just in case she shot another message to Itami that just read "Daggers". He likely would understand what she meant, but she did not have time to elaborate as the impact hit her full on in the chest knocking her to the floor. Pain and nausea wreaked havoc through her body as her muscles tensed in an effort to not vomit inside the Mindy. A rush of cold tingling sensation flowed through her core as the dark fleks in her vision grew to completeness as she fell in to unconsciousness; the only hope she had was that at least the others would make it out okay, especially her dear friend.
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge


He felt like he was frozen in time as the molten slag impacted with the exterior of the Mindy which Itami and put Nara into, before they joined the rest of the taskforce for what had quickly become one clusterfuck after another. He got that last private transmission as she passed out from the shock and pain. Without even thinking he placed the fallen rifle back in its emplacement on his back, his Sub-machine gun at his hip, and lifted her damaged Mindy with a combination of Kalamari arms and his own arms. "Sanda, I am taking our injured compatriot to the surface for medical treatment, I will return as quickly as possible." He turned and started walking back towards the shaft itself, before turning back. "I would appreciate cover fire in case of any other surprises." Once he was back in the elevator shaft, he started the jumpjets in his boots to traverse to the top of the elevator shaft. "This is Silver Wolf from Task Force Piglet, requesting immediate medical aid."


The Freespacer watched all of this happen and watched how quickly the one known as Itami reacted to the situation, he had to wonder if this Itami had dealt with such situations before. He did step in front of Itami as he retreated with the fallen Norian to offer a mixture of cover and possible QRT if the need arose.
Bottom of Elevator Shaft
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge

Sassa could only brace herself for the rest of the projectiles, including the one heading directly for Nara, which she had been unable to shoot down at risk of striking allies in the attempt. It struck her moments later, sending the Norian careening to the floor as Sassa shifted position in the blink of an eye to take the mercenary’s place and cover her fallen form. All the while, her digital mind flashed back to the brief greeting she had exchanged with Nara before taking off for the station.

A wet dress. It all seemed trivial now.

//I have you covered. Don’t worry about coming back, if they need you up there.// Sassa transmitted to the Ranger.

//We can finish this.// She added, words which were as much encouragement for herself as they were to give the Ranger confidence in his decision to shift his attention towards saving Nara’s life.
Parking Level and Surface
System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge


As Itami carried the limp body of Nara into the elevator shaft, both he and Sassa saw rappelling lines being thrown down as Kodian troops in power armor began to secure the other floors of the facility above them. The Thrusters of Itami's TARSA lit with an urgent fury as he thundered up the length of the vertical space in the space of a second. He landed lightly on his feet in the entry way to the parking level, Nara still cradled protectively in his arms. The massive form of a Kodian Fellwalker was kneeling nearby, a ramp had been lowered from under the heavily armored "head", a Kodian in a white power armor with a medical insignia gestured to come aboard.

Itami jogged lightly and entered the hatch, the ramp closing as soon as he set foot on it. The ramp sealed with a metallic clang, nozzles on the four surfaces around them sprayed a decon mist over the three. As the vapors cleared the airlock opened and the kodian medic popped his helmet off.

"Get them out of the Armor and on the table." He growled.
Fellwalker crew cabin

The medical scanning halo on the trauma table passed over the supine form of Nara three times, each pass providing the Kodian medic with additional data. The look on the kodians face never changed as he watched the vitals sprawl and scross across the screen on the side of the table.

"She has multiple fractured ribs, and extensive bruising across her torso. There doesn't seem to be any organ damage. I need a few moments to mix the proper pain meds for her physiology." The medic stepped away to a small pharmacy lab/dispensary on the wall. "Here, wake her up." The Kodian tossed a small hypo nozzle to Itami.
Fellwalker crew cabin


That list of injuries made Itami shiver, if that molten slag had hit any harder, they easily could have lost Nara, hell, he could have lost Nara. His close friend, the one person on this task force he knew he could trust. Thankfully, there was no organ damage, but when she woke up she would be in a lot of pain. He took the quick moment to extricate himself from his own PA, it would be better when Nara woke that she saw his face and not some piece of armor.

Catching the hypo nozzle and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder with his free hand as he placed the nozzle against her neck and pressed the trigger. "Come back to us, Nara. Just keep fighting." He said to himself internally, as the spray coursed through Nara's body.
Bottom of elevator shaft

As Sanda moved forward she noticed the way her shots weren't hitting the targets like they should. Something was off. Before she could comment, the whole façade disintegrated revealing the trap. "Miércoles! Hold your..." It was too late. As Sanda spoke she had begun to move to the side, trying to get her body as out of the line of those explosive projectiles as possible. She dropped her rifle and to help reinforce her hold on her shield when she was hit.

She had often heard people comment when they had been hit really hard that it felt like they had been hit by a truck. Well being hit by a truck would have hurt a lot less. Sanda was blown backwards off her feet and slammed her head against the ground. She fought to keep conscious, but her body was very disoriented. Her ears were ringing and it felt like she was trying to hear and see underwater. She tried to get to her feet, but her body refused to move. That was when the shock wave of pain hit. Her left arm that had been holding the shield began to hurt, and not just a little. She tried to look at it but her vision was blurry and her eyes stung.

How long she lay on the ground fighting to regain control of her body Sanda wasn't sure. Her HUD was out. But she finally managed to get one arm under her and push herself up against the wall. She could feel blood flowing into her eye, that was why her vision was blurry. Her helmet was cracked as well but for now it seemed to still be pressurized. She glanced down at her left arm and tried to move it. Another wave of pain hit her. Her shoulder was dislocated and it looked like her wrist was broken. Hell, all the bones in her left arm were probably broken and it was only held together by the suit. Her eyes were watering from the blood and pain. She wanted to take off her helmet and wipe her eye, maybe even retie her hair. No, she had to leave her helmet on because of the radiation.

Her hearing came back enough to hear Itami say he was leaving with Nara. She should probably fall back as well. She was hurt bad and wasn't sure how long her suit would stay whole. It may already be compromised. But then she heard the singing. For the most part Sanda had completely drowned out the taunting. But now she focused on it. It had to be stopped. No matter what it had to be stopped.

She still couldn't see very well but she motioned for someone, anyone to come over to her. "Help me with my shoulder." She grunted between clinched teeth. Someone grabbed her shoulder and rotated it carefully around. A hiss of pain was all that escaped Sanda as the injured arm was moved. "On three. One, two, AH!" The shoulder was popped back into place. "Thanks." Sanda held her arm tight against her chest to keep it from moving as she drew out her plasma revolver. "If you can move, move. Forward!" She slowly began heading to the control room doors.
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Bottom of Elevator Shaft

The projectiles headed for the team. Egorova was in the lead for Black Wolf, her Zesuainum shield to protect her from something exactly like this. Her bubble shield slowed the projectile, letting it hit with merely bone jarring force than lethal force. The big bear stopped moving forward for a second as they absorbed the recoil. Then they started forward again.

Sacre noted that Itami was taking care of Nara. Sacre saw that Sanda was injured, she pulled her into the protective ring of Black Wolf. "It popped out of the joint." Sacre noted taking care to see if there was anything else wrong before she popped it back on on Sanda's count. "It's my job." She said, letting go of Sanda's arm. "All right, let's keep moving."
Fellwalker crew cabin


Nara felt the hand of Itami on her shoulder before she registered anything else. Which honestly in the environment surrounded by strangers, was probably for the best. Violet orbs fluttered open briefly to see the face of her close friend which eased her even more. Immediately after her body began to register the pain and she howled in agony. She gritted her teeth after the initial howl, keeping silent and still while she looked around to make herself aware of these new surroundings. While she checked her surroundings her hands flexed against her bodysuit, she had been removed from the Mindy and all daggers seemed to be in place. It appeared by all accounts that she was in some sort of medical treatment area, her eyes looked back up to meet Itami's. She bit her lip to keep from releasing another howl as she looked at him with a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?" she managed to ask with an audible groan of pain from the effort it took to breathe.
Fellwalker crew cabin

The relief was evident on his face as Nara came back to consciousness, the howl of pain made him wince though. Itami knelt and leaned in close to Nara's face. He wanted to keep this between them as much as he could, because he had words for her.

"Oh, I am fine, you on the other hand have several fractured ribs and massive torso bruising. The only good thing is no organ damage. After you are healed we will be having words about you pushing me out of the way and you taking the brunt of the damage from the molten slag trap." He squeezed her shoulder gently. "This next bit isn't a request though. When this mission is done, we will be sharing a room, at the very least until you are healed." There was a mixture of worry and a very hard, serious look to his eyes.

Standing up he looked to the Kodian Medical Officer.
"She is awake now, sir."

System Material Exploitation and Recovery Center
White Ridge


77 watched until Itami was through the parking lot floor of the elevator before he turned back to the situation on the main floor. His mind was still on the job, if it wasn't he wouldn't get paid. "Tinman is still cleared to continue." As he stepped forward, his blade would retract allowing the use of his hand to helped those up who may be in need of assistance. "I am growing tired of these games."
Fellwalker crew cabin

The medical officer came to stand next to Itami and Nara at the trauma table. "You have four fractured ribs, as well as extensive bruising across your abdomen and chest. I can treat you with painkillers and surgical nano-bots. In order to do so I need your express consent. As a member of the Gashmere Planetary Guard, I am not allowed to treat you with out your consent, except in instances of acute, life threatening injuries. Do I have your permission to proceed with treatment?" The Kodian stood by awaiting the answer from the Norian.
Fellwalker crew cabin


Nara saw the relief on his face as she came to, which made her wonder just how bad her injuries were. All she knew was the pain in her chest and abdomen could drive someone bonkers. The pain was too intense for her to register the wince her howl caused him to bare. She laid still as possible, because any movement sent lightning waves of pain through her form. However, her eyes followed Itami as he knelt close to her. Undoubtedly she was about to receive the lecture of a lifetime for what she did. That she surely did receive, slender pointed ears twitched with each solemn sentence he uttered quietly to her.

The ranger's words confirmed the extent of her injuries and she knew he was not going to let her live this one down. Her eyes shot wide at the thought of how much guff he could give her about this. They settled into a sassy eye roll, accompanied by a slight groan of pain when he mentioned a further discussion about her actions. "As you wish" she muttered quietly in consent of his desire for a future conversation on the matter. A slight blush tinged her cheeks when he insisted that they share accommodations for the time being. In all honesty she would feel much better having someone she trusted in close proximity when off duty, especially given the circumstances. There was a soft look of concern and curiosity in her eyes as she watched him stand to respond to the Kodian Medical Officer.

She watched the Kodian as it spoke and looked back to Itami; knowing that if she did not accept help it would only add on to that discussion later. Her eyes flitted back over to the medical officer, "I consent to treatment...Thank you" she responded. Then she looked back to Itami, "You're still not going to let me out of your sight, are you?" she asked with a small smile, balling her fist up and pressing her head back into the trauma table as a fresh wave of pain washed over her.
Fellwalker crew cabin


He nodded to her and stood next to her, waiting to see what the Kodian Medical Officer was planning on doing. "After what just happened, not if I can help it. Besides, with everything going on, it is likely safest for us to stick close to each other, my friend." As he saw the pain washing over her face, Nara would feel his hand moving from her shoulder to her balled fist to gently hold it.

He calmly waited for what was going to happen, while holding her hand in his while she worked through the pain.