If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
Yea As it stands I am GMT-7 Mountain Time as I am in Colorado, USA I am also pretty free on my time as I have no life ( aka job) and have recently been trying to be more asleep from midnight to whenever I wake up instead of up all night and sleep away the day.
Onto Plot things:
If someone would not mind making two NPCs that are from the Yugumo corporation that are researchers that will help me out a lot as I am having a hard time coming up with the last two. They will need to be from Yamatai and all as per the corp rules and such. You can also make the NPC and I add the Yugumo corporation stuff to it.
I ALSO need the 4 or 5 NMX Neko NPCs to finish out the npc's Don't worry about making an approval thread for them as I will post that when All of them are finished. Also If you wish to write them out and send me the notes
in a DM for me to Wikify and make that is kwel with me. You are able to use them as an NPC for yourself if you don't want to just hand over all your hard work.
the character is approved and a job going around space doing things fits her perfectly, as she is a weird little oddball that will only get weirder later XP
ok, I accept D3 and will get in contact to try and get you with the crew. Welcome aboard the Sobek Plot. I'm going to be trying to get some posted up here soon™.
hey hey, just a heads up I might need a few things for my Plot ISS Sobek, however, i do not have the time to think tank some stuff for the ship/plot Would some people enjoy making some stuff that can be used by Dr. Shinji, and his research team to fix up the old aging craft. the following are the zones of issues i have planned into it.
Hull armor (replacement or replenishment for the quicksilver armor (kind of plot armor that is almost depleted) )
Hyperdrive (hyperdrive is old, needs parts that can not be found replacement is not advised as the ship is built around it)
Main power systems (Old Meson reaction power system is damaged and parts can not be found to fix, replacement is possible if same size or smaller.)
Backup power systems (chemical reaction batteries are depleted and will need to be replaced with a similar system or replaced with better tech. Cold fusion system is good, and batteries may need replacing)
Planetary and Space thruster upgrades General upgrade to these systems as replacement is impossible without total overhaul)
Basic wiring throughout the ship ( still using older copper-based wiring and would like to upgrade to future-proof the ship.)
Other upgrades that i have not thought of but would be useful to roleplay in.