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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

I believe the "Hanako getting into Queen's pants causes huge troubles" is the direct cause of the Occhestan Seperation.
Hanako was drunk on Lorath aphrodisiac wine and also tired so the Lorath offer for her to spend the night at the palace. At some point, the queen gets frisky:
Feeling slightly adventurous, Destiny let her hand slip over Hanako's rear and rest there, her own eyes shut as she laid her head back, waiting for Hanako's response.
Thus begins your standard erotic encounter. In fact the whole thread is mostly various sex scenes.

Anyway, it some point Destiny drops the bomb that she's saving her virginity for her brother (gross!). Hanako's response is basically, "I wish she mentioned this earlier. Maybe we can repair things with Neko healing blood?" and she gets her Samurai to do that once the Queen falls asleep.

Scumbag Velor reveals he was spying on the sex. He commences verbally abusing Destiny. Things get physical. A palace guard gets involved. It ends with Destiny being unconscious with major internal bleeding.

A bunch of fighting goes down in the Lorath labs over Elisa and Sourcian Sana/Rebekah, and black spiral Mindy armor is once again wrecking stuff. There's a fake Hanako running around too. Real Hanako goes to rescue her crew members and get out. Doctomoe's character dies and is rezzed and promptly flips out and tries to kill everyone (I feel like he was either on a roll of terrible RP during this time period or trying to get IC revenge for his OOC displeasure at what happened). Sakura moves on to the next mission while Lor begins to lose its sanity.

The Occhestans, being the sole technology caste of the Lorath at the time, start getting wind of Destiny fling with Hanako, which is the same info Velor is obsessed with suppressing:
At this point an OOC argument breaks out between Vesper (Occhestan sub-FM) and Doctomoe (Lorath FM) and Fyunnen special forces are deployed in the RP. Meanwhile Queen Destiny's post is basically wondering why this is being made into a big deal (that's a very good question). There is some content lost to editing here. Anyway the next thing we see is the queen calling for peace:

Doctomoe posts the Lorath are breaking up via ejection of the Occhestan caste. OOC arguments in the thread continue. Somehow the Helashio are freed (as per treaty with the YSE) in this process...sort of. Despite the fact that a civil war started, Destiny finally lets her brother bang her.

Yamatai felt sorry for the Occhestans and actually provided them with starships to go settle elsewhere. But Vesper eventually gets frustrated and leaves the site and later Doctomoe genocides the Occhestan faction in a series of auto'd posts.

What was basically a random ero JP somehow snowballed because of an internal OOC conflict between Lorath faction leaders. It may sort of be Hanako's fault, but the Queen was equally responsible. And it was Velor and Esajt that look things to insane levels and started the war.

To use an analogy, Hanako and Destiny started a cute little campfire, and then Vesper and Doctomoe poured 100 gallons of gasoline on it for OOC reasons and blamed Hanako for the resulting forest fire.
But shouldn't Hanako know that Rikering up with foreign royalty who you already have *issues* with is probably a bad idea?
Honestly it's really kinda annoying to come back and see giant post of history filling the OOC over this matter. It actually doesn't matter at all what happened for purposes of the question. What matters is how Lor -feels- about said situation. And they feel it was Yamatai's fault, and until that changes ICly no amount of posting essentially logs in OOC will change that. If people want a full history of the moon drop a topic could be started somewhere else about that or a wiki page could be put up. Either would be pretty good since so little is actually said on the wiki.
*saves the links for later*

Totally understandable. I thought the two events were more closely tied together, which doesn't seem to be the case and am glad it's a bit more clear. However, the one piece of context that seems to be missing from all this and the Moon Drop is how Lor was pressed into Yamatai. When I first managed to find when the deed was done, Yamatai was looking like the evil overlord. My impression is that the reason why they were even considering talking to the Mishhu was this incident in the first place. Am I missing something, or was it as clear cut as I read? It's why it was IC for my Senator, Johnathan, to have less than friendly thoughts and act less than friendly despite being as affable as he could manage.


You're completely correct. It doesn't matter IN CHARACTER who was right or wrong anymore - secrets and lies mean that all that does matter, is how the characters themselves feel for our purposes of storytelling.

What does matter however, is what actually happened - I find it fascinating and a genuinely interesting part of SARP's history. At the least, if only for the OOC knows of course.


Secrets and lies or truth - after a while, people go by their feelings. The same goes IC as it does IRL.
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Well, the Lorath Moon Drop was in Sakura Mission 6, which was the second time Sakura visited Lor (this time under Hanako, while the first time Rufus Sydney was captain). The Destiny Virginity Crisis was later in Sakura Mission 8. For the original conquest of Lor, that was all the way back in Sakura Mission 4, Part 2. It wasn't very nice. Rufus shot and killed a (player character) Lorath diplomat for being arrogant and the treaty was basically negotiated at aether-cannon gunpoint. In fact it was actually negotiated on the ship's aether array (as in the diplomats and the Star Army personnel physically stood on it, on the ship's exterior hull). Rufus's overly aggressive behavior is a major factor of why Hanako becomes the Sakura's captain around this point, and Hanako becomes Yamatai's newer, nicer face to Lor while Rufus is reassigned elsewhere.
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Just a note: the negotiation happened either during Mission 4 part 2 or after it as I've read that far and the events described above haven't happened yet.
In other words, it's not really Hanako's fault. It seems she just ended up inheriting a shitty situation (understatement of the year) that made what would have been a minor incident into a major one, which also precipitated the moon drop.


Sorry if this derailed the OOC Luca!
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When people stop posting lies about my character I'll stop correcting them.
When people stop posting lies about my character I'll stop correcting them.
That's all fine and good Wes but we don't need giant post. There is so much misinformation about your characters because those situations are practically non existent on the wiki. If you want people to not get the wrong impression just put the stuff on the wiki. Otherwise people -are- going to get the wrong impression, and you're going to lose favor with the player base by jumping into conversations and throwing out walls of test that frustrate people.

As for the situation in RP. If people keep saying "This needs to stop" but then post you're being foolish. if you want it to stop, stop posting about it and wait for the GM post so things can move on.
TBH I'd never known the actual truth behind that story so it's actually a little bit enlightening, if long. It's also mildly impressive he can come up with that sort of reference material on a site that's been running for this long.
@Wes - just going with what Syaoran said, I think he's right. Just put it up on the wiki in detail if you don't want misunderstandings. Like Gallant said, it's quite enlightening too. This is actually pretty good stuff.
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