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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 1.1] A little training Exercise

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Alright, then. Hoshi thought, embarrassed at his mistake.

He got ready for the Back-Up process, layed on the bed, and set the "visor" on. He would let the equipment take care of the rest.
Eun-Kyung carefully lowered herself into the exalted chair of command. She glanced about nervously for a moment, as if expecting the Taii to suddenly reveal the joke and order her off the Bridge. Deciding that such thinking wasn't going to help the Aeon out of dock, she pulled up volumetric status displays and set to work. While reviewing the status of the ship-station connections, she depressed the ship-wide intercom key on the arm of the command chair. ”All hands, report to stations immediately. Prepare to cast-off. Repeat, prepare to cast-off.” She wondered for a brief moment whether the Taii would approve before deciding that thought too was unproductive. Instead, she pulled up the Engineering display repeaters while entering the code for the Mainspace before depressing a different intercom key. “Engineering, Bridge. Systems status report, if you please.” The information was all before her, but a live voice could communicate in ways no display, however detailed and precise, ever could.
Hisa did a quick check of the engineering stations she was manning, and looked at Taikai who acknowledged that her stations were ready. Hisa picked up the handset, "Bridge this is engineering; all primary systems are ready to respond to commands from the bridge."
Of course! Why didn't I think of that sooner? Thank you Eternity.
She then spotted an asteroid of a large size with in targeting rang and also close enough to the enemy that it could cause him to change his maneuvers if she could hit it with a correct hit. She prepped the starboard positron accelerator cannon. She calculated that if she barely nicked the planetoid with the beam then the resulting antimatter-matter reaction would explode the rock in front of the enemy she was tailing. Of course her window of opportunity was small, she had only 5 seconds to fire once she was in range, which would be in approximately 30 seconds.

The 30 seconds ticked by at a crawl. When her alarm went off she immediately activated the firing routine command for two shots from the starboard and watched as her first shot zoomed towards it's target, and then it hit a rogue asteroid instead. She sighed in relief as the second shot hit its target causing the planetoid to spiral out of its semi-stable orbit and careen towards the fleeing enemy.

Alia knew there was no time to celebrate she needed to use the rock's new path to her advantage. This meant maxing out the STL drives as she weaved through the rock field. The simulated crew members would probably get nauseous, but that was secondary to her goal.

Once she was in weapons range of the ship she fired the main cannon at the targets location, hoping for a direct hit.
Alia was rewarded with watching the simulated ship take damage from her volley, and then careen into an asteroid and explode. Simulation completed, target vessel destroyed. Shutting down simulation. Eterinty said returning Alia to the real world.
“Very well, Engineering. Please bring the ship under full internal power and disconnect the station power relays. Standby to get underway.” Eun-Kyung watched in satisfaction as everything seemed to come together. Content that things were well in hand for the moment, she turned towards the Taii. “With your permission, ma’am, I’ll have us cast off as soon as all departments report in as manned and ready.”
Toranaga bowed his head in acknowledgment to Haruhi-Juni’s order. Making his way to the set of Mindy’s he selected one of the Tall armors. Following protocol for the newer model Toranaga removed his belt and side arm, pins, and other accessories before backing into the tall unit. Once his feet were properly positioned he carefully slid down into place. He instantly felt odd as the armor closed around him. It was an awkward feeling that bordered claustrophobic. With a deep breath Toranaga closed his eyes and slipped on the helmet.
Alia opened her eyes as the simulation ended.
Thank you Eternity for that advice.
She then glanced over her shoulder. "Mission completed Taii." she said as she was beaming.
After his Back-Up was finished, Hoshi rolled out of the bed once the visor was set aside.

"Your turn, Asine-Hei. I don't suppose you want me to handle it, do you?"
Hoshi stood off to one side, rubbing his eyes. For some reason, they itched.

He supposed it had more to do with how nervous he really was, rather than from anything the Back-Up had done.
"Actually, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to manage it. I'm more comfortable with an actual person running the machine." He sat down in the back-up machine, and leaned back. "If you would?" While he waited, he quickly composed a message, and sent it out.
To: Haruhi - Santo Juni

I'll report to my station as soon as I can. I'm currently about to perform my mental back-up, as per my previous orders. Thank you for you patience.

Im'inao Asine - Santo Hei
The newly built training ship YSS Henry Chen NL-X1-T01 entered the outer limits of the Virginia star system. The class ship of the latest training vessels employed by the Star Army of Yamatai. As ship dropped out of hyperspace it switched to CDD to maneuver deeper into the system. She was headed for the First Fleet Depot to pickup equipment for its compliment of trainees. The Depot was also where she was to rendezvous with the Aeon.
Surprised, Hoshi nodded in agreement. "Alright -- get on the bed, then."
Hoshi put in the Manual Override, and as soon as he had control of the Back-Up equipment, he nodded once more to Asine. "Whenever you're ready, just put the Visor on and we can start."

Once Asine gave the go-ahead, Hoshi would start the machine up and run it through what it needed to be run through. Now this was muscle memory. In a very literal sense -- He knew how to run most of the standard equipment available to people like him as if he were just tying his shoelaces.
Having completed the diagnostic on the STL engine, Taikai brought up the drives and then remained at the drive console, waiting for her next orders. Through the course of getting all of her things put away and choosing a Mindy, Taikai's emotions had been slowly building. Now, standing in the engine room, running a diagnostic and bringing drives up, it was as though her entire body was thrumming with excitement. She was actually working on a ship! She was actually living in her dream!
Asi shrugged, then pulled down the visor, giving Hoshi a quick thumbs up to let him know he was ready. A quick chill ran through his body. Wonder what it's like? Guess I won't know until I've done it huh. With that, he awaited the back-up process's beginning.
The sharp noise of the slap of flesh echoed across the power armour bay as Haruhi's hand impacted her face in despair. “Inspection, Santô Hei, in-spec-tion. I didn't say 'climb into your armour', I clearly said to prep it for inspection,” The Juni's voice sounded strained, as if it would burst past her thin veneer of control given the slightest bit of additional provocation. Perhaps fortunately for the hapless rookie, Eun-Kyung's announcement dropped itself into the momentary silence and stalled any additional comments Haruhi may have wished to have made.

“Stay.” Whipping out her diagnostic unit again Haruhi set upon the Santô Hei's armour wordlessly to run through both sets of test procedures while her wrinkled brow clearly radiated the displeasure she felt. A minute later she stepped back - the checks complete - and immediately pointed to the armour racks. “Rack your armour, get to your station. I'll finish with you later.”

Haruhi didn't bother waiting around to see the Santô Hei's response, she still had her own armour to check out and time was not something that was on her side. Quickly she divulged herself of all the items not suited to being on the inside of a Mindy 3A and in a single smooth, practised movement slipped inside the power armour and closed it around her, the suit coming to life soon after. Diagnostics, quick movement test and a visit to the racks and then Haruhi was finished and re-clothing herself and doing a quick clean-up of any equipment and odds and ends that got left about the power armour bay.

Satisfied – or at least grudgingly acceptive – that she was finished there, Haruhi made her way up ship to the bridge and her own duty station, shooting Im'inao Santo Hei a simple “Acknowledged.” in reply to his message. With a slap of the control the bridge hatch opened and Haruhi swept in before coming to a halt and bowing at the command chair. “Haruhi Juni, reporting.”
Eun-Kyung glanced once more at the Taii, more than a little concerned by her continuing silence, before turning to the Juni. “Haruhi-Juni,” she said acknowledgment as she dipped her head in reply to the warrant's bow. “If everything is squared away in the armor bay, please assume your watch station. Also, I believe we may have some stragglers getting to their stations. My understanding,” she paused to glance at the Taii again, “is that our departure ought to be alacritous. It may be necessary for you has Master-at-Arms to reinforce the need for proper haste in reporting in to some of our junior crewmembers.”
Katae paced the bridge, Where is Toranaga-Hei? She thought. Katae then walked over next to Alia. "Take us out Midshipmen, we can go through our checks once we are clear. Right now we are holding up the Integrity from getting in for their repairs."
“Aye, ma'am,” Eun-Kyung replied briskly as she slipped into the rapid fire mindset of command. "All hands, secure for departure. Repeat, secure for departure.” Even as her finger lifted off the intercom stud, she was firing a message off telepathically. Eternity, please release all docking connections to the Ikoi and secure the ship for independent running.” Taking a breath while she studied the display floating before her, she reminded herself to keep calm. “Okay, Helm. Watch those sensors carefully; please try not to hit anything.” As statuses changed to green as Eternity reported back, Eun-Kyung nodded once to herself in satisfaction. “All right Helm, take us out slowly, if you please.”
"Yes Kim-Kohosei, Engaging STL engines."
She then used the actual hand controls to ignite the engines and to gently push the Aeon out of dock. She moved the ship at a fraction of a percent of the ship's potential top acceleration. Just in case any of the dock crew had not left the hull.
Eternity can you display the current traffic in my mind? I don't want to hit anybody.
Certainly Tsukiki-Hei. Eterinity replied. As the other ships moving around the Star Fortress were indicated with their names, direction, speed etc, Virgo Station has cleared this departure vector for our use to the testing area. Eternity add as a green line appeared on the display.
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