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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 1.1] A little training Exercise

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The Back-Up had just finished by the time the departure announcement came on.
"Ah... Good timing." Hoshi said, looking up at the ceiling. "Well, you can go now... Let's hope Alia-Hei doesn't crash the ship first time out."

Hoshi stayed put, suddenly wondering if his trust in that energetic Neko was well-placed. We're about to find out. He thought.
Asi popped his neck, and stood back up. "Thanks. And I think we're all hoping that more than a little." With that, he strode out of the med bay, and then suddenly stopped right outside, realizing he had no idea where he was supposed to meet.
To: Haruhi - Santo Juni

Where would you like me to report for the launch? Should I wait in the Power Armor Bay?

Im'inao Asine - Nitô Hei
Thank you Eternity
Then slowly Alia applied more power to the engines, following the marked path in her mind's eye. She slowly began to pick up speed as she left the dock. She was now going at two percent of highest acceleration. She watched as the blip tagged as the Integrity move towards the gap she was making.
"Kim-Kohosei and Ise-Taii, we are away." She then accelerated the ship further. She made sure that the Aeon had moved far enough away from the station for Integrity to pull in.
As the Aeon cleared the doors of the Kyoten’s repair bay the Ikoi repair bay control chief called. “YSS Aeon, this is Jorgen - Jôtô Heisho we show you have cleared the bay and are looking good. Good Hunting Kyoten control out..

Katae silently let out the breath that she had been holding. Having two new people taking her ship out was a bit unnerving. “Nice job leaving the repair bay Tsukiki-Hei, I’m sure the bay chief appreciates your restraint.” She turned to Eun-Kyung “Kim-Kohosei, take us to the weapon testing area for test firing of all weapons.”

“Ise-Taii,” Eternity interrupted. “There is an EYES ONLY message coming in from Yui-Taisho.” “I’ll take it at the mission control station Eternity.” Katae replied, walking to the station. As she sat down she transmitted her personal code, and the message decrypted. She read it quickly, and was not really surprised by the contents. She cleared the screen and turned to watch her crew at work while she pondered the situation.
“All's locked down there... Shoi Kohosei,” Haruhi had been slightly surprised upon finding the junior officer parked in the captain's chair, though with a sideways glance to make sure the Taii wasn't bound and gagged against her preferences she took it as being part of the exercise. Haruhi moved over to the systems monitor station and dropped herself into its padded chair, spinning it sideways towards the front of the bridge so she could face the others and access the station at the same time.

“I'll see to getting our strays into gear,” Haruhi responded, as she drew up a list of those stragglers who had still not reported in at their stations and sent them a brief message, along with a seperate one for Im'inao-Hei:

To said:
Any and all personnel not at duty stations and reported in with Eternity - as already ordered - within the next thirty seconds shall spend their next down time finding new meaning to the phrase 'menial labour'. That is all.
Im'inao-Hei, standby in the Power Armour Bay.
“Aye aye, ma’am,” replied Eun-Kyung quickly, still flushed from the on-going experience of a warship moving under her command, before turning her head slightly towards systems monitoring. “Thank you, Haruhi-Juni. Unless the Taii wishes otherwise, I intend to have the crew at Battle Stations for our weapons exercises.” Seemingly finished with ancillary concerns for the moment, she turned back forward. “All right, Helm. Watch sensors and local traffic carefully and get us on a course to the weapons testing area. We don’t need a least-time flight profile, but let's not waste time either.”
"Thank you Taii." Alia said while still focusing on keeping the ship on course. "Aye aye, Shoi Kohosei. Destination: weapon testing area, medium speed."
Alia then slowly turned up the acceleration to 75%. It would be fast but not combat speed. She followed the green line which weaved around other ships paths which were marked out in red. It wasn't anywhere close to the speed of the weaving she had done in the simulation. The turns were more gradual and spread apart. It would not take long to reach the training area.
Toranaga-Hei appeared shortly after Haruhi's admonishment and took his place at the sensor station. Bringing up the systems necessary to ensure the Aeon could navigate safely.

As the Aeon approached the weapon test area. A mechanical voice came over the speakers. "Warning, you are approaching a live fire area. All vessels entering should have shields engaged prior to entry."

Katae turned to Eun-Kyung, "Be sure that when you sound Battle Stations that you state this is a drill. Not that it should affect the response time. Once we enter the test area I will transmit a request for target drone deployment."
"Welcome, Toranaga-Hei," said Eun-Kyung as the Santo Hei stepped on to the Bridge. "Please assist Helm in keeping us away from any traffic hazards." Without missing a beat, she turned in her chair to face the Taii. "Aye, ma'am. I'll take us to Battle Stations now." Facing forward again, she spent the briefest moment composing herself before beginning. "Eternity, please set the condition about the ship to Battle Stations."

As the shrill alert klaxons began to sound, Eun-Kyung resolutely depressed the shipwide intercom key. "This is a drill. General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your Battle Stations. Standby for live fire exercise. This is a drill. General Quarters, General Quarters." With a sense of deep satisfaction, she released the key and, with a barely suppressed grin of excitement, examined the main display. "Okay then, people; let's get our shields up. Helm, bring us in, steady as she goes."
Though Taikia thought that Eternity probably already know her location, after receiving the warnings from Haruhi - Santo Juni and Kim - Shoi Kohosei, she decided that it would be better to be safe than sorry. Eternity, this is Sum'Ishi - Nito Hei, officially reporting to battle stations.
Hisa turned to Taikai, "Sum'ishi-Nitô Hei take the weapon system monitor, and power them up. If I know the Taii she's going to want everything except the torpedoes fired. I will take over propulsion and sheilds."

As the crew of the Aeon moved to their battle stations, the ship itself began the changes as primary systems began powering up. The two sets of booster engines beginning to warm up.
At the call to General Quarters, Hoshi immediately gave the Back-Up Unit up, and went quickly to the Power Armour Bay. He had sent notification that he was in position and ready to Eternity, and assumed attention after unstrapping his PA.

If this were real, I'd be doing well. He thought with a small smile.
Asi shrugged as he received seemingly conflicting messages, but headed to the Power Armor Bay anyway. Noting that Hoshi had already begun, Asi quickly, and very openly (Can't tell if Haruhi is watching, right?) removed his holster and pins, and put them in the storage compartment. He then destrapped his PA, and stood at the ready next to it.
"Yes, Ma'am."

Taikai quickly moved to the weapons console and powered up each system. When the display reported that all weapons were ready she double checked them each before looking over at her superior.

"All weapons systems on-line, Usaga Itto-Hei"
Hisa winked at Taikai, "Good job there Hei." She then called to the bridge. "Bridge - Engineering, weapons and shields ready at your command."
"Thank you, Engineering. Carry on. Bridge, out," said Eun-Kyung. "Okay then; you heard the lady. Toranaga-Hei, take a break from sensor watch and get the shields up and fire control online. Helm, what's our ETA?"
Haruhi brought her station live and called up the displays for damage control as she kept track of the new crew members and took note as they reported in ready at their stations. As soon as the last one was where they were supposed to be she turned and gave a quick "All enlisted at stations and ready, Shoi Kohosei," for the officer's sake.

Running through the damage control system the Juni ensured there were no issues present before she set each system for the heightened combat status. "Damage control armed, ready to rock and roll."
Toranaga shifted his gaze away from the sensor readouts and glanced at Kim-Shoi as she spoke her orders. When she finished he nodded his head in a half bow “understood Kim-Shoi.” His eyes quickly returned to the station as his attention moved to the other systems. He brought up the shields and fire control in a mechanical matter-of-fact manner as he followed the step-by-step guide he memorized. When he finished Toranaga twisted his gaze back to Kim-Shoi “fire control and shields online Kim-Shoi.” How will I react in real combat? Toranaga wondered as his attention focused on the sensors again. He felt naturally at ease watching the sensors. Perhaps he was a bit like a fraudulent soothsayer whose only predictions came from their knowledge of circumstances and individuals. In Toranaga’s case his foreknowledge stemmed from the ability to see and interpret events occurring around the Aeon.
"Thank you, Toranaga-Hei," began Eun-Kyung, eyes bright with amusement. Both for getting your station squared away and for the promotion. However until HQ comes to share your opinion of my abilities, we had better keep kohosei attached to things." She turned towards the Juni next, as interested in the veteran's potential reaction to the slip up as in confirming her report. "Thank you, Monitoring," she said, eyes peeled for the telltale signs of amusement, suppressed rueful head-shaking, or a murderous glare promising heads would role - later, of course.
The look the Shoi Kohosei directed her way gave Haruhi the feeling that she was expecting something from her, and Haruhi was never one to disappoint an expectant officer. Matching the stare directed at her with the most neutral, blank-wall expression she could muster, Haruhi raised her hand and saluted -

“Congratulations on your promotion, Shoi”

- Haruhi intoned, the few words delivered in a voice that managed to convey complete absurdity in their own seriousness.
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