Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP: YSS Genei Mission 1 - Prologue

Upon hearing Eika's admonishment, Nobutora simultaneously tried to appear more relaxed and berated himself. He had been doing well; he had been holding a "normal" conversation, the first one in at least a year and a half, but he was still being noticeably awkward. Work harder! Failure is not an option here. But try as he might, he still couldn't help but tense up when Eika called him by his given name, lacking any honorific, and then moved still closer to him. She was now as close as only two or three females, excluding his mother, had ever been to him in his entire life. But he quashed any vocal discomfort and replied. "Umm, certainly."
Konpeki made mental note of Nobutora's reaction to her intentional use of his given name, and her proximity. Damn, I'm just making him more nervous. I had hoped using his name and closing the distance would be more casual. He's an odd fish. She glided across the room to get herself something to drink so as to increase the distance without making him feel bad. She took a sip out of the container and turned to him. "What was it like for you, when they transferred you from your old body to this one? Did you look like this before? What did it feel like? Do you feel different?" Stop babbling and let him answer. she thought chiding herself.
"Alllright then!"

That was Daria's one mental reply before she began moving over to one of the pilot's seats, setting herself down. She let the SPINE interface connect, and gained awareness of the ship, took control in an instant. After getting a full diagnostic report from all systems, Daria began to close all ports, tell the CIES to inform everyone they were disembarking, and meter out thrust, manipulating the field layers of the ship to begin moving out.

The first challenge came as the Genei moved away from the docking point, heading into the main taxiing area. There were a number of ships all around, and while flight control was clearing an opening for Daria to fly through, it was a tight squeeze. As they cruised farther away, the little Yuuko-class flitted by legions of ships, brushing especially close to a passing Plumeria-class as Daria veered, ostensibly to speed up their exit path.

It was smooth sailing though, and the Genei was about to clear the entire area, heading out to open space... Daria took a second to ask, though.

"Okano-shosa, any further headings before the briefing?"
After a brief moment of embarrassment and annoyance at the transparency of his discomfort, Nobutora made a little mental sigh as he realized Eika had just moved to get a drink. Whatever her reason, he relaxed a bit, given the greater distance between them. But then his thoughts tensed up again at her question. "Physically? My body now appears much the same. As for feeling differently, in a literal sense, aside from the updated capabilities of the Yamataian type construct. But as for the metaphysical conception..." He paused for a moment and frowned at the deck beneath his feet. The philosophical considerations of a soul transfer had of course crossed his mind before, and he had thought on the subject at some length. "I suppose it is entirely possible, probable even, that I am no longer the same consciousness that was Yamamoto Nobutora the Geshrin. I may be a year old entity that simply bears the false memories of that individual's existence. But with the weight of those memories, false or not, the imperatives to switch bodies - or even to continue to be willing to exist - remain. After all, I - or a Yamamoto Nobutora - did this for the Empire and Empress." He shook his head briefly, barely conscious that he had never aired such internal thoughts before, before looking up at Eika. And then it dawned on him that she had probably never had a soul transfer before. "Oh... I'm... Er, that is, I'm sorry if that was not a very comforting reply. The, well, the philosophical situation isn't certain. It's possible that the consciousness truly transfers. And it might... I mean, there's no real reason to fear..." His rambling explanation died off after a moment.
So its confusing to him too. Konpeki thought. "I thank you for sharing that with me Yamamoto-san. During my interview the Shosa asked me how I felt about body transfer, so I've been giving it some thought. I told her that if I truly had to for the good of the mission, I would do it. But I must admit the idea is frightening. I remember hearing my mother's heart beat while I was in her and how it made me feel safe. The way I feel when I'm singing for an audience. And a part of me is afraid that could change or be lost in such a transfer. So it means much to me that you would share your thoughts on this."

Eika finished her drink and disposed of the container. "So since we are underway, I guess we'll be meeting the rest of the crew soon. I wonder what our mission is, we seemed to leave much earlier that I expected?"
"Set a course for Kohana at .2575 light years an hour, that should put us there in a little over 48 hours." Yoshiko responded before making some final adjustments to the mission brief while keeping an eye on the Hei. "Once you've plotted the course and started us out you can set it on auto-pilot and prepare for the brief, we'll start in 20 minutes." Yoshiko sent before returning her attention to the brief itself.
Finding any response to Eika's first statement to be entirely too personally involved for his liking, Nobutora simply repressed it and moved on. "I would imagine the Shosa is busy with putting us on course at the moment, but I'm sure she will brief us at the earliest practicable time. And I do not know if this is an abnormally fast departure or not, but if so perhaps there is a pressing mission requirement to fulfill. The useful, practical lifespan of most intelligence is extremely short, so it might be best to get used to rapid changes in mission priorities to reflect this. I rather doubt we are going to be assigned to any focused long term intelligence efforts. A starship is rather too obvious to serve in such a role."
"Well, the reason I said unusual when the Shosa accepted me aboard she said we would leave in 22 hours. It hasn't been nearly that long. Why don't we leave the kitchen and find a place to sit in the wardroom while we wait for the Shosa to call us to the briefing. And perhaps she'll also let us know about cabin assignments. I'd like to get my stuff unpacked." Eika said as she glided towards the door.
"Mmm, yes," replied Nobutora, following her out. "If we are to begin operations soon, establishing ourselves aboard the ship as soon as possible is probably for the best."
Konpeki looked around the wardroom, she selected a chair along the wall that afforded her a view of the room and the doors. She glided over to the chair, and gracefully sat down. Nice room, I'll have to see how the acoustics are later. she thought. Turning to Yamamoto, "Well, at least this room is rather spacious. Feels like some of the lounges I've sung in." she said, with a shy smile, as she pushed her hair away from her face.
As Eika settled into her chair, Nobutora fell into a sort of relaxed parade rest, feet spread apart and his hands loosely clapped behind his back. "I would imagine that have a somewhat expansive room is going to be quite soothing after some time aboard ship," he said, nodding slightly as he looked around. "Did the Shosa tell you how many other crew members there will be aboard?"
Konpeki watched Nobutora survey the room, while she replayed in her mind the interview. "No the Shosa did not say anything about the crew, other than she was adding me the list of people authorized. And she said to get settled in." She paused and grinned at Nobutura, "Yamamoto-san, wouldn't you be more comfortable sitting? That is what the furniture is for. Or do you have a pressing engagement that being here with me is keeping you from?" Konokpeki kept her voice light and friendly. That should be a kinder way to hint that he should relax, every time I tell him to relax, he flinches so.
Upon hearing Eika's words Nobutora cringed, yet again, but this time it was no mental feeling. He quite literally cringed, feeling a twitch of embarrassed awareness while he straightened up. No internal chastisement or chiding over the Shosa's orders or his - for him - relative ease during the past conversation deflected the extremely self effacing thoughts that boiled up. The very idea that his inexcusable rudeness and stiffness had suggested to Eika-hei that he apparently considered this whole interaction to be a waste of his time was appalling. At a later point, he may have found his thoughts amusing; he had always considered himself very observant and accurate in reading others, and Eika had certainly peppered her tone with plenty of clues he ought to have picked up on. Moreover, he certainly wasn't devoid of a sense of humor, regularly making little sarcastic asides to himself when others weren't around. But when they were, everything flew out the window. "Eika-hei! This has truly become inexcusable. I realize that my behavior since you have met me has been exceedingly awkward and rude, but I must now truly and deeply apologize for giving such offense. If you wish, please take this up with the Shosa. It seems apparent to me that I am unfit for the confined environs of a starship. There is likely sufficient time for the ship to turn around for my dismissal from duty before we get too far on course." He rambled on distractedly for a few moments, now at attention, his mind picking up on his fears and deviating farther and farther from the reasonable ramifications of their conversation.
Oh dear, what did I say, I was playfully teasing him. Konpeki thought. She stood up and walked over to him. She smiled and took his hand gently in hers. "Yamamoto-san, you did not offend me. I was trying in a playful manner to hint for you to relax. Obviously you did not take it as my being playful. Please have a seat, I see no reason to take this matter up with the Shosa. I have truly enjoyed talking with you. I have confided things to you, that I haven't with anyone else. So why would I want you to leave." She released his hand, and pointed to one of the couches. "Please come sit."
A few minutes later Yoshiko finally put the finishing touches on her briefing before talking to the CIES again. "Make an announcement about the briefing." Yoshiko instructed the CIES. Seconds later an announcement was made throughout the ship. "There will be a mission briefing in 15 minutes. All operatives are to report to the Wardroom by that time." the CIES said.
The CIES's interruption provided a desperately needed moment for Nobutora to collect himself. "...You are very kind to ignore my failings," he said abruptly, before turning to find a chair. "I suppose I will sit until the Shosa arrives for the briefing." Lowering himself into the chair, Nobutora took a moment and replayed the conversation since coming aboard. While he certainly was still extremely agitated by all of the socialization he had been doing, he found himself to be increasingly fed-up with that discomfort. "I appreciate that you consider myself to be a trusty-worthy individual to confide in, and I do assure you that it is a point of both professional and personal pride that I do keep my confidences. But in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I still cannot understand how you are able to be so relaxed and trusting around a complete stranger, or rather, I do not understand how all normal people are able to." He shrugged. "I suppose this is a rather critical failing of mine that I ought to address."
Konpeki smiled at Nobutora, "When one works in nightclubs, one learns to be a quick judge of character, trusting your instincts. My mother taught me the basics of it. Our Shosa selected you for this crew, so she obviously sees something good in you as well." She paused for a moment. "I don't just blindly trust strangers, no one truly does. But think for a moment, we are both in the Star Army, that gives us something in common, a place to start at least." He really is going to have to work on his interpersonal skills if he's going to succeed as an operative. she thought. "If you would like Yamamoto-san, I would be willing to help you improve your interpersonal skills."
"I believe that being in a forced social environment should certainly help me to begin alleviating the problem by itself," Nobutora replied. Now that he had stepped back from his personal frustration to consider the conversation more objectively, he had to admit that he had made some progress. But that's only really been parroting some of the things Eika-san has done so far. I suppose that's better than nothing, but that didn't work in the training sim with the Shosa and probably wont work on a real operation. Cutting off his own reverie he looked back up again and nodded at Eika, a tight smile on his face. "But if you would share any advice or tips, I would greatly appreciate it. Your patience so far is much appreciated."
I figured he would like the offer of assistance. But, he rebuffed it, he seems to think he can learn this by himself. You think as smart as he appears to be that after 20 plus years he would see he needs help. Konpeki thought then she smiled at him, "Of course Yamamoto-san, you are probably correct. Being in such an environment will provide you with an excellent opportunity to learn." She paused, "I will, discretely offer you advice and tips and you can decide whether or not to follow them."
"Discreet?" replied Nobutora, showing some puzzlement on his face. "Well, if such conversations are not to your liking, I would be glad to receive your assistance in whatever form you chose." He paused for a moment, trying to figure out why exactly Eika wanted to minimize their interactions. She must be getting to the end of her string. I guess there is a limit to the bumbling of mine she can handle. "I realize that this conversation has probably tried your patience and I entirely understand that you wish to avoid this in the future. Whatever that case, thank you for your offer."