Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.0] Spirits in the dark

Wapoin Rou'sa

La'tâ's life scan showed two life forms in the isolation room with strong signals. They were located in the far corner as far from the doorway and glass as possible. The baqli were safe.

However, Murr's position up close to the hostile severely limited her target opportunities. She would have to be careful lest she shoot her shipmate.

The Assailant pile drove its weapon arm into Murr's midsection several times in an attempt to knock her away from it. The Dahome's armor plating protected her from the worst of the force. But it still felt like she was being punched in the gut painfully.

Deck 1

Memi's further volleys only served to tear into the ship's interior wall. The attacker was not returning fire at the moment. Most likely moving to another vantage point or perhaps to hide and wait again.
Murr hung on tightly, entwining her legs with the Behemoth to trip it, Her tail Laser firing into the legs to cripple it. She released one hand to extend the Dahome claws to stick into seams and/or exposed joints to stop some of the pummeling.

The pain was horrendous as she silently suffered the pummeling. Probably making whomever inside either extreme nervous or angry not getting a response from her as she continued to hold on. Her weapon somewhere on the deck or hanging beside her, useless and lost. She was so going to be hurting after this. trying to keep her focus through out the jarring impacts from being pummeled as she berated herself for being extremely stupid by doing this and be facing the Defilers, instead of suffering so that La'ta could get the baqli to safety. So far none of pummeling had hit any of the explosives she was carrying...

She knew she was living on borrowed time from the moment she was allowed to live and fought quite successfully to stay alive. And she continued do so as she grappled with the 7 foot Armored behemoth in her grips.
Deck 1

Syaboa kept firing bursts but she noticed the flashing lights of the armour coming towards them "friendly incoming" she smiled and heard the swearing but decided now was a good time as the person would be really busy with the other two, she took this time to run towards the hidden person and as the person came round the corner to fire at them she fired at the person arm to try and stop the armoured person from using their gun.
Wapoin Rou'sa

Seeing Murr in close and taking hits from the giant armor made La'tâ growl some under her breath. "Murr step back!" She made her approach to get closer to the hulk of armor, switching her rifle to heavy burst as she did. She had no intention of sitting back and watching, nor escaping and leaving Murr on her own, if there was one threat there were more, it was best to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Once she got in close enough that she could make some clean shots without hitting Murr she did just that, aiming for the head which should have been way away from Murr's body which was more than a foot shorter than her opponent. Hopefully the heavy shot would be enough to stun the target long enough for her to get much closer and fire a plasma shot at near point blank range.
Wapoin Rou'sa

There was a sound of metal hitting the deck and the damaged coil weapon clattered on the floor. A fraction of a second later a schink-click was heard. The next thrust at Murr was infinitely more painful. Her Dahome registered that the armor had not only been compromised but breached. Murr felt a stabbing pain in her lower abdomen.

Murr's tail hacked repeatedly at the enemy's armored legs. La'tâ's weapon struck the hostile at least one of the rounds seemed to have penetrated. The armor staggered and started falling backwards. From the armor's speakers hissed "Ojâtem ria âyem."

A growing whine could be heard from behind the armor.
Deck 1

What ever raced through Murr's mind at this time was that she was very much screwed. She fought to get away feeling something tear loose within her abdomen and flaring of pain. With a sharp exhale and burst of fast fading strength hurled herself clear from the falling Armored Behemoth. Placing an auto-commands and execution into the Dahome to get her to safety as she finally succumbed to the overload of pain and injury from the retaliation attack from the Behemoth.

Murr's Dahome kept moving, sweeping past La'ta to the only refuge possible. The Wapoin Rou'sa. Blood dripping from the rent in the armor was the only indication of her being wounded. Her vitals being transmitted to La'ta, Team Leader, and Yome Ismaopate that Murr was unconscious and her Dahome was on auto to protect the life it carried.
Wapoin Rou'sa

After taking down the opposing armor, La'tâ had less than a second of relaxation before realizing what was going on. That sound and what the person said were not giving her any good signs. She could also see Murr's vitals, having everyone's displayed that she could reach anyway. But not having time to explain she simply grabbed Murr and rushed back to the baqli in the isolation section. She didn't want to take any chances with her shield and crowded everyone into a corner and put up the stronger Arc shield hoping it would be strong enough. She wasn't sure if she had the time or if it would work, but she tried to send a 'command' to Murr's armor to tell it to engage it's arc shield.
Deck 1

As Miali prepared to make her bolt around the corner. An unfamiliar armor came into view. It had one arm raised towards the corridor it was coming out of. The other arm was pointing at her; the arm facing Miali had a large metal shield between her and it. Though for the moment it appeared to be looking back the way it came.

Deck 2

The whining grew in volume the sound reverberating into anywhere it could. When the pitch started to become painful the Dahom's in the Wapoin Rou'sa automatically cut off the audio pickups. A second later a blast erupted. The wall at opposite end of the Wapoin Rou'sa from the Isolation Room had large sections torn out of it. The Âmuso Ibâka bucked and the artificial gravity system failed.

Hewid had completed the repairs on the brain and had the ship's network fully restored. Many of the ship's primary systems were still offline. FTL was not repairable except at a Sky Harbor. He had the Tinvymai Tyokame back online but at reduced capacity. Then the explosion hit. "Qopo." he yelled as he was knocked away watched a number of the systems in the engine room fail.

Wapoin Rou'sa

The room was a mess. The two Wapoin Âotunay in the main space were wrecked by the pieces of wall that had been blown in. The only working healing station was in the Isolation room. Murr's vitals showed her blood pressure was steadily dropping.
Deck 1

Miali was moving at high speed now, an armored predator in search of her prey. She could not fully stop at this point, only make subtle adjustments to her trajectory in order to direct her fury against the target that now appeared. Seeing the head and the firing arm of what appeared to be a hulking shield bearer was turned she had the chance now to alpha strike with everything she had in the hopes she could knock the enemy completely off balance, and the other two could finish the job.

There was no cursing, nothing flashy this time... except that is, the sudden muzzle flash as she unloaded a large number of rounds from her rifle into the metallic shield as it raced closer, before the Tuoro was literally about to smash right into it with the full force of her momentum. And yet, as if in slow motion, at the very last second before impact the agile Tuima-daho'te fighter torqued her armored body ever so slightly to instead impact directly to the side of the shield where the arm holding it was that connected it to the body -- this had been the point she had been focusing her fire on in order to cause it to tilt enough to create the opening she needed.

Assuming her plan worked, it was here that she focused her follow-on point blank claw and laser attacks in order to brutally sever the foe's shield arm from the rest of its body... though at worst, she would at least be able to bounce backwards off of the shield to a safe distance to try again.
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Wapoin Rou'sa Isolation Room

Murr's Dahome recognized the command coming from La'ta as she was the team's designated medic and quickly form an Arching shield, matching La'ta's arc shield to meld and re-enforce it making it stronger.

Once the blast was over with and the debris settled. Murr's Dahome opened up to reveal Murr bloody gut where she had been stabbed; neatly sliced into, and the forced exit of the blade; torn and ragged as if the blade was serrated to cause even more damage upon exit. She laid there looking peaceful as if she was a sleep.

The silent tough EOD Infanty Tula female was unconscious and her breathing was seriously labored and getting weaker. Her tail tip twitched once or twice.


Murr stood in the pit, wearing just enough clothing to be decent, yet not enough for her opponent to grab to use against her. Her opponent was a half-breed and male towering over her by at least a good foot plus or minus a few inches. She flexed her claws as she studied her opponent. Another that was going through the Ritual into Adulthood. One of those that scorned her and thought she was an insult to the Poku and weakness to the Family, Clan and to the People in general to allow such an anomaly to survive.

It had been known for those participating in this ritual to die and nothing would be said, nor done derogatory to the survivor. Murr had heard and researched this Ritual out and knew what she was facing. But to be considered an Independent Adult was worth facing this first steps into adulthood.

The fight had gotten bloody, Murr took her fair share of clawing and punches. She gave as good if not better back to her opponent, forcing him to finally honorably without losing face to surrender through superior skillful fighting skills and agility. Oh she suffered for months afterwards. Silently crying at the slashes in her finely groomed fur, the bruised muscles and suffering as her tail slowly reconnected itself back to full health, where it had been nearly pulled off of her during the fight. Even with the healing machines it was still very painful that lasted weeks after the incident.

Her rival from another family, when he saw her gave her much respect, even though publicly, he still was her staunch detractor. At least when he publically insulted her, he did it with respect for fighting spirit and prowess she had displayed.
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Deck 1

Miali's volley on the shield alerted the hostile to her presence. While her maneuver to spin around the shield was executed well. The hostile spun faster due to the power assist in its armor. It slammed the heavy shield into Miali sending her crashing into the bulkhead. It continued its spin and drove its left fist into the back of her Dahome. It was like being hit by a ground glider. If she had not been wearing the Dahome the blow would have crushed her spine. Her HUD flashed a system status that some of the Vymasa Norjopa on the backpack were damaged.
Deck 1

The sheer strength and speed of the foe surprised Miali, as she was plastered to the wall rather ungracefully and punched right in the back after her impulsive gambit failed. "Qopo!" she exhaled harshly, as the force of the blow knocked the wind out of her lungs and unfortunately knocked a large portion of the thrusters off of her backpack. She had leaned too heavily on their speed boosting up until now, and this was a sweet irony that was not entirely lost on the Tuoro to be stripped of them early on in this life or death battle.

But Miali was not about to quit -- she had had many worse falls than this as a baqli learning her art! The fact that the enemy had extended its fist was in itself another opening, one which she had to seize quickly. Her prehensile tail reached behind to wrap itself around the forearm of the enemy armor to create a pivot point, and using her free hand and feet she simultaneously pushed off the bulkhead she had just made a large dent in. The resulting motion caused her Dahome to swing up towards the ceiling at first, the tail laser etching a painful glowing arc in the foe's wrist to remember her by. Then, as she looped down towards the ground she let go and what was left of her dying Vymasa Norjopa combined with the force of her unloading several more shots at the enemy carried her back a good distance away down the hallway.

"Syaboa! Memi!" shouted Miali, as she rolled into a safe position in the nearest room, "The shield is too strong! We need to hit this dâeltbu all at once... try to flank him!"
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Deck 1

Letting out a low growl, Memi saw how desperate the situation was getting to be, so he changed the magazine for his weapon and pushed forward, just before he hit the corner he let himself fall back so he slid across the opening, as if he was sliding into a base. Once he hit the far wall of the corridor He fired toward the Armored person that had attacked Miali. Opening up with long burst, he really hoped the phased plasma would do something tto the armor, or he was now in the open with out much support.
Wapoin Rou'sa Isolation Room

Seeing that the coast seemed to be clear La'tâ got up and quickly checked over the Baqli, she knew Murr's vitals but she did not know there's. She decided though Murr's condition was the one in most danger and since her armor had begun disengaging the Wapoin'a had to work fast.

Helping Murr out of her armor she then put her up on the medical bed and began to work on first stopping the bleeding using the Radiant healing console. She wanted to call the rest of the team using the isolated system speaker but she couldn't stop her hands right now. She did however expand her Dahome's detection range to the maximum making sure she would detect anything before they found them so she could take proper measure.
Wapoin Rou'sa Isolation Room

Sogi and Tota were both fine, excited by the recent events but otherwise unharmed. They helped La'tâ get Murr onto the table. Sogi then went over to the cabinet and brought a Crisis Drug Pack and a Wapointe Omey, and a pair of plasma IV bags. She placed them on a tray next to La'tâ and backed away.

Deck 1

As Miali vaulted to safety her tail laser slashed across the arm that had the forearm weapon. A small blast came from the arm most likely rendering that weapon inert.

As she flew past to safety Memi slid into the fray and from his position his plasma struck below the large arm shield and tore into the armor of the hostile protecting its legs. Chunks of the armor flew in various directions as it was chewed up. Then the tell tail sign of blood and flesh was seen.
Deck 1

Syaboa watched everything unfold around her and sighed her weapon was out of magazines so she put it on her back, she then brought out her dagger and bounded after the others hoping to be helpful. as she saw what was happening she ran towards the others "I think that is enough, we need to interrigate them, it can help us a lot."
Deck 1

As she got a moment to catch her breath, Miali realized that there had been an explosion somewhere below decks, in the direction of engineering. She silently hoped that Hewid was alright, and needed to check on him once they neutralized the threat that was still in front of them.

The Tuoro was pleasantly surprised when Memi executed a well placed low shot that tore straight into the enemy's leg armor and even reached the flesh beneath. "Yeah! Nice shot big guy," she voiced encouragingly, as the towering adversary was slowly being cut down to size by teamwork.

She was readying herself for another go now, this time advancing slowly to try to continue to hit the enemy from as many sides as possible. That was when the moderately damaged Dahome that Syaboa was operating came into view with her dagger bared calling for the objective here being a capture and not killing. That suited Miali just fine, as she nodded to the professional warrior "A captive audience then? Right!" She tried to place her remaining shots in the magazine to cripple the arm wielding the gun instead of fatally shooting a vital area.
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Wapoin Rou'sa

La'ta glanced to Sogi as she handed her the crisis pack "Thank you." She said in a somewhat odd tone. She was disgusted in herself, the fact that a baqli had to hand her the crisis drug kit showed her just how much she was panicking and how many mistakes she was making. She took a breath to calm herself and refocus and then quickly got back to work, keeping the Radiant healing system going to stop the bleeding while she ran a scan with her own portable device.

The scan showed damage to the diaphragm, a nicked blood vessel that was in the process of repair due to radiant healing, and a lacerated kidney, along with the obvious penetration wounds. Now that La'tâ had diagnosed the patient she then pulled out ampules of Iasa Niuos, her medical scanner displaying Murr's weight so that she could get the dosage right and then injected her. The medicine would help the blood produce oxygen without the use of the lungs, so she wouldn't have to try to strain to breath in. This was quickly followed up with Iasa Luqar which was a pain medication, the liquid form which La'tâ would not normally use was being administered though. Because of the need to stop blood loss so she didn't die, the wounds would take time to heal, so Murr would just have to deal with the slight numbness and disorientation she would feel afterwards, if it was bad enough La'tâ had some medication for it as well.

Now it was just a matter of carefully monitoring Murr's condition and switching over the healing once each task was finished, staring with the blood vessel.
Wapin Rou'sa

Murr breathing slowed as the Iasa Niuos took effect. Once in a while her body would convulse, forcing fluids from her lungs, which was free from the taint of blood. She relaxed even more under the influence of the Iasa Luqar allowing La'ta administrations to work better along with her body since it wasn't tensed up with dealing with the pain from the brutal pummeling she took from the Behemoth Armor of the enemy.

Her tail tip gave an energetic swish back and forth, then curled up next to her leg. Eyes opened briefly as she regained conscious. Ears flickered briefly, opening up widely to take in sounds as her drugged mind raced? at the speed of the shelled slimy plug of a worm. Even with the Iasa Lugar in her system, she felt the dull pain deep in her bones.

She mentally berated herself for being rash in her action. But she could come up with no other course of action to the situation in keeping La'ta and the two Baqli , Soga and Tota, safe and allowing them to escape. Then eyes opened widely to see who was treating her. Was it the enemy? Friendlies? Mother?... Where was her Dahome for that matter? She tensed up and began to struggle to sit up, with her eyes wide open, pupils to mere slits, looking to see through the sudden bright haze of light
Deck 1

Panting hard and keeping his gun aimed at the Armored fool he just hit, Memi spoke slowly and carefully. "Please stop... I will fire again..." he continued to pant as he laid with his gun pointed up and his head resting on the deck. it was the most relaxed he felt since they came aboard this death ship.

"Sâvyjo Are you ok? Please keep sights on him."