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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 2.1] Squids Come Calling

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Kyoka upon appearing in the power armor bay was flung across the bay and slammed into wall. While the power armor took the full force of the impact, other than being a bit bruised and shaken up Kyoka was not seriously injured.


On the bridge Katae received Haruhi's report. On the view screen the target area the squadron had targeted changed when two Irim-Class Heavy Gunships decloaked and fired upon the Aeon. The reinforced forward shields took the brunt of the initial barrage, but damage was registered in the fore section. "Roger that Haruhi-Juni, get your people out of their PA's secure the teleportation pads and weapons and have them report to the duty stations." She sent over the intercom.

"Engineering, keep the fold charging, and reinforce the forward shields" "All ships engage the enemy two on two formation. 6 minutes until Fold." She sent.

Trowa returned fire with the Aeon's positron cannons and the Heavy Dual Anti-Starship Gun Turrets. The main array was currently offline. The Integrity synchronized their weapons to with the Aeon's.
Itkatsu Kiyoko said:
“Away team, report present aboard Aeon or dead!”

Kyoka took a minute to recover from the jarring crash. Or, it wasn't so much a jarring crash as it was a stunning crash. Either way, it knocked the wind out of the Neko momentarily before she could regain her wits.
"Santo-hei Kyoka, reporting. . . A little jarred but nothing broken." She grumbled into her comm, getting up and steadying herself against the wall.
As the Captain continued managing the fight without acknowledging her, Eun-Kyung's blush darkened from embarrassment to shame. She slunk over to the Mission Operations station. Idiot girl!, she hissed at herself in remonstration. Of course she's too busy to be interrupted! Sitting down at the station, she took one deep breath before focusing on the displays. “Damage-” Her voice caught, and she had to clear her throat before continuing. “Damage reported to the forward hull and spaces, ma'am,” she finished, watching the Damage Control screen for further information while pulling up the Crew Status Report. She snatched up a handset and keyed for transmission to the armor bay. “This is the Bridge. Your report is acknowledged, Tsubei-Hei. Please assist,” she peered at the screen to double check the pending request, “Yukimura-Hei to the sickbay. What is the status of your injury, Yukimura-Hei?”
"Patched. But I'm not too sure about internal injuries. I can function, but as a Medic I wouldn't want anyone with this type of injury in a war zone. As myself, I'd say it hurts like hell even with anesthetic." Hoshi replied to his squad leader. "I await further orders."

His words were a bit slower, and his tone was dim. The drugs were working through his system.
The Irim Gunships unleashed another volley at the Aeon, the already weakened shields again mitigated some of the damage, but Eun-Kyung's status board showed a hull breach in Engineering, and the port pylon took serious structural damage as Trowa attempted to avoid the enemy fire. The enhanced sensor dish under the ship was destroyed, causing the ship to have to switch to the default sensors.

"Kim-Shoi, contact engineering, get damage control teams into action." Katae called out.


Down in engineering, minor chaos broke out when the hull was breached, while there was no damage to primary systems, anything loose was suddenly flying as the atmosphere streamed out the fist wide hole in the hull.


"Hyperspace fold fully charged. Initiating fold sequenced, coordinates relayed to squadron ships." Eternity said over the speakers.

Outside the ship, the area of space surrounding it was suddenly filled with teal energy as the fold bubble formed around each of the squadron ships. Once the bubbles were completely formed the teal grew in intensity until it was a blue-white and the ships vanished into hyperspace leaving teal after glows flashing where the ships had been.
"On board and intact, more or less." Asi shrugged the packs onto the floor, setting them down gently. "Where are we going to stick these things?"
Upon hearing the Taii's request Kame look at a read out just in time to see the two Irim-Class Heavy Gunships de-cloak and begin firing on the Aeon. Upon hearing that it was only Irim-Class Gunships, Kame wasn't all to worried as the CFS shields adapted an took the brunt of the damage. She didn't even notice that the lower left of the hull started to blink red, but all too soon she realize her first mistake as the second barrage began with 4 minutes before the hyperdrive was ready. Kame desperately tried to get Eternity to move the more shielding to the weakened sector and devert the damage around the ship. However, she then came to understand her second mistake as the lower hull on port side began to crack and both engineers blacked out.

As the ship shook, a lone drone soon received orders moved out to the power armor bay from the maintenance conduit it was in. Popping its head out it rolled around and began searching something in the power armor bay and paused briefly as the away team began to warp in. Soon the repair drone rolled its way over to the the empty power armors and took a couple of

Other drones soon quickly began moving alone port side pylon's maintenance tunnel. They quickly made sure that the damaged pylon shut down and then began to repair it in flight
“Aye aye, ma'am,” said Eun-Kyung, lifting her handset again. “Engineering, Bridge. What is the status of your damage control efforts? My screens are showing significant damage in the port pylon and a breach in Engineering. Do you require further manpower?” With the Away Team back aboard, and the ship hopefully out of harm's way for the moment, the time was perfect to perform some rapid repairs to the Aeon lest another problem crop up. Keeping an ear open for Engineering's reply, Eun-Kyung keyed in a new recipient for her handset. “Haruhi-Juni, sitrep, if you please.”
Kame woke up gasp for air as she saw the small gash across the ship and a unconscious, injured Chief Engineering drifting in space dangerously nearby. The atmosphere around the ship was cluttered with debre and the near by locker door had been torn off its hinges as debre began to fall out. With all her might she took her shoe an threw it at the damage control bay hitting the control grabbed Usaga-her with a blood red hand. She then grab two nearby floating Type 31 helmet for both her and the Tai secured them to both suits. Painfully her lungs filled with oxygen, but she had no time to rest. Taking her pistol and with two careful shots she blasted off the broken locker door and used it to clover over the hole that remained. Still dragging her unconscious officer to the damage control, Kame barely heard the away team looked up at the screen to see what the Chief had done, and fired back a reply.

Engineering said:
To Away Team and Bridge,
This is Santo-Hei Kame O'Kutusuu reporting. Indeed the hull near has been pierced, deck 6 sensor systems have been severely damaged, and Head Engineer has suffered a severe concussion. Also we have a major structural damage one of the port side pylons. So we could definitely use the help Away Team.
We mainly need a larger gang to help repair engineering, re-establish sensor systems, and provide medical assistance. Itto-Hei Usaga appears to have sent a drone to the armor bay that should be nearby to carry up any missing supplies and equipment for you repairs of Engineering. Two Drones have already in route to repair the pylon. We also then a smaller gang to head of to repair the pylon enough to enable us to land safely.

Bridge it also appears that our main sensor that contains our Aether sensor has been completely torn off as well as a good portion of our communication systems. Will may need you all to get of the other ships to help cue us when to exit hyperspace and help coordinate attacks our until our sensor systems are back online

Nearby in armory repair drone crawled over to the just landed shuttle, detached the shuttle's sensor systems, then crawled over and stared at the Away Team as if asking for instructions
The display indicator showed that Hisa had already switched the Aeon to irs original sensor array rather than the exploration sensor. Also she had successfullly rerouted the power away from the damaged pylon.

Hisa started to thrash around once the helmet had been placed over her head. Upon seeing Kame she stopped thrashing and groaned, "Leave me be, get the hull breach patched, the blast shutters will not open as long as there is negative pressure." Hisa grabbed onto the nearest stationary object she could reach.


Katae with Eternity's assistance checked the rest of the Aeon's condition. It was a good thing they were heading home because the ship needed some signifant repairs before being battle ready.
Eun-Kyung's eyes narrowed as she read the message from Engineering. It was obvious that the red-shirts were a little dazed, at the least, and certainly any damage to the Mainspace itself was cause for more than a little concern. “Haruhi-Juni, you need to organize your team at once. We need damage control and medical teams to lay to Engineering posthaste,” she said in a rush while pulling up the Damage Control screen to her main plot. She took a closer look at the specifics than she had before, pulling up and highlighting the main areas of concern before passing along her annotations for the Juni to peruse. Still clutching the handset, she spun in her seat to look toward the command chair. “Ma'am, shall I instruct Haruhi-Juni to take personal command of the ad-hoc DC teams or shall I head below myself?”
Katae turned her chair to face Eun-Kyung, "We have multiple situations that need to be dealt with. Where do you think you would best serve?... This is not a training situation. It would do you good to assist." Katae figured that the midshipman was trying to make up for her earlier mishap. "Choose one of the situations, and take charge of it. Have Haruhi take care of the other. " she said with a hint of a smile on her face. I can not fault her for trying to do better.

Katae turned her attention back to Eternity, as they two of the linked to go over the ship systems. I swear it would be nice to head out on a mission and not have everything we encounter conspire to destroy my ship.

Meanwhile in engineering the door for the damage control locker did reduce the loss of pressure. So the turbulent wind was replaced with a high pitched whistle as the air went around and through the door.

Another problem in the Engineering was that the environmental fail safes had not engaged. With the breach the system should have stopped trying to maintain pressure, but instead it continued to try and compensate, causing a serious drain on the system.
Haruhi, after hearing all the Away Team report in, transmitted. "Away team, Secure your power armor, store the teleportation pads and your extra weapons in the Armory and report to your damage control stations ASAP."
"Those things are really starting to piss me off!" Trowa cursed. The Aeon had taken a beating and Trowa could feel the ship straining as she flew. But she had heart and she wasn't giving up. As soon as they jumped, Trowa engaged the weapon safeties and powered them down to save on power. He began his post-battle scan of the ship, silently swearing to blow up a hundred NMX ships for every scratch of paint.
"Yes ma'am." Asi turned, quickly storing his weaponry, then finding a spot to stash the new packs for the time being. He started to get out of his armor, then paused. "Taii, I am unsure as to what my damage control station is to be. Should I remain in armor, or will an AMES suit be enough?"
Eun-Kyung nodded in thought at the Captain's suggestion even while the Hei's voice came over the bridge speakers. “Im'inao-Hei, this is the XO. I would suggest that you and all of the away team joining the DC parties switch into AMES. You may need to work in conduits, particularly in the pylon, and donning AMES will make that much easier. As I recall, you have some degree of medical skill; please bring along another crewman, preferably also with medical training, to Engineering. I will be taking command there. The rest of the away team should proceed under Haruhi-Juni to perform damage control in the port pylon. XO, out.” She settled her handset back into its cradle and stood up from her seat. “If you'll excuse me, ma'am,” she said to the Captain. Bowing her head slightly, she crossed quickly to the Bridge hatch and slipped out, making for the corridor to Engineering.
In the mean time Kame she sent the both teams maps of how to best navigate the corridors and get to there respective locations via Eternity. She also made sure to have Eternity double check that at least one officer brought some Utility Goo or Castor with them on the mission as she found they where out of it earlier due to previous repairs and had not had a chance to restock.
The lone repair drone carrying the sensor panel and portable repair kit quickly fell in line beside Eun-Kyung and made some beeping noises at as they preceded down the hall together.
Eternity said:
"Eun-Kyung-hei, I believe this drone is trying to suggest that it is carrying a sensor from the T8 Shuttle to temporarily attach to the Plumeria. My records indicate that one of the Engineers found out Engineering just enough Caster Tape for 1/4 of repair hull panel. Might I suggest you, instruct both your teams to bring Utility Goo or Caster Tape for the mission.
Setting her Engineer down on a level surface and using the first aid kit to stop any bleeding. Kame then hobble over open up damage control to grab the supplies. Still on a Adrenline rush, she did not feel the blood trailing down her left leg. Additionally her suit cover the dark purple brushes along her back and the red streak marks that began forming on her left side.
With a grimace, Hoshi moved himself to where he needed to be. He switched into an AMES suit -- slowly -- as ordered. Then he traveled as quickly as he could toward Engineering.

The anesthetic was making everything seem unreal, somehow. As if the throb in his chest wasn't his pain, somehow. But he had to focus. Anyone wounded would need him, and Hoshi didn't trust anyone else to do his job.

"This is Yukimura-Hei. I'm moving to Engineering now, I'll join Im'inao-Hei there."
Asi quickly finished de-suiting, strapping his armor back into place. He then went and found a currently unneeded AMES suit and put it on, making his way towards the engineering bay as he did so. "Hai, Shoi. I'll be there shortly."
Eun-Kyung grabbed a loop in the Zero-G corridor, pulling herself to a stop at the hatch to the Mainspace. She glanced up briefly to make sure the drone didn't run into her, while reaching for the admittance key. Jabbing at it twice with no effect, she looked down, puzzled for a moment before realizing the blast shutter was still deployed. She stifled a curse and pulled up the comm in her AMES. “Bridge and Engineering, this is the XO. The blast shutter is still deployed. Is this a malfunction, or has pressure not been restored in the Mainspace yet? In short, is it safe to override?”
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