Katae pondered Eun-Kyung's question, then spoke; "From what I understand of the chain of events after you fired your weapon, the vehicle crashed. The crew got you out of the vehicle as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the imposters were not brought into custody. Seems one of them had a bomb on their person, and it detonated before anyone could get them out of the vehicle. The resulting explosion is how Haruhi-Juni was injured. I am confident that our bridge is not bugged, so the problem had to be on the other end. Once I check on Haruhi-Juni, I plan to pay the Director of SATA a visit and find out what the hell happened. The confusing thing is the information on the datapad was our flight plan after we leave here to deploy FTL Sensor Drones."
Katae stood up, "However just in case I will ensure that security remains in place here."
Katae stood up, "However just in case I will ensure that security remains in place here."