Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 20: Baka yarō

Surveillance Team
Kikios emerged from a crate, quickly spreading her wings out and shaking them off. It was too constricted in there, especially for a tall birb with wings on her back. When she heard Lauren and Indira planning a route through the vents, her parrot wings drooped. "Ooh... is it going to be cramped in there too?" she asked with a grimace. She thought she would be in a nice roomy space for a while now that she was out of the crate, but alas, she would not.

Chlorate's Freaking Tonk
Chlorate's turret looked at Hoshi. She would have a puzzled look on her face right now, but she did not have a face like this. "What is a variable tank?" she asked. Her princess clone would know, because she had a variable tank, but this Chlorate did not. She beeped with alarm when Hoshi alerted her to the fact that the ship had been compromised. "Does this mean the ship is under attack?!" she worried. When Hoshi requested she open her hatch, she did so instantly and responded with an "Affirmative." The vehicle bot slowed down, making it easier to get inside the tank. It felt strange to be carrying sensor packages like this, she certainly did not store items inside her robotic body for transport very often.
Spire Arushen's Underground Facilities
Team Sneeki

There were several antechambers of holding rooms and places for luggage and cargo that Mikael was able to breeze through with his Neko accomplice. Few of the rooms were filled and none of them held couriers or other sentient life to ask the duo what they were up to, so they could easily walk into the cargo room that their crewmates had been deposited in.

Surveillance Team

Lauren Strong looked to Kikios to ease her, "No, I don't think it'll be too cramped at all. Don't worry." Her reassuring smile faded when she looked to Indira inquisitively, "Where are we going again? I can't lead if I don't kn- oh!" In her digital mind, she was now reading the path sent by Indira and beginning to jostle ventilation coverings enough to begin to make her way along the lines set up by her scientist collaborator.

She stopped doing so when Bhorvoom’s voice made it to her sensitive ears.

Strong asked, “Did you hear that?”

Team Tank

Hoshi had already scurried inside of Chlorate to grab the equipment. She sighed as she thoughtfully looked at the horizon beyond their destination spire.

“Thanks,” she said finally and let go of the sensor package to hold onto the heavy threading of the lip of the hatch. Her Mindy clad fingers held the curve of the lip and felt a warmth. “It’s sort of like we’re holding hands, in a way.” She thought about Chlorate’s modified robotic body. “This was your dream, in a way, huh, Chloey? What did you always want to do as a tank, anyway?”

She knew she wasn’t answering Chlorate’s initial questions, but knew the unclassified data package on variable tanks and the linkage to the Boss’s sensor output as well as a communication link to the MEGAMI itself to the tank girl should answer some questions.

Team Twin Sneak

Inside of the store were many display models of the electrical devices the crew were after, but as Kiana had noticed, the brightly colored labels beneath each computer seemed to be the only discernible difference save for the size of the machines in question. The displayed objects looked like a tin can over what Yamataians knew as handheld computers, as well. The items were cylindrical and topped with a lid-like closure. They were all faced towards customers so that two green and orange colored, diminutive, and inlaid buttons along the lip of the closer were not seen. Kiana and Sakura would be able to notice the buttons in use as Kuvexian customers in the store swiped a finger over the green button to emit a volumetric projection from the cylinder’s top.

There were two short lines of Kuvexians and their entourage at a far end of the store, separate from the larger showcasing area that Kiana and Sakura were within. A few attendants had filtered out of the room as a few customers arrived alongside the Kaiyo duo, one of which found her way to the pair.

This Kuvexian was of an almost mesmerizing hue that shifted with her movements and the lighting she was under, almost like an oil spill. Her face was glinting greenish pink above an indeterminable hue, a shifting presence contrasted only by the solid, intense bioluminescent teal patterns on her face. Their light cast a glow on even Kiana and Sakura’s own Kuvexian appearances when she approached them with a warm smile lifting up her bright markings and scrunching into her inky black eyes so that they formed half moons.

“How may I help you two?” the Kuvexian asked as her expression softened into a courteous gaze.

Team Stock Market
The First Trial Pool

Though no attendant had been looking at Aiko before she spoke, two of those closest shot a glance to once another after she had. One of them lowered their gaze only to have their eyes catch on Aiko’s Boran slug covered piercing. The Kuvexian kept up an intent look while ungracefully refolding a towel before the receptionist stepped to stand in the threshold she had opened. She looked into the room that the stock market team had filtered into and gave a curt nod.

“Your attendant will be with you shortly,” she lifted her hands from a clasped position to touch the stonework once more. The doorway closed on her, the reception room, and the lavish greenery within- leaving the stock market team alone in this gem-encrusted room. With the lighting of the reception room gone, the low lighting of this room could better be seen emanating from clusters of rounded, beveled gems in the bottom of the inlaid pool. Each gem did not give off light, only the ruby-like red ones that cast a glow up to the faces of those inside.

Nothing happened for a few quiet seconds of the crew shuffling, alone, in the trial pool room. Rei motioned to the inlaid pool, empty as it was of water. There was no obvious entrance, but the raised edge could easily serve as a seat and the establishment’s premise clued Rei in enough for her to step down with one foot to test it, as if feeling for an unseen water. She stepped down fully after a moment and let herself sit on the raised seat around the edge of the pool. As she settled in, a staticy orange forcefield looked to activate at the top of the pool’s edge. Rei’s white irised eyes popped wide and she stood momentarily. She looked to Aiko to nod as she sat back down. A foggy mist of gas had begun to emanate from minute openings in the pool’s bottom, though. As the fog ascended quickly, it bunched up where the forcefield had seemed to activate, then pooled back down towards Rei’s wiggling Kuvexian toes.

YSS Kaiyō II

Boss had been quiet momentarily to allow for conversation between the SAINT crew member and her acting captain before speaking.

“Deio Asuka-heisho asked me to track the crew that were moved off of the bridge with a quantum remote tracker, but my scans aren’t even reading they exist. Sensors indicate that they were never tagged, but I did so myself and logs indicate such. Alder-juni may be able to find out more. I’ll open up your privileges wherever you sit, Santo Juni.”

The other crew members arrived, though the chef was not discernible as herself as she was covered head to heels in a flour. It looked like she had tried to wipe it from her heavily squinting eyes, leaving a smear of cherry-red syrup falling from hey eyebrows to down her chin.
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was pacing back and forth as he heard the updated reports. "Lets work the problem people, they did not just vanish into nothing. They are out there somewhere, maybe being tortured for information." Across his face he showed no sign of concern. Years of training would do that to a person but deep down he was concerned for his crew. He had a thing about other people touching his things. This was his crew and had given no permission to the kuvvy to be taking them. It was at this time he looked up to see more crew showing up. This was in addition to the chef. He leaned to the side to look behind the chef to see a trail of flour on his clean floor. "Oh for the love of..." He cut himself short, now what not the time to yell at the crew. Though they couldn't of taken this one could they.

"Asuka, you find anything on those sensors yet? Narrow your focus to the local area. They could not have gone far." His pace quickened as he come up with an idea on how to rescue the crew. "And get this ship into high orbit around the planet. I want to be close if needed to drop down to pick up the crew already planet side."
Spire Arushen's Underground Facilities
Team Sneeki

Bhorvoom resisted the urge to shut down his suit's holograms when it became clear that there was no one located within this area. He guesses the Kuvexians must have been very sure of themselves of their internal security. Half of him wanted to laugh and the other found it worrying. So as he rounded the corner to the crates to where the others emerged from, he feigned his SAINT approved shock when he saw them still standing away. His assistant just blinked at his attempt at fun. He could not resist.
Fourth Cavern
Computer Team
Code name Twin Sneak.
Sakura Sjet.

Sakura was intently looking over each model. Her specialty and personal passion apparent as she looked over each one. At first she was happily content seeing the new tech till from anything she could see not a trace of too much difference. As she scanned she hated that she couldn't see the specs at least from what should could tell and for once felt like a fish out of water. She wanted to huff in frustration till a Kuvexian woman slithered over to them. In what she felt like every helpful service rep she had come across she was happy to hear that the woman wanted to help.

Trying to play the part "Oh why yes Hi, I would love some assistance today". Looking to companion before looking back at the clerk "You see I'm looking fora new present for my husband and he just loves these oh so gosh much". Happy her volumetrics would hide her inner cringe as she tried to play dumb "Could you tell me abit more of the differences between this and this one". She pointed to the smallest one and what she gathered to be the largest looking one.

Fourth Cavern
Computer Team Code Name Too Cute.
Wulf Soban

Wulf hated to admit it but he felt lost. What should have been a straight shot to the target location they instead got side tracked in the crowd. As he looked behind he was thankful though that Kiyo was still with him and they hadn't gotten lost in the mass of bodies. As he look around he tried to get his bearings but instead he was more confused. Hoping to keep up the act "I'm sorry for the delay mistress but we had a slight detour".

Thinking they might turn up nothing he was bumped into by a rather slim Kuvexian. Before he get a word off his eyes caught where they where going. In a alley way he some how missed he saw several figures and the faint hue of neon sights. As he looked further he could see deep inside rough tables and cloaked figures quickly exchanging things before rushing off. It all seemed to happen so fast and then it clicked what it was. Was there a underbelly so close to the main strip? Also is this part of some known but hidden ring that it was a stigma to be there but a necessary part of the lower class.

It gave him a idea and he voiced it quietly to Kiyo "I hate to say it but I think there is some shady folks down there that might be able to give us a deal". He gently motioned towards the alley way. Though it was a risk it might prove fruitful in its own way, and maybe a good intell scoop for later.
YSS Kaiyo II

Wyatt's coppery brow creased into a frown directed at none other than his superior, standing there in his pristine uniform with that flowing two-toned hair as he chased ghosts, the black-panel Minkan doing little more than clearing his throat before deciding to show rather than tell - his lean, sculpted legs taking a few decisive strides over to the science and sensors station before seating himself in one firm motion, offering little more than a "Much obliged, Boss," as he settled into the seat and cast his eyes over the various readouts... at least he was wearing more than his old Rikugun jacket this time, though the familiarity still cast a few chills down his spine.

The intelligence operative sent boss his authorization code, mentally of course, for the sake of book-keeping should they make it out of here... not that he had any reason to stand in the way of such plans.

Focusing solely on his role in all this for the time being caused the knife-eared Minkan to lean forward in his seat, elbows pressed into his knees thoughtfully as he replayed the events in his mind and came up with something to chase.

"Boss, roll back the sensory readings to a minute before the crew went missing and display any outlying readings on monitor three, even if it is something as small as a stray subspace radio signal being bounced our way," he finished, seat's cushion compressing beneath the weight of his athletic, uniformed frame as he awaited the requested info - amber eyes staring so intensely into the third monitor you could swear they'd bore a hole right through the console.
Fourth Cavern
Computer Team: Code Name: Too Cute.

As the faux Kuvexian walked with her undercover lover, the Neko began to think more and more they were lost. As time passed the thought that they were lost was getting stronger and stronger, until finally her love basically confirmed it when he apologized to her cover identity for the delay, and that they had a sight detour. Her mouth didn’t move, and no sound came from her but her voice entered him through telepathic speech. We are lost aren’t we?’ she asked him as she kept a calm expression on her face.

She blinked when the slim Kuvexian bumped into Wulf, and she was ready to kill the man for doing so should he get violent, but fortunately things didn’t come to blows, or slashes, and instead Wulf had found an opportunity which she felt pleased with, if they could get intel than that would be good, maybe the captain and Eden would feel better about the two of them getting lost. “Indeed” she said in agreement, though keeping her faux Kuvexian face.

The small scientist shook her head in reply. "No, I don't think so."

She reached up and tapped at her rabbit ear-shaped horns. "Just for show," she said, her joke largely defeated by her flat delivery.

Indira grabbed a hold of the other side of a ventilation cover, assisting Lauren in clearing the way. "Why, what did you hear?"
Surveillance Team
"Oh, good," Kikios said. She crawled into the ventilation ducts, thankfully she didn't have her Mindy or this probably wouldn't be possible. She paused and looked around when Strong stopped moving. She didn't like the sound of any sound while she was in the vents, since if they could hear something, that something could probably hear them. She wasn't sure what the purple haired neko had heard though. "No, what is it?"

Team Tank
Hoshi's metallic girlfriend's body was laying totally lifeless in one of the seats. Chlorate behaved in robotic ways, and would often look unnervingly still when not doing anything, but this was different. The clanky girl was limp, her irises were not glowing, and whenever she talked her more humanoid form didn't show any indication that it was her speaking. She searched around the tankette's systems. Hands... No, there were none of those here. The closest thing might be her wheels and it wasn't a good idea to hold those. "But Chusa Hoshi, I do not have hands," she said. Hoshi's question confused the AI even more. "I am in a dream...?! Is this mission a simulation?" the poor Chlobot asked, baffled.
Fourth Cavern
Team Twin Sneak

Kiana played the part of the demure, yet dutiful assistant, standing adjacent to, but slightly behind her gold-robed Kuvexian mistress, while also staying out of her way. Like, Sakura, Kiana felt deeply out of her element, although perhaps even more so. The only computers that Kiana worked with on a daily basis was her own digital mind and the AIES of her Mindy. Anything else was almost entirely beyond her comprehension, doubly so for Kuvexian computers. She hoped that the amber-haired information technician was only playing dumb for show, because Kiana found herself unable to offer anything in the way of assistance beyond maintaining a convincing volumetric disguise.

“Do we have enough to just buy all of them or only a few?” Kiana transmitted to Sakura via point-to-point telepathy. “It might seem a little strange, but maybe we won’t have to ask as many questions…” The Sprite continued, although her messages were little more than a running commentary on her observations.
Team Stock Market
The First Trial Pool

A faint glow from pool's orange forcefield reflected like a flickering flame across the million shining facets on the chamber's gem-bound walls. Aiko followed her samurai in without hesitation once Rei had proven neither the barrier nor the swirling mists below it would bring them unreasonable harm — this was a "trial," after all. She could feel nothing when her skin passed through the forcefield, but the fog was indescribably odd. Hoping the sensation wouldn't impact her volumetric disguise, the undercover chui could do little but press ahead and take her seat beside Rei.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Oh jeez," said the cook as she shook off her hands and looked down. She patted at her chest just enough to make the bright yellow panel even more apparent behind the pale flour covering her.

"Readouts your way, Heisho," Boss said over comms as Wyatt received the info packet at the sensor station and Alastair received them at command. "I find WARMS calculations and the two anomolies in the soliton and unified field mass sensors to be of utmost importance. I am sending such to Belmont-taii, as well."

"Uhm," said the chef, "I was making a cake..." She pointed a hand towards the door, which made a bit of her flour fall to the ground.

Passive Omni-directional Sensors
Ks-MIES-E3010: Many aether trails were catalogued as there are a lot of space lanes in the 10 LY area.
Ks-MIES-E3011: WARMS showed a massive wave front distortion
(Boss notes- Deio-heisho reported this as an object large enough to be a station, but the massive wave front signature readings may have spoken more towards the time of impact than the size. hypothesis is that WARMS distortions seen are actually the cavities that the bodies of our crews created in space. The distortion of their disappearance is could be attributed with the wavefront readings, but I do admit a fallibility with reading precognitive system such as WARMS.)​
Ks-MIES-E3012: Three starships were seen on imaging arrays. One departing and another arriving to the planet Krothrol.
Ks-MIES-E3013: There are several tens of thousand objects immediately able to be individualized from one another on subspace mass detection systems.
Ks-MIES-E3014: Mixed Sensor Array
  • Electromagnetic sensors: no anomalies
  • Electrogravitic sensors (scalar): no anomalies
  • Soliton and moh sensors: several anomalies show that dispersive effects in the medium of space 3.5 LY from our position make reading any reinforced wave packets difficult, at least at this range.
  • Unified field mass/energy sensors: several anomalies showed density and volume were not congruent as our crew disappeared. The trails, marked on this star chart:
    ((Chart shows ribbon-like lines moving from the YSS Kaiyō II until they faded out about 1 LY from the ship. The ribbon-like lines trailed in several different paths, none the same.))
  • Neutrino sensors: no anomalies
  • Tachyon sensors: no anomalies

Under Spire Arushen
Team Sneeki Surveillance

Lauren Strong had let her hands fall as she turned with two wide eyes and one mouth towards the approaching pair.

"Him," Lauren said, seemingly aghast at the sight of Mikael Harris and the Kaiyō's ship clerk. Her tone grew gravelly, "And her. Hey, she's supposed to give me a promotion..."

Fourth Cavern
Team Twin

The sales associate moved towards the larger computer. Having not gotten all the way to it due to the other shoppers, she simply began talking about it.

"With the Kual6 model you'll be getting larger processing power and data storage capabilities, as well as the certified 8 Quadrillion Karat Mint Ruby engravement package." She blinked, closing her mouth to take in a deep breath as she moved closer to the two Neko, dressed as they were. "Though smaller in size, the Hargol89 model will have all of the same features save for those under the hood differences when you're talking processing and storage. Of course the size is different- a difference of only 3 hido'mau compared to 80.3 hid'mau." The Kuvexians dark eyes squinted as she smiled low and looked between the models, "Quite apparent, isn't it. Ah, and it, too, comes with our certified 8 Quadrillion Karat Mint Ruby engravement package. Every model does."

Again, she smiled with her low mouth so that it barely pushed the long area between mouth and eyes, but her eyes were so squinted that she looked ready to nap.

Team Lost Married Couple

The hooded individual that had made a deal was alone, now. He looked almost ready to leave the scene until he caught Kiyo and Wulf's apparent looks in his. He took five strides towards them that seemed impossibly long and impossibly fast for the length of ground he had crossed. As he approached, the couple could tell that his long hood extended from its oddly peaked top to the soles of his feet. It seemed to stretch and extend with his body to allow for no part of his underbody to be exposed. Only the rough, unkempt grey wool of his one piece of clothing could be seen beyond his face and gnarled grey beard, lighter than his cloak.

"Ye are?" he asked when he was so close to the two of them that they could smell a sweet brine from the back of his mouth that was hard to place until the shocking stink of war and death was on the tip of their memory- and they would know, then.

The First Trial Pool
Team Stock Market

Rei had felt it first and had no way to prepare her ward, but she had to look down a few times to believe what she was feeling was not some sort of trick of small insects or scurrying creatures. The fog crept up her legs and wept down from the forcefield, always churning as if some jets bubbled the steamy fog around in its containment field. The inlaid hot tub held no water, just this semi-transparent gas that oozed about, determinedly creeping along the skin of those in the pool. Rei, experienced samurai as she was, felt her face passive as the newfound sensations crept along her body.

Regardless, one of her milky Kuvexian eyes twitched when she turned to speak to William.

"It feels as if my skin has sprouted hairs whose job it is to pass any moisture they collect to the hair next to them," the Kuvexian looking woman said with a pressed smile. "You really do miss out." She finished with a chuckle before she looked to Saya, "But, you!" Rei was sure Saya was supposed to be in the pool with the lot of them. Though she hated forcing whatever torture the Kuvexians enjoyed on her medical team, she knew it was mission imperative that Saya not enjoy herself.

"Come in, the fog is... fine," Rei added with a stoic expression. She patted her hand, swinging it along where the force field was twice so that the fog under the force field swirled and parted, only to become new cloud formations in the rest of the pool.
Under Spire Arushen
Team Sneeki Surveillance

Getting the twisted intended result, Bhorvoom's face went to a grin and he motioned a signal Yoshinaga would understand from her time at SAIC. She immediately nodded and made her way back towards the entrance to keeps a watch for real Kuvexians and their ilk. Bhorvoom then looked back to Strong. "Remind me to talk to that mustached villain to give you additional training." He then winked with two of his eyes and turned around to walk away.

"Those idiots didn't harm the merchandise, good. My hands are itching for profit." he said making his way back with Yoshinaga to the trading floor. Eden would be greeted with the purple suit wearing Kuvexian pimp chibi giving a thumbs up and a wink.
Under Spire Arushen
Team Sneeki Surveillance

Strong's mouth cocked into a face of confusion as she looked to Kikios, "Behind you...!" She had gotten into the shaft behind the cockatoo. "He wasn't much help, huh?"

Above Ground
Team Tank

"Uh, well..." Hoshi thought as she looked towards the usual body of her girlfriend. She gripped the lip of the tank's closure tighter, "Not quite what I meant. What would you like to be able to do as a tank? What have you always wa- ah, Chlorate, do you have any way to cloak yourself? If not, then we've got trouble..."

With a quick switch of her Mindy's volumetrics, Hoshi now looked more like herself, though she touted a very different appearance. Her blue and white hair was unkempt in a shorter cut than Chlorate had ever seen Hoshi wear with a gruff fringe over her pale blue eyes, smeared with a kohl makeup above a tough grimace that she kept a long wheat grain in. She wiggled her wheat grain as her molars shifted. The rest of her new outfit was equally badass and totally indescribable. Her gaze followed a plume of dust and grit as it headed for their position.

The nearest spire was not far at all- their destination was likely an easy guess by the two all terrain vehicles heading their way.

"Now we're going to act like we're in a simulation, Chloey, kay? We're about to lie... lots. Can you pretend for these guys that you're really a tank, not a sentient and delightful AI? At least for a little, I don't fully know how we'll play this. At least not yet."

As the vehicles approached, Hoshi said to more, "When they're within thirty yards, fire a warning shot. Make it just before their position so it doesn't hit them but stops them there. We'll need some distance without numbers." Hoshi smiled, patting the tank's exterior before gripping the hatch and bringing it down over herself. "Just like we've done before on the ship, huh, Chloey?" Hoshi gave a chuckle, both happy and extremely concerned while she had this time away from the obviously in peril ship that was completely out of her hands. "Just like that!"
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair looked at the information for a few moments. He was already missing his crew who would have given him the tl;dr that would speed up this process. Though had that taken place he was sure that would have omitted one piece of information. He was then distracted by the cook who thought it would be a good idea to put flour hand prints directly over her breast area. Clearly she was trying to knock the flour off, even if it was not completely successful. "I see lessons will be needed to teach one how to not cover themselves in flour. I hope whatever cake you was making comes out the best of the best." A smirk crossed his face as he again put focus on the information.

"Boss, how does one mistake an anomolie that just sucked up my crew for a space station? That would be like me coming onto the bridge and mistaken Hoshi's thin booty for that of Eden's thicc booty." Even Alastair knew that was a poor pun but since most of the crew was gone, he could get away with it, for now at least.

"Wyatt, you see what I see. Have any suggestion on what we should investigate first? We have some ships and anomalies. I personally have my eye on that one 3.5 LY from our position. Though that could be a trick to lure us away too."
Fourth Cavern
Computer Team
Code name Twin Sneak.
Sakura Sjet.

Underneath the Volumetrics Sakura was intently absorbing all the data she could while exterior it looks as a half bored and nodding along kuvie. Though it was the typical sale pitch with little differances being noted. Truly this was a true consumer market with every little bit of differance and social status marked by getting the best. Though if she was back home she her self strived for the best in gear she knew that not everyone wanted the same desires.

As she nodded along she then figured out she had to aim for the best though her mission was to get anything. Replying to the sales rep "Yes it is quite apparent, how much for the Kual 6 and the Hargol89 just so I can compare how much that differance weighs". She needed to know especially with how her funds where which she wasn't sure how much the coin given to her would go.

Fourth Cavern
Team Lost Married Couple
Wulf Soban

It took Wulf's willpower not to cringe at the god awful smell. He could tell already that this truly the start into the underworld where those who would struggle financial would then suffer with health. Though he wanted to keep up with the appearce of the body guard he paused a brief second as he tried to get further into the role. Speaking softly "My mistress is looking for particular wares and thought you may be of assistance". As he bowed respectively before pulling back "You seem to have a knack and already a customer that just passed so I think you will do". Bowing back to allow Kiyo to speak "This is my mistress and I'm sure you'll be happy to assist".

Even as he pulled away he was studying what he could about this alley way trash of the underworld. He was carefully looking up and down to scan for threats the creature may have. Even as he pulled lightly behind Kiyo he was then looking around just incase of a trap.
Fourth Cavern
Team Lost Married Couple

Kiyo kept an expressionless look on her face as the robed man approached the two of them. And as the smell came up it was a familiar smell, this being had been in war or at least combat, fortunately, she didn’t feel worried, the robed one was only one, while she had an ally. She remained calm, and decided since Wulf introduced her, and mentioned she would be speaking, she thought that will be important to do.

“Indeed, as he has mentioned” she indicated Wulf” I am looking for particular items. One of my Mother’s servants bungled and damaged some items, which she deems desirable.” She said before she sighed as if lamenting the foolishness of incompetent servants. “One such item would allow her to connect to the net,” She told him and added “I believe it’s supposed to look like this.” she shows the image of the device they were looking for. She then mixed in some other items so he didn’t get curious about why they were looking for something like that when going to a store would have been fine.
She tried to remain calm as she stood there.
Under Spire Arushen
Team Sneeki Surveillance

"N-no," stammered Indira as she watched the odd pair walk away. She knew who he was, and yet - well, it was unsettling.

She consulted her map again, trying to decide what the best path would be to their destination. Ideally one that had less unexpected encounters. The small Iroma shook her head a little, then looked to the other two members of her team.

Cool and composed once more, she addressed them. "If we follow this path, we should reach our destination shortly. I don't suspect that we'll run into any problems - their vent security has been pretty lax so far. This isn't exactly a military facility."

She moved along, waiting until the coast was clear to struggle her way into the next vent shaft. Indira felt a strange urge to hum a little tune while she crawled that went "duh nuh nuhhhh... duh nuh nuhhhh ... DUH NUH", but she managed to resist it. It wouldn't be the appropriate or logical thing to do.

So she kept it in her head, tracking their position on the map as they grew closer to their destination.
Above Ground
Team Tank

"Affirmative," Chlorate said. Seeing the vehicles ahead, she assessed the threat. She understood Hoshi's orders, but from her experience as a weapons operator, she predicted it wouldn't be very hard to destroy two of them. She rolled forward with her turret aimed to the front like a normal tankette and suggested "I could delete the targets in question if you would like, Chusa Hoshi." The magnetic girl did not realize they might alert the enemy and cause them to call reinforcements if she did so.
Team Stock Market
The First Trial Pool

William quietly calmed himself as he folded the clothes he was thrown and followed behind Aiko and Rei. He was slightly taken aback by Aiko's apology. He mentally sent a reply back. "It's alright your highness. I understand it is merely part of the show." He replied as he stood stoically off to the side while the others began the trial.

He was on alert for anything that didn't seem right... Well everything here rubbed him the wrong way, but anything overtly out of the ordinary.

William forced down his emotions. He couldn't deal with them right now. He had a job to do and a part to play, and he for damn sure wouldn't be the one that screwed the operation. He patiently awaited for things to begin.