Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 3.1] Menace in the dark


"Smaller ships are on an intercept course with us," Her soft voice became more artificial as she passed info along as she let her "conscious" slip into the that state her body merged with the ship's, becoming one through the SPINE interface. Mind processing data with in tandom with the Ke-T8-E3103 Computer Array.

Dreamchaser felt the coolness of the space on her armored skin as she processed the data being gathers on the incoming ship and running checks through the ship's onboard memory banks for any match. Running checks on energy emmisions from the smaller crafts, while ECM activated.

Ships fuel usage rate, Ammo payload count, ship's engine tempature. basic operation of the ship flashed through mind at cursery glance, then back to getting a good clear look at the incoming unknown starfighters or shuttles images on the targeting scanners, already having a good targetlock on the three. reprogramming the first wave of missiles to go by sight of the ships with remote guidence from her as her Kawarime maneuvers became way more graceful and economical with less energy output with better preformance.

She was in the "Zone" as her NH Instructors had called it, where you become one with your craft, becoming more than the craft becoming an extension of you. It became you as you became it's ultimate master.

She transmitted clear images to Scrambler she was getting a lot quicker through her interface. Her job right now was to gather information and pass it on to him and her teammates, letting the more experience one make the judgement call. Even sending Information on the big object sitting there in space that the smaller ships of unknown origin were interested in before they showed up on the scene.

As they craft closed the tactical system entered recognition mode.
"Alien Craft Identified.... Fighters Encountered by 2X-F21... Possible hostile... Race Unknown... Weaponry... Impulse." came across the speakers.

"Heads up folks, go to weapons hot and shields full, but do not fire unless fired upon. According to the Intel report these folks believe in bravado and bluff, but have some sort of code of honor. Split up into twos wingmen stay close to your lead. I am taking point Dreamchaser. For now stay on course I don't want to get into a fight and find out this is some old derelict." Scrambler sent.

Thrusters On Dreamchaser Kawarime flared brightly as if in anger to be prevented from running on the solar winds, slowing her craft to let Scrambler take the lead, a soft feminine metallic voice respond softly, "hai, running hot and locked," letting SCrambler know she was ready for any unwanted encounter, and already anticapated his orders to ready her craft/body martial weapontry and defencive systems as her ship shimmered with stealth/ defencive mode activation.

Her course never wavered at the slower more manueverable speeds, became like jungle cat slinking through the grass towards it prey, except this was in open and in the darkness of space. She felt the surge of adreneline surge through her physical body, becoming more alert and aware, even enhancing her scanners.

Over the comms a soft hum or was that a purrrrrrr orginating from her...

Elisto waited for a few moments, his heart racing, the sound coming from the storage area was worrisome but something he didn't overly concern himself with just yet.

After a second of thinking, he double checked his glasses power levels, they were still good. He then advanced forward to the intruders body, or what was left of it, and started examining the items that were left, taking a quick look back over his shoulder at the storage bay - figuring that the hissing sound was probably the last remnents of the fire. Thinking for a quick moment he dropped his current task and went to investigate the sound, he didn't want to risk making the mistake of ignoring what could be another violatile situation.

An investigation of the storage room soon revealed the problem. There was a small hole in the duct work, and smoke was being sucked into it which made finding it relatively simple. Elisto could also feel the changing air pressure in his ears.


On Errowyn's screens the object ahead and the approaching craft continued to grow larger. The profile ahead matched that of the Akagane, and in the distance she could just make out lights on the craft.

Meanwhile her threat detection system started indicating that the fighter craft were targeting them.

Rubbing his ears for a moment, Elisto floated over to a damage control station and removed a dispenser from it, then went over to the duct-work and started his own small repair job - a temporary fix until the techs could get to work.

"This should hold for now," he said as he worked and then glanced back over at the intruder and shook his head. Would've been better had he survived though, could've gotten some valuable intelligence, he sighed at his own amaturish work and turned his attention back to his repair job.

With the hole patched the hissing stopped. The guage on his AMES showed that the chamber was still at a reduce pressure, but at least the pressure was holding steady.
Space / Vicinity of Akagane

"Scrambler, we're being painted by the approaching smaller crafts," Errowyn sent in return an active range finding beam at the approaching small ships to confirm their speed and closure rate on them, marking them each quickly for the order of attack if they should prove to be activily hostile towards them. "Confirm visuals on Akagane." speaking softly and clearly

"Copy that Dreamchaser, they are targeting me too. But unless they actually fire our protocol says we do not shoot first. They actually assisted the 21st in fighting the NMX.

That said, there is nothing that says we can not target them back." Scrambler said as he killed his thrust and allowed inertia to continue to carry him towards the Akagane. He then executed a yaw maneuver with the Kawarime's thrusters so that his weapons were facing the other fighters, and worked on getting a targeting solution on the lead craft.

Elisto nodded at his repair job, probably not as good as a technician would've done but he didn't really care much only that the job was done. He quickly replaced the dispenser back in the damage control station and returned his attention to the dead intruders body and the items that had survived his death.

Kneeling down in front of it, he looked the body over and recored everything on his glasses.
Vicinity of the Akagane :: Space

"Hai," Simply responded as she flew her Kawarime, "should I try to make contact with the Akagane and find out if they need assistance?" She stayed the proper didstance from SCrambler's Kawarime and mirrored his movements as she line up for the kill shots on the remaining crafts.
Vicinity of the Akagane :: Space

"Go ahead, I'm not showing any EM emissions from the ship at the moment, but someone might have a communicator handy. I am going to see if our visitors are willing to chat." Scrambler replied.

"Poku Degonjo Saeruo this is Ogawa-Nito Heisho of the Star Army of Yamatai. We are affecting a search and rescue, break off."
he transmitted toward the fighters.


The alien's space suit was a charred melted mess, there were bits of bone and other tissue, but not much that was recognizable.

Gravity slowed returned to the section that Elisto was in, a sign that at least some of the ship's systems were operational.
Vicinity of Akagane (Space)

Errowyn switched frequency till she matched the Akagane's, letting Scrambler deal with contacting fighters that was presenting a hazard to them. She attemped contact with the Akagane or anyone on board the ship, using multiple frequency bands. Both civilian and military,

"Civilian Transport, Akagane, this Yumeoibito, Santo-hei of Star Army of Yamatai, please respond and state the nature of your emergancy,"

Her voice soft and clear.Keeping her wits about her as she focused on two tasks at once. Possible Enemy fighters and the Akagane.

Elisto gravitated down to the decks plate, and waited until his boots landed before giving out a frustrated sigh. "Blast it," he scowled from not finding much of anything on the body.

He then turned back into the storage area and toward the intruders bag, he felt that the device that was detonated was probably what was in the bag but he hoped to find other stuff. He was also intent on analyzing the device itself, but first off.

"XO? Am I needed to affect repairs anywhere? If my presence isn't needed anywhere else on the ship, then I'll continue to investigate our intruder,"

He didn't wait for a reply and instead walked over to the bag, and began to rummage through it in an effort to find anything of use.

"We are trying to restore main systems, presently we are deaf, blind and dumb and immobile. Since in you are in the forward section, go to the port side storage, we keep some emergency communicators there. We will need to distribute them to the crew so we can coordinate repairs. Once you grab them come to the port hatch to the bridge. We are trying to manually open it. That blasted EMP fragged the control mechanisms." came the telepathic message from the XO.


Vicinity of Akagane (Space)

Dispite trying several channels, Errowyn was only getting static. A quick check showed there was no sign of jamming interfering with a signal coming from the SAOY owned craft. The Comm systems were showing evidence of possible telepathic communications in the region.

Elisto nodded and sprang up onto his feet and left the storage area he was in, and flew down the corridor until he got to the port side storage. He peered inside, looking for the crate that held the communicator he was tasked with finding.

When he found them; he looked them over quickly before making his way to the port hatch to the bridge.
Vicinity of Akagane

Once seeing that, the register of telepathic coms, she focused her self, hoping like mad that Scrambler has her six. Reaching out with her mind focusing on the Akagane.

"Anyone aboard the Akagane, that can you hear me. I'm Sento-Hei Yumeoibito of the Star Army of Yamatai! Identify yourselves please! But one at a time!"

Abit excited at having arrived on time while there was still life aboard the ship. And adverted disaster, checking on the unknown crafts that they was facing off at the moment as Scrambler and her were still approaching the Akagane.

The communicators were spare Type 29 Communicators that the batteries were not installed in. The batteries were in a different sealed package. Putting one in a communicator showed the battery was fully charged.

The door was problematic, the blast shutter was down, and the control panel for it showed evidence of electrical damage. To help effect repair actions, Elisto would need to locate a Damage control Station.

Vicinity of Akagane

"This is Taii Richardson, commander of the Akagane. Glad to hear a friendly voice Yumeoibito Santo-Hei. We had some trouble with an intruder, sabotaged many of our primary systems. We are effecting repairs." came back telepathically. "We are trying to get communications online."
Vicinity of Akagane

Errowyn purred softly, briefly turning her attention on her surroundings to see what the unknown crafts were doing. She sent a communication message back to the YSS Yamato of what they found and the condition of the Akagane from visual and from contact with the Akagane's Taii. then responded back to Taii Richardson.

"YSS Yamato been updated on your current status, Richardson-Taii. YSS Yamato's Taii is asking if you need additional support and medical aide?"

Elisto finished up with the batteries and once he had arrived at the door he mused over it, looking it over with an analyptic eye before backtracking to the medical center where he had seen a damage control station from before.

He pulled some of the spare power cables and a plasma cutter, just in case, then also took out a dispenser in the event he needed it. Once done, he closed the doors and ran back to the bridge doors.

Placing the wire on the ground, he pulled the control panel's panel off and looked at it's inside. "Oh boy," he commented at the electrical damage and started getting to work on repairing it.