Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina
Nyton's words made Kotori smile, and this time it stayed. She looked around at the crew assembled before her and stood up.
"Here I go, then," she turned off the datapad showing the newsfeed on the Empire's new laws being drafted. "Bowhordia lies before us. However, we have yet more things to do before heading in."
"Firstly, power armors. Daisy power armors will need to be setup for atmospheric combat," she began, her tone somber. "Most of your tech, medical and infantry personnel will be assigned to piloting them once our operation starts. All the M6s are going to be attached to Hoshi for a ground assault. I will detail more later."
"I will require five Mindy Mark Twos to be set up with a variant of the Death Blossom configuration, only with the barrier shield replaced by a teleportation module. The people whom will be piloting them will only indirectly assist in the ground operation - I will need them for a more important task."
"I need to have both our shuttles readied for launch. The T5 Cougar will need to have its beam weapons modified to work in a planet's atmosphere."
"Furthermore, both our fightercrafts should be prepared to give cover for the ground assault. Therefore, they'll need to be outfitted for planetary combat as well. I don't want anti-matter bombs or aether torpedoes exploding in our faces down there."
"I will need the main hull's torpedo launcher to be outfitted with a mix of anti-matter, transphasic and subspace detonator warheads. About a third of each. The leftovers will be needed stored on the main hull and not the auxiliary ship. I intend to use the surplus as mines, so, adjusting them for that will be needed."
"Those without ST backups done already should have it done before we get started so that data can be uploaded both in Hoshi's and Miharu's computer systems. Claymere-Taii and Suzuka-Shosa, would will have to touch base with the medical staff since I believe we are lacking manpower to perform as I need us to. Sprites will need to be created to fill our blanks."
"My intention is for Hoshi to separate and be escorted by our shuttles and fightercraft downplanet while Miharu engages hostiles in space. Claymere-Taii, I will be putting the Hoshi under your command and have you supervise the ground operation. I am only leaving bridge crew on Miharu, and that means only myself, Suzuka-Shosa and Saito-Heisho. You will be in command of the rest."
Kotori gave a little frown as she considered Nyton and added, "You'll have to give Saito-Heisho a crash course on the tactical console. That's where she'll operate."
The Taisa turned her eyes from Nyton to look over to Yukari, the Samurai, part of her senior staff and then the officers and enlisted crewmembers whom she would soon ask to risk their lives for her. "We have roughly eight hours before our ideal window of opportunity to head in Bowhordia opens up. All the preparations I've asked will need to be done and completed before then."
"Questions, ideas or comments before I go on to the actual briefing of our operation?" Kotori asked.