Star Army

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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 3 Prelude: Rise; you better shine

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Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Yoroko sat back as the elder members of the crew discussed the plan as well as the finer points of morale. Yoroko looked at both Kai and Yuzuki before speaking telepathically to the pair. "What are your opinions?" Yoroko asked as she herself thought about the plan. It would be interesting, she wouldn't have too much downtime. Better all at once and faster than long and drawn out. Yoroko thought.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Kotori loosely crossed her arms under her chest as she listened to Yukari. "That's an idea, though with a subspace detonator warhead triggered we have little assurances that the AS-7 torpedo would make it in a timely fashion to the opposing vessels; especially if they bring up their interdiction field while our torpedo is in transit. If we do use a AS-7-SDM and that we'd get caught in it too, I feel the main gun would be a more reliable weapon as it won't be suffering the effects of the SDM warhead."

She paused and then gave a little shrug. "It's a tactic to consider, though we'll only really know once we face the enemy. That would go for pretty much any hostiles we encounter during this mission, either in space or the ground. There's no way to really plan accurately for every possibility, every contingency... so, this is why I'm opting for a more flexible mission plan allowing each unit commander to adapt to the situations we might meet."

She turned a look to Tom. "Once engaged and knowing what we face, we'll be in a better position to judge and adapt to the risks we face in order to succeed in our mission."
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Yukari nodded. Tactics and strategy at this juncture were not what the Taisa wanted questions about, it seemed. The plan was loose for a reason — they were entering into a situation without perfect knowledge of the enemy. She had nothing further to add.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Kai responded quickly telepathically. "I'm looking forward to this. Our first real mission, actual combat. And it's a ground mission, so I'm actually prepared to do this for once. I think the Taisa knows what she's doing. I trust her and the officers to know what they are doing so we can do our job." He looked like he meant what he said, too, an eager light was in his eyes.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Sanjuro wasn't looking forward to it. At all. The medical officers face turned somewhat pale as the discussion wore on, from the revealing of the risky mission to the many, many odds they would be facing. The tired doctor leaned back into his chair, his face plagued with visible worry...but he didn't speak.

Truth be told, he would have much rather be in his safe, secure and perilously messy medical bay. As if he needed to be reminded at how his VR training sessions with the crew in armored combat turned out; Sanjuro knew he was not a fighter. Moreso, he feared his own death far more than the peril of others; if he were alive, he could save them no doubt. Of course, Sanjuro was not in a position to question orders...he could only hope for the best.


As Miyoko started playing the video mails, an older gentleman of obvious powerful stature came into view, sitting behind an impressive desk in a comfortable black leather chair. The nameplate, emblazoned in bronze letters across a slab of solid onyx, read Watanabe Takiro, Attorney, the dark haired charmer behind smiling at the camera no doubt the owner of the impressive scene. Watanabe absolutely bled confidence; his whole tone was almost comforting. A valuable asset for a lawyer, no doubt.

"Your trial summary, Mr. Ashitaka. As you know, your trial ended in an acquittal, as I promised. Miss Manasi has agreed to not press charges, but I'm afraid the only consolation we could settle was your removal from the hospital staff. I know this will be your...third? Third removal from a registered hospital, but you should know that these personal cases should have no bearing on your credentials as a doctor. Quite the contrary, Sanjuro...many of the staff members I spoke with will mourn the loss of your expertise," Watanabe confidently spoke, calling Sanjuro by his first name as if a personal friend of the doctor would.

"The final hearing to finish up the last few lingering problems will be heard tomorrow at noon. I know I don't need to tell you to be there beat me there most of the time, after all, hah hah...I will see you then, Sanjuro."

As soon as the first video mail had finished, the second one from the same sender began playing. Once again, it was Mr. Watanabe, sporting a different suit, a more polished look, but the same smile.

"Hello again, Sanjuro. The restraining order for Miss Manasi has been finalized...which was a little bit unnecessary considering the conditions, but it couldn't be helped. I seriously doubt you would willing risk being punched again anyway, am I right?" Watanabe laughed. "I think it's good that you are considering taking a military medical position this time, always a need for a good surgeon."

Watanabe sighed and leaned back into his chair, relaxing. "Well, with our business concluded with, Mr. Ashitaka, I was wondering if you would like to meet me for lunch sometime. You are, after all, my best customer, putting my kids through college and keeping my firms reputation for success as high as ever. Probably not the best thing you want to hear from your lawyer, but it's the truth all the same. The place we ate at last time was good; let's do it again sometime. Say hello to your mother and father for me, and take care Sanjuro."

The last message, unlike the first two, did not play immediately. Since it was a new message, a prompt was given to open the video mail, the bold letters spelling out broadly on Miyoko's screen.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Kotori waited a moment and then patted the stacks of datapads next to her. "I've compiled the essentials of this briefing here for all officers." Sigurd moved from his vigil close to the viewports and Kotori handed the custodian android the stack, which he began distributing to the commissioned and warrant officers. "Once the meal is done and that you've all refreshed yourselves for the day, I expect you all to get started. Plan for a short break involving cleaning up again after this workshift and eating. I'm not letting my crew start combat dirty and hungry if I can help it."

The black-haired nekovalkyrja gave a little smirk and sat back down, obviously intent on finishing her meal. The briefing appeared over.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Nyton took his datapad when Sigurd passed it to him and immediately began to read over it, scanning every word with his eyes to record the report. He also took a few more eggs and poured a light (very light with as little broth as possible) bit of the bisque over the eggs. Absently he began to munch on these while reading.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Aoiko bowed a little as Sigurd handed her the pad. She laid a hand over it and took a long sip of her coffee, closing her eyes as she downloaded its contents. Her shoulders sagged a little as she mulled over the plan, silently tapping one fingertip against her cup.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Yukari took her pad from Sigurd without saying anything. She began to digest its contents immediately, while nibbling on a bit of egg.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Miyoko opted not to watch the third video for now--the first two had given her plenty to think about already. She exited out to the main screen and clipped the datapad back to her belt, then hustled out of the room. She managed to reach the wardroom just in time for the start of the briefing.

The science officer remained silent during most of the briefing. Not as tactically-minded as most of the others, their suggestions and ideas weren't anything that she was likely to come up with on her own... nor would she want to. The entire thing sounded exceedingly unpleasant to her. Or, rather, it seemed like an exceptionally complicated method of committing suicide. She almost pointed this out, but bit back her words. She'd just been promoted; no need to make Kotori question whether her judgment had been right just yet. Besides, the Taisa hadn't yet failed them when it came to planning a fight. Miyoko was going to be on the bridge anyway, relatively safe and sound when compared to careening around the vacuum in a power armor, as far as she was concerned. Unless an enemy power armor breaks into the bridge. Or the whole ship gets destroyed. Or, better yet, the ship gets hit hard enough to vent us all out into space. Or...

Miyoko's optimism wasn't at its highest-ever level.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Nyton finished up his eggs and gave the datapad one last scan before walking over to Miyoko's seat. "Saito-Heisho, we should get started on training you up on the tactical console. If you will, please meet me there in a few minutes. This won't take long, it is no more difficult than the scanner console." he said before cleaning up his dishes and stepping out towards the monitor room.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

The meeting had not gone as well as the engineer would have liked. Too many things were still up in the air, but there was no way to make Kotori's plans more solid than they were at this point. It was disturbing to think about: he had firsthand experience on the planet and he knew the danger everyone was about to be put into.

One mistake and their mission would die with everyone on Miharu.

The Yamataian felt cheated. Why did he have to go back to where he had suffered so much? He'd be better off home, in Ralt, enjoying the snow with Yukari. Her green orbs would sparkle with joy as Tom took her by the hand and they ran... ran through the snow, away from all of the stupidity of empires, secrecy, and war, ran as far as their legs would carry them, laughing the entire way.

The selfish thought startled him, and he brought a gloved hand to his surprised face, catching the blurry glow of his reflection in the bisque.

He brought his quivering hand down to his lap and concentrated. He had a responsibility. That responsibility was everything. It was more important than him, than Yukari, than all the things he cared about.

Tom stood up rigidly and nodded to Yuzuki, a silent confirmation of his directions to the sprite. He headed to the exit, his mind whirling through his responsibilities over and over again.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Tom's communicator beeped on his belt. A message from Yukari.

Yukari said:
Take 15 minutes to prepare Ichigo-san, Yuzuki-san and the other sprites in their duties.

I need you. Please. ゆか
Yukari looked up at Tom from the other side of the wardroom.

Her eyes repeated the last words of her message.

But the moment was so brief ... her face fell back to the datapad, closed off again from the world. She put her focus on the mission ahead.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Sora looked at the data on the pad that Sigurd had given her. It felt good and the same time, getting treated like a real officer made her feel even more anxious. She didn't want to fail in her duties as the medical officer but the notion of going back into a combat zone still worried her... but that's where they needed medics the most: the field.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Sumaru had taken time to contemplate this plan. He didn't speak, instead he listened closely throughout the whole briefing, and the questions asked by others allowed him incite on those people themselves and the answers they received. It was going to be a difficult battle ahead for this crew, he was very certain in that. Though, the previous soldier in his past life was a little concerned, with such spread about tactics for one small ship like this to carry out... what would happen if the enviable occurred, how much would let's say, one death put back plans?

He sat thoughtfully for a few moments more, with his arms folded over his chest. But when Sora received the pad from Sigurd, Sumaru's attention shifted momentarily to the Ketsurui Princess. The look on her face told Sumaru everything, with a small inaudible sigh he sat back in his seat and placed an encouraging hand on the red head's shoulder. "Worry not, I will be beside you." Sumaru whispered reassuringly with the up most confidence in his tone, showing no fear of the coming battle ahead. He had fought many foes in the name of the Empire, and participated in a full out war. There was very little that could shake his soul, and being with Sora now after so much turmoil, there was no way he would lose her.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Ichigo was soon down in the multi-function bay of the Miharu, with Yuzuki in tow, to start arming the Ryusei II bomber. The new sprite to assist her was Rin, a lavender-haired Neko who had quickly become a solid asset to the crew.

"OK," she said to the two sprites. "We must equip this vessel with the proper loadout to combat capital starships. We've got limited time, so we'll be working with a standard loadout. ... But I don't know what that is. Yuzuki-san, Rin-san, do either of you know?"
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Rin inwardly smiled at some company showing up in the bay.

"Standard loadout? Lemme seeeeeee...." She closed her eyes as she thought about it, her face looking like she was doing some complex mental calculations. She even started lightly tapping her forehead as she continued to think about it. The sprite had to know she just had to. It might be lodged in some dark recess of her mind and it would just take some looking ar-.... nope she had nothing. Her green-ness was showing and she didn't like it.

"Gomenasai, I don't know." Rin pondered whether to ask MEGAMI, but she'd let her elder sisters talk it out. No need for a newbie to make a fool of herself.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

Sora nodded to Sumaru with a soft smile. She visibly relaxed a bit but her mind wasn't fully at ease. "Thank you, we have a lot to do still," she said quietly as she gathered her dirty dishes together to take into the proper area. "We can get you backed up before you go about whatever it might be that you want to do while I get the med bay squared away."

The young Ketsurui smiled again, knowing that whatever she did to the med bay organizationally, Sanjuro was sure to move at least a centimeter in another direction. It was amusing and annoying all at once but she understood he was being helpful, so it didn't bother her too much.
Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina


Tom Freeman stopped outside of the entrance to the wardroom and reached into his pocket to check his communicator. When he read that message, all the gears that had been grinding in his brain, turning and turning to afford him a desperate moment of distraction, froze. The vulnerability in Yukari's words were palpable, but Tom could muster no strength. He stared at those words, trying to find something he could use to stir his emotions, but his reply was as blank as his eyes. "I will meet you immediately." He was off.

Yukari saw him re-enter the wardroom. But her eyes grafted not onto him, but the datapad. He was going to their quarters, and she would soon be there too, but she was not ready right then. She had been drawing plans on the datapad for techniques and loadouts she might require for the confrontation.

Tom walked past Yukari, continuing on his way to their room, his steps rushed, not wasting a moment of time, not wanting to be in that wardroom long enough for Kotori to notice him. He kept his vision steadily ahead of him, not wanting to be interrupted on his way.

Yukari could feel his heat as he walked past. And feel his coldness. Their Miharu assignment had tempered him so much as it was. She had once felt fire ... she pushed her thoughts back onto the datapad. Just a minute or so, that was all she needed to wait.

... There. That was enough wasted time. Yukari stood from table and exited without a word, calmly walking back to her quarters with Tom. She saw him there and her blood raced inside her. She felt hot and dazed. It was not a good feeling, and as she opened the door, she kept walking, toward the pit, hands holding her arms.

The Raltean was sitting at the edge of the pit, awaiting Yukari's arrival. His eyes looked her over carefully and he opened his mouth to speak. He could almost taste the dust spilling out of his words. "Yuka, are you ok?"

" ... " She sat next to him, arms rod-straight at her sides, as if to prop her up. "We are not Oh-Kei ... are we."

A long sigh blew from Tom's lips. "No, I guess we are not." The silence just bore holes into him.

"Why?" She spoke like a child, as if she knew of no reasons.

It took him some time to reply. He smacked his dry lips and his fingers dug into the edge of the pit. He could smell the sands of Bowhordia already. "I hate Bowhordia. I hate this mission."

"But ... it is our mission." Yukari did not understand. She hated it along with him, but why like this? Because of the past?

"I don't care. Bowhordia stole my friends, my dignity, and now it threatens to steal you and everyone on this ship." He spat on the ground. "It is cursed."

"Our target lays there in waiting ... we must go to it." This was not going as Yukari wanted it to. She could see his mind sinking into the ink of a Bowhordia cave, whispering hatred from shadows.

"Yukari, how could you be so ... straightforward ... about this?" Tom breathed out as he looked at her with confusion. "We barely have a plan as is, and Kotori sits there munching on her breakfast happily like it's all going to be a walk in the park. Does she like war this much?" He paused after those words, shocked by what he spoke, and looked down with shame.

"What choice is there," she replied after a moment, her eyes also going to the pit's cushions. "What else could be done ... we must kill Eve and her followers, if there is to be peace."

Tom pulled his head up, sparked by her words. "Kill, kill kill. It's all I'm hearing. Kill for peace. Kill for a future. Kill for Yamatai. Does that mean I have to agree with it?"

" ... No. But you must help me do it." Yukari did not look at him.

"Because we're ordered to." He finished. "Because we have to. Not because we want to."

"Yes." Yukari said softly. "That is accurate."

"I needed to hear that. I need to know that you're still you and I'm still me. We have to find a way to get through this together..." He fell backwards into the pit.

Yukari's eyes did not meet him. "I do not know ... what more to say. I am afraid."

He crossed his arms behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. "You are an officer and in a vital role in this mission. You have no right to be afraid... neither do I. But it is what it is. It cannot be helped." He let out a desperately pathetic chuckle. "Look at us, moping when we can't change what's going to happen. Like ants staring up at a dark, cloudy sky ..."

"I am not moping," Yukari said back in a rather mopey fashion. "I am genuinely afraid! I am helpless! We will be arriving in a star system not under Star Army control without sufficient tactical data! I need only make one mistake and everyone will die!"

"Then do not make a mistake. And if you do make a mistake, correct it." Tom said softly. "We do not have another option."

"I am not ready!" Yukari snarled at him. "We go in with odds completely against us! You ask me to correct errors I cannot even fathom!"

"Do you think anyone is ready, Yukari? We're all in the same boat." He replied matter-of-factly. "But we better be ready when we get there... I will do anything I can... anything... to accomplish this damned mission."

"Damn you!" she cried in Yamataian. "Do you not feel at all? Where has your anger gone? Are you so resigned!" Tears started to well in her eyes.

"Yukari, do you know what happened to me on Bowhordia? Do you want to know? Why I'm such a wimp? Fine!" He growled back. "I was shot over a dozen times and left for dead on the planet's surface! And that's not even the best part, no! Before that, almost everyone I gave a damn about was either shot to pieces or vaporized by drones, Yukari. DRONES. Automated defenses, just like we're gleefully marching back into! I went half-crazy and had a face-to-face encounter with one that miraculously thought I was too far dead to be worth killing! Then, I crawl about on the surface to die a slow, painful death, when I get pulled out by a miraculous lucky break! Bowhordia made me, this proud Raltean, a child!"

"And you ask me why I'm so resigned. I'm a coward and I know it, but don't rub it in my face!"

" ... " Yukari's mouth hung open. The details ... she had known them from reports, but not. Not like that. "I ... I am sorry, Tom ... " She sniffed, and wiped her eyes. "I am sorry. I -- I am too a coward, it seems."

"No, you are not! You are a strong woman!" Tom stared up at her angrily. "I'm sick of you beating up on yourself, getting yourself nearly killed because you don't think you're good enough for your role on this ship! I don't need your pity... I will find a way to fight my fear. And you will too. But do NOT call yourself a coward!"

The anger seemed to disappear from his eyes after those words.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at him with wide eyes. Her mouth was open a little, but her jaw was steady. " ... As strong as Kotori?"

"Yes ... even stronger in your own way." He sat up and touched his lover's arm. "You ... you manage to keep that spark of humanity I feel is slipping away from the Taisa when I speak to her sometimes..." His eyes looked at up her, his vulnerability showing . "Please... don't lose that. I... I'm fighting it myself, I know it's hard. But please... we can do this."

" ... Thank you." She sniffled a little, and came down to the pit to be in her lover's arms. "I am sorry ... I was weak for a moment." It was a matter of trust, Yukari's mind reasoned — she trusted Tom with her soul. She had to trust him with her courage, too. If he felt this way ...

He grasped Yukari tightly, squeezing her just to feel her warmth, the same warmth that might be stolen away from him. "We were both weak. But that's ok, as long as we become stronger for it. Thank you for giving me strength."

She shook her head. "Mm — our strength is our souls, as one." Yukari remained in his arms, head on his collar. "It must be that ... it could be nothing else."

Tom deeply inhaled Yukari's scent. "Yes... do you remember the promise of our ribbons?"

"Tell me again," she said softly, soaking a tear into his uniform. The ribbon flashed gold in her hair again; she had tied her ponytail with it.

"The bands symbolize love. Each handmade ribbon is red or blue, symbolizing man and woman respectively. The man gives his ribbon to a woman he loves, and, hopefully, the woman returns the favor. In this way, they are always together..." he paused, closing his eyes to blink back a tear. He squeezed Yukari's body once more, harder. "...even in death."

"Even in death," Yukari repeated, an unsteady confidence coloring her words. "We are immortal in that way ... our love transcends death."

" ... Promise me we won't try to test that ... ok? Too soon... I mean."

"I will not," Yukari said, amused now. "For if we die, our love will live ... but your scent will not go with it." She rubbed her face on his uniform, as if to get his physical "Tom-ness" onto her.

Tom began to feel Yukari's body beneath her uniform, first her shoulders, then a gentle running down the crease of her back. "I wish I could fix that, but the only way to do it is by not dying."

Yukari murmured something along the lines of "Oh dear" in Yamataian as Tom touched her. "You are an engineer, a fine one ... can you not fix everything?" She stretched and, catlike, settled even further onto his body.

His hands wandered further south, settling on the plump, dual rounds of her buttocks, the Yamataian giving each a deep squeeze. "There are some things that even the best engineer cannot build."

The response this time was much clearer, as Yukari's bottom was arched into his hands. "Rude," her mouth said. "More," her body said far, far louder.

Re: Mission 3: The sound of machina

ON: YSS Miharu, restroom

There is the running joke on Star Army starships that when you pee, the MEGAMI computer watches it all. However, Yukari had likely never really counted on a volumetric window appearing before her as she let loose, Kotori's amber eyes looking into her own.

"Yukari, can you spare some time with Saito-Heisho to check something out for me?" The Taisa asked, completely unaware of how horrid her timing was.

Yukari's eyes bulged and she blushed hard as she stammered, "Yes, Taisa, I will be there shortly." She winced and bent over out of view of the window; she had clamped down in surprise from the window, and now she was cramping.

"Ah," Yukari's odd behavior had Kotori blinking in confusion. "Actually, it's the hemosynthetic storage container in the starboard cargo bay that I'd like you both to check, while there's some time left. I figured - Yukari, are you alright?"

"I am fine Taisa!" Yukari said in Yamataian through grit teeth. She had felt very, very good not too long ago, and now she was in nothing but excruciating pain. "Please continue!"

"That's all, really," Kotori said, her voice a bit subdued as she didn't understand why Yukari was acting this way. "Sigurd will be on-hand if you need him. Just send me a report on what you find."

"Of course Taisa!" Yukari finally brought herself up slowly, and Kotori could hear the sound of water harshly shooting into a pool of water. "Thank you very much," she breathed, suddenly appearing relieved.

Understanding, consternation and embarrassment flashed in Kotori's eyes as she was finally enlightened on what the awkwardness had been all about. "Sumanai," was all she had to say before the volumetric window winked out.

Yukari would have laughed if her bladder had not still been trying to empty itself. "Aiyaa ... " It was several minutes later that the Shosa appeared in the starboard cargo bay with Sigurd and Miyoko at her side. Kosuka was not far behind her.

Sigurd led Yukari, Miyoko and Kôsuka through the cargo way to finally face a large cubic container, two-meters long and wide and four meters tall. Rather than a crate, it's protective cover seemed to be smooth yamataium, with seams and handled placed around so that it could be moved or pried open. It was doubtful anything other than a war android, a NH-27 or a power armor would have the strength to manipulate it, though.

"Ehh?" Miyoko prodded the crate with her foot, a bit testily. The timing of this whole thing was making her a bit suspicious--for the two of them to be assigned to such a task now, given how important the situation was, just seemed a bit odd. Besides, she had bigger things on her mind at the moment, like her impending demise. "Well. How do we go about doing this?"

"Sigurd-san and I should be able to open it," Kôsuka said. The war android and the samurai each took a handle and pulled with increasing power, until they were exerting enough force to open the door.

The ponderous sound of metal sliding against metal filled the cargo hold as Kosuka and Sigurd strained to heave the upper cap of the container. Though no frost lined the container, mere contact with the handle felt very chilling to her.

Finally, the cap was raised high enough on its internal sliding rail to clamp in place. The container secured, Sigurd lost no time in coming to the front of the container and seizing hold on another handle which was at the bottom of a shutter-like door which had been exposed and then heaved it up.

Cold mist wafted out of the opening to swallow the custodian, with the ambient temperature dropping noticably enough for the breathing of those present to start misting. Ventilation above kicked in as Miharu's life support system engaged to restore the cargo hold's default environmental setting.

It took a dozen seconds for the mist to clear, revealing that the insides of the container held a hemosynthetic tank with a functioning monitoring console attached to its side, showing the obvious thermal diagram of a nekovalkyrja held in stasis. Condensation had quickly built up once the the insides of the container behame exposed to the ambient air and obscured view on the actual content of the tank.

Nyton felt a slight shiver as the cool temperature impacted against his skin. His dislike towards cold temperatures gave the knee jerk reaction to the sudden sensation from the container. As soon as it was opening though he had begun to scan over it with his visions, going from thermal (seeing mostly dark blues and noting else), targeting system which highlighted the object inside, to substance analysis which began identifying the materials of the container, contents, and surrounding mists. The targeting software made any texts and readouts visible to him as he walked closer.

"Ah, the original body, I assume." Miyoko glanced to Yukari. "Are we certain that no other crew members will be coming by soon?"

"The chamber is secure until our exit," Sigurd answered Miyoko, stepping back to allow the rest of them to come closer.

Miyoko nodded and took a step closer to the container. "Well then, that still raises the question of just what we intend to do with it."

"With her. Just what do we do with her. She is still alive after all." Nyton said flatly.

Miyoko grinned softly at Nyton's comment. "That's an ethical debate for another day."

Yukari could not help but put a hand on her pistol. She did not expect treachery ... but the sight of the container put her at some ease. At least it was what Kosuka had surmised it to be. "Kôsuka?"

The samurai shook her head. "My opinions are not material to this yet."

Seeing that the container was pretty frost-rimmed for the moment, there wasn't much to see, though Nyton's magnetic resonance picked up on the presence of metal inside the container.

The display of the console at first seemed rather ordinary to Miyoko. It was a nekovalkyrja held in stasis. While in training she had once run an escape pod retrieval simulation that had her free a neko from stasis too, so she was familiar with it.

The first thing that struck her as out of the ordinary was the ongoing diagnotic scan of the occupant, which showed that the tactical portion of the nekovalkyrja's operating system was active, even if she was in stasis. It meant that if she perceived a threat, the soulless part of the android inside was likely quite capable of animating itself in the face of danger.

Which meant the occupant wasn't helpless. What's more Miyoko recent brushing up on NH-22M specifications made her aware that they had access to a berserker-mode which had earned earlier nekovalkyrja like Taisho Irim bits of their present fearsome reputation.

As Miyoko's eyes idly followed the diagnotic scan's readouts, something else came up. At first, it seemed impossible, but she had not seen wrong: the occupant was not a NH-22M Test-Type Nekovalkyrja, but something else. Miyoko had heard rumors of that bodytype - mostly rumors about how it was indestructible, how punches from it could impossibly cave in zesuaium walls and that it was unique to Taisho Yui.

... And yet, the console clearly displayed "NH-23 Ketsurui Empress' Nodal Nekovalkyrja" as the configuration of its occupant.

"... Ah." Miyoko froze in place for a moment as she read over the data--and then again, just in case. She very cautiously took a step backward. "... Suzuka-Shosa, did Sylvester mention anything outstanding about the Taisa's former body?"

"This is odd." Nyton said to himself upon reading the presence of metal from inside the container. Whatever was inside apparently seemed to possess trace amounts of some metal. His scan was not determining just what kind though.

Yukari blinked, looked Kôsuka, then looked back at Miyoko. "No, he did not. An NH-22M, second generation-type Nekovalkyrja. Is ... she dead?"

"Well. Um." Miyoko gestured toward the screen. "It shows as an NH-23. And its tactical systems are online and probably aware of any threats." She was not going to come around to Nyton's pronouns, it seemed. Given what sort of fate was likely in store for this body, it wouldn't do to get too attached to it. "I submit that given a rather broad definition of 'threat,' we should be careful."

Yukari turned to Kôsuka, disbelief and anger in her eyes. "What is this?"

The samurai shook her head. "It is malfunctioning. NH-23 do not exist outside of O-Ketsurui-sama. It's an error." She approached the container, past Miyoko, and examined it. "It's an error. For her to be an NH-23 ... she would be connected to PANTHEON. Yui would know immediately."

"Eeh ... " Miyoko cringed as Kôsuka approached the container, taking a step back. "Perhaps we should close it and investigate before proceeding ... "

Nyton's eyebrow went up as he assumed a thinking position. "An NH-23 PANTHEON connection model. What the hell was Sylvester planning to do with this? Is this even who we thought it was?"

"We will not know until we free her," Yukari said, also approaching the container. "Her PANTHEON connection cannot threaten us, for we are not connected to the system anyway."

"I doubt he would have informed us of its presence if he had any grand plans in mind for it ... though this does raise more questions than it answers." Miyoko shrugged.

"You cannot free her," the Samurai said. "An NH-23 ... it is a very threat to O-Ketsurui-sama herself. No matter what Sylvester-san had in mind, we cannot free her."

Miyoko just stared blankly at the tank, rather overwhelmed at this point. Ethical dilemmeas aside, it was damn inconvenient. "Still," she ventured cautiously, "she may be able to illuminate the situation if we could awaken her in a totally controlled environment."

Sigurd took the initiative and raised one arm to wipe the blur off the transparent casing of the hemosynthetic tank, revealing Kotori floating upright inside, her pale skin tinged red from the crimson fluids she was suspended in.

The youngling Kosuka had given birth to looked in much better shape than when the Samurai had last seen her back when she rescued her from the ruins of the PNUgen complex. The skin was pale and unmarred, her eyes closed, SLICS holes absent from her shoulders and her hair spread behind her - grown to the point where it was longer than her height.

"There is no controlled environment for an NH-23," Kôsuka snapped. "It is the body of the Empress ... she can do whatever she deems fit. Is there any way to tell whether it is Kotori's s- ... soul ... " The samurai's mouth came undone for but a few seconds, before she closed it and snarled. "He lied to me!"

Miyoko would have argued the point against Kosuka, but pissing off a samurai wasn't on her big ol' list of things to accomplish with her life. As it was, she stayed quiet.

The Samurai wasn't paying attention anyway. "He lied to me! ME! His daughter, he lied to ME!" Kôsuka put her hands on the transparent material of the container, teeth bared. "He has sentenced my daughter to death, or my soul to a treasonous hell!"

The tank's surface was still cold to the touch. The nekovalkyrja inside did not stir.

And now Miyoko was essentially trapped between two fairly dangerous and potentially unstable weapons. She quickly got out from between the samurai and the tank.

"Samurai-sama — Kôsuka — you must remain calm. We are not aware of all that is occurring here!" Yukari attempted to approach the Neko, but the glare she received chilled her blood. The samurai was furious.

"Perhaps more could be investigated from the capsule?" Sigurd suggested. "As the Shosa said, we have yet to determine the purpose of this nekovalkyrja being held in stasis on-board."

"A possibility, but none of us are engineers." Miyoko was glad for the distraction. She gave the capsule a quick glance-over just in case anything leapt out at her. "It would require us getting more people involved."

"Is that something to be avoided?" The Custodian questioned. "This vessel is already involved in a secret mission. Would this seeing more of this detail be compromising enough to not involve our chief medical officer or our chief engineer?"

Kôsuka swirled and faced everyone, panicked. "Don't you all see?! Sylvester-san has played me for a simpleton ... he forces me to choose between duty and family! It is a crazy test!"

Sigurd turned his head to Yukari, as if expecting instructions.

Yukari did not return his gaze. "Kôsuka. Please — control yourself. We will not kill her — "

Miyoko could do naught but take a few steps backward and hope that Kôsuka didn't decide to bite off her head. "Could... could we simply directly ask him to explain the situation?"

"Our situation may not permit this," Sigurd replied. "Are we not about to start an operation and effectively required to remain silent due to our presence close to the enemy?"

Kôsuka leaned forward from the capsule, into a fighting stance. "You don't see." She put a hand on her sword. "This body's very existence is treason to the O-Ketsurui-sama. I have no choice but to kill her. It is my sole duty to protect the Ketsurui with my soul, even if my enemy is my very own flesh!"

Um. Sometimes, things like this would almost make her prefer dealing with Sanjuro's stolid predictability. Almost. "We could at least ask the Taisa, perhaps?"

The monitoring console keeping tabs on the condition of its occupant started displaying information at a faster pace. No one was really close enough to read, but it was obvious the agitation outside had not gone unnoticed from the NH-23's secondary tactical operating system.

"Just a thought," Nyton began, still in his thinking pose without showing any inkling of concern in his voice, "but perhaps as a safety mechanism it may require a password. By standing here without offering one we may have set off it's self defenses. That or she has finally taken notice of our presence."

To Nyton's sight, the NH-23 had visibly warmed up, as if her musculature was priming itself for use. She still seemed at rest and made no offensive move beyond just floating there with her eyes closed, but thanks to her skin vision, she was probably quite ready to defend herself.

Nyton continued to appear calm and unconcerned, although his own temperature had risen slightly. "My scans indicate that she is trying to activate her body for possible actions. We should either disarm ourselves to further appear as less a threat or seal her back up. I suggest you do not take any hostile actions, Kosuka-san. She is quite aware of our presence."

"Please, Kôsuka ... let us take care of her." Yukari stepped forward, within the Samurai's sword range. She had her hands open at her sides. "We will not harm her. I swear this upon my one and only soul." She put her hand over her chest.

The samurai shook her head. "She cannot live. Nor can I. I should not allow any of you to live ... the mere knowledge of this ... blasphemous ... NO! " She drew her swords and spun toward the capsule in a slashing motion.

And ... Miyoko was off. She may not have been much of a combatant, but her nerves were on a hair trigger and then some. She activated her gravity manipulation, quickly launching herself up and away from the samurai. It wouldn't stop her if she decided to follow through with that whole 'killing everybody' thing, but the more distance between Miyoko and a crazy person with a sword, the better, as far as she was concerned.

Nyton's 360 vision allowed him to see the samurai's charge and his historical records of Kosuka's combat data allowed his tracking system to make predictions of her movements even in regard to any possible actions he took. Unfortunately, he was more concerned about protecting Kosuka from the 23 than vice versa.

A zesuaium blade such as Kôsuka wielded could, with favorable enough conditions, practically cut through everything; even the capsule. However, fizzling discharge manifested just shy of the blow connecting, stopping the swing as if the Samurai had connected with a Daisy's shield.

"No one, not even the Empress or Yui-Taisho, can threaten the lives of my crew in such a fashion," Miharu's AI said, surprisingly stepping in with its internal forcefields. "Kôsuka-Juni, Suzuka-Shosa gave you an order. Comply, now."

"Ha — ?" Kôsuka appeared stunned as she watched her swords crackle upon the force field.

"Sigurd, stun her, now!" As Yukari said the words, the Samurai scowled and jumped up and threw one of her swords at Sigurd's chest.

"H-hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Miyoko tried to intervene from her valiant position crouched behind a nearby storage crate. "Everybody just calm down..."

The NSP was still in his holster and Nyton knew if he made a move Kosuka would see it. He stepped aside to try and hide his hand moving towards the pistol. As though trying to merely avoid the samurai, Nyton tracked where Kosuka would be and in one motion of both avoidance and quickdraw, attempted to fire at Kosuka with a stun blast.

Miharu became quite liberal about her forcefield use, deflecting the thrown sword so it could clatter nearly harmlessly on the floor. Sigurd stepped forward to obey Yukari, but his own attack as well as Nyton's were stopped in the same fashion.

"I am a quantum computer," Miharu sent to Kôsuka. "You cannot think faster than me and I'm not shy about flaunting it, even to protect that NovaCorp piece of crap. Stop." Aloud, Miharu repeated: "Stop!"

"... what she said." Miyoko gestured toward the air for lack of a better place to indicate the Miharu. The AI might have made her point better, but Miyoko was damn well not going to let her take all the credit for keeping the peace. For her own part, she stayed well behind the crate while weapons were being deflected to the ground.

The samurai floated above the floor still gripping her other sword. Her eyes darted back and forth, between Sigurd, Miyoko and Nyton. Yukari was nearly under her. "Miharu,," Yukari said calmly. "Can you calm the NH-23 and inform her clearly that we will not harm her, and that her mother is distraught?"

"I already have a passive link with the NH-23," Miharu helpfully supplied to Yukari. "I can keep her sense of self-preservation under wraps as long as her capsule isn't damaged."

"That's comforting to know." Nyton said as he resumed observation of the capsule, even while his system remained combat alert on Kosuka. "If you could link to the NH-23, Miharu-san, why didn't you tell us sooner?" he then asked.

Now that things seem relatively calmed down, Miyoko came out from behind her cover, though not without raising her hands for a few moments to make sure Kosuka couldn't interpret it as an attack.

"You never asked?" Miharu replied innocently to Nyton.

"I motion that we seal this thing back up until we can consult with the Taisa, at the very least." Miyoko turned to consider the tank. "Is there any chance of communicating with it telepathically without allowing it access to the nodal system?"

"Well, actually, she already has administrative priviledges on my operating system," Miharu replied, sounding appologetic. "So I can't really cut her out now. If you can get her higher brain functions to work, she should be able to communicate at least through telepathy."

"Let's not do that," Miyoko put forth hurriedly. "Who knows what will happen if it becomes totally conscious, in that case."

Yukari pushed aside the realization that their ship was in the hands of a sleeping Empress. There was enough sentiment about betrayal in the hold as it was. "Let us leave her here, for now, with the Juni accompanying me to see the Taisa. We must act quickly, but deliberately."

Sigurd looked up at Kôsuka. "You are to stand down. Will you comply?"

"But close the containment unit first," Miyoko appended to Yukari's order. "I'd prefer it not get broken during the fight or have somebody else stumble across it."

"Er. That is, I suggest that we close the containment unit first, Shosa." The science officer quickly corrected herself. Between the tense atmosphere and her already casual relationship with the XO, formality wasn't the first thing on her mind.

"Sigurd will do so momentarily," Yukari said, looking up at the Samurai. Kôsuka paused a moment more, then brought her sword to her arm and cut her self shallowly, drawing enough blood to satisfy the tradition and allowing her to sheath her weapon. She came to the floor and collected her other weapon.

Sigurd walked to the side of the container and looked to the other side. "Without Kôsuka-Juni's assistance, I will not be able to close this container. I will guard this area from intrusion and wait on a power armored sprite to assist me. Will that be suitable, Shosa?"

"Mara knows," Miharu added. "I can send her in a Daisy."

" ... " Yukari's instincts were to say no. But the Samurai appeared dishonored enough. "That is acceptable, Sigurd-san. Thank you."

"You are welcome," The Custodian nodded and took position in front of the container, lowering the shutter again to hide the NH-23 Kotori from view. The upper cap he would only be able to lower once Mara got there.

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