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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 4.0] - A Quest into the Dark

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The Seventh Squadron continued on its trajectory, and soon emerged in the Siren system. The scene that was played out on the main screen was one of chaos and destruction.

Eternity quickly identified the forces that were fighting, there were NMX ships and UOC Peacekeeper vessels. However, only a portion of the Peacekeeper ships were fighting the NMX forces. the other were engaged in a deadly battle of Peacekeeper against Peacekeeper.

"Bloody hell..." Katae said softly as she tried to make sense of what she was looking at.

She adjusted the Gunship's trajectory and accelerated. The Aeon was streaking towards Siren 2. Along with the other ships in the 7th the Aeon started firing on anything hostile that crossed their path.

Katae unleashed a series of volleys at a large chuck of an NMX warship that crossed her flight path. The other gunships joined in and reduced the chuck to safe bits which the shields handled.

Picking up the handset she selected the away team comm channel. "Bridge to APC, the Siren system is a real mess. We are approaching Siren 2 on a path that will pass through one heck of a debris field. A good portion of the debris is deorbiting. Launch when we pass through the field, and make your descent. With luck you will just appear to be another chunk of falling metal until you get close to the ground..."

She paused as she looked at the images Eternity was providing of Mayer Station.

"Mayer Station appears to taken heavy damage, there are indications of possible continuing conflict going on. Transferring coordinates to the APC. Good Luck." She said as she transmitted the data to the away team.

As the Gunship approached the coordinates for deployment, the shuttle bay doors began opening.
Kyoka was in the shuttle, strapped in and ready. The Neko sat there, waiting for the inevitable launch and landing into the conflict. This was the biggest mission yet, and this time she was going to be ready.

Kim sat at the pilot position of the Yusou APC, she had completed her pre-flight checklist but given the nature of the mission she took the time to double check. Softly speaking to herself she ran through the system checks "Generator... green, Propulsion systems... green, weapon systems... green, flight control systems... green, shield generators... green, targeting systems... green, life support... green, communications... green."

She looked back at Arkase, "Buttoning her up Juni." She said as she sent the command to close the hatch. She watched the large doors close and seal and the green light on the console illuminated.

"Ready to Launch on your command sir." she said making sure her restraints were secure.
Saki quickly moved on board carrying her flamethrower. There she strapped two extra canisters for flamer on her belt and strapped in. She held flamethrower firmly in her hands. She wanted to make sure nothing would happen to him while they were landing. Her ABSR was on her backpack ready for later use.

"Ready!" Saki said as she was preparing herself psychicaly for her first mission. She slowed her breathing and was remembering what she learned in training. One thing after another.
The communications station on the bridge beeped as it received a high-priority coded message:

1XF and 1SF Fleets moving to Jaspis for joint forces UOC rescue OP with next destination being Shughosa system then Jiyuu system.

YSS Aeon NG-X1-409: Continue with Siren operation.
Yoshiro was strapping in and getting ready to go. He was a bit nervous and it showed. He made sure to stow whatever needed to be stowed and then tried to relax. He sat fidgeting with his hands and tried to settle the butterflies in his stomach. "Good to go. Ready to rock!" He said trying to hide his nervousness.
Despite all the earlier kerfuffle, Takamori relaxed into his seat, toying with the straps. "Saito-hei, ready and waiting to blow up some squids."

Not that he had much explosives to blow up squids with...

Unknown enemy disposition, unknown numbers, it seemed like they were fighting an intangible horde. The Mishhu were certainly a horde but they were very tangible and very much mortal. He was not nervous, per se. It was like the pre-game jitters he had before the start of a tournament. Once the adrenaline flowed and he was on the ground, or in space, Takamori knew he'd be fine. He was confident of his skills but the jitters always annoyed him. No matter how sure he ever was, the jitters always descended on him.

Neither the Juni nor the Captain seemed to be in any sort of pep talk mode. Nothing to rally the spirits or even placate the rookies. As a former athlete, he knew the importance of an assurance speech before the first game the rookies played. He wrote a quick mental message and sent it to Scarface-kun and Arai-hei.

Writing it and sending it calmed the jitters a little but they still bugged him enough that soon, he was tapping his foot rhythmically.
Curiously, Arkase found that he was confident and ready. It was what he was trained for; What his team was trained for. If they couldn't handle it, nothing short of a SAINT NH-27 unit or a company would be able to do it.

An idea occurred to him, and he smiled. "On three, pilot..." He waited, closed his eyes, and then spoke. "Three."
Saki closed her time for descent. She helt her flamethrower as if it were her own baby. After all it was her personal win. Stucku up team leadre Arkase allowed her to carry it, which probably meanth she had good idea. It was her own weapon while everyone else except Saito had same equipmen she had het flamethrowet. Even while being slapped she managed to overcome her hate and politely talk to man who slapped her and ask him for this weapon. He showed his reason and allowed her to carry it and it was her responsibility to do so. So Saki was completely quiet concentraiting on her flamethrower and travel to the surface. "May Empress protect us all," she just said as they were preparing to descend. "And may she let us save many lives," she added after a second.
Yoshiro smiled as he read the message. He was starting to feel a bit better as his nervous fidgeting slowed down to a dull tap of his fingers. He was going on his first op as a soldier of the Empire and he would do his best. He sent a message back and he smiled again.

Private Message said:
Those squids ain't got nothing on us. We are going to tear them a new one and kick their butts to the other end of the galaxy and back. We're going to hit them so hard their descendants are going to feel it. For the Empire!

Yoshiro checked that his seatbelt was tight and prepared for the drop. It wasn't going to be easy but he knew that when he signed up for this and decided to become infantry.
Kim lifted the APC and prepared to maneuver out of the hold. She gave her restraints one last tug to make sure she was secure in her seat.

Across the Power Armor communications came a message from Katae.

After the message Kim propelled the APC out and into a controlled slowly tumbling trajectory. They were going to follow several large chunks of starships into the upper atmosphere. "Hang on everyone, we're making like space debris so we are going to free fall and tumble for a bit. Once we approach the thermosphere I'll stabilize our approach."

With the slow tumble the Aeon would appear briefly in the windows, growing smaller as the craft fell away. Then with a brilliant blaze of the Aether drives, the Aeon got underway, its weapons firing at some NMX craft that were curious.
Saki held tight and as they started to play debrie, she was concentrating on deep breathing. She needed to stay calm because this time it is real. Not VR training but realy action. And this time she has commander and not just some guy who took the initiative, but realy experienced commander. At least she hoped so. Maybe he acts as a prick but she hoped that he will be effective leader.

But there is other thing she just thought off and since she can't attempt to contact Eternity she can only ask. "Sir, do we have a blueprints of the station or are we going blind?" SHe asked usin loud-speaker instead of comm. Not speaking very loud though, as if anyone would be listening.
"Yes. We have an outdated layout." Arkase said, forwarding it to everyone. "When we touch down, the fun begins. I recommend you all prepare yourselves."

And then Arkase waited.
Kim's hands flew across the controls of the APC as they plummeted out of orbit, Just before they were due to hit the thermosphere, she righted the craft and adjusted the shields to protect the craft from the reentry heat. The precipitous rate of their descent caused the APC to shake and bounce as it encountered air pockets.

Once they were below the thermosphere, she changed the Yusou's trajectory and speed, she was still having them coming in fairly fast, but not beyond the means to land safely. The Yusou streaked across the surface of the planet, and passed over Mining Colony 7 which appeared to be still functioning.

Bleeding off excess speed Kim brought the APC down two kilometers from the biodome that was Mayer Station.

There was plenty of evidence of fighting having taken place, between the APC and the dome. The dome itself appeared to have been struck multiple times as evidenced by scorching. There was no way from this range to determine the integrity of the dome.

"We're down Juni. I am getting a lot of garbled electronic transmission. There is plenty of jamming going on. I advise using LASER communications between you folks until you get clear of it." Kim said as she swung the turrets around looking for any sign of movement. "All is quiet here at the moment. I am picking up a dust plume off to the north east, seems to be heading towards the dome."
"Can you bring the APC closer to the dome? We'll pile out of the APC and arrange ourselves to cover you." Arkase said, making sure everyone else could hear what he was saying.

To be sure, he turned and repeated himself. "Pile out! Arrange yourselves in two columns of three to the right and left of the APC. I will command the right, and Kyoka-Heisho will take the left. You will use laser communications only. Go."

To Saki-Hei said:
I want you to use your Aether Beam-Saber Rifle while we're outside the dome.

Takamori sprung from his seat near , and ran out with his rifle up. He scanned for targets but there was nothing. Quickly, he jogged over to the left of the APC as it was the closer side.

"No targets, Juni. But someone's been through here," he said over the communications, echoing what Kim-Juni had said.
Yoshiro followed everyone out and moved to the left of the APC as he pulled out his saber-rifle. He scanned the area silently and watched the area. He was nervous, but he managed to keep calm and focused on the job at hand. "Nothing to report at the moment, Kyoka-hei." He said over the laser comm and continued to scan.
"That's Tsubei-heisho, Tanaka Hei," Kyoka instructed in a loving manner as she took the lead on the opposite side. "But not like I'm counting. Keep alert."

Being in any sort of command was a new experience for the Neko. And it was exciting, too, having people that would listen to her. But it was also frightening for Kyoka, because that meant that she was even more responsible for their well-being than before. She gulped, and refocused on the task at hand, rifle at the ready.
Kim looked ahead of the APC, and considered Arkase's question. She slaved the guns to her station did a check to make sure they were responding. Once satisfied with her check she oriented them forward.

"Not a problem Oshiro-Juni. Just tell me when you want me to stop." she said over the come. She signaled the hatch to close, and lifted the APC about 30 centimeters off the ground.

She nudged the APC forward moving at a 'walking' pace. The APC moved silently above the ground heading towards the dome.

Visibility was good for Siren, with its hydrocarbon atmosphere. Occasionally the visual of the dome was obscured by smoke or fog there was not much of a difference.

There was plenty of wreckage strewn about. It was quiet on Siren, the winds moving over the wreckage making strange noise, and over the communications mostly static and garbled electronic noise was heard.

When the away team was one kilometer from the dome, the was an addition to the wreckage. Bodies, there were human and Mishhu alike lying exposed to the elements. Some of the humans showed signs of infection with Mishhu tentacles protruding from their sides. Most of the non-infected were wearing Peacekeeper Uniforms and wearing environmental helmets. The carnage was literally hand to hand, with no sign of the larger Mishhu.
"Yes, Tsubei-Heisho." He said over comms as they approached the facility. He scanned the area as they moved toward the dome and he almost retched. He saw the bodies and was honestly getting a bit scared when he saw the bodies. He tried to keep his focus on the mission but with what was going on he was finding it kind of hard.
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