Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 5.0] Darkness and Ice

As Freyja reached the top of the shaft she wondered again how she got her self into doing all this foot work, she was a fight pilot. Once she reached the door well she quickly checked over her weapon with the practice that was burned into her at creation. helping Saki back to her feet, "Ma'am, I might be able to distract them, if you and Mister Yamamoto feel you can knock the barricades down quickly."
The Grenade exploded a fraction of a second after Saki made for the elevator. The concussive force adding to her momentum slamming both her and Trowa against the far wall of the elevator. Their impact caused the elevator to sway back and forth for a moment.

The force and flames from the grenade filled the elevator car and the passage to the surface. Fortunately the majority of it remained in the hallway.

From behind the barricade screams could be heard as Saki's grenade detonated behind the barricade.
"Ouch," Saki said, as someone started pulling her to her feet. She looked and saw it was the woman that escorted the prisoners they saved earlier. "Arigato," young neko remarked with nod. Her armour was now ashy with scorch marks from the flames, but otherwise seemed undamaged.

"Yamamato-heisho, daijobu desu ka?" Saki asked the man if he was okay, starting to pull him on his feet too. The force of impact, that send them flying in the elevator was not small after all.
Emiko was briefly blinded by the enemy grenade blast, and by instinct the neko raised her arm to shield her eyes -- although there was no real need to do so due to her suit's optics ability to compensate for excessive light. Once the explosion had run its course, Emiko peered back around the corner of the surface passage and towards the enemy barricade -- which had now been subjected to grenade as well. Emiko could see smoke and steam billowing out from the heavily pockmarked armor plates.

Keeping her attention on the barricade just in case any enemies survived the blast, Emiko made her way to the elevator car and poked her head inside, asking concernedly. "Are you all alright in there?"
"If I remember correctly I failed..." Yoshiro said but was cut off and caught off guard as he heard the explosion. When he gained so semblance of focus afterwards he sent a message text to Saki.

Saki you ok?

He spoke the Tsubei-Heisho and looked toward the area below the observation port. "It looks they are moving something big, Tsubei-Heisho either that or they have a lot of something to move. They seem to be moving equipment. SSCCs and transport. I assume that they are either planning something or have already set a plan in motion." He said. "Orders?" He said as he sent a drone to silently observe and record data for intel purposes.
"I want to engage them at this distance, but I don't think we have enough manpower right now to compensate for their numbers. Try and see if you can get those drones to find out what is going on." Kyoka instructed, looking around the room for all possible paths into the complex.
Trowa was confused as to what was going on. One second he was on his feet, the next he was slammed against the wall by Saki. Trowa’s head hit the back wall and for a moment the only thing he was aware of was Saki on top of him. “Why Saki, this is hardly the time or place.” He shook his head to clear it as the Neko helped him to his feet. “What a ride. We’ll have to do it again sometime.” The Nepleslian pilot ran a quick diagnostic of his power armor. There was no damage severe enough that would keep him from fighting.

His head finally clear; Trowa looked at Saki and smiled behind his helmet. “Thanks Saki. Aye, I’m ok.” Trowa moved to the edge and peaked down the hall. The fire coming from the barricade seemed to have replaced with screams after Saki’s grenade had gone off. Now was the time to take advantage of the situation. “Give me some cover fire!” He yelled to his team as he took off down the hall towards the barricade, firing his plasma rifle as he ran.
"Roger that Tsubei-heisho." He said and moved the drones so that he could hear what was going on. He took some video of the cargo containers and the rippers moving gear everywhere.
"Hai!" Shouted Saki as Trowa ordered her to cover him. His sexual remarks make young and shy neko slightly uncomfortable. She was not sure how to respond to that really. Under her helmet her blushing face was hidden. Stupid grenade! She thought, because that was what gotten her into that embarrassing situation.

She gritted her teeth and again leaned behind the corner her LASR aiming at what was left of the barricade. She made sure not to hit Trowa as she started firing in the smoke with bursts of fire.
The Infantry behind the damaged barricade, made a move to shore up their defenses. Two of them from the back thrust their "Impaler" Particle Beam Rifles and sprayed the hallway energy bolts. It was more of an suppression fire and the few shots that hit Trowa's armor failed to pierce the shields.

One of the guns went silent as the wielder was killed by a combination of Trowa and Saki's shots.


The quickest way into the room with the NMX and the containers was to open or blast the observation port. The drones showed a group of NMX nekos working to barricade the passage that the Aeon team had collapsed. Across the chamber it appeared that some of the NMX were placing what looked like charges.
Yoshiro checked the feed from his drones and what he saw didn't look good. He sent the video feed to Tsubei-Heisho's armor "The only option that I see to attack is to blast the observation port and drop in on our friends there. We have to be careful though, they seem to be setting charges of some sort and I don't know if that is a trap or they are trying to get out or something." He said. "What do we do, Tsubei-heisho?"

Yoshiro was getting agitated by the enemy's actions and he wanted to do something about it but he had to be calm and follow his superior's orders. He set his rifle as aside as his finger was getting a bit twitchy and he didn't want to accidentally fire the weapon and give their location away. The drones continued to record the scene silently and stealthily, Yoshiro saving the video in case intel was needed.
Saki continued firing in short bursts of concentrated fire. She let her AIES work out the targeting through the smoke. With Trowa on the moved she started walking forward too, still firing for suppression.
Murasaki-hei, what is the likelihood that you can send somebody up to aid with what we've got? The NMX are stockpiling something, could be explosives, in another building.

Kyoka bit her lip, considering their options.

"I don't want to engage just yet. It's too risky. We need to draw their attention elsewhere so we can blindside them. How much trouble do you think one of your drones could get up to?"
"If by that you mean cause total mayhem, I can figure something out and cause some mischief." He said and floated his drone behind one of the nekos. He fired a low beam, enough to feel like a bug bite at the back of the neko's head. Then he flew to another neko and did the same thing to cause some friction by making the nekos think that one did something to the other. The drone continued to do that and hid every few seconds so that it would not be detected.
The return fire from the barricades stopped. When the smoke cleared the away team could see one of the barricades was leaning against the wall. The other two had large holes burned through the plating.


The Neko's working on blocking the entrance continued their efforts. But Yoshiro's efforts were beginning to bear fruit. Several of the Neko's were getting irritated and smacked each other. One even verbally yelled at the one standing next to her.
Trowa shrugged off the hits and kept moving forward, firing as he went. He paused just a moment as he reached the barrier to take a steadying breath before firing a few shots at anything that twitched. He looked again, more carefully this time to study and make sure all targets were dead.
Near Enemy Barricade

Emiko peered across the chamber to the gutted enemy fortification, now able to clearly see through to the other side due to the gaping holes in the armor plates. Seeing as the group appeared to be out of any immediate danger, she took the time to respond to the trasmission from Kyoka.

"Tsubei-heisho, we appear to be in the clear -- for the moment at least. I'll ask the others and see if we can get somebody to you in order to quickly lend a hand. If you could, please also transmit your co-ordinates so whoever we send can find their way."
The neko turned and called out to the others. "It seems Tsubei-Heisho and Tanaka-hei have spotted the NMX stockpiling 'something' nearby -- the Heisho suspects it might be explosives of some kind. She's asking for reinforcements to help deal with it."
Since the tactic was working he continued to use the drone the way he was. The drone that Yoshiro was controlling floated over to the Nekos blocking the entrance quietly and started to work its magic. Zapping the first neko that he saw with a low-power beam, it ducked behind an obstacle and then popped out to zap another neko. "How's that for chaos, Tsubei-heisho?" He asked as the drone continued its mischief.
Freyia meekly followed Trowa and Saki out, she fired only when she had a target lock pop up on her HUD. She had never fired a weapon in combat before this mission. It was an awkward feeling, she didn't want to hurt anyone here, the only reason she did fire was that she need to support her new shipmates. She hoped that this path would lead to the rest of the captives.

"Yamamoto-sama, is this the way to the other captives?"
Kyoka punched out a quick reply to Emiko, which included a mental map of how she got there, and replied to Yoshiro, "Perfect. Keep it up but don't get caught. The more agitated they are, the easier it will be for us."