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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 7.0] - Prologue Southern Encounters

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Eli breathed an audible sigh of relief as the kit let go of his wings and turned around to face her. He frowned as he noticed her shaking and her quivering ears and suddenly felt a little bad for his strong reaction.

"Sorry", for the third time in the space of a minute but the first time with a real significant warmth. "I didn't mean to scare you." He stepped closer to her slowly and took a knee. Making sure that he wasn't making anything worse before continuing, he curved his wing forward a bit to offer it for her examination.

"You just surprised me as all. I don't normally like people touching my wings, but, well, I guess you've never seen an Elysian before." He turned a bit so to the side so she could see and touch the broad side of them. He looked up at Freyja and gave her a private shrug of helplessness.
Saki's communicator chirruped, and a text message was displayed on the screen.

To: Arai-Jôtô Hei,

Tsubei-Itto-Juni nominated you to be the new Squad Leader for the Infantry on the Aeon. I agree with her decisions. So effective immediately. You are our Squad Leader.

Ise Katae-Taisa
I should have gotten that Neko's name, Kitsu thought in regret as he stepped aboard the Aeon. He double-checked the map the Nekovalkyrja had drew him, and grinned. She winked at me! I should get out more, dammit. She was helpful, too.

He stuffed the map of the Plumeria-class away, still smiling. He began humming, picking up a tune. Then, he turned on his heel and walked to the Wardroom. His orange eyes glossed over the details of the Plumeria's corridors. Grays, purples, reds, and the curve of the corridor (or the lack of a curve) as he turned a corner. On his hip he carried his NSP in its holster, and did his best to ignore its unfamiliar tapping against his leg with every step.

He was a small geshrin, with bright orange eyes that seemed about as lively as he really was: bouncing from detail to detail, flicking across surfaces and never resting. He wore glasses, which rested easily on an aquiline nose; the combination (he thought, anyway) made him seem a little cultured: a little civilized.

He stopped a turn away from the wardroom, and pulled out his communicator. Kitsu tapped away at some of the keys to send out his message to Ise Katae-taisa, and a courtesy message to the ship AI itself to let it know he was aboard (though it probably already knew) and to notify it that he was available for duty assignment.

Message said:
Hamitsu Kitsu ready for duty.

He tacked on his digital signature, and then proceeded to the wardroom, where he had been instructed to go.

"Hamitsu Kitsu Santô Hei, reporting for duty," he said professionally, and bowed to the room. "Excuse my tardiness; my transport had some difficulties that could not be avoided."

When he looked up, his eyes zeroed in on the alien in the room with the tail. The other with the wings was also an alien, but a known one. The one with the tail... "Ah..." Hamitsu's hand nervously went to his head, where he tugged at his ponytail a little before forcing it to drop. "Am I in the wrong room?"

Katae walked in behind Kitsu, looked around the room and listened to his introduction. "That depends on who you are reporting to; Hamitsu-Santô Hei. This is our Wardroom, your orders were to report to me. Which would mean my cabin.

Welcome aboard the Aeon. I see you have met some of your fellow crew members and our guest Kata'nova Sui'yrena.

Oinari-Hei, if you would please enlighten our newest member as to our mission."

Katae walked out of the room and made her way to the bridge. She took her seat and pulled up the star charts in the Aeon's databanks. While Eternity was collating the information and working on a series of star field images, she picked up the intercom handset dialed ship wide.

"Kurusu-Chusa, report to the bridge." she said, then returned the handset to its place.
Kata'nova just stood there, her gaze shifted from the Elysian and Neko. Her tail was still quivering a bit but had become to settle down with the tip returning to normal, her ears returning back to a more neutral position.

Nashoba said:
Oinari-Hei, if you would please enlighten our newest member as to our mission."

"Uhh.. Yes Ma'am." Freyja just stood there freaking out on the inside, she didn't remember the mission brief, cause of the drama that had played out since. the scene with Eli wing leading to Kata' looking scared, to Freyja freaking must have been a sight to the others. She was about to ask the computer system to replay the brief for everyone before she remember she took notes and stored them in her glasses. She brought them up and started reading from them.

"A. We are to Host our new friend here Kata'nova, and help the program to translate her language. Sub note, she seems to be frustrated on the late of her ability to communicate with those around her.

B. We are to explore and try to find Kata'nova's home planets, We have no Idea of where it is, nor does she. We need to go from systems to system looking for star patterns that would be familiar to her."

it was then that she realized that every one was looking at her. She tried to be brave, she brushed the hair from her face and tried not to shrink in to a cowering ball. The hair stayed out of her face for only a few seconds before moving back into place over her eyes.
Although Eli was projecting his best mask of soothing calm, he wasn't faring any better than Freyja was and for much of the same reasons. He felt bad for Oinari-Hei though as she seemed to be faring much worse, but one thing at a time. He had to get Kata' to continue to relax but he was at a loss for ideas and he didn't know how to reassure her without treating her like a cornered animal or a small child.

"Oinari-Hei could you help me calm her down?"
Freyja looked over at Eli, she didn't have a clue how to help. "wait I have an Idea, Eternity can you please bring up the footage from the shuttle ride up from last operation, mainly the image of my drawing with the cartoony version of me and Kat'a here holding hands and smiling." with in a split second the image came up. "Thank you Eternity"

She moved over to Kata' and pointed to the image and smiled, then she asked the computer to allow her to draw with her finger. she drew a picture of Eli with his wings. th4n a picture of Kata' touching it, she drew the No symbol over it, then next to it a picture of Eli screaming and then place the same no symbol over it. she pointed to both Eli and Kata' then the image.
Eli couldn't help but laugh quietly at the drawings, particularly the stick figure of him screaming. He felt a little of the tension evaporating, but that might just be because he was focused on the people in front of him and not anybody who may have been watching.

"If she wants to touch and investigate, that's fine, just try to give me a bit of warning next time!" He grinned. He wasn't quite sure why he was okay with it, but he felt bad for giving the poor girl a fright and wanted to make it up to her somehow.
"Tell our guest if she would like me to do something with her hair later, I would not mind. It seems I am being called." Misaki nodded to the crew still present in the wardroom, and soon slipped into the passageway to float for the bridge.

Things I want to order from home? Maybe I could donate a ship to a refugee with what is in my account...I don't know what to spend it on. More weapons? She thought absently.

While she was at it, Kurusu added, among some personal devices, another thing to the suddenly growing list of items she was realizing she could by the second various logistic and civilian catalogs downloaded to her. Well, some new outfits could not hurt but what use do I have for them? My uniform is always the best thing I own, it carries the honor of the Grand Empire of the Stars...

Arriving on the bridge promptly, the XO landed quietly and walked to the CO's station, bowing after cutting her corners in a prompt, military fashion, "Reporting as ordered, ma'am."
Kata'nova blinked, bringing her tail up to her mouth for a moment and looking at the images with some confusion. She understood a bit of it, but the 'no' sign made no sense to her, she didn't know what it meant and - at least - she wondered if it actually meant 'to' touch the wings... which she did, extending a hand out to gently grab a feather.
Eli twitched at the touch, but seemed to be handling it better this time. He shrugged at Oinari-Hei and smiled, his mouth twitching as he was tickled.

"Well- she's not scared anymore and I think we can call that a victory. And thus, a interracial diplomatic disaster is narrowly averted on my first day eh?" he said wryly. "Thanks for the help, Oinari-Hei, I appreciate it. Would you lik-" he snorted and bit back a laugh as Kata' tickled him. He tried to continue as if nothing happened. "like to meet sometime to discuss ways to improve the translation database?"

He did his best to avoid squirming as he listened for her response. He found himself feeling pretty good despite himself. Despite what he told the Taisa, he had been worried that he wouldn't have been able to really personally relate or easily interact with others on the ship. He felt a little bit of relief that he seemed to be doing relatively fine so far, and damnit, even starting to like the crew.
Freyja was worried when she saw Kata' reaching for Eli's wings, she had thought that Kata' understood the bit about the "no do" sign. She didn't want to say something and freak Kata' out more but she was worried about the new crew member. Though when Eli started smiling she relaxed and smiled. 'Maybe this will end well after all."

"That sounds like a good idea. maybe after I get her situated in our cabin."
"Excellent!" He stood up slowly from his semi-crouched state. He rubbed the back of his head. He was rather at a loss now as to how to continue the conversation, the immediate crisis was over and all his preparations for departure were already complete.

"Oh, I'm in training for information technology support by the way, although I suppose for now I'm just basic infantry" he finally settled on.
Garret quietly took his belongins to cabin six, as he was instructed. He tried to remain silent for now - the atmosphere of the wardroom was uninviting for him. He felt inexperienced enough to make a stupid question, and not ranked high enough to make a tactical or strategic assesment that would actually contribute something.

He felt out of place; but he though this was normal considering it was his first day on duty.

Katae looked up from the screen that she was monitoring.

"Please at ease. I wanted a moment with just the two of us to discuss the upcoming mission." she said dismissing the screen with a wave of her hand.

"We have been given a very important opportunity. Locate and make contact with a new race. In a matter of a few years, this makes three new species we have become aware of.

With Tsubei-Juni gone, we have a new Squad Leader, I would like you to make yourself available to her for advice. But do not run the squad unless absolutely necessary. Perhaps on one of the planets we put down on, you could work with Arai-Hei to set up some combat practice. Infantry vs one or more teams comprised of our other crew members.

I am also putting our contingent of VCMAD under your responsibility. If we are going to be successful we will need to gather data efficiently. Train Destin and Hamitsu in configuration and programming of the drones.

I would like to know your thoughts about our upcoming mission, now that we are in private." Katae inquired, she leaned back in her chair and picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip.


Josea watched the interactions. It was interesting, he was not entirely sure how successful, but letting Kata'nova interact with the crew in a casual fashion would help her to get used to her new traveling companions.

He walked over, "Folks, this interaction is an excellent way to establish a relationship. I believe that what Kata'nova was asking was if we had a repair facility. I recall that her equivalent of our AMES was damaged. Perhaps you should take her to fabrication and help her. The translation algorithm depends on data, so engage her in conversation when possible"
Saki bowed and excused herself from the wardroom when the briefing was done. She had only two hours to service all the Daisy Power Armours that were used on last mission. That was quite a bit work to do. First she quickly ran to her room and changed into her service uniform. No need to dirty her jacket.

Saki wondered if being armourer, will make her part engineer or something. She would love to own one of those nice engineering suits she saw in past. They make for a really good work-clothes, plus they looked nice.

For once Saki was glad to be alone and having a work to do. First there was Kyoka leaving. That was hard thing to deal with. They finally became friends and maybe even a bit more. Saki understood though. Empire and service were more important. That did not make it hurt any less though. It did hurt.

That was not all though. Trowa was back as well and made Saki squirm a bit. She was still not sure how she felt about him and above all, how he felt about her. Was he just flirting with her in past, or did he actually want to do go further? She did not know and she did not know if she would like that.

Luckily she had work to focus on. Taking a Daisy armour, stripping its extra weaponry off. Next was the shield. She had to ID both and put into the storage after cleaning. Then she did diagnosis of the armour and had to replace any parts she could. If it was something she could not replace herself, she noted it down and set the armour aside so engineers could repair it.

It was not hard work, but it kept her busy and that was good. She had to hurry, since when the armours would be done, there was the weaponry as well. All the guns that were used on the mission.

Then she got a message from the captain. Her eyes went blank as she connected with the AI in her mind to read it.

To: Arai-Jôtô Hei, 

Tsubei-Itto-Juni nominated you to be the new Squad Leader for the Infantry on the Aeon. I agree with her decisions. So effective immediately. You are our Squad Leader.

Ise Katae-Taisa

That left Saki speechless. She moved aside and sit on a little stool be the bench. So Kyoka wanted her to lead the team now? That though came by Saki earlier, but she did not take it too seriously. But here it was. She was the infantry squad leader now. Well right after Misaki-san.

Saki was not sure if she should be worried or happy. She decided to be happy, just for Kyoka. "Yatta!" She said for herself with a smile and messaged right back to Taisa.

To: Ise Katae-Taisa, 

I accept this responsibility ma'am! It is great honour and I will make sure not to disappoint you. There is still quite a few armours to work on ma'am. Do you want me to report momentarily? 

Arai Saki - Jôto Hei
After his talk with the Taisa, Trowa sent a message to Yoshiro.

Tanaka-Hei, this is Yamamoto-Heisho. The Taisa has requested that I train you in Starship Operations.  If you are not busy I’ll meet you in the Wardroom.

Trowa grabbed a quick bite to eat and a cup of coffee and settled himself down to wait for Yoshiro.
Josea said:
"Folks, this interaction is an excellent way to establish a relationship. I believe that what Kata'nova was asking was if we had a repair facility. I recall that her equivalent of our AMES was damaged. Perhaps you should take her to fabrication and help her. The translation algorithm depends on data, so engage her in conversation when possible"

It wasn't an order, or even necessarily directed at him specifically, but Eli didn't see anybody else jumping up to head down to fabrication and supposed that he should take Kata'. He was about to ask her to follow him, before he remembered Oinari-Hei had the datapad and more experience speaking with the kit. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have somebody more acquainted with the ship to lead the way.

"Oinari-Hei, would you like to come with me to accompany Kata' to fabrication?" he asked politely. She was still a higher rank than him after all.
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