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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 7.1] Departure for Southern Encounters

Kata'nova's ears twitched as she listened to a translation of what was going, then turned toward the ships captain and gave her a courteous bow, then she began to make her way off the bridge.

She headed to her cabin where she undressed, folding up her clothing nicely and setting it on her bed and pulled her flight suit out from under it. She checked the suit over for anymore tears that would require her to make a quick fix, then slid into it and engaged some of its systems, such as it conforming to her body.

The girl felt at home right now in this suit, probably because she wore it more often than anything else. Kata'nova grabbed her helmet and then began to make her way to the ships shuttle bay.
"Yes ma'am." Misaki replied, pausing to take the passive data gathered as they settled into orbit, before she contacted the intelligencer. Oinari-hei, prepare the tenba for launch.

The XO idly watched Kat'nova leave, then looked to Maki and faintly raised her eyebrows. Well, at least they were getting new crew, even if they needed a review of protocol.

Deciding it was no real matter of consequence, she turned back towards the bridge displays, resting her hand on the command console while communicating with other parts of the squadron, and taking in as much data as she could about the planet below.
"Yes ma'am," Saki replied to the captain and walked down to the XO checking the crew list. She prepared this beforehand, but only made slight changes now. There were new crewmembers and also changes, since captain wanted Saki to take the alien with them.

"Ma'am," Saki said to Misaki with a bow. "These are people I have chosen for the mission. Araan Vis'thraugh-hei, Hamitsu Kitsu-hei. I would also like to take the SAINT agent with us. If Tanaka-hei is not needed on the bridge I would like him as well. Then of course as per captain's orders Kata'nova will accompany us. And without saiying Oinari-hei will fly us down. As for equipment I will leave that to everyone to choose, upon witch I will inspect it. Though we won't take any aether weaponry with us down there."

The data coming from Eternity appeared on the bridge consoles including the one in front of Misaki.

Atmosphere classification, toxic to crew. High levels of sulfur dioxide detected. Self contained breathing equipment and eye protection required. Recommend either AMES suits or EM-G4-2 Filter Mask minimum.
Katae turned to Saki. "If you want Nagato-Itto Hei, you can have her. But I intend for the Tenba to perform high altitude aerial recon. Yamamoto-Heisho can take the Aeon down, I intend to land the ship by that large body of water near the equator. The presence of water should provide a wider biodiversity. We will deploy two aerial drones.

Perhaps you should take your team down in the Diligent. That way we will have three different groups deployed to give us the best chance of finding anything.

Chusa, where do you want to go?"
Cabin 8

After a bit of time Freyja got control of herself and realized that she forgot to take the shuttle for a test flight. She quickly got up and put on her flight suit. She slipped her black NSP into a pocket and made her way to the bridge.


Once she arrived she asked Eternity to see if she had permission to come in. She needed to make sure she could launch the shuttle and if she could have a NSP issued to her.

Maki had remained silent as the others discussed the plans for the upcoming away mission. Seemed she would be going with the infantry team after all. She was fine with this. An assignment was an assignment. Where she was best needed is where she would go.
As the Aeon began orbital insertion Katae looked back at her crew. She noted that Freyja had arrived.

"Oinari-Nitô Hei, good of you to join us. Is the Transporter prepared for launch? Once we are in high orbit you can launch and start doing a survey from low orbit.

In addition while you are in low orbit you can collect astrometic data so we can provide Kata'nova with some more star patterns." she said.

Freyja bowed once Katae took notice of her, "Yes Ma'am it is ready to go at any time, uh... I regret to inform you that my pistol was... destroyed during the last mission, I'm sorry for forgetting to give you this information, and would like to put in a request to have a new stranded issue NSP issued to me." She bowed deeply before glaring at Maki. She had just forced Freyja to lie to the Taisa.
Katae eyed Freyja, Why wait until now to requisition a replacement weapon? she wondered.

"You should have requested one immediately after the mission. Fortunately there are NSP 35's in the armory to replace the older model. Grab yourself one and get ready to launch." she said.

Maki smiled as her SAINT counterpart Freyja entered the bridge. She nodded approvingly as the shy neko requested a new, regular sidearm rather than continuing to display the matte black SAINT NSP. Maki did not say anything to Freyja, just continued her silent observation of the bridge continue, though her acid yellow eyes did focus more often on the squeamish Freyja.

She found it entertaining in a way how the other woman reacted to her presence. How frustrating it had to be to stand in the same room again. Maki smiled inwardly.
Yoshiro disconnected himself from the interface and stood up to get ready to go with the ground team. "If you'll excuse me Taisa." He said and went to get ready for his mission.
"Why don't you take a Mindy and pilot with it on?" Saki simply asked the pilot as she requested the standart sidearm. Of course it was better to have one, but being in a power armour was even better. "I mean nothing will stop you from doing so, if you don't take the barrier module. Mindy is comfortable and small enough to fit in well."
the first thing Freyja did was send an encrypted message to the CO.
I am sorry for the deception ma'am, I was told to get a new NSP by our new [i]friend,[/i] my black one was not appropriate. I apologize and accept any punishment you deem necessary.

Once the message was sent she turned to Saki, "I would prefer to ware my flight suit, If I have to I can bring a MINDY with me, but unless ordered I would rather not ware it when I'm flying." Freyja nodded shallowly towards the ground lead.
Katae looked at Yoshiro, and nodded at him in response to his comment. She turned towards the discussion between Saki and Freyja.

"So Arai-Hei, from your comment is it safe to presume that you are going to have your away team suiting up in Mindy 2-3a's. Kindly state your rationale for needing combat gear." she interjected.

"Oinari-Nitô Hei, I believe you have been given your orders. Our SSS Liaison will be joining you on the Tenba. Get your NSP and get ready to launch." she emphasized NSP and gave the blue haired Nekovalkyrja a look that said there would be discussion later.

With a Quick deep bow Freyja made sure to give Maki the cold shoulder as she past the superior SAINT operative, as she was taking her leave of the bridge. Her first stop was the Armory, she signed out a new NSP and a spare magazine for it. Once down she headed for her room to change into her flight suit and grab her flight helmet from her locker. Then it was back tot he Shuttle to await the rest of the team that was going to join her for the flight.

Maki watched Freyja depart, taking note of how her counterpart neglected to acknowledge her existence. She did not let this phase her, but did make note of it and how it might hinder their continued cooperation.

She also took note of the look in the Captain's eye, but this did not phase her either. She knew this had something to do with the black NSP she had urged Freyja not to display anymore and that the Captain might not be pleased with her pressing on the other operative. But she also knew she was correct in her request, especially since Freyja was supposed to be operating covertly as a pilot, not a SAINT operative that would be carrying a black NSP.

With a bow to Katae, Maki excused herself from the bridge and headed down to the Armory where she would gather up her kit and weapons for the upcoming mission. After that she would go to the Power Armor Bay and get herself set up in a MINDY.

Trowa initiated the orbital insertion sequence. He monitored the area outside the ship for any hazard, natural or otherwise. He selected a geostationary orbit above the area that the Taisa had indicated would be the ship's landing site.

The sensors detected some metallic debris nothing that would post a threat to the ship, but he logged it and turned around to face Katae.

"Ma'am we are entering orbit over your chosen landing site. I have detected some metallic debris. Perhaps we should deploy a Ke-O5-1a to retrieve some of it for analysis." he said before turning back to his station.

Katae nodded, Debris from what? A curiosity before we even touch down. She picked up the hand set and dialed the cargo hold.
"Hamitsu-Hei, before reporting to the shuttle bay for away team. Kindly prep a Ke-O5-1a for launch and fit it with a Scoop and Octopus."

The displays in front of Trowa showed they were in orbit. He brought the engines to standby.

"Orbital insertion complete Taisa." he called out.

Side Airlock
Josea walked down the hallway, with his ICP, and a EM-G4-2 Filter mask just in case they landed.

He saw Freyja ahead of him. When he reached the airlock he said, "So Freyja-San, ready to do some flying with our guest?"
Yoshiro had gotten his sidearm and placed it in a holster on his belt. He headed down to the shuttlebay where the others were gathered for their mission. He grabbed a filter mask and went to the side airlock where the others were gathered.
"I would think a temperate coniferous forest would have an interesting result, however, we would need to locate the variation of it using the conditions we are getting back from the planet below." Misaki replied, after digging through a bit more of the data.

She flashes a message to the departing teams, making sure that they knew protective suits would be the best options down below. A moment later, she tilted her head, and asked, "Can we get a more complete scan of the debris? It might indicate prior exploration or presence of something."
Airlock/ Tenba

Pulling her hair back and tucking it into her collar, so that if she had to put her flight helmet she could, Freyja responded, "Aye sir, I am ready. I'm a little unsure of the CFS system. I didn't get a chance to test it, but the computer scans of it said it was go to go." She gave a little mousey grin before continuing onto the shuttle. She dropped into the pilot's chair and started up the pre-flight checks.

"Sir, please come up here and have a seat, here you will be able to give me all the data you want to help guide me where you want to." She reached over and patted the co-pilot's seat, her stronger personalty kicking in now that she was in her environment.
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