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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"" Kyoi muttered, as the Plumeria deployed its landing gear with a soft pwuumph, a burst of wind flattening the grass nearby.

Komorebi Cabin - 2F

"Acknowledged, Eden." Meissa replied. "Hanna, stand with me behind the door frame. When we breach, you will advance on the armor on the opposite side of us. I'll go for the one on the same side as us. Close into melee and then make them eat sword and fist. And Aether. Melee for less collateral damage."

After she issued her command, Meissa moved behind the door frame, just out of vision.
Floor 2

Eden sprung up, twisting her legs around the neck of one armor while continuing to use both momentum and her thrusters to jet in one direction, spinning mid-air with them. She held her forearm cannon to their head and shot out while she continued to twist in the air with their head between her thighs. She was too fast of a target for the other two armors there to hit, but the downside of the move was she was only able to take out this one.

They eventually lost their balance and she let go with her legs and let them fall before pounding down on their head with one foot while the other kicked out at the advancing armor, pushing one into the other. She moved her foot off of the L'Kor's head and turned on her photonic array to create a blade that sprung from the top of her wrist and, as it formed, she plunged it into the part of the helmet she had been shooting into.

Now kneeling, she pulled the bloodied blade out of the helmet and pointed her forearm weapon at the power armors that had only recently stopped stumbling into one another and were beginning to aim in order to shoot on her.
Cabin of Doom

Sora didn't get any orders from Eden OR Hoshi, or anyone else for that matter, opting to keep herself vigilant for new opponents as the three marines turned the room into a L'kor disposal area.
Komorebi Cabin - 2F

While the other L'Kor were preoccupied with trying to hit the XO Neko flying at them, stabbing all of them to death, Meissa gave the signal to Hanna. Meissa activated her thrusters, closing in on the armor that she targeted for herself.

The armor would have experienced the sensation of multiple aetheric bursts from Meissa's forearm projector, before having to dodge a blade of aether running it through.
Floor 2

Without a word spoken, Hanna moved behind the door frame as she took out Ikari to Kaze and prepared to assault the L'Kor. On Meissa's signal, Hanna launched out from behind the door frame and flew towards the left side of the loft space, where three of the power armors were located.

In a flurry of aetheric Zesuaium blades, Hanna feinted an attack at the closest L'Kor, before spinning past it and landing on the top of the second closest one, slashing down at its head with both of her blades. Without looking at the results of the previous strikes, Hanna did a 360 degree spin off its head and flew towards the third one, aiming a lethal slash at its skull...
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Floor 2

Ume looked over to Eden when she was called for new orders, the room had been cleared so she had the freedom to move and did sch. She swiftly made her way up the stairs to catch up to Eden and prepare for the assault. Once things started she let Eden have her space, trying to fight side by side in melee in a house would just cause them to get tangled up. So she kept to support fire and switched her rifle over to it's aether setting.

When the two stumbling L'Kor recovered and tried to fire, Ume met them with a blast of her own. It however was from her shoulder cannon, and she aimed it at the floor in front of them. Of course the cabin was built sturdy, and it took most of the blast, but there was a hole in the floor and that hole was enough to cause the L'Kor to trip over. When they had both fallen Ume fired her canon a second time, along with a stream of aether blast from her SMG, all focused on one of the soldiers. She did not want to cross past Eden while she was in motion so she left the last one up to her commander.
YSS Kaiyo
Cargo Bay

Jax peered around the cargo bay, snapping out of his trance once he felt the tremors as the YSS Kaiyo touched down on the surface of Komorebi. He hadn't been paying the most attention to the broadcasts, being much too distracted by sorting and organizing his various jars and sterile bags for sample collecting. He had never been to Komorebi, and the thought of fresh specimens caused excitement to swell within him. He took comfort in knowing that he wasn't going to be anywhere the fighting. Even so, he still had his set of throwing knives and his pistol securely fastened to his belt alongside his lab gear. Everyone appeared to be ready for action, ready for battle. Only he, Jax thought, didn't seem to give the impression of being in the army.
Komorebi Cabin

With his ASP drawn, Sutahira Medikku took in the carnage. It wasn't as bad as the Mishhu that had attacked, his first taste of real combat, but it wasn't pretty, either. That was how war was. He didn't need to check if any L'Kor were alive, he knew they weren't. Not that he would have given them his fantastic bedside manor, he would only stabilize them to get information out of them later, nothing more. With that Neko head on a spike outside, it only confirmed that they were savages.

Battle raged upstairs, and he still waited to activate his armor systems. It would be too close quarters to use his gauss cannon, and his NSBs would only get in the way. His FARS was equipped with a first aid kit, and so far anyone who had sustained injuries only reported as minor, according to his HUD where he could view his team's vitals. He was ready for whatever he was needed to do though, that was for sure.
Just Outside the Cabin

Shiro finally readied himself up enough, and jumped out from behind the wall, looking at the back of the cabin with his gun ready. He seemed fairly tense for a moment, then gently sighed, lowering his weapon. He then thought for a moment on what to do, and decided to go up around the front to help his allies. He ran around the side again, and valted over the railing, before heading in through the front doors, his gun at the ready. He quickly checked around the floor, feeling a little disgusted by all the corpses, before he headed towards the stairs. He could already hear everyone was fighting, so he quickly made his way up, his finger already on the trigger.
YSS Kaiyô II

Nerai'tha wobbled in her seat a bit as the kaiyo came down on her landing gear with a light thud, signs of a sucessful touchdown. Some status markers on her console shifted about, and she started tapping away to sort all of it out nicely.

"Excellent touchdown, Kiseki-hei~. Landing gear sucessfully deployed, hull integrety 100%, returning to normal remperature levels..... opening cargo hatch now."

With a few more flicks of her buttons, the huge metallic structure on the Kaiyo's underside came into motion, accompanied by the loud whizzing noises of the actuators moving it down.....

By now the natural light of planet Komorebi started to drouwn out the fluorescent lights in the ceiling of the cargo bay, briefly making it difficult to see. A slight breeze wafted througj the bay as the pressurized atmosphere of the ship mixed woth the outside air.

"Right, that's our queue. Everyone ready?"
When the door came down with a mightly thud, abarthuse slithered down the ramp, scanning the area with his LASR-SLAG at the ready. It didn't take him long to notice the friendly PA, designated to belong to Iemochi, and gave a little wave to the armorclad birb.
YSS Kaiyō II
Cargo Bay

Anastasia listened to comms, feeling the thud of the landing gear pressing against the ground. "Ready, starting up." The technician went through a quick series of steps, sliding her fingers across the Tankettes controls. One, one, two, one. Red, black. Go.

With a smooth whine, the Tankette miniature reactor opened up and the machine kicked into gear. "All forward" Anastasia said to herself quietly, as she gripped the dual stick controls, pressing forwards on them both. With a moan, the Tankette rolled forwards across the bay, its tough tracks clattering against the metal bay floor before they crossed, before pressing down into the soft grassy earth of Komorebi.

From inside the moving metal box, Anastasia monitored the situation around her, waiting on the rest of the cargo bay"s inhabitants before pressing out into the warzone.
Yss Kaiyo II
Cargo bay/ Komorebi Surface

Upon hearing the whizzing of the bay doors, and the flood of light, Jax slipped on his lab coat over his environmental suit and stepped behind Abarthuse, gazing out at the foreign planet. Tall grass swayed at the edges of the LZ, immediately catching Jax's interest. Taking his first step off the Kaiyo II, he spoke into his communicator.
"Taking native flora samples, Mochi would you care to accompany?" He'd barely had time to get to know the scientist, but figured it was worth it to offer.
YSS Kaiyo II

Like any concerned wife and mother, Eden was observing the battlefield through Eden and Kikyo's HUDs as well as a map of the immediate area to get the tactical overview. Her eyes brushed over the communications operator for a moment before the second officer superseded him and began to tap into the comm line. She quietly rubbed her left thumb and index finger carefully and worriedly, as her eyes were lot following either her wife's or her daughter's HUDs.

"This is Kaiyo II to... drone. Do you read?"


Kikyo began to grow restless with her lack of anything to do, she was beginning to get lonely as well even though Yoshida was only mere steps away. She cued her microphone in her helmet and transmitted with an anxious, almost terrified yet confused voice,

"Momm- Eden-Shosa, orders?"

She done called her Mommy again...
Komorebi- Cabin Sky
The drone did indeed recieve the message, trying to respond. At first it made several glitchy noises and beeps, before attempting to talk in the same language. It spoke in a robotic female voice (Something similar to the first Robocraft announcer's voice, from way back when they first added spotting if anyone remembers.) "A-Assistance... required." Had it even attempted to communicate with anyone else before? The voice seemed like it was talking for its first time ever.
YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki raised an eyebrow and played it aloud in case Hoshi didn't hear it, she silently turned her head to look at the CO as if asking 'Well, what do you want to do about it.' Her resting face of well-concealed rage and visible discomfort quite evident. Her violet eyes were as piercing as they always were, except Misaki was staring into her new CO's soul.

She was looking for weakness.
YSS Kaiyō

"Teien-Chui," Hoshi said with an unflinching gaze towards the viewscreens, "Respond that this is a war zone. This craft needs to be out of our immediate area!"

"Especially if they want to stay safe!" Asuka said with an excited voice.

"Hai!" Hoshi concurred.

VIP Room 1

Rei opened the door for Wiliam, "Hai?"

Floor 2

Eden shook her head as she knelt, listening to her daughter. A small but present smile showed itself on her lips and she spoke.

"Yes, Teien-chan." To the group, she continued, "Teien-hei, Sutahira-hei, Hayakawa-hei, and Arinori-hei are to rendezvous with the tankettes and their escorts!" She began shooting on the targets in front of her, avoiding friendly fire by inches at times, but her suit's targeting was taking over and it was more than capable of completely eradicating the fear of friendly fire when utilized properly.

Then, she watched as the two power armored L'Kor fell through the hole that Ume had just created in the floor of the top level of the cabin. She sent a tiny emote of herself smiling and a tiny popping heart came from the sprite in Ume's HUD as Eden also outlined the power armor Ume should attack by creating a cross-hatch on their helmet in Ume's HUD. She herself flung through the air at the power armor that was down, then stomped into their helmet before bouncing upwards, then slammed down, pinning them in a crushing thigh headlock. She turned on her photonic array to create brass-knuckles on her fists. She began pounding at their helmet with the now-spiked knuckles of her suit.

Hanna's slashing at the second suit was enough to burn the power armor, but it didn't cut down all of the way past the shields and alloys. She would need to stab her blade through the same cuts once more or try a different tactic that shallow cuts. Perhaps her strikes were not deep enough or perhaps they weren't as focused as they could be. She just needed to refine her technique with them in combat to learn how to utilize them to their true strength. The next strike, though, wasn't enough to fully get through the armor, but it was enough to knock the L'Kor in power armor to the ground. They clutched at their helmet, then after doing so quickly, turned towards Hanna and fired their forearm cannon.

The power armor that Hanna had feinted an attack on was now being mauled by Meissa and after flopping onto the wall and taking the hits, they steadied themselves and shot out their own forearm cannon while trying to begin to walk forward, towards her.


Leeta looked to Jax, "I have been asked to accompany you while you study around. Iemochi-juni may come if he wants, but I think allowing him to bring the tankettes to their location is of the utmost importance. Come on, I remember where the stream with the disgusting gooey rocks is. The water's purple!"
Floor 2

After knocking the third L'Kor to the ground, Hanna pressed her advantage and continued to harass the armor from close range. While the armor raised its arm to fire at Hanna, the cyan Neko aimed a left-handed slash at its outstretched arm, followed by a right handed downward slash at it's handheld weapon.

Hoping that her attacks were enough to effectively disable the armors close quarters defense, Hanna finished with a two bladed strike aimed at it's neck...
Komorebi Cabin - 2F

The shot connected but glanced off of Meissa's extra bit of shielding, deflecting away into a shower of Aetheric brilliance. Meanwhile, the L'Kor found just exactly how much a mixed martial artist, with a heavy focus on both grappling and swift, agile blows could hurt.

Meissa dropped her Aether Saber, headbutted the enemy armor's own head, and hacked and smashed the armor with her fists and forearm-mounted blades of Aether. She stabbed one blade into the armor, and while keeping the enemy L'Kor disorientied with blow after blow to the head, ran the blade downwards from the neck to the gut, raking it as a feral tiger would with the heat of the Aetheric weapons.
Floor 2

Meissa's smashing against the armor eventually weakened and cracks began to show. Meanwhile, her sword tip was just only barely in the armor and managed to open the L'Kor up slightly, but only the top few layers of skin and a bit of muscle managed to be damaged.

Hanna's opponent's arm was forced down and some scorch marks showed where her aetheric weaponry had been. Her neck strike pushed the armor back and their body was against the wall. She just needed to keep pushing her blades into the armor to get them to slice through it like butter. What was more, the L'Kor had raised its arm to her and started pulsing out from its forearm directly into the center of her armor's torso.
Komorebi Cabin - 2F

With hopefully one final blow, Meissa recalled all her drones to fire on the armor she was wailing on in the corner, as she stabbed the armor with her right fist, and opened fire into its heart regions.

Across the comms, everyone could hear Meissa's voice activity icon light up as a low growl emanated in the comms. A low growl like a predator finishing with its hunt.
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