IYS Yuumi
Mega Conduit
The masculine tech-head nodded back to Odo; keeping an eye out is fairly easy, especially with the help of the NSBs. While Walter looked straight ahead, his six small drones watched his left, right, and rear. All the while, his Stars floated about, the metallic hands balled up into fists as they acted like true hands, telegraphing Walter's thoughts in realtime.
At this time, Walter had something to hope for, yet something to also expect. On one hand, he is hoping he would meet his mother here for some reason, the sadistic nationalist Edwin Hyde, just so he could grind her up and make her into cat meat. On the other hand, the man is expecting pretty much no opposition as him and Odo go to jack up one of the Legacy cannons. The Imperials were meant to be monsters, a unstoppable force to be reckoned with, and yet with the Kaiyo II crew? Everyone, even him, are practically walking all over these guys.
After a bit of silent reflection, Walter Hyde realized that while he really didn't care too much about the situation, his double could have taken each and every consecutive victory for his side like a personal defeat. For what reason, the Minkan wasn't sure. It just occurred to him how easy it is to feel... Disconnected with these threats. Thus, letting Walter tune into his neglected 'emotionless warrior' side, like when he murdered ten Kuuvies in cold, ruthless fashion. Or was it twelve Kuuvies?
Walter didn't bother to count... And that made him conflicted about whether or not he's actually grown and matured as a person.