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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Go: Dôshiyô

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"Warp!" Meissa replied. "The scalar field from the resulting teleport will wipe a large portion of the Mishhu that aren't shielded against scalar attacks!"

She started drawing up her own escape route while talking to Hanna. Her wing drones floated back to her side as she removed the blocks of plastic explosives from them.

And then she saw that one Neko. Amanozako, her name. Right?

The last time she tried a crazy stunt, that same Neko stopped her due to...whatever. This time, she was firing like a maniac into the Parasites, in a flak jacket of all things. Three thoughts:

1. Wow, there might be someone more stupid than I am.
2. She was in the wrong place. She was in the wrongest of places possible.
3. She was unshielded.

"Amano! You might want to make that your last magazine! It's lethal for you here, and it'll only get worse!" Meissa shouted at her former rival, throwing a quarter of a block at the resident NMX Neko to shock her out. There were just some things that went beyond rivalry, Meissa decided. Some things transcend rivalry. Like the lives of a fellow crewmate. Especially one that couldn't ST out.
Cargo Bay

After the blast of her NSP erupted all over the Advanced Type's and made a gory, bloody hole where the beady eye used to be, Mitsuko would need to turn off her pain receptors if she wanted to avoid having the shock of her arm being ripped off. Her arm looked to be handed off from one tentacle to another until it had passed through nearly all of them besides for the ones now sliding around Mitsuko's neck.

Hasagawa Airi moved in close and leaped into the air towards the Advanced Type. Airi collided with the Mishhu's body and knocked it only several feet to the side. It hadn't let go of Mitsuko, but instead had pulled her with it and out of the tankette.

Non power-armored NMX Neko littered the floor of the cargo bay thanks to Anastasia's concussion grenade, but still more hopped in through the hole and pummeled through the air, flying at incredible speeds to impact with the boxes and disrupt the hideaways the non-infantry had created. One of them grabbed Arbs by a wing and shot her pointblank at her red head. The Elysian flapped and moved away from the gun blast at that moment and the shot went flying away from her head and impacted her shoulder. The lab coat she wore bloomed with red like a crimson morning glory at sunrise.

Power Armor Bay

The second NMX Neko to enter the power armor bay that night, a dark-haired and grey-eyed Neko in a Reaper ripped through the space between her and the infantry Neko and landed squarely on Meissa, then held the rifle she held up to Meissa's head and began shooting while holding the Elysia's shoulder with her other hand. Two flashes of light blue could be seen while the NMX Neko began to go to town on Meissa.

Some wily parasites got past Hanna's defenses and pinged against her armor, then flew around her head before alternating knocking it one way and another. Almost as if taking advantage of the way Hanna would be distracted, an NMX flew through the opening in the ceiling as she shot at Hanna with a rifle of her own that she wielded while wearing a Reaper of her own.

Two more NMX came through the opening after them, and shot at Leeta and then Muyomi. The girls raised their own guns and began shooting, as well, while they thrusted towards their targets.

A parasite flew towards the Separa, then bounced off of his helmet before another did the same thing. Multiple parasites hit at his armor's helmet, targeting the HUD.

The parasites swarmed the rest of the infantry and while they worked to rid themselves of them, more kept streaming in.
Meissa twisted around, throwing the Reaper off of her and landing on her belly, cheating a little with her suit's systems. Mid-spin, she grabbed hold of the Impaler Rifle, and slammed it on the ground.

The warrior pushed herself off the ground as she drew her Aether Saber-Beam, turning its full destructive force on the Reaper's chest as Meissa drove the NMX's head into the ground again and again with her heel.

She considered this just good enough to even the field with Amano.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko was splattered by blood and gore...first the squid's, and then her own. Her face went pale as hemosynth seemed to rush away from her head and out the ragged stump left behind, damaged NSP wrenched away along with the mangled limb. Her screams were cut off as tendrils wound around her neck. Neko could hold their breath for quite a while, but she hadn't exactly had time to prepare herself, along with her heart beating furiously. The flow of blood from her new stump was already slowing, however, as her blood vessels attempted to twist and seal themselves shut automatically.

She was sent tumbling along with the Mishhuvurthyar, ripped away from the Tankette, tinted glasses clattering to the floor. Her eyes glowed fiercely, even as the lights behind them began to go out. Everything was turning black, as she uselessly clawed at the tentacles with her remaining hand. Murakami had to focus and use the momentary distraction and repositioning the Operator Neko had provided. She knew this place intimately, and could navigate it blindfolded, even after her hasty rearranging of its contents. And there she found one last shred of hope.

There was a whirring, mechanical whine from above, as the second robotic arm at this far end of the Cargo Bay shifted into position, releasing its hold on the SSCC-Small Mitsuko had left in its grasp. The container came crashing down onto the injured creature, but hopefully not on the Logistics Neko it was grappling with. If her calculations were correct. Either way, as her eyes rolled back into her head, she was going to be too busy passing out to notice, as the heavy crate cracked open, spilling out a huge assortment of oversized, overstuffed plush animals.
Outside the Power Armor Bay:

William turned to Rei and Aiko, his mouth turning down into a scowl. "Allow me to take the lead..." he said shortly. This was it... now it was time to put his training to the test. He closed his eyes for a mere moment and steeled himself for what he had to do. He searched deep down in his mind and found it. William opened his eyes. The fear that he felt was being suppressed by his anger. That same anger that he used to threaten an entire mob of people with when they attempted to harm Aiko. He gritted his teeth, and planted his foot and took off in a dead sprint towards his armor.

Power Armor Bay:

William ran like he never had before, his feet a blur of movement and his body low to the ground as he ran past his comrades and the attacking Mishhu. Parasites all around him. However despite this, he wasn't scared. If he let himself think about it he would, but right now he focused on the one goal. Get to his Reaper...

As he ran he spotted it sitting in it's spot. The paint on it had been sandblasted off leaving the armor a shiny steel color. However, the sight of it was blocked by the a parasite charging him head on. William let out a roar and dropped, sliding under it and in one fluid motion, sliced upward with his blade. His blade caught it as he slid and sliced the parasite into two pieces. He didn't revel in it though. There were more where that one came from. He used the momentum of his slide and planted his foot to vault up to his feet again and beelined it to his armor.

He reached it and he hit the release, popping open at his command and he quickly forced it to close around him. For a split second, everything was dark, before his HUD flashed to life, quickly running through it's startup. "Come on!" He yelled as it finished. He took in the scene around him. His armored hands wrapped around his swords and drew in one fluid motion, thumbing on the heat modification. The red and black blades flash heating, causing them to glow orange with heat. "Now you die!" William roared as his armor sprang to life, he looked to Hanna and saw the enemy NMX appearing from the roof. Big mistake...

William's thrusters flared and he rocketed towards and charged it, thrusting his sword up towards it's neck.
YSS Kaiyo
Power Bay

After hearing that Nashira-Hei planned to warp near the breach and endanger a potent ally, Hanna moved to stop Nashira Hei's recklessness. Even without power armor, Amanozako was a veteran soldier who had more experience than all of the infantry in the room combined. She was not about to let the recklessness of an Elysian kill a brave and experienced soldier.

Hanna sprinted towards Nashira-Hei, intending to tackle her, however an NMX Neko got to Nashira-Hei first, pinning her to the ground with a running strike. Out of her corner and stunned by the intercepting intruder, Hanna was quickly overwhelmed by a conglomeration of parasites. The creatures struck her repeatedly in the head with blows that would concuss a normal Minkan. In a dazed panic, Hanna activated her KE-M2-W3500 Wristblades, wildly slashing around her head in an attempt to cut the parasites out of the air.

Regaining her composure, Hanna dodged out of the swarm, her Wristblades slashing as she did so. An armored figure rocketed past her as she danced, charging towards an NMX Neko which had flown through the breach, her sights trained on Hanna. Reflexively, Hanna pulled the string on a smoke grenade attached to her waist, hoping to obscure herself from the NMX Neko...
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YSS Kaiyō

Endo Hatsuyo, the quaint medic from down the lane, emerged from the medbay quickly, turning around in midair and sealing the door to the medbay using the control panel beside it. She had made sure all backups and equipment were secure in case of an abandon order, and brought a standard medical bag with her. "Now that that's out of the way..."

Endo zoomed away down the halls, medical bag over the right shoulder and with her service pistol in her left hand. She made her way to the entrance to the cargo bay, peeking in at the unfolding chaos. Her rounded ears twitched as she heard Mitsuko's screeching from across the bay.

YSS Kaiyō
Cargo Bay

Anastasia ducked behind cover as several of the NMX boarders slammed against the shipping container she was stationed behind. Breathing faster, she rounded the corner, opening fire on the invaders. She was trying to maintain best composure over the situation as she could, stopping briefly as Mitsuko's trap crushed the advanced Mishhuvurthyar.

She ducked behind the box again, jumping as an NMX agent leapt the box fortress, assaulting Arbitrated who was stationed on the other side. She moved away from them, pointing her SMG towards the agent, opening a round of burst fire as far away from Arbs as she could land it.
Mitsuko's Kingdom

"AAIIIIIAAAAAGH!" A terrifying, bloodcurdling screech echoed throughout the chaotic storage facility as the bridge-affiliated combatant used her uninjured dominant arm to jam her Type A into the NMX's abdomen on its right. Her right arm limp and useless, the burning angel tore the unfortunate corrupted neko in two with an uncontrolled burst of automatic fire.

Stumbling around the upper crates with little regard for tactics or logical thought from her addled state, the valkyrie spread a swarm of ammunition across a majority of the NMX forces and even in the direction of the large Mishhu and its captive. It only took another good smack from one of the catapulting enemies to throw the cherry albatross from her elevation, with little chance of a timely recovery as she lay face-up in a growing pool of blood between the irregular towers of containers.
A snappy shot of Aether flew past Hanna, still holding the grenade.

"Hanna, no smokes! It'll only harm us more!" Meissa shouted. "And stop trying to tackle ME, you idiot! Get Amanozako to safety! Either way this place will kill her!"

She didn't add as many curses as she liked. But maybe, you know...Hanna would actually listen to comms this time.
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Cargo Bay
YSS Kaiyo

Sutahira watched as Arb was smacked around by Mishhu. His heart clamped together. Two teammates in trouble in the same room? How could he help the one trapped by the crushed Advanced Mishhuvurthyar and the one bleeding out between the crates?

He used his triage skills that he had learned, and decided that Arbs was closest and in immediate danger, while Mistuko was still too far to reach, even if he sprinted to her.

He instead booked it for Arbs, fierce determination and fear for the life of his crew mate etched on his face. His legs pumped him forward as his boots slammed on the deck, and then he saw Arbs in a pool of blood, a Mishhu Neko torn in half to the side. It was horror. A Mishhu that had just taken her down approached now.

Sutahira raised his rifle and squeezed the trigger, slowing to a jog. He expected the recoil to slam on his shoulder, but nothing happened. Only a slight clicking noise, telling him his ammo was depleted. He watched as the Mishhu was about to kill Arby. Sutahira would not let that happen. With a roar, he used the pistol's burst fire to tear a hole in the thing's chest, and then to destroy its head, using the entire magazine. His barrel smoked, and he jammed a new magazine where he had ejected the old one which clattered to the ground. He holstered it and approached Arby, stepping in her pool of blood. He grabbed he left good arm and dragged her away. He left a streak of blood as he hefted the wounded crew mate to safety, leaving his empty rifle with the last clip slapping against his hip as he hurried to the firing line and his medical supplies.
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Power Armor bay

Despite the constant fire from his rifle and the NSB's, the pesky parasites rushed their way through the line of fire, bashing into his helmet. While the armor itself took the hits like a charm, the HUD wen jittery as the relentless assult blinded Abart'huse, causing him flince and raise his arn to cover his face. Slightly panicked, he flicked his rifle into saber mode, flailing the Aether-lined blade in front of his face. This wild ferver distracted him from noticing the two latest NMX entering, being completely unaware of their presence, as well as the swift motions of the ninja closing in on their position.

"Ghhhaahh!!.....GET! OFF!.....FU-!"

Hissing through his words, he started to "leg" it across the room, in the general direction of the breach, feeling that staying put in one location would only make him more of a target. Still clutching the crate tightly with his tail, the Separa charged forward in a literal serpentine movement, the sheer mass of his whole body plowing through the horde of parasites like a battering ram, as if they were mere flies on the highway. It was only later when he regained some vision that he realised he was headed straight towards the latest two NMX.
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Yoshida could only watch as what could generously be described as absolute chaos unfolded. It was like the entire infantry outfit had devolved into headless chickens and ran about screaming, each with wildly different plans of attack, some not quite watching where they were shooting and/or swinging their three meter long Aether blades, and others yet still attempting tactics that would cetainly get results, at the cost of every unarmored individual in the PA bay. Which there should be at least 100% less of.

"Stop coming in here!" She shouted even as William ran past her. She gritted her teeth, a far cry from her usual high energy self. Then she steeled herself, and readied the Aether gattling gun. "Don't let them get close to me." She muttered over comms as she levels the gun at the entrence, and spun it up as her NSB pods surounded her like a floating crown, every single one that she could deploy at once, all firing in sync to drop parasites dead, and warn her of any armors that noted her.
YSS Kaiyō
23日 3月 YE 39
21:03:01.27 Hours

Had the current occupants of the YSS Kaiyō's Power Armor Bay not been occupied with the innumerable high-speed low-profile problems racing towards them, they would have probably noticed that the sole Ke-M2-2D "Mindy II" Powered Armor typically stored in the one of compartment's racks was currently missing, along with a Ke-M2-W3000 General Equipment Pack, two Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannons, a Ke-M2-G3001 Mindy Leg Capacitor Set, a Ke-M4-W2901 Mk. I Light Armor Service Rifle, and a Ke-M4-W2901 Standard Light-Armor Grenade Launcher, plus 78 50mm tungsten armor-piercing rounds, two 100-round LASR magazines, 200 7x15mm armor-piercing bullets, two 3-round SLAG magazines, and 6 25x100mm shrapnel grenades; had they checked the aforementioned Power Armor Bay's storage lockers, they would have discovered that one of them contained a hastily folded, black-paneled Type 35 Class B Duty Uniform, a Type 36 Communicator, and a loaded Type 33 Dark Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol - and had they been slightly faster, they might have even caught a glimpse of Hayashi Akiko herself, clad in powered armor, dashing towards the ship's bow in an attempt to warn the Taii of what was about to occur.

Had she been slightly faster, she would have made it in time - and had she not been so extraordinarily imperfect, she, Hayashi Akiko, would have realized the grievous mistake she'd just made.
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Cargo Bay

Mochi tried to keep the situation from spiralling best he could, burst firing into the breach to try and suppress any new NMX coming through. Reloading a dry magazine, he cursed at their situation - they had no heavy firepower to speak of and no armour. He couldn't help but wonder why Eden would not distribute the power armour between both breaches rather than having one team of non-combatants fighting a breach alone. "Someone tell Eden we need help down here!" he managed to yell above the thunder of war.

Before he could follow that particular rabbit hole, someone flew directly into the huge Misshu and knocked it aside. Immediately after, a banshee screech caused the scientist to immediately break fire. 'No, that came from..' Glancing side-on Mochi's eyes fell upon the sight of a bloodied Arble, one arm completely dead and weapons blazing with fire in her eyes. It was an amazing sight, beholding the raging barely-clothed cherry-winged angel fighting for her life. Suddenly, the smol warrior collapsed and Mochi's eyes widened in horror. 'No.. She can't be!'

Moving to break into a sprint, the Juni spotted one of their medics moving ahead towards the ball of red and pink. It looked like he was running dry, causing Mochi to stop and take a knee, putting pot shots into any NMX that were turning towards the cyan-panelled crewmember. The moment the medic was there, Mochi dashed towards his partner, firing wildly into the horde as he went. Shots streaked by, which he returned in kind best he could without slowing down - not even registering the plushy-filled crate crash down behind him.

Mochi finally got to his Arb-Arb, throwing down his now-empty rifle as Sutahira ran off somewhere. "I'm here.. Stay with me, I'm here.." he smiled down at her as reassuringly as he could, squeezing her hand tight - it was slick with blood. Despite fear into his voice, the man tried best he could to not let it show in his smile. One hand resting on his holstered sidearm, projectiles thudging into the cover surrounding them, the blonde didn't even flinch and simply kept making sure Arble wasn't alone.
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Sutahira ran for his medical bag, which sat behind the next cover over. Shots whizzed past as he dashed from cover to cover. He began to move to the next cover, when an enemy round grazed his outer thigh on his left leg. He instead dove for the medic, his NSP shaken loose and clattered along the floor about four feet away from him. He ground his teeth and sucked in air as he grasped his leg. The cloth split where the round had scraped, and flesh was torn with blood starting to trickle out. He quickly wrapped a strap of gauze around the wound, cursing profusely as the various feelings of pain rocketed throughout his body. Eventually he hooked the gauze and stabbed a pain stim next to the wound, and packed the supplies back into the bag.

As he began to get up, he saw Mochi next to Arble, his hand on his pistol with his rifle laying on the ground. NMX Nekos began closing on his position. What was he doing? He should be covering Arble until Sutahira could return with his medical supplies! Sutahira thought. He jerked his head to his pistol and lunged for it. Pain flared up in his leg again, but he did his best to ignore it. He had three magazines for his pistol left before he needed to restock, and one more magazine for his rifle which lay near the pool of blood that had stopped flowing.

He raised the pistol and began firing as he dashed for the injured Elysian. His legs pumped him forward, his injured leg feeling like it was on fire. He slid the last few feet and nearly crashed into Michu, laying the bag next to Arble. "Mochi! I need you to cover us!" He yelled, trying to break him out of his worry. He grabbed more gauze from his bag and pressed it against Arble's wound, the fabric soaking the crimson liquid. She began turning pale, a telltale sign that she had lost a lot of blood. He had to stop the bleeding fast.

He had to cauterize it! "Mochi! I need something really hot! I need it if I'm going to save Arble!" He said, stabbing the almost unconscious Elysian with a pain stim. He changed the soaked gauze and applied more pressure, working against time to save his patient.
Hallway Outside of the Bridge

Eden, topless and alone, raced away from the bridge and towards the zero G passageway. From Akiko's vantage point as she ran towards the front of the ship, she could see Eden across from her, separated only by the passageway. As Akiko ran towards her captain, the view of the Taii became blocked by a mass of blue merle as it floated up from the bottom of the zero G passageway.

Shadows emanated from the walls and the lights around them seemed to be snuffed for an instant and then relit, but on a much lower wattage as the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar transferred out of the plane of existence between the Taii and the Juni.

Teien Eden breathed in a sharp gasp that was choked and wet. Her eyes bulged and her hands groped in front of her wildly as she looked at the ground in front of her and fell to her knees. Eden palms pressed onto the ground in front of her and her black hair spilled out around them as she shook violently.

Ghost Mishhu broodlings began gnawing at the insides of their new, warm, edible womb inside of the captain.

The Ghost Mishhuvurthyar's grey mottled body blipped back into existence on the other side of the Taii, closer to the bridge than it had been a mere second ago. Eden cried out and turned off her pain receptors, but the excruciating feeling of having her insides decimated by the fist-sized broodlings was an ache she couldn't get rid of so easily.

She pounded her fist into the floor and then reached for her NSP while she sent out a feeling to Hayashi Akiko as she looked at her, wincing as she did. She didn't want the SAINT to do what now had to be done. She wanted the operative to know it was for Saki's hands only. Then she sent the overwhelming thought to kill it, instead. She then turned, ready to shoot the Ghost.

"Help! Saki, my love! Help me! Kill me," Eden's message to the XO said as she aimed. "Saki, kill me."

Cargo Bay

Crushed by the onslaught of NMX Neko, which pushed forward and out of the hole they had cut, Mitsuko’s fancy glasses would have to be replaced. So would her arm. She was on the edge of consciousness, but not gone just yet.

Endo had stimulants in her bag, she had a clear path to Mitsuko (besides for an ominously cheery aardvark plushie that had the look of something out of a horror film to some members of the Kaiyō), and several dozen NMX Neko all firing on her.

The Advanced Type started wildly throwing plushes and boxes off of itself and grabbed Airi by extending its tentacles and then having its body follow closely behind once it had gripped her. She immediately chose to fly into the air, bringing the tentacled beast with her, before dropping so hard that the Mishhu fell with her. She did it again and again until the Mishhu had let go of her and recoiled away towards Calver who stood in the corner of the room closest to the door, near the scientist, medic, and weapons operator. It was bruised and one-eyed, but not down for the count. Airi aimed at it, but it grabbed Calver and used him as a human shield as it cornered itself.

Anastasia’s bullets found their marks on the NMX flinging itself towards Arbles. Medikku's found their targets, as well, picking off at least five enemy Neko girls before getting to the small one laying on the ground. The wound he received was passing and inconsequential. The gauze he had wrapped around himself was more than enough for the mere flesh wound.

An NMX Neko lunged towards Anastasia and grabbed her around her head, pushing her thumbs into Anastasia's eyeholes while the rest of her fingers gripped her black-haired skull. While she did this, she raised into the air and delivered a swift kick to Anastasia's gut with her heeled boots.

Power Armor Bay

The NMX fought valiantly, but Hanna was too sharp for them and was able to create a smoke screen between her and the attacker. The only problem was, now Amanozako had the concern of the smoke grenade impacting her negatively. On the plus side, this would be an opportune time to run for her own power armor.

Meissa's aether saber did a fine job on the chest of the NMX Reaper and, soon, the NMX was downed. But before she could cheer for victory against that one, she had to begin fighting off another that rocketed into the power armor bay with their feet pointed downwards and managed to stomp Meissa to the ground and began shooting at close range, not missing Meissa's head, as they stood on Meissa's chest.

Leeta called over comms, "Meissa I got you!" She then whipped her weapon towards the NMX Reaper-cad Neko and lit her up. The NMX Neko turned to look at the Mindy-clad infantry Neko coming at her and away from the Elysian underneath her for a brief moment before looking back to Meissa. Her finger was on her rifle's trigger, about to shoot again in the place that had turned from bright green on Meissa's HUD to an equally bright but unequally bad orange. Leeta shot at the NMX Neko, but they held their position and fingered the trigger.

The latest two NMX Neko to come in were headed straight for Abart'huse Theisilis as he headed for them. The first flew over the Separa's head and landed on his tail, then shot him in the back a couple of times while the one in front of him flew to a height he could not reach her at and shot him in the chest the same number of times.

Yoshida was able to deflect the wave of parasites, but soon she was being targeted by an NMX Neko's rifle. She had to act fast.

William did a good job of making sure the NMX Neko was sliced through the soft part of the neck, a perfectly placed and one in a million slice of the blade. Blood spurted outwards and against William's Reaper's face and body through the tiny slit between helmet and body of the NMX's Reaper.
There it was again, her life slipping before her eyes in the form of a status monitor.

She decided to say no this time. Her drones abandoned their old posts.

Two of her drones, long neglected and firing like idle...well, drones, received a new command: Protect Meissa. They zoomed down from their clustered position of clearing out Parasites, to an active hornet swarm, attacking the NMX Neko. Meissa herself held her left upwards, firing a flurry of Wrist-Mounted Cannon fire. Her right arm grabbed the Impaler Rifle and jerked it outwards, away from her face.

But where were her third and fourth drones?

From all around Amano, she could hear a buzzing, whirring sound. It was a sight, to say the very least. Meissa's third and fourth drones...spun around her like they lost their pathfinding chips and were now trying desperately render the space they were in. But the observant would notice they were spinning guns pointing outwards and flat sides at an angle to the ground, like the blades of a fan. It appeared a little bit of flight knowledge went a long way.
Escape Pod

Misaki sat straight up, turning pale once she heard Eden's call. She attacked the console that was slaved to the door, stumbling into a dead sprint with tears stinging her eyes as she made an all or nothing dead sprint to Eden. Her eyes locked with Eden but her urge to go to her was stopped once she saw what was doing Eden harm. Her eyes looked dead into the Advance-Type Ghost's own. Her mind suddenly snapped back to the Second War, her previous station and what she went through. Terror filled her every inch, almost...


"This far, no further... YOU MISHU SON OF A BITCH!" She suddenly rocketed forward, going for Eden's NSP with a sudden, violent expression locked on her face. She almost disappeared on her war station, almost became one of them. She almost lost everything to them, and she was not going to lose anything again. Ghost or not, Saki was going to do something. Her hand latched around Eden's NSP as it arced up to point at the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar, its barrel soon spitting rounds. She closed the firing range with her arm, her expression turning in to a dark, almost crazed look.

I will not lose her!

Eden would just have to hold on for a little bit longer.
Yoshida didn't pause after noting she was under fire. She relied on her fully charged volumetric sheilding to avoid damage directly to her own armor as she dodged to the side, her NSBs following her and blasting parasites as she went. "I'm busy! go bother somone else!" She yelled as she circled around, regretting leaving amazako unprotected but this needed to be done. She used this oppurtunity to duck, dodge, weave, and generally make herself an unpredictable target, somethign she's been getting quite a bit of practice in, both through watching how others do it and being shot at herself. As she did this, she found the tine to release one hand form the gattling gun very breifly, consequently quite a bit less accurate for that breif moment, and grab an unoccupied power armor she managed to frift next to, hoisting it infront of herself and then shoving it full force at the offending NMX, using the PA's strength, and her momentum from accelerating towards the NMX at high speeds for an extremely breif moment. This had the amazing 'side effect' of possibly blocking a few bullets as well. "New friend for you! Hope you become VERY closely aquanted!"
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