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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Nine: Mamemameshi

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The power armor was blown to shreds by Matsuvo's, Yoshida's, Miko's, and others winning attempts at shooting it down. Those that noticed it get flung one way and another by the ripping and tearing of phased beams, plasma, and aether would see it now drift in space as the ship itself was hit and stalled moving towards the Kaiyo and looked to be making a collission course with the away team.

The team would then notice in the light from the nearby system a great many hangar doors opening on the station. Glinting in the light, some of the doors on the dark side of the station showed themselves just barely. Ships started to move out of the hangars. None of them were all the way out when Madoka shouted.

"We need to get into the station like Jintel-hei said!"

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi looked to Saki as the Second stated, "Now is time to make a decision, Kokoro-hei. Enter the station through an open hangar or stay in space?"

After she said it, Hoshi spoke out, "Weapons! Outline targets for the away team through Saki's channel to them. Fire on your own designated targets!"

Yoshida shook her head in disbeleif at the veritable fleet of ships that seemed like they would be pouring out of th estation at any time. "Agh!" She shouted in the privacy of her own helmet, her cries of frustration sparing the ears of her fellows through the assistance of the void of space. "We... Can't! We'll be leaving the Kaiyo without support! I Know it looks bad but- we've got the keep the kaiyo covered, if we just dive in now the enemy armors will follow suit, and probably make the lives of the soft team much shorter! Just stay clear of those ship's point defences! I'm collecting our lost soldier!" She yelled as she gritted her teeth and redoubled her efforts. If Royce got too far deep into the range of the defenses she'd have no choice but to follow him in, and therefore be very seperated from the team.

"You'd better stop doing what you're doing!" She readied her Gattling rifle once more, and kept checking the distance between herself and the runaway minkan. If she could just get within teleport range, she might be able to stop him... That is, if he didn't stop on his own already. In the meanwhile there would be a lot of fly-like maneuvering in the empty void, her tail trailing behind her like a streamer.
YSS Kaiyō II

Saki spoke out to Yoshida, "The Kaiyō will need you to be able to detach from the vessel at some point, but this is not the time. Send a small group, an infantry Neko and Jintel-hei onto the station. No more. Jintel-hei, stay towards the top of the station."
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbles pouted slightly as she mentally reviewed how to synchronize with the Mindy's targeting system again. She was supposed to be trained in the use of them, but a bridge bunny like herself wore the Mindy so incredibly rarely even some minkans might be hard-pressed to recall the facts immediately. Was that the enemy color or was that the enemy color... Ah.

"Transmitting targeting systems data. Streaming spike inbound in three, two, one..."

The entire infantry team's HUD flashed beightly as all the newly-launched enemy targets were highlited in sync with each other. Using the Kaiyo's much more impressive targeting computer, each target would remain tracked even if it left the mindy's field of view. With the slightly more direct relationship, MEGAMI herself likely could assist the targets with aim prediction against the enemies to improve their direct accuracy.

The cherry-winged albatross wiggled a little bit in her seat, feathery limbs almost fully obscuring her body from behind and the side.

Yoshida grimaced as she felt like once more, things were not particularly going her way for her first instance of command. Okay... Not to worry. Someone else could head along with the rookie, deep into enemy territory, where who knows what could happen... Yeah. "... Requesting a volunteer to follow in Santo Hei Jintel's footsteps. Karawasa-hei? Sacre-hei perhaps?" She said just before she closed the transmitter off, and rocketed back to assist her squad mates.

"Oh make sure to avoid that mountain of angry metal flying at you." For now, she could only ready up. So many rapid changes in thinking and overall direction from command was really throwing her off balance, and she felt that she needed to recalibrate as she performed the 'random walk' on er way back to the squad.
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Sacre looked around, and sighed, "Baka is going to get himself killed. I might be able to keep his over eager ass alive. I'll go." Sacre volunteered as she maneuvered to avoid getting hit by the spaceship and give her better sight lines. She also pulled up where the teleport interdiction fields were and started to make some quick mental calculations. Then she triggered her backpack teleportation unit, disappearing and then reappearing at the top of the station, mere meters in front of the teleport interdiction field that hugged the station. "This way Baka." She barked and suddenly dived down towards the station before the surprised point defense gunners could target her.
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Space, the mook squad.

"Yoshida," Mat spoke up over comms, "I can go if you'd like. Having two rookies in there might not be wise."

He prepared himself to dodge the incoming ship, and attempted to instruct others to do the same. The mass of metal would make paste out of whoever was unlucky enough to be standing still when that ship came barreling through.

"Watch out everyone! If we all don't get out of the way of that incoming ship, we'll be toast!"

As the ship Miko had fired at stalled and started to drift, his focus was pulled to the alarms on his HUD. He registered the request for them to hold tight. He watched as two solders were making a bee line towards the station. The alerts on his HUD grew even bigger, the station was coming alive. As the request came out to go support Jintel the drones has already reattached to his Mindy.

"Command, Archangel moving to support Jintel-hei"

As his armor was about to enter warp, his AI locked the system. Someone had already signed up and his drones re deployed. He knew what had to be done, being a hero would have to wait. He drifted out of the way of the disabled ship moving towards the group. His targeting systems started to lock up anything moving around the station near the two charging it.

Things were about to get real as more data poured into his power armor. Calmly over the comms channel he spoke;

"We are the defenders of righteous. We are Hoshi's blazing sword and the Star Empire's crushing fist. Hundred of billions of hands ready to die for our mission. WE ARE, the Kaiyo II"

His 4 drones and beam saber started to light up space like being at a rave party.
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Royce raised a brow listening to the chaos that ensued in the wake of his decision, giving a lone nod with a stern face of approval, at first at least before the course of action became clear; they were sending people in with him. "Oh.." He said, tilting his head, the engineers eyes were wide as his mind raced trying to place pieces together of how this might go. His gaze dropped slightly as the AI spoke up. "Royce?" She said, yet he remained still within the Mindy as it rocketed forward from his own accord "Sush, thinking." He said plainly. Biting at his bottom lip he pulled his sensor to Yoshida's Mindy and let it set there for a moment before he reeled his head, and switched his coms. "Requesting Yoshida to come, direction from someone with more experience in the field would be welcome." Royce said plainly, without seemingly a care in the world as he flipped the transmission system back off.

"Okay, but why though?"

Slevet asked, remembering just as Royce did that she was the one that seemed most intent on stopping him in the first place, though things had gone rather well in his favor overall. All the while his Mindy never stopped zipping back and fourth like greased lightning as it made it's way towards the monolith of a station. Finally, he replied. "If they're sending someone with me, that limits my options, a lot. I'd rather have someone with experience, someone who won't freak out, you know? I'm hoping higher command won't shoot first ask questions later, the others? I don't know, and if things go wrong, they're more likely to survive." The logic was sound in his mind, and he followed up with his own train of thought. "At this point, I'm afraid that's how it has to go. Doing all this behind the scenes won't work, best I can hope for is being arrested and thrown in the brig." Slevet cut in quickly. "The worst?" Royce shrugged, a small smile formed to the fringes of his lips. "Bullet through my head."

"You have got to be kidding me..." As Walter watched, he swapped from indifference to sudden surprise! In the blink of an eye, one by one, three people just left the group who were supposed to be defending the Kaiyo II. Someone was - No, MIKO was even giving a battlecry! What in the name of the stars is happening? How do Royce's words persuade anyone here?! The engineer suddenly has a lot of questions, not of philosophy, but... THIS! All of this!

"Why are those guys leaving?! Why'd our commander leave?!" This moment, this moment brought him to the realization that simulations, training, they were all regimented, orderly, and predictable. This crew is just... Walter had to remind himself that everyone here is from the Empire of Yamatai, in some fashion or another. Everyone is making their stand to fight against them, the enemy, the L'Kor. What is Walter even doing?!

Walter Hyde's heart, which had pumped at a steady 78 bpm, began to climb higher as adrenaline is pumped into his system. His orange eyes light up with passion and energy, becoming one with the blade, the drones, and the suit. He released all six of his NSBs, and began crunching numbers at the shuttle advanced. He, too, advanced, taking position in the vanguard rather than the rearguard.

At this point, gone was his calm and uncaring attitude. This was a man of action, of passion, of bravo! He cracked a great smile, and laughed. "Yeah! We will do away with you all, in the grandest dance of them all! The guiding light of our mission with keep us true to our path for generations to come!" He raised his Aether Sabre, eager to put everything he has to this fight. He will show them all what he can truly do!
YSS Kaiyō II

Saki replied to everyone leaving towards the station and guarding the Kaiyō still, "Prepare mass boarding action at the top of the station. The Kaiyō will take care of all of the ships, power armors, and bombers outside of the ship on her own. Remember, this is our home. When you are called to protect the ship you will immediately!"

Hoshi turned to Saki, "I agree." Then she turned to Kyōi. "Boss, is everyone out of the ship?"

"Yes, they are," Boss answered.

"Pilot, take us on a ride. I want these hostiles to be on a wild goose chase and I want to be the goose. Work with the weapons operator closely. Work together on this one."

"By the empress!" Yoshida shouted. It was as if no one could commit to a plan! She wondered what crazy conversations were going on up there to have them seemingly switching tactics every other moment. With that, she shot off like a rocket towards the top of the station. Halfway there she remembered she should probably keep up her act like she was a lost panicked fly, and began doing various patterns in the void once more, short moments of corck screwing towards it before suddenly dashing in another direction, and other such odd patterns. She didn't have the luxury of teleporting from half a solar system away like some amoung them.

"Allright, We're doing this I guess! Looks like your request for me to accompany you is coming true and then some!" What a way to start her first operation as field commander.
Top of the Station

Sacre swore to herself as her impromptu personal landing became a general landing."I didn't sign up for this stupidity." she grumbled. It was one thing to be something of a surprising anomaly. It was another thing entirely to be the vanguard of a landing force. As she descended, she started poping more accurate destinations and jump vectors that the fellow infantry could follow onto their HUDs soon as they got within range. She also pushed targeting information to them, mostly about the dangerous point defense cannons that could turn a mass landing into a mass grave.

Gripping her Aether blade, she sliced through the point defense turret directly below her and disabling it. Her shoulder 20mm cannon fired high explosive armor piercing rounds at the point defense targets she designated. Soon as the point defense turret was disabled, she accelerated at top speed towards another point defense turret and sliced off the guns. "I'm making a landing zone for you Apes!" She shouted as she zig zaged around to avoid getting hit and killing the point defense around a hanger. As she moved around the hanger, she laid down NSBs at the edges so that when the point defense was down, she could try and take the hanger.
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YSS Kaiyo II

Sutahira Medikku tended to various jobs around the Medical Bay. He ensured the ST was functioning properly, all biological specimens were secured, and making sure the equipment was in working order. His NSP felt like a weight on his right thigh, and he considered removing it. He decided not to, his FARS personal drone sat on a table next to a terminal, the first aid kit module loaded into it. He tapped a few commands into the console, going back to his duties until he was needed.
Space > Top of Station

Miko heard the command to mass board the ship. He was glad he brought a mix of ranged and melee in the off chance they would have to board the station. Sensors picked up Sacre busting up point defenses on the top of the station. His mindy reading his thoughts darted towards the station in a zig zag pattern. His drones rotated around him as they pin pointed point defenses and blapped them one after another.

"Archangel moving to board the station. If its moving, will kill it dead, over."
Space > Rear Guard

Miles was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of actions that took place in such a short time, recognizing the HUD update Miles assessed the situation and quickly followed the rest of the members. "Miles Belmont taking position at rear guard, proceeding with new orders" willing the mindy forwards and keeping pace with the rest of the team Miles brought up his own HUD overlay that monitored the members vitals before falling into the semi formation at the back of the group.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Swarm one hangar or swarm many; which do you think, Yoshida?" Saki asked. She was ready to warm them one way or another, but wanted Yoshida's take on the on-the-field situation. Though she had visual feed from all of the team members of the battle in front of them, even of the SOFT which she watched with anticipation.

Hoshi still thought it wise to rely on Yoshida's experience. It may be the reason the little infantry Neko would rank up soon.

William watched as the the first target went down. He ended his intercept and then turned his attention to the station. Once he heard the order to move in, he grimaced. He wasn't to keen on diving head long into the hornet's nest, but if he was ordered to, then he was going to blow the nest wide open.

"Roger." He replied, looking to Yoshida. "I will take point." He offered.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Everything was nuts, anyways. Sure, Hoshi, why not.

"Alright...make sure you're buckled up," Kyoi told the rest of the bridge crew. "I'll be decking it as soon as I'm sure I won't accidentally bonk an infantry member on the way."

Once the Infantry went clear, the Kaiyo zipped by the L'Kor station, going along an elliptical path around it. Kyoi took a potshot at the station using the Kaiyo's Main Weapons Array, more to annoy the living hell out of the L'Kor inside than to inflict actual damage.

"If it's a wild goose chase you want..." Kyoi mumbled, ears pressed against her head, "I'm not an Elysian, but I can manage."

She mentally imitated the sound of a goose. Coo, was how it went, right? No, that sounded more like a pigeon. Geese honked.

Forget it.
Space ---> Top of Station

The engineer, now alive with fire, takes off to the station. Walter brings out his femto-machines, intermingling them with the NSBs, as he followed the path down to a tee. The scene felt alive with everyone making beelines to the station, the Kaiyo II flying around causing a racket, and the L'Kor coming up to arms.

"I shall follow any orders without hesitation!", Walter cheered in response. So this is what being a part of this crew is like... I needed this!

Thus far, he hadn't missed being in Engineering, doing repairs and other engineer thing.
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