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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission San: Kaizen!

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Meissa, probably the one who breached the door, stood at the front with her new buddy, the dead body of that one guy she killed. Her wing of drones floated just to the side of her new shield.
"Ready." she replied.
"Mmm" An affirmative hum reverberated from the small Elysian as she brought her focus to something more apparently dangerous than the middle of the ship: She checked for any possibly exposed weapons, as a carrier without guns of its own is often an uncommon sight, and began to bring an onslaught upon them.
L'Kor Battleship Albatross: Breaching Barracks

Meissa had the captured, lifeless armor held in front of her like a shield as she burst into the L'Kor Barracks alongside Matsuvo, leading the group. Iri and Anastasia were right behind, with Orion covering them from another rank back, next to Mitsuko herself. Carter and Yoshida were currently facing the rear, watching for any stray L'Kor that escaped the Hangar to pursue them. Mitsuko tried to be prepared for anything (and she had quite a long list of anythings that could go wrong), using data transmitted from other suits on the team to watch forward and behind at once.

They needed to get inside, spread out, clear the area, form back up and keep moving. Getting bogged down by waves of L'Kor was the worst thing that could happen. Especially since they'd already proven themselves more than willing to go down with the ship if that denied their enemy an advantage or any intelligence. Mitsuko was capturing as much data as possible, building a schematic of the alien vessel, but the more sensitive areas of the ship would have much more interesting information for their technicians to gather.
L'Kor Battleship Albatross: Breaching Barracks

"H-hai! Murakami-Heisho!" She squeaked out in response to her superior's chastising, emberassed at her own slip up. "Won't happen again!" Yoshida fell in line with the others and hefted her gattling gun into position at hip level as she backed up, relying mostly on her suit sensors to avoid backing up into somone as she watched the back, with her gun still set on full atou, ready to tear up the whole hallway if she even spotted a some pest of an insect making mildly hostile gestures at them from the rear.
"Got it." Meissa reached for her utility belt. "Are we going quiet or going loud?"
She so hoped they were going loud. She could kick the body in through the smoke, walk in, look cool, be cool, shoot things, stab things, clean the ship, overload something explosive, and fly away laughing...
...but knowing the logistics Neko they'd probably just slice the door and do a quiet sweep.
Logistics Nekos are no fun.
Carter quickly filed in at the back of the squad alongside Yoshida after covering their entrance to the hallway. He scanned the entrance behind them, watching, just waiting for some poor enemy to poke their head through the door. His NSBs were on watch, two covering his blind spots and the rest scouting ahead and relaying data from the front, ahead of the squad's advance.
Mat fell in behind the rest of the away team, having dealt with his enemy. He wasn't too clear on the plan going forward in the mission though. He sent two NSBs ahead down the hall so that he could get a better view of what was to come.

"So what now?"
Hallway Outside of Bridge

"Iie," Rei said. "You are not allowed on the bridge." She wasn't receptive to this NMX Neko's advances to get on the bridge, but she was willing to give her back some of the autonomy she had been lacking as of late. "But you can speak to the captain telepathically from here."


"Please do, Saki," Eden relayed to her XO. "I trust you in all regards."

"The carrier is taking massive hits," Deio Asuka said quickly and without much calmness to her phrasing, "Massive hits!"

"That is good," Eden replied. "Very good."

Albatross Barracks

As soon as they arrived in the L'Kor barracks, they would find scattered objects of little interest to them and nothing more. The barracks were empty. All hands were on deck, instead.
Meissa turned to Mat.
"I'm half-tempted to trash their bunks just to be petty."
A little humor crept into her voice, although with enough seriousness in it to indicate that yes, she would trash the L'Kor's bunks out of sheer spite. Come on now, nothing says 'fuck you' like trashing a hostile alien race's barracks, then going around to blow their ship up.
Outside the Bridge

It took a monumental amount of effort not to slam the guard into the bulkhead and force her way onto the bridge, but Amanozako held her control and crossed her arms over her chest as she stared down the person blocking her way.

"Well that's nice, since I'm not and never will be connected to your kinds wireless network" she stated. "I'd be better off sending an official communication through diplomatic channels between Mishhuvurthyar and Yamatai"

William watched on as the battle continued. He felt very useless. There was the bridge crew, making the ship run smoothly, there was the away team taking on an enemy battleship, and then there was William...standing there....

He turned his head and thought he heard Rei speak, when he heard the sound of another agitated voice, he grew concerned. He looked to Aiko and bowed. "Please forgive me, I must attend to something." He said before quickly moving to the exit.

As the door slid open, William's hand was on the hilt of his sword. The Nepleslian boy stepped through the threshold, the door sliding shut behind him. He didn't say anything, as he moved and positioned himself between the door and Amanozako.
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L'kor Battleship Barracks

Anastasia entered the barracks. working to maintain pace with the rest of the team. She made various sweeps across the room as they progressed through it, looking for anything fishy.

Or in this case, feathery. "I think you'll be able to melt them later", she replied to Meissa's burning desire for bunk busting.
L'kor Battleship Barracks

Yoshida kept her eyes firmly on guarding the rears of her precious teammates. She quitly contemplated on how 'watching your rear' could be considered some kind of inuendo as they traversed the hall, rather than it being a strictly military term. She was sweaty, hyped for some combat, and certainly not shy about just squeezing on the trigger of her gattling gun untill the space cows floated all the way back to yamatai. She was disapointed about not being the one to breach and obliterate the barracks, but on listening into her fellow away team's chatter she deduced the obvious problem of their not being any. "Nani?! No targets? Think they are going to come back around knowing where we are?" As she said that she took the moment to look around for cameras and other such electronic detection devices, with the help of her suit AI of course.

Mitsuko let out a relieved sigh as the door was opened to reveal an empty, or at least unoccupied, room. "Ensure the area is clear and keep moving." She gestured forward, towards the next available exit, and the corridors beyond that would hopefully lead them closer to the alien Engineering section. "Dynamis-Hei, see if you can direct Kokoro-Hei to close the doors behind us. Permanently." She glanced behind her at the pair watching the path back towards the Shuttle Bay. "We shouldn't be returning this direction, and it may slow possible reinforcements."
"I'll help." Meissa eagerly fired up her Aether Beam, ready to cut through a wall to access and break the mechanisms behind the door. Denied her right to trash the L'Korrian barracks, she thought she could at least break something of theirs before they broke everything.

"Seal up the doors you say?" She grinned as she stepped into the barracks, backwards, as she had still been watching that hallway very closely, before moving to first force the door shut once more, then bracing herself against it with her foot to ensure it stayed in place, she fired up the gatling aether rifle, a brief whir and spin before it spat out those bolts like crazy. The laser light show was brief, as she worked fast, only spraying just enough on the edges to slag them, rather than boil away the metals entirely and fill the air with toxic, foreign material. It didn't make it any less fun to watch for the excitable neko judging by her rapidly swishing tail through the whole affair, the pink blasts pulsing like a strobe, lighting up the barracks. Shortly after she released the pressure on the trigger and stepped back to admire her still cooling handywork. It may not have been the most effecient way do do things, now the most effective, but it was fast, easy, and a hell of a lot of fun.

"I want you to keep moving, away team!" Eden called out over comms. She relayed information quickly to them, a diatribe about the inhospitable treatment the L'Kor were to be treated with and the end of times coming to the alien race and their way of life because of the Yamatai Star Empire. She followed it with a strongly voiced, "Commence obliteration of the enemy battleship!"

Outside of Bridge

Rei frowned, "I am sorry you can't speak to her. Both telepathically and because you are not deemed safe enough to do so. Please, tell me, what brought you aboard the Kaiyō?"
"Alright, let's do it then."
After Eden's inspiring (questionable adjective) speech, Meissa turned to Mitsuko. Her eyes said 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good.'
"Mitsuko, I have a stupid idea. Can we figure out a way to blow a hole in this battleship's armor? If we do, the Kaiyo can let loose in that hole we make."
L'kor Barracks

"Too bad we didn't bring an intel type with us. They'd probably love going through all these lockers," she murmured to herself, mic off. The medic positioned herself still towards the middle of the group with her SMG at a rest. Hopefully their demolitions 'experts' wouldn't make too big a mess of themselves. There probably wouldn't be enough left to put even nekos back together...

It was a good thing the Captain had insisted they make backups, no matter how big a mess that had been.
"Engaging the third Carrier now." What was left of her second target was almost thoroughly decompressed, and with a short pause to allow for the weapons to briefly cool-down and reload properly, the Kaiyo brought Yamatai-born fury upon the third. The force was surprising, both in recoil to the Kaiyo as well as the impacts on the carrier's shield system and-should that fail to remain-armor.
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