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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Shi: Komorebi

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Komorebi, Landing Site

Mochi was vigilantly trying to keep up with all the events unfolding before them, despite all the new data and situations being thrown towards the untested officer. Within a couple of minutes, a member of Bravo was down, a strange substance that was literally making up a river had been found and a scout had discovered a new pathway of some kind.

Not wanting to sound rash or disorganised, the emerald eyed commander sounded off via telepathy to all squads in one sitrep. "Endo, see if you can transport Leeta to the shuttle with any ease for recovery. Orion, Anastasia - if she can I want you two to replace them on Bravo."

As he continued, Mochi made sure his environment suit boots were on correctly. "That scanned chemical - I think I remember something my professor said about it being explosive? If Kaiyo could confirm that'd be appreciated. Alpha, once you've returned hopefully Endo can take Mat off your hands and you may redeploy to your second bearing."

Mochi was surprised at how demanding but rewarding managing nearly 20 people was, noting to give Taii Eden major props for managing a whole ship. Letting his previous orders be registered he then continued: "Meissa, from our scans that's probable since this is breathable air. Anastasia, keep working out that theory best you can.."

A few seconds pause as checked the ammunition of his pistol was loaded and ready. "Amanokazo, you and I will take a quick look down there as Alpha returns. Everyone else, keep following your squad lead and surveying!"

The blonde jogged down to where he could see Amanokazo near the edge of the clearing, a veritable squad of firepower herself.
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"Explosive? Oh, yeah it is. Given the right treatment." Meissa replied over telekinesis. "Scoop it into a bottle, mix some alcohol in, and run like you've got a whole fleet chasing your hot tail in a Mindy. I'd suggest you take some of that. Useful stuff. Especially given...I didn't pack any explosives. Didn't think that I should pack any. Good thing you cleaned it off fast, too. Stuff's pretty hazardous. I still want you to have all your fingers, Mat."

Meissa borrowed a small chunk of gauze from her friendly medic, using it to pick up a piece of wood and look this way and that about it. Maybe bang it against a rock a few times. She looked around the area, scanning for anything too unusual. Barring what they saw, of course.
Alpha Team

Mat was seeing things. Multiple things. Multiples of Meissa frolicked in front of his vision, despite her not being there. He groped the air to catch up with her, trying to touch her on the shoulder, and moved in such a way that his hips swayed out from under him and his knees caved slightly. He fell completely while he began to giggle, feeling the embrace of Meissa's wing against his shoulder. As before, she was not there, but he felt her presence.

"She's so nice," Mat said to everyone, turning to look at the Alpha team.

Bravo Team

Constricting at the place that the blood vessels and capillaries had been severed, the flow of blood was pinched off. Leeta's eyes bulged as she saw the gaping hole in her leg that was now visible after Endo had taken out the giant piece of wood. A bit of blood still managed to spurt out intermittently. Some carbon nano-tube bone fragments were visible, a portion of which had not withstood the falling timber. It was apparent, though, that there was a clean break in the bone. She had been impaled and the gravity of the situation was weighing heavily upon Leeta.

"Wha—" Leeta muttered. "What do you want me to do En—" She had to grit her teeth to continue, "Endo-hei?"

Rei rubbed the forehead of the injured Neko and began murmuring to her under her breath an old Yamataian song. She looked with her skin-vision to see that the way Meissa was preparing to bang rocks with sticks and shook her head, continuing to sing softly.

Landing Site

Orion and Anastasia's cute endeavors to get to know one another and the shuttle's situation were coupled by Amanozako and Iemochi's interest in the path leading away from the Raccoon shuttle on the planet Komorebi. They would find themselves walking next to waist-high grasses all around them save for the small, almost indistinguishable trail they were following.

YSS Kaiyō

"Status report," Teien Eden said to no one in particular.
Monitoring the situation groundside, which didn't seem very good as far as good could get, Riku had MEGAMI give him an updated report of the team's current status.

"Understood. Shinomori-hei's FARS unit reports an unknown chemical compound has begun affecting the Minkan's limbic region. He is currently experiencing an extreme dopamine overload. Recommend immediate quarantine and medical isolation."

The situation had not changed that much for Leeta-hei as far as Riku was concerned, her FARS still reporting an elevated pulse and spiked endorphin levels rising. If anything it was starting to worsen with each passing second; the patchjob from before barely keeping things together.

As if reading his mind, MEGAMI piped in,

"I would recommend that the critically injured and drug-induced crew be evacuated from the planet."

At the sound of Eden's voice, a woman he had congratulated for her marriage a mere day ago, he nodded. "Yes, Captain."

"Alpha Team, Shinomori-hei, appears to be suffering from some sort of hallucinogenic drug; possibly related to the unknown substance from before. Bravo Team's Leeta-hei's lifesigns are steady for now but that may change in a few hours. MEGAMI has suggested that we evacuate the injured from the planet using the newly fixed shuttle."
Alpha Team

Mitsuko realized Matsuvo was falling behind. At first. And then he suddenly rushed in front of them, chasing after something that wasn't there. By the time he tumbled to the ground, she'd gotten a good idea what was wrong with him. It was a familiar situation, really, that prompted a familiar response. The other members of the team watched the Logistics Neko smoothly draw her NSP in a practiced motion, ensuring it was set to stun as Matsuvo regained his footing. By the time he'd turned back towards them, the business end of the sidearm was pointed at him. There was a frown on her face as she pulled the trigger all the way back.

She sighed as the Minkan crumpled to the ground, holstering her NSP again. A few moments later, the Neko had the much taller soldier tossed over one shoulder like a sack of rice, not seeming horribly bothered by the extra weight. "Let us continue on towards the shuttle." Mitsuko adjusted her fancy sunglasses before returning to their short trek.

"If he squirms, I'm going to shoot him again."
The smol one fell back with the rest of Team Alpha, everything having been said already so she walked in silence for the time being.
"What the what now?" Meissa asked. "Hallucinogenics?"

She was pretty sure this was almost like the rock was begging to have some of its substance scooped up and centrifuged by the science bro himself.

Of course, she didn't say it out loud. She didn't want people to think she used drugs. Well, she kind of did, but those promoted muscle and bone growth and development. Not the kind you see some hoodlums in the street snorting up.
Komorebi, Bravo Path

"Just don't freak out." Endo replied to the injured Neko. She wrapped the wound sparingly in cloth bandages, to help seal and protect it until they were back to the shuttle. In one swift motion, Endo hefted Leeta upwards, holding her stably in both arms as if she was a delicate cardboard box. Endo didn't look like she even noticed the weight.

"We're en route back to the shuttle now." Endo sent the message out to the team as she started to wander backwards along the path, heading towards the clearing from whence they came.

Komorebi, Landing Site

Well there went the tranquility. Hearing Mitsuko's command, Anastasia slid off the side of the shuttle, landing on her feet with her wings slightly outstretched. "If we're evacuating members, we need to be cautious. I don't want to she a shuttle fall out of the sky, and hopefully all I've done will prevent that..."

Anastasia went quiet at that thoughts and decided to move towards the Bravo Path, looking for the incoming medic.
Noticing her wings half outstretched from landing, Anastasia took a moment to do something she rarely had an opportunity to do. She slowly extended her cobalt wings to the side, causing gentle popping noises as they stretched like an arm that's always been folded. They were quite decently sized and healthy for a plebeian, but her left was obviously deformed and stretched out slightly less, and the other was wrapped in medical bandages like a cast.

Folding her wings again, Anastasia walked onwards into the forest, feeling much better and having one hand on the ready by her pistol. "I'm on my way."
Orion shook off the stare, an responded
"Well, when we take off again, I'll make sure to help you if anything goes wrong, yknow, for the sake of...You get my point"

He was noticeably stumbly, even when talking telepathically, I think he may be developing a crush? Oh well, we shall see...
Yoshida looked back and gave a wave as endo took off. "You becareful now!" Before she turned back to the task at hand and sighed. "Allright we set up here untill our resident sniper and techy get here yeah! Let us secure the perimeter, and not touch anything!" She holstered her pistol even as she said that though, clearly not thinking it was needed for the remainder of the expedition here. Instead she chose to use those hands to mash down her skirt again as a breeze wafted by. At this rate she woud almost certainly have PTSD attacks everything she felt a breeze from ventilation systems.

As she did these things she begain hovering around the area in order to stay quiet, searching around the very edges of the cluster of structures for any signs of something having been in the area, much in the way she had seen animes do it. Signs like broken sticks, grass mashed down in odd ways, and even better, fauna that had bites taken out of it. All were supposedly, pretty useful in telling if there had been something around recently.
Orion reholstered his rifle, and took off from the redwood tree he had been sitting on.

Welp.. it couldve been an amazing place to build a nest or something

He chuckled at his own though as he glided down to the area Anastasia had dissapeared a couple of seconds ago, landing a couple of meters behind her, as they walked into the dense forest. He quickly put his wings in a position where they were less likely to get on the way of anything, just to prevent future mishaps.
Landing Site

Amanozako did not pause her advance down the path as she heard Mochi's voice in her earpiece.

"Better hurry and catch up" she replied over the comm channel as she continued her advance, her blood red eyes sweeping the area for any traps.
Komorebi, Landing Site

Mochi managed to catch up to Amanozako before she disappeared out of sight. He was content in the situation as it stood, despite the fact they were two down the team had managed to uncover some sort of civilisation - exciting stuff. Hopefully he'd managed to time the return of Alpha Team with the detachment from Bravo Team. "Endo, if you could take Leeta and Mat into the shuttle once you arrive back then we just need a pilot and we can medevac." The squad leaders were doing great, effectively doing what they needed to without even having to be asked.

After firing off the only order that needed giving, the Juni pulled out his science scanner and peered through down the path ahead. He had no idea how recent this track was, but it hadn't faded yet so that counted for something.
Alpha Team, Shuttle

Mitsuko emerged from the forest, dead weight over one shoulder. As she neared the shuttle, with the rest of the team nearby, she realized there was nobody else there to greet them. She stood there, stunned, for a few moments, while the two Infantry Neko began to take up positions around the vehicle.

"Iemochi-Juni, has your team abandoned the shuttle? Were your squad assignments merely suggestions?

She seemed to be upset that everyone had scattered away from the shuttle that was their designated way home, grumbling to herself as she attempted to enter the vessel and deposit the unconscious soldier she had been transporting. Hopefully the other team would return with their own injured, and their medic, and this situation could begin to stabilize.
Bravo Team

William watched as the wounded Neko was taken away by the medic. He nodded to her as she passed, and turned back to the others. He scanned the area for anything that seemed out of place or suspicious. After a few moments he moved and stood next to Rei once more.

He was silent for a few moments, before he asked. "Sensei... will she be okay?" He asked, looking down at his mother, concern plain on his face.

As they went further down the trail, it began to dwindle and peeter out until a point when both Mochi and Amanozako were wandering in the same direction that the trail had been leading. Forest was far from them on both sides this far south of the shuttle and they found themselves in a large swathe of untamed grasses that went on for awhile. Except, the direction of the trail led them to something that was almost indistinguishable as anything of interest. But, as they got closer, it became apparent that there was a large object or were large objects about the same height as the shuttle they had just left underneath a large tarp that was the same color as the grasses they found themselves in.

Bravo Team

Rei looked to the boy she had adopted from the orphanage that she had found him in and was silent for a moment before mulling over her answer. The Neko would be fine. She would be restored and live another day in a new shell. That answer was an easy one, but Rei did not know how to keep William from thinking about his own mortality in comparison to that of the Neko's.

And, so, Rei told William a story as they made their way back to the shuttle landing site.

"There was once a hunter out on a hunt that had a bird with him that guided the hunt from the air. When the hunter went to a creek to drink from it during a rest, his bird flew from the air to knock the cup of water from his hands. The hunter, confused, tried to drink again. Again, the bird knocked the water from his lips. It was a hot day and the hunter was quick to upset. He shot the bird out of the sky and drank from the creek. The hunter moved up the creek afterwards to see that a poisonous creature had died farther up the waterbed. This hunter felt his own life slip from his fingers moments later."

Rei went on, "To be the bird is to protect others and to be the hunter is to worry about ones own self. You must choose who you will be, though neither makes it out alive."

Alpha Team

Mat was like a bag of rice as he was both heavy on Mitsuko's shoulder and in need of a wash. A heavy sweat had erupted all over his body. His mouth made small murmuring motions, but it was largely unintelligible and not audible.
Bravo Team

William listened intently to Rei's story as they walked back along the trail. After she had finished, the Nepleslian looked deep in thought contemplating the implications. After a few moments, his hand balled into a fist and his eyes moved to meet Rei's. "Yes Sensei... I might not be as strong or as skilled as any of you... but I will give my all and try to protect everyone." He said determinantly. "I will be the bird..." he added.

His hands drifted to his sword again, mind clear again and set on his goal. He knew that he would not last long in a real fight, but Rei was right. He could either worry about his own life, or the lives of those he fought beside. He chose to worry about the others.
"I heard a different version of the story as a child." Meissa replied to Rei as she picked up a piece of wood, wrapped it in gauze, and put it in a pocket. "The bird, the hunter's dear own falcon and friend, broke the hunter's cup, and it still died. But the hunter moved upstream anyways, not drinking the water, when he realized the bird was saving his life. He went back, and wept over the body of the bird. Same idea, though. But the bird was given the funeral rights and was immortalized by the hunter. Given how we all hear about this story to today, it worked."

Meissa opened her wings out and stretched. "Immortality, huh...the kind that only heroes get. Give dying a good old slap in the face. That's how I see the story. The bird lives on, albeit only in memory. I've heard versions with soldiers, kings, even -- but the bird always stays, unchanging and constant. I suppose it's that you either die, knowing you tried your best, or live in regret that you did nothing."
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Komorebi, Landing Site

Moments after Mitsuko returned to the shuttle, Endo strolled out of the forest with the injured Leeta in tow. By strolled, the Neko was flying about a foot off the ground through the clearing, stopping before the shuttle like a human shaped ambulance. "Has anyone else suffered injury?" Endo inquired from the logistics neko, placing Leeta in one of the empty shuttle seats. "Just relax!"

Komorebi, Bravo Path

Anastasia moved through the forest, humming to break the silence and looking around nervously, going deeper into the brush under the dark canopy. She moved quickly once she obtained visual contact with the Bravo team, catching up to Yoshida. "We were told to swap out with the medic and Leeta..."

She referred to Orion, who was tailing behind her. "So what's been going on? The reactor is fixed."
"How's it going?" Meissa asked back, while idly twirling her SiZi with the safety on. "We found a nice big wooden structure. Fell apart. What's the other team looking like?"
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