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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Ten: Takaramono

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Briefing Room

Fur only did so much in keeping a small body warm, but eventually a point will be reached when it's just not enough. Right now it wasn't enough! Nora's figure would tremble and shrink down, her back sloping as her arms scooped her new suit off the ground, her fingers fumbling with the zipper. "Stupid!" she would think to herself, her long white tail pressed tight between her legs, her undone hair acting as a curtain spreading over her back and arms. She had forgotten to undo the zipper of the suit before she undressed to get in it, and instead of saving time, now she was standing here freezing her tail off, butt naked in front of other butt naked people she hadn't had the time to even get to know yet.

Finally the zipper is undone and she is able to slip her feet through the bunched up legs of the suit. The tight fabric hugs her skin, making it difficult to stretch it along her legs, but she manages. Her tail gets uncomfortable squeezed into the added tail covering of the suit before she starts at the zipper again. Being careful not to catch any fur in it, she zips the suit up to her waist. It it then that she stands up straight again, hands reaching back to grab up handfuls of her long, stringy, white hair. She quickly brings it up on her head in a tight bun before she takes the hair tie that had been dangling from her lips. With the hair now secured and out of the way, she carefully pulls on the rest of the suit, giving an inward sigh of relief as it starts radiating heat onto every inch of her body. The last thing to be done is the helmet. She swipes it up from the floor and, with ears flattened, she pulls it over her head, careful not to knock the bun loose. With two clicks, the helmet comes to life as it is secured to the suit. I get a brief flash of light before the system readings show up at the edge of the helmet's glass face. Now that she was suited up, she took a moment to glance around, seeing some finishing up and others already leaving, including Eden, the XO. She would quickly wrap her belt around her waist before securing it at the front with the click of the inner locking mechanism of the belt buckle, the belt carrying her familiar standard issue type 33 service pistol. She preferred to carry the gun on this mission even if just as a good luck charm.

Briefing Room >>> Under the Center of the Temple

After finishing up with her belt, she maneuvered around a couple people before slipping out of the room, following along with the steady trickle of people leaving the room and following Eden's lead. She would opt to disable the night vision in the helmet as her eyes cold pierce into the dark just as well. Glancing around at the others as she walked, she realized she was much shorter than a majority of them, even the females were much taller on average. She should be used to this by now, given that she's lived as a Yamataian for a couple years now, but it still always got to her how small and meek she seemed compared to the different races more present in Yamatai. She shook her head as she dismissed the thoughts, pinning it on just being self-conscious around these new people.

As the group reaches the large, vaulted room, everyone seems to gather around in their various groups of loose acquaintances or friends. Nora stays off to the side, crouching down and resting her hand on the ice floor as her head swivels around to give her a full view of the place. She waits there, silently watched and listening to the comms as Eden gives an order for one of the other members, one floating up at the ceiling, to cut a hole for entry. "Oh great..flying." she bitterly thinks to herself as the hole it cut open. She slowly stands as others start taking to the air, each in their own varying ways.

Under the Center of the Temple >>> First Level, Temple's Center

A mental command is all it took to get the small wings jutting from her calves to spring to life. She would be shaky and stiff as she lifted slowly off the ground, wobbling in the air. You could liken the feeling of this sort of flight to trying to stand on water as it sloshed around.

Nora would hover there for a moment, heart quickening as she started to panic that something might go wrong, before she swallowed back the fear and gazed up at the hole, picking a target on the visible ceiling of the room above and shooting for that. The fin-like wings on her legs would pulse out more energy as she lifted higher, soaring up to the ceiling and through the hole. She would get going too fast by accident and have to cut off the propulsion fins, her body arcing before quickly descending, drop through the still air like a rock. She would cut it on just before hitting the floor, but it wasn't enough to make the landing very painless. She would drop hard onto her feet, the collected inertia dropper her into a crouch, hands on the ice. To anyone watching, it probably looked like she had just dropped onto the ground like an agile cat. But a moment later, she would pop up and be shaking out her legs, walking in circles and groaning from the shock that had traveled up her legs.

As Eden would dish out the next set of commands and a small map HUD would appear in the top corner of her helmet, Nora would wait to see who started going down which path. She looks back from the south hall to the north before deciding it really didn't matter and slowly walking to the north hall entrance. As she went, she would glance up at the carved statue of the naked woman, her head filled with wonders about what her purpose was, just like her comrades. A simple sigh escapes her, temporarily fogging a small patch of the glass of her helmet before she looked forward again and slowly followed at the tail end of the ground that had gone down the north hall.
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Center of the Temple

Hayakawa Shiro quietly followed after everyone, eyeing over the insides of the temple with a bit of curiosity. He had an extremely uneasy feeling about the place, and was a bit on edge, despite his actual love of the cold weather, which he found to be a nice change from what he was used to, but also making him a tiny bit nervous, as he knew that anyone or anything could be hiding anywhere, and with the unfamiliar climate, it could be used against them.
Level One
South Room

Sacre followed Kokoro's team into the south rooms. She quietly took the rear after ensuring that both teams had at least one medic. She wasn't sure what she expected to find. More perverted stuff she figured if the first room was any indication.

When Alastair entered the room it became apparent it was fully empty, save for something that shimmered below what he could make out to be what looked like large ice cubes. The ground was fully composed of chunks of perfectly cut and laid out cubes of different angular shapes. The pattern was much like some kind of sliding tile puzzle that could be reconfigured.

Peegine Ironborn looked in along with a couple other infantry Neko and Darwin that had followed the Shoi and began a scan while Nora and Shiro approached.

“This is… Odd.” Peregrine said and then looked to Alastair, “These blocks are transparent Zesuaium, Belmont-shoi.”


Eden said to Mark’s geist, “You’ll be with the Southern group.” Then she turned towards Katsu and pulled her arm towards herself and began moving towards the exit to the center of the temple where Hoshi, Kaede, and Kasumi were staying. She went on, "Katsu will be following the Northern group. Move with your teams."


Yoshida, William, Ume, and Mark would all find this room had a large podium that they could not see the other side of on the far West side from them and between them and that was a slushy of unfrozen, liquid and ice churning about and moving slightly with an odd volition of its own.


Mikael moved slowly to and through the perimeter starting on the South West side of the temple. Eden watched him on her HUD as she went to the North West side and had made three sharp left turns since exiting the center of the temple until she was looking at Mikael on the South side of a long hall that compromised the entire Western portion of the first floor. Between them both were hundreds of icicles that clung to the ceiling above them. Eden was about to tell Mikael to turn around and cover the rest of the perimeter when she noticed what looked like a deep hole just a half meter wide. She began taking scans but they revealed nothing.

She looked to Mikael and said, “Proceed with caution…”
The Santo Hei human had followed along with the rest of the infantry up towards the northern portion of the temple. He would scan the whole room, but be unable to hide his distinct infatuation with the massive hunks of icy metal beneath their feet. He'd look around at the rest of the team scanning the room before popping his head next to Peregrine and Alastair. He crouches down on one knee to get a closer look as the girl states their composition. "Zesuaium in a temple like this...?" He mutters before raising his voice to a normal volume. "Isn't that stuff uber tough or something? Like 'can't break it even if you tried' tough? To the point where even we have trouble making use of it?" He looks up to the two, then back down to the blocks.

"Guess that means whoever built this temple must have had some sort of technology to make these chunks- and then move them to where they are now." He stands back up, shifting his weight onto one foot and scratching the back of his neck. Many more questions began swirling throughout Darwin's head while a puzzled expression emerges beneath his eyebrows. If one didn't know him, they would mistaken his hair for smoke rising from his head from the sheer speed of his mental gears turning.
As he stood there waiting for Chain of Command to kick in, or be assigned, the fox boy saw Nora landing a bit unpleasantly. Before he could walk over to help her though, she was up again and walking. Nothing to worry about...

Katsu snapped to attention as Eden turned her attention to him, and quickly nodded to her words, saying "Affirmative, Shosa Eden." before he gave her a quick nod and then turned on the spot to rush after the people who went to the northern part, catching up with them, looking around using his natural eyes. He quickly opened a private channel to Alastair and said "Shoi Belmont, Santo Hei Katsu here. I've been assigned to your team, sir." before he started looking around again, keeping both eyes open as he tried to get further forward to make up for the time he had lost.

Alastair was taking a look at the weird shapes on the floor. He was interrupted by the cheerful fox. He turned and looked him over for a moment. He had seen the fox before and was still getting a feel for him.

"Santô Hei Fluffy Tail, good of you to join us." Alastair said with a smile. "Give us a hand here and trying to figure out how this puzzle works."

Alastair walked over to Peregrine and listened to what she had to say. "Aye, costly product to drop blocks of transparent Zesuaium into the floor." He said as he looked over the blocks on the floor looking what was under them.
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Katsu slowed down as he arrived with the others and for a moment blinke as he heard the new callsign he was given, but then chuckles for a moment and says "Yes Sir." as he steps up, not minding the callsign Fluffy Tail and instead looking down at those blocks in formation. After inspecting it for a moment, he took off his helmet to look at it with his unobscured eyes, keeping in mind that previously something was told about the area disturbing some of the systems, so he wanted to make sure if his natural eyes were able to see something the others didn't. And with him being able to see really far objects as well, he could maybe see really small details on those stones as well. "I don't know Sir... that looks like some child's toy, but those usually have pictures on them. Maybe we can see or scan some symbols on them? Or get any idea which spot needs to stay free?"

Her fingers would brush against the icy wall, leaving nothing but the faintest trail along the ice where small frosty crystals that had formed after it's carving were being broken and pushed down by the gloved tips. She would halt in her steps as Edens voice would come over the comms, directing the last people who had not split into their groups. The last person to join her group, I guess, would be Katsu. She turns her head to watch as the fox runs passed, disappearing into the room the others had trickled into. She sucks in a breath, the sound odd as it echoes strangely in her helmet, before she moves away from the wall and follows after the fox.

Being the last to enter the room, she comes in to a swirl of already exchanging ideas of what the room's strange floor could be for and what was needed to be done with it. Her eyes sweep across the group, trying to figure out who was the person in command of the group now. But with the group being so was hard to even tell now. She would slink over to where most seemed to be gathering around, all seeming to look in at the strange floor. She stayed back a little ways, listening to the conversations over the comms. She was a bit of an outcast for the time being since she didn't know anyone here other than from a few small greetings and the formal exchange of names when I was first introcuced to the ship by higher command.

Mark followed, Toshiba, Time, and William as he was directed, falling into step with the group shortly after. He had his black with red lights edjia battle rifle equipped and tracking it's aim around as they went, ready for if something decided to reveal itself from the shadows and be hostile. With his breath visible in white plumes, the reticle on the HUD provided to his organic eyes via his Geist implant, moved about as he did so. This showed where the rifle's targeting system designated it aiming, as he had the weapon synched to the Geist as well as his other gear.

Irises glowing crimson, Mark ran an optical scan on the room as they entered, even as he approached the edge of the liquid to scan closer. Kneeling before it, "Interesting, this substance is showing anomalous properties, almost as if sentient. I don't really think wading through is a good idea, so how do you propose crossing guys?" Mark asked the others.


Shiro quietly followed the group, still eyeing about the walls, but also keeping a close eye on those in front of him. His eyes soon finally settled just ahead of him, deciding on the fact that the walls were not going to do anything of importance. His eyes soon drifted over to Nora, who he hadn’t really noticed before, but felt comfortable around, probably due to her being a bit taller than himself, and him also having a fairly good feeling she knew exactly what she was doing, just like everyone else...Not that he didn't know what he was doing, he just wasn't entirely sure if he was the only one feeling a bit off.

He finally entered the room with a very gentle sigh, eyeing all across the room, and at all of the people within the room, before stepping over towards the group of people looking at the odd flooring,eyeing over it, before stepping back a bit, in order to keep himself out of the way, and because he believed that those kinds of things should be left up to much more intelligent people, who could figure it out. He wasn't exactly sure what to think of what was on the floor, other than finding it strange, and something he really shouldn't get involved in, unless he had to, of course.
Chlorate followed Eden with her annoying clank. If not distracting, it was certainly attention-grabbing for anyone nearby. Her metal feet stopped behind Eden and her luminous eyes peered into the hole. The metal machine looked up and examined the icicles, trying to see how stable they were. She looked back down at the mysterious hole and asked "What is this here for?" Her guess was as good as any other's- Well... actually... this was Chlorate so it could end up being much worse than anyone else's guess... But in either case she didn't know what was in the hole if there was anything at all.

"Zesuaium? How old is this temple?"

Mikael said just loud enough for the microphone to pick up his voice as he inched along the perimeter, couching and sometimes high crawling, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Of course he was paying attention to the location of his crewmates, though curious how that was even possible with sensors largely useless and the walls reflecting EM radiation all over the place. So when he saw Eden at the other end of the western wall, he motioned with his hands so far all clear.

He noticed the hole in the floor, but looked at the icicles first to determine their thickness, height above the floor, and the chances of them causing damage if they were to fall on top of him.

He reached to his belt and detached the EM-J5-1a FARS SAOY he requested before departing on this training exercise. He placed it on his raised knee as he was kneeling and went through the procedures on his multi-fuctional bracelet to start the activation sequence and send it over the hole to recon it. No point in risking his life finding out more about it.
Underneath Center of the Temple

It took only a few moments to change into the new experimental 'Shibui' suit first before descending, and as Kaede carefully slipped into it her Minkan skin seemed quite surprised to feel the familiar sensation of Stonethread fabric up against it. Another little twinge of deja vu hit the logistics soldier, having not seen such workmanship of the Lorath material since the days when she fabricated it at times for UOC equipment issues. In fact, all of its impressive abilities aside, the Shibui itself was in many ways a thing of beauty -- for it represented what she believed to be the first time ever Yamataian technology was successfully married with that of the Lorath in a synergistic... rather than antagonistic... relationship. The addition of Iromakuanhe artifice in the clothblades only added an extra cherry on top of a historical triumph. The fabrication specialist almost wanted to shed a tear of happiness, and resolved to one day meet the clever and resourceful unnamed designer to discuss his aesthetics.

Even if the artist in her was elated, Joto Hei Azai had an important job to do, as she gave a salute to Eden and now fully suited up, proceeded with the equipment to the designated setup point at the center of the temple. It was a less than exciting job, true, but it gave her more time to enjoy and reflect on the Shibui... hopefully she would be able to master the mass production of these highly complicated skinsuits following this prototype testing run.

Level One
Center of the Temple

A thick atmosphere of long lost reverence hung about the frigid air as Kaede tinkered with the UNSAFE unit along with the commander, first testing its communications integration with their wireless squad network and Neko OS. She found her spectacled gaze drifting to the ornate patterns on the walls as she waited for calibrations to finish so that the scalar fields from the generator would not interfere with any of their equipment (especially the shields that their Shibui were projecting), and made sure to also test the rings along its length that would control the EM bandwith into various spectrums.

Indeed, the irony of making sure the UNSAFE was in fact safe to use was not lost on the logistics worker, and she gave Hoshi a smile when she was satisfied with the results obtained. "Chusa, I believe we are ready to begin analysis."

From her position above them, Miyako followed after the troops who had either volunteered for or been assigned to the northern group. It was easy to keep pace with them as she relied on her inherent ability to fly even without the suit, after all. While she did she monitored the roof and eyed the frozen stalactites that loomed down from the ceiling as they came so close to her inverted feet. None seemed as if they were ready to fall at any moment but for some reason that didn't put the chocolate-skinned medic entirely at ease.

When they entered the next room she had to lose a little altitude for a moment in order to go through the doorway with the lead element. But that was quickly regained once she had passed through. From her position above the others she had much the same view as they did of the pattern below. That meant she rather quickly noticed one of the four squares near the 'bottom' of the pattern was a lighter color than the others. While she couldn't see what was beneath them, this warranted investigation.

She broadcast as much to the others in the room over closed-network radio as she pointed to it, "Look at that one. It seems different from all the rest here. I'll check it out."

Maybe one of the crew's few medical personnel shouldn't have been the one to step on what could have been a booby-trap, but the young woman's sense of curiosity knew few bounds. Miyako came floating down from the ceiling, flipped to right herself in the air, and with some well-practiced grace came to land with both feet flat on the brighter of the seeming puzzle's pieces. With a test, she hopped to see just what might happen. Worst case scenario? The floor went falling out from under her.

William also scanned the room with his eye and looked thoughtful for several seconds as he weighed his options on how to get across. He looked to the other three that had followed him into the room, and that's when an idea hit him.

He looked to Ume and Yoshida. "Would you two mind helping Mark and I across? It should be fairly easy for the two of you." He said matter of factly, and moved over to Ume. "Can you bring me to the other side of that podem? I want to see what is on the other side of it." He asked. "If you don't mind of course, Ume-san." he said with a soft smile.
Temple - Level One
Southern Portion

Ume eyed around the room with her three compatriots around. She did not know what to expect, but things were rather tame. The only thing that seemed odd was the slush that moved on its own. She did not think it could be alive, but the possibility of it being much deeper than it looks or fast-moving undercurrents did exist.

Her attention turned to both Mark and Will as they spoke, listening. "Yeah...I think we can probably just float over it to cross. You guys will have to hang on."

Since Will was already next to her she put her arm around his back and then under his other arm so she could hold him securely without it being in an embarrassing fashion, even if a princess carry would be easier. "Ready?"
Temple - Level One
Southern Portion

William mentally switched off his strength augments, then wrapped one arm around her midsection and the other held the arm that was under his.

Finally the young Nepleslian nodded. "Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be." He replied softly.
Temple - Level One
Southern Portion

Sacre floated into the air using her suit's gravity. She waited a moment for the others to cross, making sure that nothing would come out of the slush and hurt them before crossing herself.
Rear of Formation

With Will in arm, Ume jumped up and began to levitate using her own inertia control ability. She was hesitant to use thrusters in a place filled with ice. All seemed well until they got close and the slush made a motion towards the pair. A slow but noticeable shift of its mass that moved it several inches closer all at once.

The Purple neko quickly retreated at seeing motion and sat will down, the shock on her face hidden by her helmet. " just move? I think it moved towards us."
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