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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

Power Armor Bay to Surface of Planet H

The order to jump could not have come at a more perfect time. Upon processing the Shosa’s orders, Hanna stowed her weapons on her hardpoints and turned towards the Freespacer officer. After receiving the gynoid’s signal, Hanna executed an athletic cartwheel, followed by a front flip out of the airlock and into the void of space. As soon as the Neko was outside of the Kaiyō, the turbo aether plasma engines within the “wings” of her armor activated, and she began to rapidly accelerate through space and down towards the upper atmosphere of Miyabi. With her hands secured tightly on her sides, Hanna dived through the atmosphere, feeling strong winds push against her body as she flew. Calculations and corrections of trajectories and speeds were performed as her Mindy penetrated the upper layers, while a visible haze of fire roared against the CFS bubble of her armor, which protected Hanna and her Mindy from the flames of atmospheric entry.

In less than a moment, Hanna passed through the cloud layers and observed the surface of the planet as it came into view. As she flew through the lower atmosphere, the Neko angled her trajectory towards the locations of her team members and slowed her speed down, in preparation for her landing.

Unfortunately, the winds had thrown her thoroughly off course. To correct the issue, Hanna accelerated her armor up and into the air once more, briefly achieving supersonic speeds before arriving at her destination, not long after entering the lower atmosphere.

Hanna landed in a shallow and muddy stream, the impact kicking up mud and water into the air and caking her legs with grime in the process. She was only one-hundred meters from Alder-Hei, who had landed upstream from Hanna’s point of impact.

The cyan-haired Neko jumped out of the water and landed at the side of the stream. After getting out of the water, Hanna unclasped the Aether-blade SMG from her weapon storage mount, began the short run to the Shosa’s position, and reported her landing in a low and professional tone. “Madsen-Hei reporting. Landing was successful, but I was initially thrown off course. En route to your position, Shosa, and presently awaiting orders.”
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YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

To be completely honest Care wasn't truly sure what she did, what had gone wrong, but she recognized the tone, the inflection in the Neko's statement. She wanted to correct it, to comfort that damning tone before it evolved any further, but she found that she lacked the chance, as Eden gave the orders and coordinates to land. She silently cursed, before kicking off the ground, and jetting outside the Kaiyo along with everyone else. At first there was no notable resistance, the naturally slicing of the air by the MINDY offset by its natural dampening, but she knew it wouldn't last long once Eden gave her warning of heavy winds.

It hit her like a bag of bricks, as her MINDY shifted and rocked as she tried to maintain course. The MINDY was good at being fast, it was good with control, but she had to give it the instructions, and if she couldn't predict the powerful winds in how they came, it could knock her around in a frustrating and delaying manner. Very quickly she lost sight of the others, even the one person she tried to keep up with, Hanna, seemed to vanish from her gaze, and as she checked her location from her HUD's, bright and notable markers in her vision that showed the pings from the other MINDY's. She was briefly concerned as a few people, particular Hanna, seemed to deviate heavily from the course.

Fast and hard, Kraken.

She shifted as the winds pushed her, her eyes and direction shifting downwards towards their landing sight. She could slow herself quite quickly, she just had to time it so that she didn't launch into the ground once she broke the wind barrier. She accelerated quickly, feeling the winds shift and push her, only to redirect her course as soon as she could, each move calculated and prepared for. To others, she would seemingly be shoved off course, only for her course to change, all pinning back to the center of where they planned to land. Her motions seemed to shift about in a cone, narrowing down into a pin-point center.

When she broke the heavy wind barrier into the more stable ground-level winds, she quite literally hit the breaks, drastically slowing despite the atmosphere not quite agreeing around her, and with a drop, she sturdily hit the ground, the wings of her Mindy still outstretched. She looked around, the pings of other MINDY's coming into gaze, noting the distance between some of them. "The variance is acceptable, head for rendezvous with Eden. Let the team know if anyone has any issues or damage. If you require help I will come to assist." She sent out to the Kraken group.

However, after a pause, turning to go towards Eden, she narrowed her comms to Hanna, hoping no one else would peer into the two-way comms. "Hanna, I... I didn't mean to offend." She said after a moment. "I do not want to boss you unnecessarily, and... I am sorry. Let's not let this damage what could be friendship, if that is alright with you." She didn't sound like a leader at all. What was she saying? Was it alright to say all of this to her right here?
YSS Kaiyo
PA Bay -> Planet-H Surface
Kraken Team

Riku stowed away his handheld weapon as Eden ordered the team out of the bay. He advanced with the rest of the team. Naturally, his body told him to stop, to not do something as stupid as jumping out of a starship and down to the surface of a planet. Luckily, his training had taught him how to not freeze in place and hesitate. He almost stopped at the edge insitinctively, the natural instinct to preserve one's self, but thrust his body forward and out of the bay into space. His HUD highlighted his team's drop point, and he maneuvered into the descent pattern the team was beginning, Eden at the front, until she dipped into the clouds of the atmosphere. Not more than a second before he entered the atmosphere himself was her warning broadcast.

He plunged into the clouds, immediately berated by intense winds. He was thrown off course, but managed to get closer to their descent pattern, thanks to Teien Eden's warning and his ability to brace for the winds. Of course with these winds it was near impossible to remain on a constant descent path, meaning instead of the landing zone he would hit about six kilometers away.

The fireball known as Riku Tanaka broke through the clouds, the ground approaching fast. His suit's shields would protect him from the entry flames, but he doubted it would protect him from the hard ground. His thrusters fired as he attempted to slow himself down. No longer a fireball, his power armor slammed into the ground, and after attempting a failed somersault (which he had to admit was a try at being a showoff) he slammed into a nearby tree; sending dirt, twigs, splinters, rocks, and other various debris flying around him. He groaned a bit, getting upright and gaining his bearings. He was eight kilometers East now, an easy fix with his MINDY powerarmor. He began to sprint to the rendezvous, quickly closing the distance from himself and a majority of the others. He saw how far some had landed, a considerably father distance than himself, some of them, and hoped everyone was okay.

In a few minutes he burst from the treeline, meeting the rest of the group at the RV Point. "Santo-Hei Riku Tanaka is landed and re-united with Kraken Team." He said over team comms as he joined those in the middle of the group. While he was a marksman, he could also be used for recon should he be needed, or he could attack from range. Whatever Teien Eden needed of him, he could do.
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden-shosa comm'd in to Mikael Harris' position on the bridge and said, "Majority of Kraken is on the ground. Give go-ahead to Hydra and Dolphin to deploy."

Team Kraken

Eden looked about at the team forming up on her position between the hill and the Hydra team's propsed landing zone. She was missing a member and her hemosynth pounded in her ears once before she tilted her head one way and another as she cracked her neck, then put her palms together, as if praying, as she stood.

"Alder-hei, hold position near the hill. The cave system we are to enter is there. Madsen-hei, Tanaka-hei, Care-heisho," Eden said, "would you three search out Emiko-hei's position North of Alder-hei's position on the hill, towards the mountains. Mark-hei, Peio-heisho, with me as we get to the cave."
"Hai Shosa. Ready to move, should someone take point?", Mark asked Eden has he unplanted his shield and reoriented towards their destination.

He noticed Riku's IFF display an impact warning, "Riku-Hei, are you alright over there bud? You read like you hit something." He said in a private channel.

Mark was actively scanning their surroundings. He deployed a couple drones to float above and slowly spin doing a thorough scans. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. They returned to their launchers shortly after.
Wyatt received the order and responded promptly "Roger that Shosa, Wilco" was all the marksman needed to say before he dug his heels in and slid to a halt, he spun around and buried his fingers in the dirt to give him some traction when he bolted off back into the treeline, the first few strides were almost akin to some kind of four legged predator until he righted himself and jumped up to the hill.

Once he was at the top of the hill, Wyatt shouldered his LATR and put his head on a swivel, scanning the area.
Planet-H Surface
Team Kraken

Riku responded on the private channel to Mark before Eden had given her orders to advance. "Yes Mark, I'm fine." He chuckled. "But I don't think the tree can say the same thing." He said with a smile, listening to Eden's command and switching to the team's channel again. "Copy Teien, moving to Emiko's position." He replied, beginning his run to the position indicated by Eden with Madsen and Care. Adrenaline pumped through him and his heart beat in his chest. It was exhilarating!
YSS Kaiyo II

Arete Surinus took a deep breath, unholstering her NSP carefully and inspecting it. She leaned against the wall a little bit, looking to either side of her current position in the hallway before the bridge. The starship's command center's door was sealed shut, tight and imposing; a last line of defense for the people within. It was of course, Arete's job to defend that door, and by extension, the people behind it.

...Of course, that meant that someone had to board the ship and make it this far. Hopefully that would never happen.

Monitoring Room

Arbles yawned quietly, straightening up again in the chair as her eyes danced across the monitors she could see. Most of her attention was fixated onto the various power armor groups; they're the effective reason the ship's here, and losing track of them would be a bad idea. ....Well that's how a neko would have put it, probably. For the little Iemochi, her worries were for Team Hydra and its leader - her husband.
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

The shuttle zoomed towards the surface of the planet, punching through the clouds but stopping inside of the last one it could, activating scanners. With some degree of certainty Kyoi knew the clouds would function as a sort of smoke screen against more primitive passive and a small subset of active scanners.

"Location reached, commander." Kyoi stated, having focused more on piloting than the conversations happening. "Entering survelliance. I hear you had a...bit of a harrowing experience once with one of the previous squad commanders. We lack information-ah, no, that's not the right words...I'd like to hear your impressions on her, Mitsuko. I hear she was an interesting person but my experience with her was...lacking."
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

Walter Hyde didn't know if this shrewd officer had even met Eden in the first place, but he had met the XO face to face before. He know she'd be the kind of person who'd only make him do that if he did something worse than just hit his head on the shuttle by accident. Maybe for being careless of equipment, at least, but not making a fool of himself. Mitsuko's being petty about his comment, he's sure that she didn't even take it seriously.

Though just in case, he'll have to talk about it with Eden after this mission is over. At the very least, move somewhere else. Walter just does not like her mood and nitpickiness, as if she were starting a fight to determine their dominance.

Too much like home, honestly. Yare yare daze.

"So, 'Miles'." Walter turned to look at the other Minkan who hoped to confront him. "What was your relationship with the other Hyde? Are you another friend of his?"
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Power Armor Bay

With Kraken quickly disappearing as their convoy deployed first, Sein's emerald eyes glanced at the opening for a moment as the rest of Hydra formed up where Kraken had taken the lead. There would be no point in having some of the team be stuck outside the transport shuttle, not that they even needed it. In a split decision, he buzzed over comms.

"Forget the shuttle, we need to get down there ASAP and get this objective underway. Maintaining formation is greater than having a transport craft." The vast planet sprawled out below them, rolling dives of valleys and peaks of mountains in the foreign landscape.

"Oh my mark, we insert. Kraken will secure the immediate area and we'll move to assist, then proceed to complete our mission." Crouching on the very edge, Mochi's HUD sparked with his Leader UI, outlining the falling forms of Eden-shosa's group as they contacted the ground. Sure enough, a resounding ping blossomed onto his awaiting eye. The signal, the location.

"Hydra, deploy." He spoke swiftly, allowing himself to slip through into a descent along the glideslope to the marked LZ, Eden's warning about the climate buzzing in his ear. "Make sure to compensate for wind shear, keep tight and don't drift." The last words of the drop were aired, the group now well and truly on their way to the unknown.
YSS Kaiyo II

"She does?" Kiki asked, surprised. "Well in that case, I'd better be heading there." Kikios quickly glanced at the steam and then proceeded to the monitoring room.

Monitoring Room
The crestbirb arrived and entered the room. "Hello, Iemochi-heisho is it? I'm told you're having some technical difficulties?"
Hydra Team

Sacre deployed out of the Kaiyo behind the rest of the team. She straightened herself out into a twenty foot long line to make herself more aerodynamic as they plunged towards the surface. As they descended and entered the atmosphere, there was a huge sonic boom and superheated air surrounding Sacre's shield. As the shock layer dissipated, she started to feel the winds start to buffet her, driving her out of position relative to the rest of the team. Even with making herself areodynamic, the fact was that she had one of the largest cross sections in the group no matter how she positioned herself. That meant that every moment of the descent she had to fight the winds from pushing her violently out of position. She did her best to maintain position, but landed at the edge of their landing zone. Soon as she hit, she was up and scanning the area around them with her life form scanner, looking for anything unusual as she slid back to the rest of the group.
Hydra Team

William nodded when Sein made the call to cut out the shuttle and insert with PAs. "Understood." When he gave the word to drop, William smiled. "William, commencing drop!" He replied, jumping out and into space.

He turned himself down towards the planet and fired his thrusters. He knew he was going to have an issue with the weather since his armor was so massive. If he wasn't careful he'd get tossed like a ragdoll. As they broke the sound barrier and felt the beginnings of the storm, William diverterd all extra power to his engines and fired them at full power to keep himself in position. Inside his helmet he smiled broadly. The Nepleslian was having fun going so fast through the atmosphere. He cut his comm momentarily, and let out a shout of excitement before reconnecting.
Cockpit, Kuma Shuttle, Above Planet H
Dolphin Team

Mitsuko left the piloting to Kyoi, although she was certainly observing her performance. She'd become something of a pilot herself, from experience more than training or occupation, although she was more than happy to let someone more formally trained shoulder this burden. Besides, she'd grown somewhat used to having someone to handle these things for her during her time assigned to the Tsuchibuta. For now she could concentrate on watching the scanners and displays, the other team members flying about in their PAs marked as little red dots zipping about. The field used as a landing zone marked with a glowing rectangle, set as the default rendezvous point for their groups.

"Ryokai, Kiski-Hei. Beginning scans. We're looking for life signs, energy signatures, atmospheric or tectonic disturbances...anything out of the ordinary." Honestly she wasn't sure what exactly they were expected to find, although with how purposefully vague their instructions had been, she had her own suspicions. Many of them. Several pages worth, actually, digital documents which she was adding to and editing during this period of relative quiet.

After a few moments of punching commands and observing the displays, she turned to look towards the woman in the pilot's seat. "...you will have to be more specific. Unfortunately, I have been involved in many harrowing experiences. With many commanders." She shook her head at the reminder. "Who, exactly, are you referring to? I would also remind you to adhere to the standard guidelines for addressing an Officer, and your fellow soldiers, while on duty, Kiseki-Hei." Murakami would give her one pass, as she knew some were more lenient with these things than others. And Eden more lenient than most. She was unsure how her new Captain felt about these issues, but would learn quickly enough, she supposed.
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Cockpit, Dolphin Kuma, 3000m altitude

“Oh! Apologies, Juni.” Kyoi quickly replied. “I will repai-I mean, keep this in mind.”

“Joto Hei Nashira...I think.” she clarified. “I’ve heard she left quite the trail of impressions across this ship even before my time onboard. You were here commander, I believe...I know from-personal experience she tended to be quite...impulsive.”
Dolphin Kuma Shuttle - 3000m Altitude

"Yeah something like that, we spoke a few times and worked together on more than one occasion." Miles replied coolly thinking back to the incident on the L'kor station with the shuttle and how they'd dealt with it together. "Yeah I don't think it would be a stretch to call him a friend, so what about you, has Shasse tried beating you up for blowing her off in Ayenee?" The minkan joked.

Team Kraken

Shasse had jumped with the rest of the group and mostly kept pace with them before the memory of smashing into a tree gripped her with brief fear and she had lagged behind. Spiraling off course she had tried to slow her descent to no avail and instead tried to calm herself my spreading her arms and legs and concentrating on breathing.

Watching the ground approach at breakneck speed managed to draw no fear from the lab grown soldier who had been made for this kind of thing, with this Shasse closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again she had just enough time to scream some incomprehensible curses before she fired her CFS with as much reverse motion as possible before smacking headfirst into... a tree.
Team Kraken

Wyatt had been securing the cave entrance when he heard the incomprehensible screams followed by a loud crashing sound, not a good combination on any day.
"I believe all that commotion was Emiko-Hei" the marksman spoke through comms, a little baffled as to what exactly had happened but he hoped she wasn't going through one of her 'episodes'.
Planet H
Team Kraken

Feeling at ease knowing the teams were filtering down through the tumult, Eden sighed a breath of quasi-relief. She knew it was a facade-like feeling that was masking the lingering feelings beneath, though, as she looked up to the cloudy sky above. She saw Shasse's Mindy 4 coming in like a rocket and grimaced as she saw the CFS shielding on her suit obliterate the tree... And the next... And another. Soon, a row of trees had been completely decimated and the little blue Neko had come to a sliding stop at Hanna's exact position.

"Madsen-hei, retrieve Emiko-hei now that she's accounted for. Everyone else, find yourselves congregating at the hill's cave." Eden said curtly, beginning to fly at incredible speeds towards the caves as she looked at her team's positions on her HUD. "Jôtô Hei Alder, coming to your position now..."

Soon, she had met up with him as well as those she had called to the locale. The vegetation had taken over in some places, but the cave entrance was for the most part clear of it. The cave entrance itself was wide, albeit covered partially by a boulder so that the top and right side were covered. Eden quickly shone a flashlight into the unlit hole in the hill, then looked back to the team. Inside of the cave, she didn't see anything of note on the first visual scan.

"Those with science scanners," Eden said, looking furtively between those there, now. "It's time to take them out."

Team Hydra

As Sacre made her landing, visual scans would note a huge crater in the rectangle of non-forested land that Eden had pin-pointed. There were some poorly, if at all, maintained plants that sprouted large red fruit that couldn't be seen in the surrounding forest, only here. Basic life sign scans showed nothing for fifty meters around Sacre.
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