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There's a difference between Neko not in PAs and Nepleslians not in PAs.

Nepleslians are just standard humans. Nekos are living weapons shaped like flatchested catgirls.
Fiver said:
There's a difference between Neko not in PAs and Nepleslians not in PAs.

Nepleslians are just humans with big guns. Nekos are living weapons shaped like catgirls.

Nepleslians aren't exactly fighting in their underwear. There is body armor, ranged weaponry, vehicles, and tactics to consider, but your intent is still true: Nekos have the advantage in that they have superior battlefield sensory and intelligence-distribution abilities intigrated into them (and knowledge is half the battle). Close-combat may be rare, and they would have the advantage there, too.

On the other hand, coolness goes up when underdogs defeat a superior enemy! I suppose that means you'll be staying away from this plot, then, Five...I recall you [strikeout]complaining[/strikeout] remarking that you hated being pitted against a superior enemy that posed a challenge to defeat.
There's a difference between "Enjoyable Challenge" and "Haha you're going to get your ass kicked and there's nothing you can do about it."
There are two things that prove utter threat with nekoes. Ability to flight and enhanced physical capabilites. But I do not trust that makes them extremely superior to nepleslians. Don't forget that about 95% combat that takes part is ranged one. And if you shoot neko with assualt rifle, she goes down same as nepleslian. She might survive the shot, but she is out of the fight none the less.

As for IC reason for this. I imagine Nepleslia still uses non power armored troops and I find it sad that they are not used in any plot. Samely as many other nep tech like Norris tank and so on. So if you would get trained troops and give them some armored support I don'T really see problem. Also there is Rule of Fun that I want to call out. And there are so many beutiful guns that are not used and that is just said.

But so summ it up. If you attack somewhere you know that there might ne enemy positions without or with only small contingent of PAs. You do not need to use your own PA troops for that so you just send in normal troops who are more then enough to handle the fight. Especially if you support them with some APCs and Tanks who are ussualy still chepaer then PAs.
-Reads the Return of Nep Jesus thread.-

See, this is what happens when Rico isn't an attentive boyfriend. Or father.
-Reads thread-

Sigma: I see why she's called Suku the Terrible.
Valken: Glad I didn't have to serve as her superior. You *points to Rico* damage control. Now. Let me know what you need to stave off Godzilla.
The Nepleslian Enlisted ranks are being organized and reformatted to give more flow to a Marines advancement. Currently all Staff Sergeants (E-4) are assigned to Sergeant(E-7), while all Sergeants(E-5) are to be Master Sergeants(E-9). This new system will replace the old rank and file which consisted off:

  • Sergeant - Sgt. (E-5)
  • Staff Sergeant - SSgt. (E-4)
  • Private 1st Class - P1C. (E-3)
  • Private 2nd Class - P2C. (E-2)
  • Private 3rd Class - P3C. (E-1)
  • Private 4th Class - P4C. (N/A)

The above is what we've gone with for a while. Unfortunately, due to my bumbling, I never noticed that I was placing a normally real life higher rank below a lower rank. This is almost more stringent, restricted the level of 'advancement' a GM can offer it's players.

In exchange, a more favorable and system in place that will allow a long line to travel before one becomes a top dog in the Marine platoons. GMs will be able to bump up characters as they like to fit in with the size of their unit divisions.

  • Master Sergeant - MSG. (E-9)
  • Staff Sergeant - SSG. (E-8)
  • Sergeant - SGT. (E-7)
  • Senior Corporal - SCP. (E-6)
  • Mid-Corporal - MCP. (E-5)
  • Corporal - CPL. (E-4)
  • Private 1st Class - P1C. (E-3)
  • Private 2nd Class - P2C. (E-2)
  • Private 3rd Class - P3C. (E-1)
  • Private 4th Class - P4C. (N/A)

These edits will take place over the next few days as new wiki pages need to be made and old ones need to be deleted, not to mention the new rank bars for the 4 extra ranks in place.
Still need to make rank bars, but that lazy-ass FM of Nepleslia is too unreliable to make them himself. Anyone got any ideas?
I'll see if I can come up with something tonight.
I say we hold a New Year's Dance on Cirrus Station. Halfway through, the lights go out, there's a giant bang! Light come on, someone important has disappeared, and its up to Cassefin to manage the various characters' rescue efforts! Thoughts?
so, it would be like every episode of the Cirrus:




Why break a winning formula though? :V
Exactly. She can channel the spirit of the still-living Sergeant S. Holmes of 4th Fleet Marines.

But this time, with a star studded cast! Literally. Between Vanderhuge, FVS, Valken and the Sky Marshall, there should be at least eight stars!
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