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New Batch of Lexxy Artwork!

How about Taisho Yui? She's next on the old list.
Kotori--Yay! Her ears are my favorite part as well XD

Wes--Can do!

Edit : : What uniform does she wear? Is it like Minato's?
Important bit: Lexxy, do you understand how Yui's hair is? The portrait picture is a bit misleading and I found the inverted V haircut hard to picture until I saw this.

The front bangs are easy. As for the back, I finally came to understand that it separates from over the nape of the neck and falls in two separate halves, much like the hair of other anime character like Chii from Chobits does, except it's shoulder length.

edit: Most of Wes' artwork has Yui in the normal bodysuit uniform, except the panel is white. Don't forget Star Army uniforms are issued both a pistol and a knife! (See Irim)
Hmm. Good question. Let's go for the white dress uniform, like Ayame is wearing, but with boots that only go up to just below the knee, and regular-size gloves.

Better examples of Yui's hair: Link
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4 (Yui and young Hanako)
Gotcha and gotcha. I'll get started asap :3

Edit : : I'll also send you copies of these drawings with black backgrounds for use in the profiles. If I change the background to black in the PSD file, you won't get the grainy bits (like the stuff around Hanako's boots).
If I change the background to black in the PSD file, you won't get the grainy bits (like the stuff around Hanako's boots).

Also, bump to reflect new links to Yui's hair. I think my artwork Fred linked to isn't very good.
Actually, I think the default background color for the page isn't quite black. It's (at least for the StarArmy forum background) #000020

Also, Wes' link show pretty pictures of Yui... but where's the inverted V shape in the hair?! You have no idea how long it took me to understand it (hence the link to the picture that gave me the idea) - it's not like I never contemplated drawing Yui, y'know.
olol... I'm sure I can reach a happy medium with my rendition ;3

As far as the background color goes, the forum is a dark navy blue, yes, but I was looking at Hanako's bio page and noticed it was black. I can do both easily, though, so there are versions for both bio and forum pages. It takes like, twoseconds :3

Hey, I found old Hanako art:

Glad to see Katsuko art coming along

Looking good so far!

Happy to oblige :3

Finished the sketch for Yui, but as before I'm at work with no access to a scanner. I'll scan it and put it up as soon as I get home and put up the finished Katsuko whenever that gets wrapped up this evening.
Lexxy said:
Finished the sketch for Yui
Oh snap! ^_^ Woot!

Doing the originals in pencil for portability is turning out to be a great idea. I've started bringing my mechanical pencil, white eraser, and a clipboard to work, too. That's where I drew that latest Hanako pic I postede earlier. We're so productive on the job, lol. >,>
Yeah XD

The work they give me here takes me no time at all to do, so I pace myself that I might keep myself busy all summer. I don't want them to run out of projects for me and have me start doing other crap I don't want to do >.>;

And now, it's totally lunchtime! *dashes to Walgreens*
By the way, please send me those .psd files when you get a chance tonight. Thanks, Lexxy.
Um, I advice that this thread be renamed to "Lexxy's new batch of drawings". It's not just about Hanako anymore.

Also, I've been looking at the list. There are character in there whom are inactive or have barely active members. Could there be an increased priority in important characters or active characters? (since Lexxy's was paid with Wes' money, I'm inclined to think she should focus on Wes' characters most of all).
I agree with Fred. Wes gets priority.

I also believe that the active GMs who don't have a single art to their name should get some love. (ex: Jake, Thomas, etc.)
I'll draw pretty much whatever Wes tells me to in whatever order. No problems here.

Anyway, Yui sketch. Still needs more cleanup and some tweaking, but it's almost ready for color. Still working on Katsuko, though =_=; I've only managed to work on it in little bits and pieces so far in between doing other things.

The gun/holster will be added in once I've finished adjusting things.
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