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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread


So, I made my catchup post for the holidays - it includes responses for Yukari, Nyton and Kai. Miyoko and Takuma should indirectly be concerned with my reply to Yukari.

If there's someone or something I missed, by all means tell me.

Post visit-to-Nepleslia, Yoroko's and DragonNova's characters will be sent off the ship, and then Miharu will likely head of toward Mission 5; the penultimate encounter between Kotori's crew and the Daughters of Eve.
:lol: :lol: That ending was awesome, I must say. Now I have to think of a good way to get Kyou back in that matches that.
We'd been joking along those lines all session. When Tom scribbled "Oh, and my quarters, at 20?" at the end, we decided it was funny enough to keep.

Decided to improvise a bit with the ship systems, for excitement purposes (and to give the engineering crew a 'big goal'). If I overstepped my bounds, Fred, feel free to edit or correct me.

Edit: Going to be heading back to Japan at 6:00 am tomorrow. Won't be online again until Sunday. The trip is 24 - 26 hours long and I got work the day after. Woo hoo!
Everyone, but especially Tom and whoever else is waiting on me to post: sorry! I've just been REALLY busy this past week, and this will likely continue up until the end of this week. As such, I've rather forgotten where Rin is and what she needs to be doing.... So... if someone could fill me in, that'd be great.... Heh.

Again, sorry sorry sorry!
Good move Doshii. That's really helpful for future reference.

Tom? Where have you gone Tom? We need to get a meeting started - go go go go!
Aendri, I owe you a post, so I'm writing one now.

Kyoki - your Rin is currently carrying the other half of a capacitor, with Kyoh. You're on the aft lift, taking it up to the fabrication bay to be fixed. We'll be making several trips to grab all the capacitors you folks hacked off the bulkhead with buzz-saws. However many that is (I'm not sure myself - how many, Tom?)
Gallant: like I said previously in a post you've apparently not noticed, Nimura is wearing an AMES suit, not a Daisy.

Which means no super-power-armor-strength for lifting stuff either.
Plus, I didn't say I had to leave then. You still have me until Matt wants to continue where we left off. Or, more to the point, until the end of the meeting, since I believe Masako is involved.
Oh shit. Sorry guys!

Apologies for the obvious screw ups. Post removed until I have the time to comb through and present something proper.

Which page is this mysterious Nimura-introducing post located on? You're right, I've missed it entirely.

Sorry for the slow response. Went out for most of the weekend and came back to discover that Yukari had gone through several files in the meantime, so I was kind of at a loss for what to post for a bit.
Sorry for my lack of appearance as of late. Things have been pretty hectic starting this new quarter. I'll look over the posts I've missed and aim for a post sometime tomorrow.
Okay... so... Rin, Kyou, and Yuzuki are in engineering? And Gallant, you're basically waiting on me/Rin to get ready to move the capacitors. Okay....

There were only 2, I think. Tom cut out one, and Rin cut out one. Though, is Yuzuki in a PA? If she isn't, there'd still be a problem moving the heavy capacitor, me thinks.
Nope! Not in a PA. If one of the capacitors is larger than the other it might be good to mention it in-game.

I'll wait for you to post, if you like.
Fridge-sized batteries, maybe? To be honest, I never really pictured what those looked like exactly anyhow.

I figure a power armor can lift one, but it's likely very cumbersome. Two is probably a whole lot easier.
Rin is currently on the other side of the capacitor that Kyoh is holding.

The group is, collectively, at the top of the lift attaching the engineering deck to the fabrication/storage deck.

If you scan back, I think Aendri directed a post at you.
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