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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'm fine with either way as I can see both sides. Yes, realism means no continues and what not and mistakes should be punished. Luckily, it wasn't my fault, heh heh.

But, I suppose I am a bit more for a retcon than not. After all, this is Miharu's biggest mission and its last, if I'm understanding it correctly. While epic last stands are nice, I'd prefer to end on a hurrah than a big F stamped on our foreheads. Besides, last stands are supposed to still make a positive effect, which won't happen if we fail. Yes, I know it's not technically over yet, but it will only get worse as there will be battles against psychics which, without Kotori, won't go very well. Again, I'd rather it end on a high note than the enemy stomping all over us.
I imagine I'm playing a video game, where I have to place a bomb with little time to spare and enemies all around me. It's my first time through, and I know the game only has one difficulty, but I figure I've done everything carefully up to this point, so things'll be cool. Hard, hair-raising, even gut-wrenching, but if I focus on doing things correctly, methodically, I'll make it, and reach the epic ending.

Then my finger slips off the "hold bomb" button on the console controller. I drop the bomb and it blows up in my face. Game over.

Now, I'm pissed as hell, but I know that though I'll have to start over, I'll be thinking, "OK, this time I won't screw up." I go through again, beat it, and feel much, much better for it.

Then, I imagine the same thing happening with my finger, only this time, it's game over forever. No second chances. No restarting my console. The game disc is somehow burned completely black by the time I pull it out — it didn't wreck my console, but now I'm out $50 and a lot of hours that I put into the game, all because my finger slipped.

Who wants to play the second scenario? That's not what you buy a video game for. That's not what entertainment is about.

That's not what our beloved Miharu is about.

I vote in favor of a retcon.
Fudge the roll.

End the drama.

The players have done something stupid that their characters, under the same circumstances, likely would not have done - and this is probably due to a sudden and untimely lapse of memory, or something that the players did not comprehend. It is not unheard of, nor is it impossible, to simply take them aside, say, "Look, fools, you're fucking up and here is how you fix it so that you don't lose twenty levels of grinding/questing/narrowly escaping danger."

Normally I would say that we need to carry it through to the bitter end, but after talking with certain people, I've decided it's much better just to pretend it never happened and end the plot positively as opposed to writing a tragedy.
While Kyou did try to follow orders (And happily, my birthday survived just fine despite the results), I vote in favor of a retcon as well, if the opinion is that we stand no chance otherwise.
Depending on what the retcon is, and how it will be performed, I personally think it would make for a better conclusion. I'm no Miharu regular; I had Sanjuro join on the impression that there would be many more missions. Thinking back, I probably would not have joined had I known I would be thrust into the conclusion without my character really being threaded into the weave of the story. However, I would not leave having experienced what I have on the Miharu.

I really admire how Fred sticks to his roleplay principles, but I can see how some people are feeling like they've been cheated out of their hard work by a situation that could have been mistakenly interpreted. Having Kotori die and the situation suddenly turn so dire and hopeless seems to cheapen the hard work people have put in for an honest mistake. All it could have taken was one person misreading the post describing the urgency of protecting Kotori, making a post, and others go use that post to ground their own characters in.

It's a bad situation, being presented with the option of retconning rather than letting things run naturally along their course. Nobody likes retconning, and they all understand what it means, and yet it seems the majority are willing to stomach it because they want to see four years of quality roleplay mean something. For the sake of a story that deserves an ending worth those four years of merit, I'm inclined to agree with them.
Do the retcon. For all the reasons mentioned in the previous posts. We need to finish this plot on the right foot.
Okay, well, I was going to look this up by the end of sunday and see how it panned out. With about everyone saying 'retcon', this makes unanimous.

Here's how I'm going to work with this:
It's my belief that rewinding and having you re-post things rigidly to meet the standards of the situation is going to feel artificial and awkward. Therefore, what I'm going to do is delete your posts until it returns to my previous one ending with Kotori's order to have the Black Knights protect her.

From there, I'll briefly auto your characters and basically narrate them succeeding in that endeavor. From there, I'll introduce a new situation for your characters to interact with. It's my belief it'll be more appealing and dynamic for you guys.

I'll post again in the near future to this effect. If anyone has a problem with what I'm going to do, you'll have until I draft it tomorrow to drop a word in here on the subject.
Retcon completed. You guys can resume things from this post.


It turned out covering Kotori against the mini-missiles was unnecessary. With Kyou taking out the shield and Asher taking out the eyebeams next and causing the mishhumachina to recoil, she got the time to fire first.

This is your chance to now reconsolidate your group with the three new additions, attend to Nimura as needed, and call in Mara's shuttle to resupply and then make your last push into the Gate's final defenders.
We can gloss over who'se turn it is to rearm. If you want to resupply of change your weapon loadout (for the last time), just mention fishing around the shuttle and getting what you want from it.
Kai and Masako still need to rearm.

Kel hasn't posted for Miyoko yet, which means no interdiction field being up.
Which would be silly and stupid of Miyoko, I know, and wouldn't happen.

Doshii, seeing things are much tamer on Miharu, maybe you can go edit one of your previous post and just auto Miyoko activating the interdiction field if Kel can't come around to post?
I'm kind of waiting on Tom to reply to a response from Nyton along with feedback from Masako for team formation. I could just have Nyton lay out some orders and be done with it but I figured I'd give Matt his chance for some screen time.

Edit: Nice! Good job Matt. ^^

Edit 2: Thanks Tom!
While the Yamataian had no doubts as to the short man's abilities, [Kai] was somewhat concerned about Asher's mental stability.

He's not 'unstable', per se. I like to think of him as a tower, made of guns. The tower stands, but it yearns to just pull a trigger and kill everything.


That sounded more stable before I typed it.
Okay I need to write something soon, which will happen when I can finally have time to write when I'm not feeling dead on my feet by 9 PM. Sorry guys I'm having a hard time getting around that obstacle without passing out on the keyboard. Will try to get something done tomorrow.
Minus a Tom post to react to Nimura's condition and the preparations to set out (a post which might be optional if Tom's not presently available), I'd say the Black Knights are about good to go.

Presently, the team is in the Gate's upper left hangar. The counter-clockwise corridor (left) and its industrial segment (power reactor - lower left control room - power reactor) we're visited by the Black Knights, leading free access to the Bottom hangar. Kai's team has previously made a short foray clockwise (right) and visited the first power room of the industrial segment between the top right/top left hangar.

It's up to Nyton to pretty much decide where to go.

Here's a simple layout of the gate to help visualize it.
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