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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I need to add that I personally not in agreement with the way Blas portrayed his Nyton character in his latest post. I'll elucidate why:

We start with this:

Air blasted out of his lungs. Okay. Then Nyton is resisting the pain from being knocked around which brings me to wondering just how Nyton can go and so handily endure what is effectively him being broiled alive inside his own power armor courtesy of something very big and nasty clutching him hard, squeezing him with crushing force that will eventually end up with each claw cutting through his body.

I can't help but feel that the predicament is taken a little too lightly. Nyton is on the verge of being killed. I saw more extreme reactions out of him when he was facing Amaya - does that mean that Eve's position which puts him personally at great peril is actually not as threatening by contrast to Amaya. Knowing how Nyton has acted before, I've great difficulty seeing that behavior as consistent.

His consternation in italics is spot on. I'd be frustratingly dwelling on the very thing... if I wasn't busy being in a great deal of pain and panicking.

The rest of that paragraph is fine. He then sends messages to his team members.

Kurohoshi, brace for impact and be ready to react. Gunshin, teleport to the coordinates right behind Meni and strike. Nakamura, Westwood, keep an eye on Mani and close in on Eve. She can't shoot you and risk hitting Eve. Nakamura, bring the subspace missiles in close and hit Eve at point blank range. Westwood, just do what you do best.

Orders needed to be given out from him to give the Black Knights some sort of coordination. I could ponder on how exactly Nyton actually goes and gets his text messages written without his cybernetics, especially when he's supposed to be just shy of dying, but I'm not going to be that picky (maybe the Phalanx' mental interface is just that good).

Overall, I feel the orders lack brevity. Is Nyton really worrying about Masako being in a teleport shockwave while he's being cooked? Does he really need to justify himself to Nakamura and Westwood on the whys they should listen to him? Being succinct there would imply in tone that he's harried and yet trying to think on his feet despite everything.

That was fine. I always expect some measure of reasoning to be fleshed out to sort of provide further contextual knowledge on the whys of a character's action. It's most likely these portions of a post which helps other player contextually connect and understand what happens and why without needing to have it spelled out to thier characters verbally. The characters are supposed to be professional soldiers after all.

This post I'm not at all okay with. I understand Blas is trying to do his utmost to be inventive and come ahead of the apparently nigh invulnerable Eve, but this raises large GM bias on my part.

I once allowed over AIES units to be slaved by remove for purpose of moving them around. However, in time, this was pushed to give those inert power armors the ability to contribute in a battle, to which I am very opposed. If power armors could be moved by remote like that, why bother with pilots? Why not just make them giant remote controlled drones?

I am very, very opposed to weapon systems being used.

Luckily, I have a way out of this as a GM. Nimura was struck by a scalar cannon so her electronics have gone haywire just as much as she's unconscious, so, there's just no AIES to 'listen' to Nyton. Furthermore, the armor doesn't have to be told to 'help' its user recover. If it can do so, it does so on its own.

Lets just say that ever since I gave permission to have armor medevaced via remote control in Bowhordia, I've regretted. This is just too prone for abuse.

I don't think this should be in there, at all. Nyton already sent one big text message to the rest of his squadron, and he's heard Eve say herself that Hoshi was about to croak in under a minute. One moment he tells her to hang on, portraying the impression that he understands how desperate the computer's resistance is (and how it's a losing effort) and the next he goes and barrages it with questions? I don't see contextually why he bothers when he seemed to write it off a wee bit earlier and that he's busy being cooked.

And finally this: Nyton talks back to Eve, glibly, and he even manages to sound lusty. It's not important that he's being crushed and roasted while held by the two giant killing claws of something that even pinning him that's weighting several tons.

Where's the swearing, the panic, the denials that he's not going to just lay down and die crushed like some miserable insect, the promises that he'll paint the walls with her brains... the sort of thing we saw with Amaya? What makes Amaya more worthy of such a panic than Eve? Did I drop the ball, somehow, in making Eve feel more trivial an opponent in comparison to Amaya?

I look at how Nyton was supposed to not have his cybernetics to help him keep cool, and how since he was revived that he had raw nerve issues... and then I look at how he behaved in the battle against Amaya... and what I seem to see here is that Nyton can muster the bravado to make Eve seem trivial in comparison to Amaya.

Even if Nyton studied Eve, obsessed over her, looked forward to fighting her... I just can't see that enthusiasm persisting before not only the specter of his own death, but also his other crewmates? After all, he's right on top of his liege, Kotori, trying to protect her too! I don't suppose Eve's apparent mastery of the situation could actually intimidate him, even?

That kind of has my lower jaw hang in disbelief. I just can't believe it. Someone snuck in my plot, abducted Nyton and replaced him with He-Man. No offense meant.

Blas, buddy, please forgive my harsh criticism of your previous post. I know you put a lot of time and effort into it, and that you have other concerns as well. I gave your post this analysis, and I feel compelled to tell you that I believe you dropped the ball there. Most of your planning and Nyton's overall actions are mostly fine, actually, but the whole tone of the post feels wrong and disconnected with the situation Nyton is presently in.

This is not my character. This is yours... but I've learned to know Nyton and seeing this really dismays me because I find myself unable to relate with him. Nothing stops us from moving on from here, as the post is functional for continuity, but I'd like to appeal that you consider what I've pointed out.
Post Edits:

I readjusted the dialogue to the beginning of the post. Whole reason for the banter was to feel out Eve's level of psychosis hence the very out of character dialogue. An attempt to psych her out and underestimate him. There was little result from this so I rewrote this posts' discussion and moved it to lay out that he was done attempting that angle. Plus as raw as he is there's still the discipline of not showing his enemy that he is agitated. I'll make it stronger next time. If there is a next time. I've been trying to cut down the 'walls of text' that I have been so bad about with all the massive juxtaposition into his mind and crazy soul searching.

I shortened the length of the order text since you are right in that brevity is necessary.

Nyton is missing his eyes, arm, and built in PSC cybernetics. His memory recorder and its' built in computer processor is all one unit and was reconfigured into his new body. Nyton shut off the emotional stabilizers, not the overall system. He has always been using the processor in his brain to text out messages along with the neural interface of his Armors to push them out as fast as he can think them.

The remote slaving of an Armor via AIES or any sort of connection is not originally my idea. It came from the Mindys on the Meng Po. During the battle one of the enemy Mindy pilots was DEAD. However somehow this dead pilot's Armor was still considered a serious threat until it was neutralized via the Miharu's weapons. In a world where living weapons (ie nekovalkyrja) exist, I don't see why they would not simply be considered a 'cog' in the weapon platform of Armor combat. If the pilot dies then how does it stand to not have the MEGAMI take control and use the Armor, albeit in a greatly reduced effective capability. I render it to trying to shoot a gun after losing one of your hands. You may not be able to do it as well, but you can still shoot with the other hand. This is a danger that I've always considered but I guess no one else really does because it devalues the life of the pilot. When an Empire is known to do that then it seems feasible to me.

I cut the questions to Hoshi because that also didn't need to be there. You're right that it doesn't make sense.

I've looked over the edit and I like it a whole lot more. The spite shown feels a lot more natural to the situation. Thanks for looking over it - I do feel it now flows a lot better.

I makes sense, I guess, to have anything that could be automated in the first place could be used by the AIES alone, especially on outside request from a ranking network member - so, you're really just trying to use the technology to the utmost based on articles and past reference. I still don't like it as a GM because it's a big can of worms for me, but being petty about it is kind of childish.

The Daisy's antigrav system also has an inbuilt scalar resistance - which is why Nimura wasn't struck dead (because Meni sets her phasers to kill, not stun =P). So the AIES could still be operational to a degree.

In this case though, I still think the remote missile launch is not possible, though for more down to earth reasons: Nimura fell facefirst, so, the missile pods are facing the floor. The mini-missiles are homing, but not so much as to be able to shoot through floors. >_>

I'm going to a job fair today, so, I'll be replying ICly later.
If I can add my two cents on the remote piloting, it would be this:

In theory, since the armor is linked into the ships computers, you can enter it's computer systems at any time and activate it's functions wirelessly at any time. The single biggest reason you wouldn't do that is the level of control you have to exert, because any person who has been properly trained to operate anything, even a car, does some things without even noticing that you now have to perform, without the benefit of operating from a familiar setting.

So while you could do it, not only would the actions be slower and more sluggish, but they'd be less on target, and less likely to work in the first place, assuming we're talking somebody who hasn't studied the coding on one of these for years to learn it all.

In all honesty, it's the same reason we're willing to run UAVs and that kind of stuff wirelessly and without pilots, but fighters and the like (for the most part) still have pilots. The human neural network, interfaced directly with a machine, operates much better than any form of wireless can try to, so whenever it's not a matter of safety, a human pilot is automatically more beneficial.

Mind you, that's just my take on it, from my conversations with a 23 year intel vet. He prefers the human touch in anything complicated, as do I.
If my only action so far was talking, is it okay of I post again with Kai /doing/ something, seeing as Nyton gave out some orders?
Mmm, I was going to be difficult and say no... but how about this?

This was your last post, which I deleted but preserved in the above quote. Now, you can post again, reusing as much of it as you like, but also with the benefit of reacting to Nyton's orders right away rather than after the bad guys act again.

I thought you might appreciate the opportunity, especially since what Kai said seemed to be mostly ignored with Asher's actions and Nyton's own orders. Not to mention Nyton rather imperatively need some extra helping hands to survive this, because Eve is really really just about to BBQ him.
By the way, I suck at deleting things:

When I tried to delete Kai's post, I actually deleted the one that was right above: mine.

Therefore, Kai's post is still there, but it has my narrative text in it instead.

Looks like I have internet access here. Can't promise rapid responses but I can at least get a post in here when needed.
My Internet should be set up by Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll keep coming to Starbucks each day to check the site.
I'm waiting on more power armor posts before moving on. Kai, Masako and Kyou haven't been posted for if I'm not mistaken... and Tom hinted via PM that he might like to jump in (all things considered, if Tom's IRL schedule allows him to be active, you could sure use the extra PC manpower).
I'm still missing a Masako post.

Also, I'd like to say that I actually really liked the Asher post. Kokuten has a way about writing Asher which makes the guy look good even when something bad is happening to him.

Finally, happy birthday Kai!
Sorry guys. I know I've been scarce.

I had this post in the works which... did not work out so well, because it got me dwelling on Kotori and exposition waaayyy too much to be a good post for everyone. "Show rather than tell" is what I'm trying to do here to avoid the narrative being bogged down.

So, I know what happens. I just want to make it more presentable. It'll be - like a girl - fashionably late. =P

Also, part of why I've been sluggish lately was because I've been jobhunting. Being a multimedia consultant paid for submissions by the word is neat and all where creativity is concerned, but it doesn't provide me with income to be, ah, autonomous.

This wednesday, I take off to Montreal's Electronic Arts office where I'll participate in a group interview and a technical test. Provided I give a good showing of myself, there's a 12 month contract I could nab as a on-call iPhone/iPod tester.
It's fine, Fred, at least for me, though I know Blas and Doshii seem to be a bit busy themselves. I've been having way too much work (shouldn't be a bad thing but i'm tired) lately, which obviously cuts into my RP time.

Good luck on your interview, I hope you find success!
On the job - went for the first group interview. I'm still waiting on wether I'll be invited to the second one or not.

Kai: actually the grav-plating is still online and the wardroom still has an atmosphere thanks to atmospheric retention fields making up for the missing windows... so, the water isn't behaving like it was in zero-G.

Kyou: You're the first one that teleported next to Mani. No mini-missiles like Kotori asked?
I hope you make it, and thanks for the clarification.

Aendri and I have been discussing the future of the Himiko class.
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