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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Well, I was wandering around in the wiki last night, because I was bored and not entirely awake, and found this. Fredly, you're not supposed to be able to take apart our armors with the enemies minds! :P

Not that it matters at this point, since we won that fight.
*kicks feet up on Nyton's tombstone*

Well unless you got anything else for me to do I guess I'm just sitting this one out till it's over. That or the respawn chamber spits something out in a matter of seconds.
Heh, don't get too comfortable there Blas. ^_^;

Aendri, when the ESP 'rules' to make psionic powers less overpowered came out, it came in with several inconsistencies - as in characters whom were extremely powerful psionics were left in a sort of limbo.

The Miharu's Eve story arc's premise was to take down those loose ends. The breach of the ESP rules here is intentional. By the end of the plot, I was counting on there no longer being any living psionic that could break those rules anymore.
Nyton said:
*kicks feet up on Nyton's tombstone*

Well unless you got anything else for me to do I guess I'm just sitting this one out till it's over. That or the respawn chamber spits something out in a matter of seconds.

I'd have Sanjuro make a witty comment on Nyton being revived again.

But I doubt Sanjuro is capable of being funny on purpose. D:
Frustrating doctors are frustrating.

Annie is feeling contractions, we're expecting her to go into labor but because she's not dilated enough they sent her home. So we're at home now after rushing to the hospital. Give it a few hours and we figure things will move along. Then we'll perform Rush to the Hospital Take 2.

Okay the hospital sent us home. Annie has been suffering contractions since 2130 last night but her cervix has only dilated by 2 cm. She's still getting hit by contractions even now. But for whatever reason until the cervix dilates further there's nothing anyone can do and the hospital won't admit her yet.

"WTF, does the baby have to be crowning before they'll let us in!?" was our reaction. So right now we are just playing the waiting game before the cervix opens up further.
You'd think the whole I'mma 'bout t'hava baby would be enough of a reason to be admitted into a hospital.


Also, is Asher incapacitated for a round? He's one to fight through the pain, but he also just got hit by a shuttle and the post mentions Tom as the only Power Armor Pilot capable of fighting her at the moment.
That's up to you, Kokuten. If you want Asher to be out of it for your next post, feel free to roleplay it that way. If you think he'd somehow man up after a thrown shuttle failed to take his life and keep shooting, that's also fine.

After all, who cares what Eve thinks?
I would say Kyou is being a man (or will be once I get my post up), but... we don't have any Kaserine around, and I'm not sure it would work on a neko anyway, so it's doubtful she'll be a man anytime too soon. XD
I'll get to posting what will befall the poor Black Knights after Aendri posts, revealing to us Kyou's answer to the 'keep attacking' or 'escape the dying Daisy' Dilemma.
Yukari likely apply as 'Command', so, she's the one whom ought to answer Asher. I already made a post to Miyoko's benefit for Kel.

If Blas wants, he can have his medic team come on site to help tend the wounded/get them to the medlab. If not, I can do it later.

As for Kai and Kyou, well, Kai seems to have things covered for now. Up to Aendri to interact back.