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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Oh a little rule breaking for the sake of humor can't hurt. I mean just because you're right doesn't mean we can't joke a little. After all, what then is the point of that dinosaur mecha in one of the bays? Too bad we didn't deploy that against Eve. That would've helped out real nice, hee hee hee hee!

Besides a little simple editing and that should fix everything. Done and done.
Aaaaarrrrrrttttsssss. Danke Wes!! Wes is credit to team.

Seriously though, Wes, you are awesome :D

Also no answer from Fred. I can't do anything with the arts if I have no recollection of what I'm supposed to be doing now that there is a bit of downtime before we go die by Melisson.
I made a post awhile back about the damage Miharu had suffered. Rin and Nao actually attended to most of the nastier issues they could deal with.

Engineering still has some screwy electronics which interferes with the volumetric displays/UI/menu interfaces. There are a ton of power armors that suffered damage. The "Sigurd" Akuma mecha is a wreck, while the "Vermillion" Akuma mecha has substancial armor damage.

Tom is also wounded and in the medlab.

I'd say the ball is in your camp, Kyoki. What does Rin want to do? What kind of roleplay do you want to do?
Nyton, without telepathy? :O

Didn't Nyton make a deal with Miharu that the second time he would die, he would try out the Yamataian body?

Having a player-said "I don't want my character to be" is totally acceptable. The above is true, though.
If you're referring to Miles' rampage, it was immediately after the Lorath civil war and fueled by OOC anger...it should not be taken into consideration.
Well, in Nyton's case, the issue would probably be trivial. He went from a clean 'never died before' record to 'twice'. He's no longer the original as far as flesh and blood goes, though he benefits to a certain more direct continuity thanks to his memory chip... something a Yamataian body would likely be able to accommodate.

1. It's either an issue of the player not wanting to.

2. Or the player being okay with it, trying it out, delivering new instructions for his next demise and then dying again and those instructions being followed.

3. Or the player being okay with it, trying it out and later transferring back to a non-yamataian body with the memory chip transplanted.

4. Or the player being okay with it and Nyton deciding that he actually likes the Yamataian body better than he thought and decides to stick with it.

...as far as Nyton's track record goes, and based on continuity, I'd expect something like #3 to happen, without him going batshit insane in the process. #1 remains totally feasible, simply because Miharu could just choose not to drop an identity/existencial bomb on Nyton at a point he's feeling pretty preoccupied and brittle.

Personally, I'm fine with Nyton either way. I don't have any keen need to make him a Yamataian. His identity and character draws richly from his nepleslian background and I think that's something Blas cares about keeping.

But, I pointed out the be-yamataian-on-second-death because it's true. Blas can tell us what he wants once he stumbles across this.
When can I have Tom wake up? Been checking here like every day but I don't know how much time has passed.

If it's long enough to create a body from scratch, is that long enough to be healed?

It's been 10 days OOC and I'm going a tad nuts. :P
By the time Nyton is alive again, by the time Yukari's ST was done... sure, Tom could be conscious.

In fact, if Tom was in the HS tank, he's probably all healed.

In practiced, reviving Nyton probably should've taken more time, but for pacing reasons it's probably best to leave the waiting to a minimum so we can move on to the 'fun stuff'.

So, yeah, some fast forward to be more or less healthy again would be okay. I'd personally would appreciate it if healed (rather than revived) character would still roleplay their wounds being tender or some post-battle soreness - HS healing or not, their bodies are having to cope through a lot.
It feels like my writing has been kind of stiff lately. Sorry for that. I've been distracted a lot lately. Tom, yeah, go ahead and start writing the wake up. Matt, just feel free to roll with whatever Moonie writes or just go ahead and complain to Sanjuro about his lack of bedside manner, ha ha.

Oh and Happy Thanksgiving folks. Y'know just thought I'd remind myself there's some holiday thing going on.
Well, didn't you have your second baby? We never got news over how things turned out for Annie - though I kind of suspect she eventually was allowed into the hospital and gave birth.

So, hey, it's fine. Don't worry about it. :)
No not yet. We got sent back because the baby wasn't ready. She's been having off and on contractions for over a week now. Almost two even. We've been on standby alert and it's getting kind of tiring. But yeah I suppose that could be the biggest reason. I completely forgot to mention about the not having the baby thing yet.

This is me, gaping.

I really hope things turn out okay for you and the new baby. I wonder how Blasito is taking as of this. ~_~;

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Okay so, Kotori left orders for technicians to follow. If Nao or Rin wanted to do something, now's the time to do it.

Tom's waiting on a Yukari post.

I think we need a Sanjuro post to move on with Masako being fixed up.

Kyou's wandered off NPC-style to get treated.

Asher's on his way to the armor bays. I think we need a Nyton post before any follow up (since Asher won't instantly arrive on-site). Maybe Kai and Asher will come across each other.
Uh, okay @ the orders stuff. Just a bit behind since I've been out and about for thanksgiving. Snowboarding HURTS. Why was I not informed of this? Anyway, I'll see what I can do post-wise as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow or, if not that, then Monday. Like I said, Thanksgiving, family, seeing my parents after 3 months or whatever, etc. etc. Sorry for not saying anything earlier, but I haven't had much to actually do, that I could think of, so I figured a few days of me being MIA would be fine.