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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I try to just think of it as going from Point A to Point B. You know your Point A, you figure out your Point B and think of how to get there. You could come up with a list of things you think would happen or some things you want to convey in this post like...

  • Convey the developing Lone Wolf in Asher by putting him alone, emphasizing his name, and showing how aloof he can be to other peoples expectations. Could also be used in conjunction with the third option.
  • Show the extent of Asher's brutality, unleashed bloodlust.
  • Give the sensation of what's somewhat like Melisson saying, "You'll never truly fit in." in a subtle manner.
  • Try to make the atmosphere consistent, by blowing things up.
  • Insert at least one sexual in-yer-end-do.
  • Insert one shred of humanity.
All triangles and pairings are irrelevant, because we all know everyone has some kind of non-platonic attraction to Asher whether they realize it or not.
Christ. Third time I post, I finally get it to go through. Sorry if I'm a bit late there, Fred.

Anyway, I did go off on a bit of a tangent with reality there, because one of the things that's always kinda worried me about Kyou is that she has so little history to start with that I think it would devastate her to lose any of it, even if she wasn't sure what it was she'd lost her memories of.
Scary part is that I know enough people who talk like that it's way easier for me then is comfortable for my mindset. XD
Oh cripes, I just heard of the tsunami.

I hope Tom's alright! Kyoki too! (I think she's japanese as well, though maybe she lives in America)
Kyoki lives in California for right now.

As far as the earthquake goes right now, I know that the death toll is in the hundreds, with most of the deaths being centered in the coastal regions. It was supposedly Japan's largest quake in history and it caused a 23-foot tsunami.
Yeah, I'm in California, unfortunately. I do hope Tom's okay though. I think he has a good excuse for not posting for a while.
I'm going to post later today, but I'm just laying some thoughts on the table before that in regards to the latest incident.

Tom lives in Japan, has been experiencing health troubles and there's this earthquake/tsunami on top of that. Until further notice, I'm going to consider that Tom cannot show up, and I'm going to put his character out of commission until he can show up again (in the non-permanent way, if plot events allow).

The same would go with Gallant. Last I heard, Gallant's ship was stationed on tiny islands close to japan. I'm unsure of how the tsunami will have affected his unit and I kind of expect he might be swamped pitching in with the relief efforts.

Tom, Gallant, if either of you are okay and want to get involved in the plot again, just chime in and I'll try to make it happen.
It's been a very lucky week for me. There is a tumor in my neck, a couple actually, but the doctor thinks they are benign. I am in the watchful waiting phase, checking myself every day for signs of growth, but I think thongs will be ok.

As for the earthquake, I am lucky that I live in nagoya, which is in central japan. We had shaking fo 3 minutes, a 4.0 on the scale, but we are fine. I'm really hoping we don't get anything worse.

Gallant lives near Fukuoka, so it's highly unlikely he got hit by the quake. However, I think that he may be doing relief work now, since he is military. I hope that he is doing ok.

Everyone, thank you for your concerns. Your kindness through this last week up to now has been really important to me.
I'm really relieved to hear from you, Tom. I had a lot of trouble focusing at work because I was anxious about your welfare.

Thank you.
It's a little hard to relax and focus when the people you know might be in that devastation. It's nice to know otherwise.
It went from bad to worse there. The nuclear plant is forcing evacuations for miles around. I know Tom and Gallant aren't in the area but the situation keeps changing plus there's been several aftershocks.

edit: Should've thought of this sooner. Gallant may not be in the area but with the US pledging assistance I have no doubt his ship will be involved in some way.

edit again: I read that a Navy ship passed through a radioactive cloud. Not sure which ship it was.
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