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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

My excuse is pretty much the same as Leutre's, classes take priority after all. Though the art thing isn't, my free time was spent on EVE Online and a variety of other pursuits...what little of it there was.
*points Doshii Jun's avatar* W T F ? !

Leutre, you bastard, when did you get this good?

Yukari: The only character cute enough to make Dastravi's gaze rise from her chest to her face.
Yukari is looking at me with that expression, as if her eyes were saying "Sorry, I messed up... but you still love me, right?"

ARRGH! Must. Stop. Looking!
Bwahaha. Its so freaking adorable, isn't it? XD It was supposed to go with the "practice" picture on StarChan, but it also looks good on its own.

I'm going to be fully packed this week, so I don't think I'll have Yukari/Saito completely finished by at least this weekend. In order to hold you guys off until then: Miharu pseudo-chibi goodness! Sorry I didn't have time to clean and color them all. Really busy.

See if you can guess who is who!

Well...I can ID Masako easily. She's the shortest of the crowd and for some reason, looking adorably shy. Unless I'm wrong consider there are bangs in the way....am I wrong...or am I not?
In order, from left to right, with humorous quotes:

Leutre: "Luck is on my side tonight!"
Nyton: "...Nepleslians...gay?"
Kotori: "What're you looking at?"
Masako: "She's at it again..."
Miyoko: "Strip down to your undergarments...and don't look at me like that!"
Tom: "Looking good, girl!"
Yukari: "...sou ka...thanks..."
Yukari: *looking down at Tom* "You have shrunk! Come to bed; we must stretch you out again."

Tom: *victory*

I like how they're all in skirts. Well, the chicks, at least. We have a very balanced crew ... but where is DA WESTWOOD! We need him.

As well as Mizuho!
I'm pretty sure I'm in the same place as the rest of the pilots, *Points to his post*
Yeah, like I said, it's unfinished. Will try to get around to finishing it eventually. If I have to, I guess. Probably. I tend to be fickle when it comes to art, which is why I absolutely refuse to do paid commissions. At any given time I'm working on three or four different things, jumping back and forth. Thats why I'm so slow at doing commissions. >.<

I'll try to finish it up once I finish Yukari and Miyoko, since its only a side project for fun. And I just noticed I forgot to scale the characters to their relative heights. My bad.
Leutre, you know we love you, right? That we will fight for you to remain our ever-improving art whore? Seriously.
It's not a need, more of a right you are entitled to by participating regularly for some time in the roleplay. There's a section about this in the wiki and the "About Star Army" topic in the sidebar.
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