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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

How to take a MEGAMI offline in under 30 seconds!

1.) Press ctrl+alt+del
2.) Choose End Process MEGAMI
3.) If you encounter a blue screen, redo steps 1 and 2

Alternate Method!

1.) Pull the power plug. It's the one with laser beams and sharp knives spinning around it.
I think we've almost got this planning session wrapped up. Hey since we have new characters can we get an updated unofficial crew roster here? I know it's a lot of work to update the official one so just a blurb of who's who would help. I've been losing track of who and what with all that's been going on over here. So far I got the usuals:

Mizuho (wherefore art thou Seki? >_>)

new peoples I'm still getting used to:

Ito Rei

Thing is I just know I'm forgetting people... who am I missing?
Actually, everyone's in the roster except Takuma and Ito Rei. I updated it recently. I'm not adding them until the end of Day 6 - Day 5 is sort of their trial period (no offense new guys, but the names you see in grays in the roster are people whom skipped out on us - before adding you I want to make sure you'll actually stay).

I'm starting to be close to adding Mizuho and Tom's name in grays - indicative of me taking them out of the plot at the end of Mission 1. I expected infrequency out of Mizuho's character due to Sen's track record (no offense meant), but she's missing some of the best parts in which she could contribute. This is a vicious circle of "I haven't been around for awhile" "What's going on?" "I feel like a hair on soup" "Maybe I should try posting" rinse, repeat. I can't imagine it's all that fun for Sen to post for Mizuho whenever she comes around becuase she has so much to catch up to and that it might feel awkward for her to try to be included in again.

As for Tom, his presence was rather infrequent after the holidays. I understand him getting a life and having computer troubles -- but Tom is starting to feel like a ghost on the Miharu and he could very well start facing a similar predictament as what I described with Sen. That can't be very pleasant... but I don't have too much choice but to start considering Tom's removal from the plot since Yukari depends so very much on his character.

Sadly, it's easier to explain his absence than to explain his inactivity and I seriously have to focus on the characters whom are around.

If both of them start showing up more and actively contributing, I certainly have no problems having them around!

<center>* * *</center>

Kokuten, your avatar is, ah... interesting.
I think your missing Asher, Blas.

Day 5 is just like a 30-day free trial. If you like us, buy the full version :D
*suddenly realizes it's been a week since he posted IC'ly*

I swear I'm still here and not on strike or anything. It's just that my understanding of tactics and combat in this setting doesn't extend much beyond 'aether makes stuff blow up good,' so Miyoko is being very, very quiet to keep me from leaking ignorance all over the place.
At least he's not threatening to eat people. *grins*

I don't like to admit Yukari's dependent on anyone. That the idea exists means I've probably been lazy, so Tom not being around is actually a good thing, I bet. If he really has to go, it'll have been fun while it lasted, and it'll be worth it to see him when he comes back.

Anyway. If he must go, he must go.
Trust me. I don't want to leave the plot. :P I understand where Fred is coming from, but I've invested too much into the plot from the start to let it slip away.

As I have limited access to this computer, I guess I will make the most of it by posting when I can.

Just a bad streak of luck, really, but I still won't be able to YIM at all, but I can at least try for a post a day.

I thought I was conveniently leaving Tom in the background while ya'll went on yer mission anyways.

edit: Damn. 14 days is a long time between posts. :!: Sorry. 😢
Well, there was Leutre I was hoping you could intereact with. Failing that, you could always chitchat with one of the technician sprites - those are badly in need of some level of character development (and hey can be an extra way to roleplay with Doshii, considering he's the one whom created them in the first place).

I understand also that the mechanic part of Tom's job might not be what you like the most - ironic to say considering Tom is the chief engineer (Tom: "Eh? I am?"). I just supposed you'd get used to it overtime and manage to find tricks to look like the master technician Tom is! XD

Anyhow, don't let what I said before scare you into thinking this is an ultimatum or anything... I think we're about halfway through Mission 1 (if it doesn't end prematurely), so, there's still plenty of time to show up and look cool.
Don't mean to double post but I realized I forgot about Dige as well. He hasn't said word one in a while has he? Should I roster him as a silent NPC for numbers sake or just exclude him completely? I've already got a pseudo Armor line up almost ready I just need to know for sure if I can use everyone on the list or not.
I think Dige's getting moved out at the end of Mission 1. So probably don't bother?

Yukari: "BOOTY CALL?! I have instructed this crew several times that I am not a woman that exists for sexual gratification. I have insisted this is not the case. And yet I am labeled so. Such insensitivity is degrading, and I will not tolerate it. HMPH!"

Tom: "Hey baby." *snaps fingers at Yukari* "C'mere."

Yukari: *pounces*
Jessica and Melanie.
I got some bad weather going on down here, and they say it may just be bad enough to wreck a few power poles or even a house. Just sayin', cause I might miss a few things.