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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Nuuu. The character Leutre will be left all behind by himself on the ship, 'specially with Tom gone and all. Hmm... Maybe I can have him hit on Mara while everyone is out, or something like that. XD

Oh well. At least the quiet time will give me ample opportunity to draw. And Asher: sorry I missed ya. I thought you went inactive until your first post in Day 5's thread. I'll add him... Eventually. Maybe. If I stop procrastinating. I guess.
Masako seems bent on being the one to confront the NIWS (which there may be one of anyway) saying she's the best choice because of her expendability. HOWEVER, the Miharu can make sprite nekos just as well as any ship, right? Why not use them? It'd also allow you to maximize the number of armors on hand.

Remember the ship's avatar, too. The Sakura's avatar is an (additional) NH-28 these days...
  • Firstly, despite Mara's bias toward Sigurd, I am promoting one of Zakalwe's Custodians instead of the already well established NH-28 NIWS.
  • The Sakura's avatar being a NH-28 does solve the major interpersonal failing the NIWS had. However, I still do not want to make one up lightly as I believe those are pretty powerful and can't easily be manufactured.
  • Masako has been discounting Mara, Ichigo, Nimura and Hinoto, whom can also be armor pilots. All could try the same mission and possibly succeed. The four are more expandable than Masako is.
  • More sprites could indeed be formed for this mission, but the number of player characters present on the ship along with the number of NPCs is nearly equal to the number of suits already aboard, so, I feel I should introduce more sprites gradually as extra fleshed out NPC characters instead of cannon fodder.
  • Finally, I'd rather keep most of the spotlight on the players and let them do the heroics instead of having the NPCs do it for them. Masako is supposedly a pretty good armor pilot, so, why not give her the chance to look like an ace and see if she can pull it off? At the worst, Masako dies and we use a ST backup to revive her - but at least the player will have had the chance to try something something audacious with her.

    After all, if Pumpkin managed to do it, it must be possible.
Actually, I haven't been discounting them. Masako just believes since they are tech sentries that they would be better off on the Miharu helping repair the fold drive and doing internal security.

Personally, I've had high hopes for this character since I've created her, I've just been disappointing myself over and over again because of freak incidents that occur in my real life: school and stuff. So I'm thinking this is my chance to at least do something with her. Besides...she has yet to die...maybe her luck won't run out yet.

And Hinoto is quite adorable.
Abwehran Commander said:
Actually, I haven't been discounting them. Masako just believes since they are tech sentries that they would be better off on the Miharu helping repair the fold drive and doing internal security.

Precision: I refered to the character, not you yourself. From my point of view, most of the unplayed character can do the guard duty - you guys are going to need as many active characters as possible if you want to deal with the Mindy power armors without being wiped out.

As for Hinoto, she's fuzzy and soft like the clouds Yukari keeps comparing her to. Where Mara is vain, Hinoto is just plain kind and gentle. Of course, she's a neko too - and nekos are queer in their own way.
Make sure each sprite has an up-to-date wiki page - when they're roleplayed, add quirks and personality and stuch tot heir wiki article. This is vital, because they might be played by different people who'll need to know how to portray them.
All the sprites do have descriptions *points the Miharu resource threads* One of the reasons I don't make plenty of sprites all at once is because I'm trying to give each of the sprites a reason for being around at all and give them the time to be presented as characters.

For example, I think Mara's firmly established in most of my player's minds. I'd like to have Ichigo and Nimura grow out of their 'silent helper' mode, but no one from the engine room is really interacting with them at this time.


If one of my players wants to go around and update wiki descriptions, they are welcome to... but personally I'm getting seriously weary of the "Wiki this, wiki that" line. >_<
Only you can update the resource thread. Any of your players can update the wiki version. Use it. Love it.
Yeah yeah, I know. Only I can prevent forest fires and that kind of stuff...

You know, if you actually went around and offered a 1 minute prayer dedicated to my person when your workshift begins, I might be a little more receptive to other requests. I even put up a helpful reminder just for you... but you deleted it.

Midknight and Yagen... I don't know why you aren't posting. You can both feel free to have your characters come in the briefing Nyton, Masako and company are having. In fact, I'd really like you to.

Go ahead and post your way in! Don't be shy!