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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Hey, I'm not going to be for tonight, tommorow, and the next morning. Kotori can NPC Kokuten since he's on the same squad as his NPC.
Well, preferably, Takuma and Rei should have the time to take a nap - seeing how some other members of the crew seem to be enjoying themselves...
Well there should be a few practice runs made. Optimally it should be done with the VR system so they can all know what a Nozomi interior looks like. But being that there's so much to do I doubt they could fly that. At the least maybe just some walking rehearsals in the hangar. Plus at some point I want to let Miyoko go so she can do those ST backups.
Well, go ahead. Nyton's the ranking officer around at the moment, so, he's in charge. Yukari is 'indisposed' and Kotori is busy plo-looking over the probe network.
Blas said:
Plo-looking? Eh?

Not <s>plotting</s>, looking.

Is there any good reason why others aren't posting? There's a reply for Miyoko there, whom could start acting on doing those STs or talking about other repercussions she might like to have on the first aid level of the coming operation.

Masako and Nyton could start talking about possible simulations they could go over, the crew present can add to them.
Blas said:
He turned around and looked over to Miyoko. "I want to run a couple of short rehearsals first before you pull some people away. You should also be present since you may have to perform first aid on site."
I was under the impression that Nyton wanted everyone to stick around for the time being...
Miyoko is kinda stuck since the Armor pilots need to see some stuff before they leave. Nyton also wants to get an ST and external copy of his back up memory drive but he'll wait till after the others are done.
Sorry about my tardiness. I was planning on having Leutre wander up to the briefing room but then I realized that since he wasn't part of the op he would likely become bored, start making random remarks, and just disrupt the briefing. So I had thought to let him stay down in engineering and tinker away at the ol' drive systems until the briefing was finished.

...That, and I caught a bit of a flu (in March, yeah, I know -_-), so I've been feeling lazy the last little while.
You know, Leutre, if you want some roleplay I have sprites down there whom can interact with you anytime. Just strike up a conversation with one.
Not to admit my thought track took a detour into the gutter but Yukari's statement regarding Nyton just sounded all wrong. lol
She certainly does talk about him a lot. >_>;;

Anyways, when I got more time I'm just gonna narrate a few things to push the scene ahead and let Saito go so she can start some ST's.