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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

So, in essence, the Miharu will be doing what we down here in Nepleslia call a "Transition"? Where a period of time has passed without it actually being written out in the RP? We've never done one that covered such a long period, though.

So, if I'm reading this correctly, we will be starting the plot back up at Day 16...which means we'll have already been in the nebula, and to the Anri-class ship to receive news from Yamatai?
I'm up for a time skip. This means that Sora gets to finally react to what's going on with the clan. =)

Pretty much, yes.

Seriously, all you're missing is stewing and squinting your eyes on sensors. I bet after the first hour of doing it that it'll get old.

This isn't for now. I'll let the sensor people roleplay out how they do it instead of do it for them. I just won't have them repeat it over and over.

the huge flaw of this is that it'll mean that your characters will be more familiar with each other, despite having only roleplayed that you just met. I'm hoping that you people can actually discuss the repercussion OoCly together so to improve how you'd relate with each other after this.
I know Sora's going to pull Sanjuro into a field triage training session in the VR room at some point. =)
Some people missed this. I'll quote myself:

Kim said:
I know Sora's going to pull Sanjuro into a field triage training session in the VR room at some point. =)

You have my A-OKAY to write that out in your summary once it comes around. I'll react to it from Sanjuro's point of view from there.
If I can get that weapon to get accepted that will be one of Nyton's experiments that others can help him work on. Reaction of all the upheaval is going to need to be played a bit.

Let's do the montage'!
I'm looking forward to some more plot movement, I believe it would give me something more to do. Right now i'm grasping at straws when it comes to my posts.
Infantry guys (which can possibly include Nyton/Masako), you could do your own thing too.

Jake, you and I need to JP and finish what we started so we can roll on. (I'm mostly saying that so others know we're not idling)
Awesome. With the weapon soon to be approved I'd also like to know who else with some weapon saavy would like to be on hand for creating and testing it out. Maybe even montage/narrate a short test fight of the weapon kind of like the medic sim.
I'm sure Kai would enjoy helping, being a Daisy pilot it would affect him greatly, and he likes doing stuff like this. Though, he's more the testing it helper instead of the making it helper.
Sorry to drop this last second but I have a ten day training deployment starting tomorrow. I don't know if I'll have any access on site. I'll try and get that development post that I mentioned done before I leave. I've just been caught with massive block.

I have an agreement from Wes that places the Miharu in time before the FTL deadzones and the minefields were installed.

Him putting them there was royal pain for the scope of my plot, so, we discussed it and agreed that these wouldn't come into effect before the end of Mission 2, as far as we are concerned.
Argh been busy with college and now I feel horribly ill... Can someone gimme the quick fill-in on whats going on? @_@
We lost the war with the Mishhu. Miharu ended up damaged and crashlanded on an unknown planet where carnivorous-emu-like creatures are hunting us down. We`ve all been forced to leave the ship, strip our uniforms and instead wear as garments local plants which exude an odor that those predators dislike. Our engineer, Tom, has died.
Actually that would be kinda interesting, Fred. *Yoroko goes to write down Fred's plot idea, minus the lose the uniforms bit.*
Yukari: *caps Fred with a Glock, crying* "YOU KILLED MY LOVER! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU NEVER WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!"
lol, you inspired my friend to draw a raging, carnivorous emu-like creature. Maybe i'll scan it in when she's finished.
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